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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place!

    Fucking Priests.  What an asshole class.  They dumb this game down WAY more than facehunter ever could.  At least facehunter requires a brain to play.  Priests just drag the game out and make it last an hour or longer for no focking reason.  Win or lose, its a waste of time.  Get rid of this fuckhead class.  Heal, heal, heal, buff heal, draw a card, heal, heal.... meanwhile your balls are NUMB from sittig there all focking day waiting for the game to actually end

    Obviously priest players are angry at the world and had trouble with dating and social acceptance during their early years.  So sorry for them.  prhaps the constant jacking off to porn previews isnt cutting it?

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    posted a message on Reynad just called hearthpwn a piece of shit
    Quote from tomek22 jump
    Quote from Drathdarkstar jump
    Quote from rockman4417 jump

    Reynad says lots of stupid shit.  He even said going to college is pointless, hence his low intelligence

    I mean, the fact that higher than 50% of graduates don't have a job in their field would tend to agree with him. As a college graduate who has a good job (not in my field of study) I would agree with the college part. 

    trust me. looking at where I'm at right now, college seems like a great option and not a waste of time >.<   Maybe its all these kids not knowing what theyre in college for.

    Or maybe it's that the whole college thing is NOT for everyone and too many kids are shoved into it when it won't benefit them.  There are certain professions which require college and in those cases you go and get it done.  However, there are plenty of careers and ventures that do not benefit from college at all.  For what it costs, it's of dubious value for many kids and their families.  Interestingly there is a shortage of skilled trades and jobs like that and they aren't being filled.  That's because little Johnny and Susie are being told to take computer science or whatever.  Even though they hate it or have no aptitude for it.  There's a glut of these mediocre "software developers" out there and these jobs are easily outsourced too.  On the other hand, a talented welder or pipe fitter will make a great living with benefits and have a job for life.  Just saying.

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    posted a message on experiment: Can i predict the outcome by turn 3.

    Honestly, due to the cookie cutter nature of the decks and playstyles out there, it is VERY predictable!  Also too, your starting cards and first 2-3 draws have an enormous impact on how the game goes.  This game is NOT setup for "comebacks" or catching up unless you really get lucky and your opponent gets really unlucky.  Warriors and Priests have the capability to stave off early damage better than most but even they have to get decent draws or are dead.

    I havent kept stats myself but I can pretty much "call it" by turn 3 or 4 whether I'll win or not.  Im usually right and in some cases I just concede and move on as to not waste my time. 

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    posted a message on Is Jousting Bugged?

    This jousting thing is incredibly lame and useless.  It's digital "war" as in the game you played when you like 3 years old and only knew that picture cards were better than number cards.  Effing worthless addition and so are all of the cards that require it to be effective.  Epic fail.  

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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place!

    So since priest players want a super long drawn out game to begin with, I decided to have some fun, and now I let the rope burn out every turn, for as long as the game goes on. I find it rather funny.

    It does get tedious, doesnt it?  Everytime I see that my opponent is that Metro-sexual, limp-dick dork.... I cringe.  Grab the coffee, grab the tent... its gonna be a while. ARGGH!

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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place!
    Quote from Prebeep jump
    Quote from TheFelix87 jump
    Quote from Prebeep jump

    Fucking cancerous cum guzzlers.  I swear.  This guy played like total shit and I lost to him. 

    Maybe you should stop playing priest and try another deck or add 2 Holy Novas (if your'e playing them in the deck but RNG fu*ked you over and you didn't draw them...well sh*t)

    But one question : How did you loose ?

    You could've hit the Maiden with Darkbane and get a perfect Lightbomb. Play Sludge the next turn, heal and stabilize the game.


    That's exactly what I did.  Still lost, don't remember how.  Also had Holy Nova's and didn't draw them.  Not going to stop playing the class I like because people are lazy, mindless, dipshits. 

    I hate to say it but Priests are pretty damned obnoxious these days too.  Steal, heal, buff, steal again, heal a lot, more buffing, insane card draw.  And, WHY don't Priest cards cost any mana?  On their turn it seems they get to play like ten cards everytime and they all invoke a draw on top of it.  So fucking irritating watching the shit unfold too.  Yawn.  

    Why hey can Blizzard allow us to block a class on ladder?  Just one.  It'd be fair because everyone could do it.  Time to get this feature into the game.

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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place!

    This game is such a cunt fuck luck fest.  Its 100% luck.  Period.  No arguing.  Those that get lucky and bubble to the top simply draw better and luckier.  Really too bad.  Blizzard COULD take some of the RNG and luck bull shit out but they refuse to because, ya know, it has to be easy for the special needs droolers to be able to win too. 

    Just a few fundamental changes is all it would take.  This game needs to be MORE like chess where actual strategies and thinking can help win.  Not cunt fuck drawing luck.

    Please, find me another card game that isnt dumbed down for window lickers.  Thanks.


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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place!

    As for Secret Paladin - its an annoying matchup but Ive had great success beating them with Dragon Warlock, Midrange Hunter, and even a mid range Paladin.  It can be done.  The secrets process in a certain order and honestly once the smoke clears the only hard part is nuking the 6/6 or what ends up being the possibly 9/8 body of the Mysterious Challenger.  With BGH, Hunters mark, or some other hard removal you should be able to.  Not saying it will work all the time but with reasonably decent card draw you CAN get by these buttlick Paladins. 

    Right now, my salt is directed at Priests - holy shit what a focking nuisance class this is.  Steal & Heal..... cork soakers.

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    posted a message on I like this game, but i don't like this game.

    I'd like to see fewer cards but better quality cards. TGT didn't bring a whole lot to the table IMO and the percentage of truly usable cards is pretty low.  Each class got a few cool ones and stuff but most will just sit and rot.  Nothing wrong with new cards but how about 40 or 50 GOOD cards spread over the classes versus 132 new cards, most of which are shiat.  That'd work better.

    a little too much RNG too.  Too many possibilities with any card that "summons a random minion".  It can win or lose you a game and it's nothing more than a dice roll.

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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place!
    Quote from TheFelix87 jump
    Quote from s2mikey jump

    OK so.... Can someone help me fucking win a god damned game here or what?  What decks actually work consistently other than Grim Patron or Paladin Shit?  Dragon Priest?  Why doesn't aggro face Hunter work anymore?  If this game becomes all about long, drawn out fatigue fests it'll be time to find something else to do.  Fuck this control, take forever, healing, hour long games Bull shit.  Wasting my fucking time.

    When end is someone going to come up with a better card game than this pile of RNG shit?  I mean, cmon now.... There has to be a better way.  

    At least I can safely STOP spending money on the game.  They got some cash out of me but that's the end of that.  Once I get control over my starting cards and have access to more of my deck I'll ante up.  Until then, fuck you.

    Are you actually complaining about Control Decks ? Are you serious ? 

    You could try some TGT Ramp Druid Decks if you want something good. Druids don't really depend on RNG like other classes do.

    Yeah, I am.  I dunno what decks they are but they don't do anything until like turn 10 and then start dropping heneois shit that's annoying.  Ramp Druid?  What happens if you don't draw innervate and all that though?  You're stuck with a bunch of 6 mana cards that can't be played.  It's fucking hopeless.

    Why can't we select decks based on opponent?  Or something?  The entire problem with this game is that you can't prepare properly because you don't know what the fuck your playing against.  You make a deck to counter the supposed meta.  Then, like clockwork, your next ten opponents are NOT using the current meta based decks.  You're fucked.  Game over.  It's like an NFL team not knowing who they are playing until kickoff.  Can't prepare, can't build a proper deck.

    the game is one big coin flip from the start to the finish.  And we're all dumb enough to buy into the lie that somehow we can affect the outcome in any appreciable way. Sorry to inform you all but you can't.  And that's that.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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