It's hella playable - example shown was 10 mana deal 6 damage to all enemy minions and summon three friendly minions that died. They said around 100 different combinations for possible spells.
Man this expansion is looking really cool. I like the idea behind this card. Just curious about what all possible effects and combos are. Guess we will have to wait more to get some more information, but based on what I heard since players are being allowed to play it in Blizzcon it is likely we will get a vast part of the cards from now.
Depends on what is the "custom spell", but in general I would say it's playable
They showed an example on stream. You select a mana cost, either 1, 5, or 10 mana, and then you discover 2 effects. The example was a 10-mana spell that did 6 damage to all minions, then resurrected 3 minions that died that game.
So yeah, love the idea and this in a Reno deck might be great.
either they are going to put reno in classic set so it can be better with kazakus or they just like decks with no duplicates. anyway this card is more random then yogg prob and a lot of fun with it
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I didn't have a signature so Flux added one for me.
Make the Card: The biggest thread on the site!
My mandibles which are capable of pressing down and tearing, my talons which are known to intercept and hold.
This is so busted
Looks like Rafaam 2.0 to me.
oh man this card this set this everything is amazing oh man i want this so bad
What's a custom card?
Reno 2017
Soul Parade :)
Finally new ideas !
It's hella playable - example shown was 10 mana deal 6 damage to all enemy minions and summon three friendly minions that died. They said around 100 different combinations for possible spells.
If you got the coin, the Mercenaries get going. Vote for The Mercenary for CCC #3.

Works in contemporary reno, will not be worth the effect once he rotates. Meh.
The pioneers used to ride these babies for miles
Custom spell: discover mana cost+ discover spell effect + discover secondary spell effect > get that card in hand
Looks Incredibly fun
WOW!.....just wow!
Such a cool idea!!!
Man this expansion is looking really cool. I like the idea behind this card. Just curious about what all possible effects and combos are. Guess we will have to wait more to get some more information, but based on what I heard since players are being allowed to play it in Blizzcon it is likely we will get a vast part of the cards from now.
The effect is cool but highlander decks are terrible.
Card costs 4 mana, spell will cost 1, 5, or 10 mana I think.
Tri-class cards! I never thought I would see the day! We're gonna be rich!
either they are going to put reno in classic set so it can be better with kazakus or they just like decks with no duplicates. anyway this card is more random then yogg prob and a lot of fun with it