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Monsters Under the Bed

  • Last updated Aug 15, 2018 (Boomsday)
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  • 23 Minions
  • 6 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Control Warlock
  • Crafting Cost: 19240
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 8/15/2018 (Boomsday)
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This is my version of BIG Warlock. It's a really fun deck and can actually be competitive. The goal of the deck is to survive until you can drop a lackey or silver vanguard. People rarely kill those minions on their turn. Next turn you drop Baron Rivendare and trade pulling 2 monsters from your deck and instantly taking the board. You survive the early game with aoe spells and cheap minions like plated beetle. Barnes can simply win you the game if he pulls certain deathrattle minions. Middle game you want to be putting as many copies of Dr. Morrigan into your deck as possible using baleful and elekk. Kel'Thuzad and Corpse Raiser are also great at that. (Side note* I'm still not sure cube vs corpse yet which is better) Finish them off with Gul'dan and N'Zoth. Ultimately you will have a deck with 5 or 6 Dr. Morrigan's in it. At that point besides silence effect or sap there is no way to remove her from the board. She just brings herself back whenever she dies. Have fun guys! Let me know if anyone else has a DR. M list.

*Cube vs corpse: Most of you are probably thinking I must be crazy saying Corpse might be better than cube. In fact some of you I'm sure had to look up what Corpse Raiser actually does. We have all seen Cubes. The difference is when you cube something you take it off the board unless you have pact in hand. When you Corpse you keep the body. If your up against a board of small aggro minions and have a Lich King on board and a cube in hand but no pact. You can't cube him. The small aggro minions will just kill you while you take multiple turns to kill the cube. With corpse you keep the big body and get a 3/3 on board. It's also better against silence. They silence the cube all you get is a 4/6. They silence King after Corpse and you still have an 8/8 and a 3/3. Cube is better value but a bigger risk if you don't have pact in hand. Corpse is also better with Kel without pact. You lose his revive ability while in the cube. Cube gets the edge with Baron giving you 4 copies instead of 2. Cube is also a bigger body if pulled with Dr. M so it's pretty close which is overall better. Thoughts on Corpse Raiser let me know.