• 2

    posted a message on Call to Arms

    As I can imagine, StrifeCro chose to give this card a 5/5 in his review. Strangely enough though, he said this has some potential in Control Paladin, because pulling 2 Dirty Rats without triggering the Battlecry, a 4/12 Taunt split between two minions, is totally fair.

    Posted in: Call to Arms
  • 7

    posted a message on Lesser Pearl Spellstone

    I suppose if nothing else, Lesser Pearl Spellstone is essentially an Internet meme made into a card.

    2/2 Taunt for 2 Mana? I sleep.

    4/4 Taunt for 2 Mana? Real sh*t?

    6/6 Taunt for 2 Mana? A S C E N D E D ! ! !

    Posted in: Lesser Pearl Spellstone
  • 4

    posted a message on New Paladin Card Revealed: Hydrologist
    Quote from Nanoarciere >>

    yeah you right, blizzard should make a 2 mana 5/10 taunt divine shield   for paladin for balancing the early game 

     I'd be perfectly fine with a 2/1 for 2 if it had Divine Shield only. Everything we had post-Whispers was gimmicky or requiring an external factor to gain value from them.
    Selfless Hero requires your opponent not killing her immediately AND having a Turn 2 play other than Hero Power for gaining early Tempo and value.
    Vilefin Inquisitor has decent Stats, though the Battlecry leaves a lot to be desired. It also has anti-Synergy with Anyfin Can Happen.
    Nightbane Templar is arguably a pretty good replacement to Muster For Battle, but Dragon Paladin never took off, and will stay as so with Blackrock and Azure Drake leaving Standard soon unless Blizzard makes new Dragon cards.
    The 3/3 for 3 that can give 1 Health Minions Divine Shield is just like Aldor, not something you would want to play on curve.
    Grimestreet Informant's performance varies on how many Minions you can Buff, and even then, it's no better than a Recruit for fighting for Early control. Plus, the Handbuffs telegraphs to an Aggro Deck that you won't deal with their threats immediately, ultimately resulting in the mechanic labeled as 'Too Slow'.  
    Early Tempo and the ability to snowball it dominates the Meta. Why are we getting Cards like these when Rogues and Warriors have Pirates, or Shamans having Jade Claws ALONG WITH Trogg into Totem Golem, or even Dragon Priest having Twilight Whelp into Wyrmrest Agent into Kabal Talonpriest for a formidable 2/7 Taunt inb4 Twilight Guardian?
    This Card, Hydrologist, is OKAY, in my opinion. I just hope there will be more for Paladins when it comes to Standard in the future. 
    Posted in: News
  • 3

    posted a message on New Paladin Legendary - Sunkeeper Tarim
    Quote from SirRandsborg >>

    So heres the big thing about this card I don't see a lot of people talking about: It has 7 Health

    This is a small detail that makes a huge difference. With 7 health, it trades into and kills 3 of your opponents 3/3 transformed minions, and has Taunt to keep you alive. People are complaining about it not having good consecration synergy, but it in itself is a big board clear. And if they do waste hard removal or damage on it, that's less damage going to your face and less removal for your other gigantic (maybe Dinosized) minions to wreak havoc. All in all, playable card, if not amazing or creative.

     Opponent running their 3/3s into the Taunt would be an ideal scenario. But the thing is, Spells and some Hero Powers exist to play around making unfavorable Trades. Mage has Hero Power to deal 1 more Damage, Warlocks have Mortal Coil, Druids have a large assortment of ways to do 1 damage, Warriors have Whirlwind effects, etc. 
    You'll definitely be a bit worse off if the you're behind when an opponent uses a Spell, Black Knight or Book Wyrm to quickly remove the Sunkeeper. Same goes for anyone with a Minion advantage, especially Shamans. Also, couldn't Jade Druid simply suicide the 3/3 Jades just to add stronger Jades to the Board?
    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Moonglade Portal

    It's like the GvG Shieldmaiden for Druids, except you're not sure if you'll get something better than a 5/5.

    Posted in: Moonglade Portal
  • 5

    posted a message on Book Wyrm

    With Humility, Aldor Peacekeeper and Keeper of Uldaman, Paladins also seem like a decent Candidate for Book Wyrm too.

    Posted in: Book Wyrm
  • 2

    posted a message on Stand Against Darkness

    Clearly, this is meant to combo with something like Steward of Darkshire. 5 1/1s for 5 is too vulnerable to immediate response from the opponent. Name one Class that'll actually struggle against a bunch of defenseless Recruits on Turn 5.

    Posted in: Stand Against Darkness
  • 6

    posted a message on Divine Strength

    Paladins have a lot of strong cards on T4, including Blessing of Kings to some. However, +4/+4 for 4 on a single Minion can be a bit of a gamble. Having Goldshire Footman's stats added to a single Minion can be a safer bet, and not as Tempo-lossing, especially if applied to a 1 Health Minion. 

    Posted in: Divine Strength
  • 2

    posted a message on Xavius

    I'm not sure whether I should or shouldn't Disenchant Illidan, since getting him from a Brawl pack. Since I already went out of my way for Dr. Boom, I have my sights set toward either Tirion Fordring or Ysera. On one hand, I should get it over with. There's no point waiting for something that may never happen (that being a buff). On the other hand, he's one of the few Legendaries that I'm fortunate enough to own, save for Justicar, Paletress, Jaraxxus, 1st 2 wings of Naxx, 1st wing of Explorers, and as mentioned, Boom.

    Posted in: Xavius
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