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    posted a message on I need help with a deck!!!

    Secret mage comes to mind. Gadgetzan + Uldum are guaranteed and then just decide between Naxx, Karazhan, UnGoro or Kobolds.

    Posted in: General Deck Building
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    posted a message on Rogue Legend in Wild

    Short version - odd is better

    Long version - 

    First you need to understand the difference. Odd is a midrage deck which means it focuses on building board while at the same time it has access to effective removal tools. In some way,  Kingsbane is more like reno priest - damage over time combo. The huge downside compared to reno priest is 1) lack of survivability and defensive tools 2) vulnerability to techs 3) taunts nullify your entire strategy. Compared to odd, Kingsbane has slower start that require longer setup and the right cards, which makes it easier target for aggro and counterspells.

    Matchups :

    Big priest - early board make it easier for odd rogue to punch trough and Loatheb is a insta-win whereas Kingsbane beats the wall with its own head until it eventually dies.

    Secret mage - Kingsbane is slower and sometimes it fails to find its win condition due to couterspell. Odd is slightly favored unless your opponent runs ice block which is a rare case nowadays.

    Reno priest - kingsbane is  obviously much better in this case since it excells at beating decks that do nothing for long time. Priest simply can not recover from taking immense damage over and over unless they run stickyfinger. Odd rogue has about 50/50 chance.

    Darkglare warlock - this should be easy for either. Your opponent will help you by killing himself quickly.

    Token druid - odd has much easier time dealing with opponents board while building its own. Some would say druid is favored but I strongly disagree. Druid has to have a dream start to overwhelm you. Having a 12 attack weapon that you prepare for 3 turns doesnt deal with a swarm of gibberlings so Kingsbane is out of question.

    Against each other - its all about building towards lethal blow and having mid-size minions is a much more effective way.

    Posted in: Wild Format
  • 2

    posted a message on Best Rogue Deck in Wild? 53-14 (79% WR in Diamond)

    Very good deck, I played it myself to 500 legend. The only difference being one more wand thief over krastinov. One thing I noticed is that miscreant is by far the worst card in the deck. As you mentioned, you are very favored against other aggro and the only matchup in which miscreant might come handy is odd paladin, but even then you have very low (almost none) chance of winning anyway. So instead i recently decided to swap them for frozen shadowveaver. It's easier to slam at any moment, especially turn three, and its main advatage is 4 attack.

    Posted in: Best Rogue Deck in Wild? 53-14 (79% WR in Diamond)
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    posted a message on Is this a world record? I have been killed in turn 3 in Wild.
    Quote from YourPersonalGuru >>

    I have tried doing a turn 3 kill before, but I suppose that's pretty much the limit ;) 

    Those token druids can really just high roll the crap out of you XD

     My bro managed to pull multiple of them during one gaming session. They are not all that unlikely. I had lethal on turn 2 going second with flame imp + double radiant elemental + double divine spirit + double pws (they used to draw crad) + inner fire. Thats what i call highroll.

    Posted in: Wild Format
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    posted a message on Hearthstone needs actual deck building diversity.
    Quote from shmeuraconda >>
    Quote from ShadowAldrius >>

    How would you go about introducing this deck building variety?

    I believe they should start with dumping all "auto-include in most decks" cards and replace them with much more conditional ones. Kill Command, Brawl, Shield Slam,BackstabShadowstepPreparationEviscerate etc.

    I also think, that we need more pairs of question - answer cards. Why is aggro so strong right now? Because classic controls decks are good at clearing the board, but current aggro decks (except Zoo Warlock) hardly uses board at all! Most of their damage comes from weapons, battlecries or spells, and control decks don't have many answers to that. Another good example is mana cheating. Many decks can play value worth 20-30 mana by the end of the turn 5. How can the other player respond to this? Most of the time he can't, because the answer just doesn't exist within his class.

    Finally, I believe they should remove from the game all class-exclusive mechanics that require special treatment. Are you annoyed by Freezing Mage, Resurrect Priest or Bomb Warrior? Sure, there are tech cards that can make it easier for you to face them, but these cards are also useless in pretty much all other matchups. Is it profitable enough to improve 1 matchup and make 5-7 worse? In other words, I believe tech cards should have universal effect, making them always useful.

     a tech card similar to transfer student that changes its battlecry based on the opponent’s class?

    Very good idea, totally agree on that one.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Deck for child who cant read
    Quote from Pizzacats >>

    U think those are hardest to pilot? Uh... no. Try playing mill rogue and still tell me those are the hardest lol

     Cant argue with that

    Posted in: General Deck Building
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    posted a message on Deck for child who cant read
    Quote from Biomass >>

    I thought this topic would complain about aggro decks and secret mage :)

     Although i might slip into discussion i generally avoid and isn't really related to the original topic, i cant resist sharing my unpopular opinion - board based aggro decks are actually the hardest one to pilot properly. Taking in account efficient trading, overextending, match-up specifics, lethal set-ups and pressuring, mulligan importance, playing around aoes and so on. The key ability with og zoo-lock, for example, was to properly recognizing how does your curve match against your opponents potential answers/threats even two turns before the they actually get the chance to play them and at the same time not slowing down yourself without any concrete reason. Still, most people will tell you it was just vomiting minions and going face. None of above applies to secret mage tho xD

    Posted in: General Deck Building
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    posted a message on Deck for child who cant read
    Quote from Pizzacats >>
    Quote from magical_pascal >>

    Thanks for suggestions, many of them make sense and might be more effective when facing tempo/aggro decks, just to slow them down at least a little bit in order to survive until big taunts take over the game. I especially like Kanrethad, didnt think of that one.

     Glad you like them. Your original deck is great for someone who knows what each of the different battlecries and spells do, but I have a feeling that if your kid just throws out the minions when they are playable, the situational battlecries (like ooze, gnome, lone champion, infiltrator, etc) would just whiff and do nothing a lot of the time. Expired merchant could be included if your son knew what it did, but if he doesn’t have hand space for it, it could just end up milling a card.

    When it comes to techs, neither of them is particularly bad or harming the general strategy, they just provide potential upside. The real question is whether their clunkiness is outweigh by the rare payoff. For example I think you cant go wrong with gnome, even when you're not specifically aiming at shuffled cards or reordered deck. The early stats themselves might pose a problem for hyper aggros. Ofc, beetle is always good no matter what. The fire breather on the other hand turned out to be a bad addition especially considering it can be pulled by skull. I considered big priest but unless he learns the difference between removal, revival and pulling copies, its unlikely to succeed considering shadow essence is actually one of the more expensive cards but should be played first.

    Posted in: General Deck Building
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    posted a message on Deck for child who cant read

    Thanks for suggestions, many of them make sense and might be more effective when facing tempo/aggro decks, just to slow them down at least a little bit in order to survive until big taunts take over the game. I especially like Kanrethad, didnt think of that one.

    Posted in: General Deck Building
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    posted a message on Deck for child who cant read

    I understand you skepticism, but to be fair, I wouldn't trust bot as much as I rely on my own experience when it comes to reasonable results. (currently 600 legend)

    Posted in: General Deck Building
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    posted a message on Deck for child who cant read

    So the goal is to build deck for my 4 year old son who cant read. I tried to avoid cards that can hurt its user when used incorrectly. For example doomsayer or corrupting mist into my own board is basically a suicide. Compared tho them, hysteria and unstable felbolt have much lower potential of backfiring even when played on incorrect situation or target. Keep in mind that he doesnt know how to trade and decides targets of spells and attacks randomly. So Im basically trying to create self-piloting deck, that has chance of winning even in hands of bot whose algorithm I cant influence except for very general advice, such as 'always keep skull' or 'never keep card that costs 5 or more'. Furthermore, the concept of efficiently used mana is impossible to explain to him so he just drags and plays any green card he can at any given moment. In addition, he insists on using the magician who allows him to mix his own potions. Please dont question why does he even play under such circumstances and rather take it as a mental exercise. We would both very much appreciate any kind of advice. (copied form deck description)

    self-playing Renolock
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    Posted in: General Deck Building
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