Top & Most Popular Boomsday Decks of the Week From HearthPwn for September 24
Top & Most Popular Boomsday Decks of the Week From HearthPwn for September 24
Looking for the top and most popular Standard and Wild decks on the site over the past week? We've got you covered!
Does not include top Wild decks by winrate due to us not currently publishing that data.
Top Standard Decks
Popular Standard Decks
Popular Wild Decks
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I haven't faced neither odd paladin nor quest druid since like month or so. That makes me feel suspicious about data you present up here.
I think everyone who says this ignores all of the WoW players that came to HS because of WoW (myself included). I could care less what amazing things some other random digital card game offers. Artifact doesn't have the WoW theme that initially drew me here and WoW was a much better and infinitely popular game than Artifact will ever be, thus the charm that HS brings is very unlikely to be swayed by a non-WoW related card game.
*couldn't care less
On that note:
Artifact has the Dota2 theme, which resembles WoW.
In the end of the day, you playing a game, biggest games currently have no lore at all look at Fortnite, League of Legends.
I have to agree. Hearthstone is a very simple game compared to other card games, and even with the more complex games there is still only so many different ways to make the same general type of deck. With as many players as the game has you are definitely going to run out of 100% purely fresh deck ideas before you start getting hundreds of players all claiming they invented deck such and such.
Weird, I haven't seen Pala on the ladder at all this past week. It's all Locks and Rogues.
Not sure what or why, but... WHAT? WHY?
My guess is just not enough data to really make it accurate? Not sure why they would say it that way though if this were to be the case.
Nice, Heeljin featured twice again.
I'm hoping he is getting more followers to recognize his genius!
If u are tired of facing otk decks that u cant counter just play odd warrior in wild. Tech in 2 deathlords and 2 coldlights. U can easily burn their combo cards or remove them with deathlord. Stonehill can discover u dirty rat. U can play regular control warrior and just run 2 dirty rats which u can use them after ur opponent plays psychemelon but the deck lacks power. Funny that demonic project went to class exclusive when standard needs it to be neutral plus its going to a class that could already disrupt opponent hand with howlfiend treachery combo
To an extent, I agree. Net decking seems to just keep getting worse. If Blizz did small balance changes weekly, this would have a huge impact on netdecking and make this game so much fresher. God forbid they do that though...
Monthly changes are also very welcome. Giggling ResidentSleeper Inventor
There's only so many ways to recreate the same deck. Along with that, he made a nice write up for the deck and clearly has spent time on it. Not every list posted to this website needs to be some brand new meta defining deck.
As for nontent, why does this matter? You'd rather have just nothing at all than have somebody who made a list similar to an already established deck get a little bit more attention?
Yeah, when I play Hunter or Mage, I'm encountering zoo and odd rogues, but when I switch to Odd Warrior, it's combo decks all the way.
Same for me. Only encountered all kinds of combo priest, druid, Malygos rouge, quest rogue when I switched to odd warrior.
Funny that all the top standard decks are aggro, but whenever I switch to Odd Warrior, I'm only facing OTK combo decks that I either concede against immediately or keep playing for like 30 minutes just to lose.
Where is all the aggro when I'm playing warrior?!
Nice! I am surprised that there is no Evolution Shaman with 2 hero cards,keleseth,shudder etc.. in popular decks at least. I see a lot of people playing this one which is satisfying a lot and the deck handles against aggro like Zoo or Aluneth Mage pretty good(didnt face Odd Rogue yet). According to hsreplay its Tier2 deck. Many people did legend with it(including Thijs) but I guess noone shared it on heartpwn :)
It feels like this game is dying. And it's their own damn fault.
Why do you think?