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huh. I always pronounced this as seed-evil.
a bit expensive
I liek thsi cadr.
i tu lek jis cred
i herd u liek mudkipz
Warlock has too many cards that deal damage to themselves which isnt good in such a fast meta
lol , but i was think its warrior card :D
By sure it has a joke about bees on its flavour text.
(Y´know, it Stings your face)
He looks like Dr. Strange xD
I like this mechanic. We may not see use of this on current meta but new archtypes may arise if not from this expansion then any future expansions with good murlocs.
i want tell you secret ( this is warlock card not paladin )
your chance is sucks to summon him , and when you reach 6 crystal to play murloc knight and use your hero power , you won't have much murlocs in your hand , not good combo like you think
This card will let you play Finja, the Flying Star without losing any tempo, which is Finja's main problem. I can actually see Finja being useful, but only if used with this card.
thats good idea
while it is only a turn early that is so true due to him also being on the board. if only his health was 3 so he could maybe not die immediately to early drops on the board
problem is , he has 2 damage and need kill something to summon two murlocs before your enemy kill both of them
Play 2 of these and Coldlight Seer on the same turn. Seems like a strong 4 mana play.
warlock is about sacrifice hp or discard in cost of low mana crystal , if you want to remove this element then don't play warlock again
Warlock has weaker cards to compensate for its strong hero power.
Just when you think Blizzard is taking a control warlock route they drop more bad zoo cards in our face...