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Dragon Soul Miracle Priest

  • Last updated Sep 5, 2018 (Boomsday)
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  • 6 Minions
  • 22 Spells
  • 1 Weapon
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Spell Priest
  • Crafting Cost: 8860
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 1/10/2018 (Kobolds Patch)
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My take on Miracle priest which features a nice ensemble of K&C cards. The goal of the deck is simple, cast a bunch of spells when you have either Dragon Soul or Lyra the Sunshard on the board.

With the way the deck is built, you can make 5/5 dragons as early as turn 4 and rarely even on turn 3 if the cards sat right, this usually is enough tempo to carry you to the later turns or even outright win from that position. 

Early versions of this deck relied solely on dragon soul, but with time, it's evolved and now it's reached this rough stage where you can have a multitude of win conditions.

Diamond Spellstones very comfortably set you up with a board for miracle turns. We are playing a total of 4minions, with the 5th being occasionally added in the form of a 5/5 dragon once dragon soul is online.  You usually end up with these 4 minions - Northshire Cleric, Radiant Elemental, Prophet Velen and Lyra the Sunshard. You can for example draw a lot of cards with a spellstone, spirit lash, circle of healing combo, or just generate some lyra spells. The most fun part about the deck is in how many different ways you can play your spells.

Northshires are really important! Don't hesitate to use Eternal Servitude on those if you can get a lot of draws off it, or use Vivid Nightmare along with Circle of Healing.

There are a lot of meta relevant nuances, that are fun to discover, e.g. against aggro paladin, getting call to arms, is a very big help for the deck, since you turbo out your elementals and northshires, who not only contest the board well, but set up your combos very nicely.

About time I update this writedown... Here are some of the changes in detail to boomsday:

Removed Gilded Gargoyle and SW:D because gargoyle was just too much of a hassle sometimes, even if it did let you pop off extremely well at times, on average it just didn't perform well enough. As for Death, prime targets we're even locks that opened Giant, but even locks have become less these days, and if they opened Drake, you were still kind of screwed. Mass Dispel though is pretty handy these days, and helps a teensy bit when your hand is quite bricky at times.

Zoo and Odd Rogue can run you over pretty bad if you don't open with cleric or radiant, your best bet is to tank a bit and get that t3 dragon soul down. Deck still working fine!

You can try and add stuff like Shadow Essence or even Zereks Cloning Gallery to get those minions into your dead pool so the spellstones can do work or a Psychic Scream for more defense. The slots are still very flexible, but if anything, probably my advice is to keep the minion count to 4.

On that note also be very careful when you consider if you want to add other minions to that pool with spells you can get from lyra, most notably mind vision, thoughtsteal, mindgames, free from amber. Sometimes you dont have a choice, but in general, avoid playing these cards or the ones you get from them if you can.

The deck is still in the works and I still need to tweak it for some competitive edge, but this is the first build, that worked somewhat fine and I'm not ashamed to put on display.

Any feedback is appreciated!