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The fact that Lay on hands doesn`t give it an upgrade if you draw it triggers me so much...
So Paladin was suposed to be Anti-Aggro... How ironic!
Okay this might be a game changer. The card says restore 3 health to upgrade. And not restore 3 health to your hero. SO THAT MAKES THIS VIABLE IN SOME KIND OF AGGRO HEAL UP YOUR MINIONS WAY!!!
Against control decks you will hardly have a chance to heal your self to upgrade this to a point that it matters. vs aggro, build a deck around it, this card is great against face decks.
I suppose if nothing else, Lesser Pearl Spellstone is essentially an Internet meme made into a card.
2/2 Taunt for 2 Mana? I sleep.
4/4 Taunt for 2 Mana? Real sh*t?
6/6 Taunt for 2 Mana? A S C E N D E D ! ! !
You'd just need two hits for it to upgrade
could be a lot better and on par with other gemstone if the card is 3/3, 6/6, then 9/9 taunt.
Really great spellstone, maybe with all this healing support mechanics for pally Blackguard might start to be more than just a meme :)
Good card for the new Heal/Taunt Paladin in the Anti-Agro Paladin Deck D:
Blizzard meeting:
Brode: Ok let's find a new identity for Paladin since the murloc thing is over. Should we focus on weapons, healing, or taunt minions?
Dev Team: Yes
Brode: I said "or" not "and."
Dev Team: Too late.
Here are the artwork for the Guardians. Sorry the images are a little bit big.
Provocation is the French keyword for Taunt. "Esprit gardien" most likely means "Spirit Guardian" or "Guardian Spirit".
Source: https://hearthstone.judgehype.com/news/kobolds-et-catacombes-la-gemme-de-sort-du-paladin-se-devoile-153888/
Thanks for cool images!
Thank you!
They look awesome!
PSA: Some French site found the images for the upgrades, and it actually upgrades from a 2/2 to a 4/4 to a 6/6, not increasing amounts of 2/2s.
Looks better then 2/2, two, three 2/2 :)
Were this the priest spellstone, it would be busted. Instead, it has synergy with the new Paladin 3 mana 2/4 that heals 3 health each turn. Why complain that Blizzard is trying to implement synergy to promote new mechanics?