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    posted a message on Prophet Velen Deck

    Looks good , what matches are you struggling with? maybe take out silence for a SW:P, wild pyro for the chow, 1 circle of healing for the SW:P blade masters for the cultists and senjin for argus, try get another mind blast in there, maybe take out 1 smite, mind control as mentioned above may help you since velen will prob die the turn he is played so having a back up plan is essential, if you change this to a more late game orientated priest you can secure the velen finish by having your opponent waste his removal on your other cards. Just my advise

    Posted in: Priest
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    posted a message on Card Value Analysis: The Minion Equality

    When you speak about value what do you mean? Dust equivalent? Card trading value? Deck slot value? 

    For dust value you can look at Rarity this is the only time rarity has influence on card "value" as higher rarities provide you with more dust. 

    With regards to trading value Senjin is not really balanced he is more to the strong side, he can trade with 2 3/2's and prevent dmg to your face a little stronger than balanced, BBBG is slightly weak , he blocks dmg to your face but trades 5 mana for 3 mana 4/3 

    Of course you can compare to biggest minion in game death wing, it take 4 senjin into 1 deathwing and 3 yeti into 1 deathwing then yeti is better than senjin, with that logic so is injured blade master, because you are just looking at atk. The simple stats test developed by the arena community is a good indicator of value (this is know as the vinila test and does not look at effects - mainly because in arena synergy is lower than in constructed therefore synergy benefits based on effect are not factored into value, but they can be looked at as adding value!) 

    a good example is in arena you choose between ooze and bloodfen raptor, vanilla test says they are even but ooze is versatile in 4/9 matches making it a better choice. 

    If we apply same logic to constructed we would probably need to look at vanilla test value + synergy benefit + best in slot essentially all the generally things you consider when deck building.

    Synergy benefit includes benefit due to class spells , theme and hero power as well as card groupings (the easiest example is murlock - works well in any deck because of self synergy but stands out in warlock because the rush is complemented by hero power and other burst cards)

    in constructed vinilla value is not as useful as this is often trumped by synergy, however there are often times when vanilla test is better than synergy e.g shaman windspeaker for 4 mana you get 3/3 and you can pump a fire elemental + rockbiter to do 18 dmg that turn, this is iffy nice synergy but iffy, and in shaman we dont like iffy rather go with more consistent plays thus yeti is better choice 4 mana stabilises mid game and has good trading value.

    finally we have best in slot, this, to me anyway, is when you look at your deck and say my theme is getting them dead does the river crocolisk 2 drop do that better than the bloodfen raptor? (I am a hunter) if I run ysera do i get to kill my opponent by turn 8? Here you can see that ysera which is argubly the best value card in the game is worth next to nothing because it will always be a dead card in your deck, another example is I am playing rogue, tempo time and I need this to end quick, I need to play cards that are high dmg for mana cost even if they have negative side effects, do I choose harvest golem or steel swords? golemn is really good in tempo rogue as a coin on turn 2 but a 4/4 on turn 2 is slightly better and is harder for your opponent to deal with at 3 mana + does more dmg. 

    And lastly on best in slot is the value of tech cards, easiest example is spell breaker and iron beak owl in shaman, this shaman deck is aggressive in nature, it needs minions on the board it relies on blood lust , SWC and frostwolf warlord to win, Taunts hinder it but now if we adjust the deck for silence the recent taunt flood wont hurt as much, this deck does not play earthshock currently as it was too slow needed more aggression and face dmg. its easy to say lets go spell breaker! this guy is lots of atk = face dmg and we can drop him wen its time to go! you seem to be using him exclusively for his silence in this context ryt? dealing with a taunt and then bloodlust what turn do you want to play this t9? what if you had game at T7 or T8? lots can change one turn later. so we only using him for silence to remove taunt and win! lets look at other options iron beak owl perfect! i can now blood lust on turn 7 or 8 and silence that sludge belcher to ensure game! wait I am 4 dmg short and cant use the iron beak owl to atk that turn :( dam. So basically the lesson is with tech what is the point of the tech in context with the deck? Earth shock provides us with a compliement to our finisher for minimum cost and that is how tech should be valued , can I get the utility out of the card for the least cost so not to hamper my deck and to provide the most synergy with my deck. OTK combos will like low cost tech, aggro decks may value the spell breaker as it adds pressure in the form of a 4/3 body your opponent needs to deal with next turn (aggro mage for example likes this ) 

    I feel popularity deserves a mention here only because blizzard made it an issue, Blizzard said they dont like seeing the same card in every deck so it will get nerfed if this happens, same if a class card makes a deck played mor than others it will be nerfed as seen in the latests "Card adj" Leeroy? OP because of synergy with rush + aggro + otk decks and gave you that reach in control decks he was becoming a staple. funny thing is all these combo's existed back in season 2 however leeroy only nerfed now when he is declared OP now. so thats why I dont think popularity should have influence on the value or balance of a card because the meta or player base will always be searching for the next easy win deck :) 

    Sorry for the flame there friend but you really got a little bit to theoretical and for got to link your numbers back to practical.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Why my deck sucks?

    You are a new player, that is clear, how ever letting everybody tell you what changes to make isnt going to improve your game, taking a deck and copy paste then playing may give you a deck that is good , but still wont make you a better player. for example some1 said tauren warrior is bad card, you didnt stop and ask why you just removed, surely you felt it was a good card when you were putting the deck together, thus must have a reason for inclusion and thus a reason to remove or upgrade for that slot.

    When building a deck you should consolidate as was mentioned above focus on a central strategy or card type and build around that, deck test and evaluate the cards that are core strat and those that are tech.

    A lot of players posting here are probably good players already who understand the game mechanics and if they net deck they will be able to own with any deck they pick up because they understand the card choices. Do yourself a big favour, if someone suggests a deck find a youtube commentary or play through or guide that explains the card choices and theme to the deck.

    If you net deck deck construction is pretty much skipped and you move to deck testing and tweaking where you get a feel for the deck and know when and where it is strong / weak and what to tweak for certain match ups to move up ladder (assuming this is your intention.

    Deck construction is difficult for new player because A you probably dont know all the cards, and B you are building a deck against an opponent you have never faced. 

    Arena is a great way to get to know all the cards, see interesting and new synergies and farm up some cards at the same time, trump is probably the best to watch you can find his you tube vids showing how he goes infinite in arena with almost every draft.

    Normal deck construction boils down to: When should I own, What shall I own with, Who will I own against

    When shall I own is determining the pace of the deck, and this is play style do I like fast paced face mash aggro , do I like value aggro based on incremental advantage, do I like turtle and then just dropping problems my opponent cant deal with , am I a control freak , etc.

    What shall I own with is the method of getting there, e.g I want aggro game thus I should play cheap cards allowing me to set up early advantage consistently, then something to finish with like fireball or bloodlust or leeroy or just continued zerg like zoo.

    Who will I own against is also important, this is sometimes only identified after a couple of games thus you will then see what is pulling you down in your unfavoured match ups look and see if i replace the card x with card y I will be able to deal with Druid easier and it wont hurt my normal winning against hunter.

    WHEN, WHAT and WHO shall I own can be picked in any order, sometimes you want to design a deck that beats a certain deck (who) sometimes you see Illidan and you say I wana make this work (what) and my example starting with When.

    So looking at your deck lets have a look.

    You have onyxia , this may be your ownly legendary so you decided to give it a go in a deck (what shall I own with). I can see where you were going here, onyxia synergy with Frostwolf warlord + blood lust + flame tongue and raid leader + dire wolf alpha. other than that you have a secondary strat being a zoo type deck

    So onyxia deck one problem is  that that combo comes very late and you have lots of cards that will clogg your hand waiting for onyxia to be played. my question to you is does Onyxia help you win? if she was not in your deck would you lose more or lose less? Onyxia does not have enough impact in a deck that is early rush orientated, lets look at perfect case scenario, you have Onyxia in your opening hand did you kept it because it is the core of your deck and you are scared if you mulligan you will never see it again, trun 9 comes and this is your chance you have been trading equally with the mage and he has no card you have the blood lust giving you game on turn 10 you drop the Onyxia and mage says polymorph arcane explosion she trades 2 for 1 but spends 6 mana and kills your 9mana and drops harvest golemn or yeti depending if its here t9 or t10.  Granted onyxia is the element of suprise no one will expect it so maybe mage used the poly morph or pally wiped field twice with equality + constipation. My point is for 9 mana is there not a better decision that can be made on that turn, Onyxia represents one of them all in cards, does nothing if you are behind and very little if you are a head. 

    Zoo type style in the early game, allowing you to start influencing plays early on. why is zoo played in lock and not shaman because of card draw, the minute you start playing 3 cards a turn that hand becomes very small, i dont see any draw cards in your deck to support this aggro strategy. also some of the cards in the deck are not good drops on curve, (this means that on 3 mana the tauren warrior dies to bloodfen raptor that was played on turn 2) this causes bad trades, or incremental gains for your opponent which add up to card advantage beyond control. So lesson here is if you wish to play high -tempo, low trade deck you will need some card draw. If you play zoo in lock you are playing high tempo sticky cards (cards that need a lot of thinking to remove effeciently) and then you can replenish your hand by hero power, this is safe because your opponent is spending resources dealing with your constant zerg.

    You picked shaman is this your favourite class? - thats good because shaman has a nice mix of versatility cards (most of which are free). 

    So lets look at this, with shaman a nice easy strat is to control the early game and then build advantage abusing the Overload mechanic then playing midrange power houses like frostwolf warlorad (your hero power complements him, fire elemental and blood lust (if you like otks) 

    The best way to do this is to make staying ahead of your deck a nightmare, this is easy since you can summon a 2health minion 4 2 mana then buff with flametogue or abusive serg to trade tokens for cards,

    Lighting bolt costing 1 mana deals 3 dmg allowing you to play another card the same turn, rockbitter is the same maximise on this by playing 2 as this gives you noce early game control, you can remove a bluegill warrior for a lightining bolt 1 mana cheaper and does 1 more dmg, and leper out for rock biter, leper is pinged to easy and doesnt give enough bang in a midrange type deck.

    Bloodfen raptor ? going for 3/2 go Ooze instead same stats with added versatility against warrior/paladin and hunter- put 2 in and take out the tide hunter (tide hunter is good but 3/2 is more valuable) think 3/2 + flame tongue = dead yeti - , dire wolf alpha is ok but we have flame tongues, lets go with something harder harvest golemn! now that guy sticks to the field! out wolfs in Golemns only 40 dust each to craft.

    Tauren chieftan is a 3 drop with taunt ( is it possible to craft a 100 dust feral spirit for this slot ? think you get 2 taurens on that turn for the same cost ! that means they now have to play 2 oozes to kill the 3 mana you played. Bad at 3 drop because he dies against 2 mana cards very easy and you do not have synergy to enrage him either, Senjin shieldmasta is another great alternative , he is hard to kill and is free

    Iron beak owl Silence is nice but for 2 mana and dying as he hits the field? lets see how about earth shock! add a little spell power totem and we killing 3/2's we be killing 10/11 undertakers, we killing loot hoarders and keeping the loot!  if you want to squeeze a second one in for tech u can remove the abusive serg, I really like this card in shaman because for 1 mana he allows a totem to trade up. (i will leave this one up to you and deck testing)

    scarlet crusader could be your second Feral spirit or you could play senjin here and get more value out the card, Scarlet crusader isnt bad, but earthshock does kill her where other cards would survive, this is preference, crusader is aggro senjin is def, def = getting you to the mid game where you strong easier, senjin also lives a little longer to provide food for Frostwolf general.

    Dark iron dward is a pumped up abusive serg nice synergy with shaman keep him in , yeti is arguably the best 4 drop, fine choice let's kick that spell breaker and add another yeti to this deck, spell breaker isnt necessary due to us running the more versatile earth shock, yeti is a strong card that drains opponent resources,

    Windspeaker doesn't do enough, windfury is better half the price for the same thing , assuming you using him for his effect , if you going to otk why do you need a 3/3 body for next turn? overwise put in another defender or argus here, turning yeti's into 5/6 golem into 3/4 ooze into 4/3 fire e into 7/6 you get the idea, he is another really good 4 drop. 

    Let's keep frostwolf warlord and bloodlust as the finishers here windfury is nice to play with the warlord if he survives, again silver hand knight is a bit late to the party here, mayb a azure drake? gives you some nice card draw, cant afford that Gnomish inventor is a suitable replacement try squeeze 2 in maybe silver hand and windspeaker out for 2 gnomish inventors! 

    Stormwind champ is another way to win, 7 mana is a bit expensis and for our midrange strategy our curve should end around 6 so he will need to be replaced with something better, Onyxia is not going to is not going to fit here either, these 2 slots can be used as tech slots allowing you to experiment with way of making your deck play more smoothly and more favourably. If you disenchant your Onyxia you could get a sea giant in her place, a bit expensive would be 2 of these but a great upgrade to the deck, Other options is 2 argent commander allowing you a little more versatility and value (he generally trades 2-1 maybe a Kodo as tech? or 2 strangelthorn tigers (croaching tiger hidden bloodlust OTK)

    I am assuming you do not have any naxx cards, If you did you could very easily incl the following:

    Nerubian egg, haunted creeper, shade of naxx, loatheb, sludge belcher, spectral knight and stallag + feugen.


    Hope this helps and good luck with your HS journey :)

    Posted in: Shaman
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    posted a message on Nozdormu why is this even a legendary?

    Its pretty good against ppl with high latency as well :) 15 secs- Lag only gives you like 12 or 10 secs to play your turn, imagine those boys playing on the tablets on a shitty conection at MacDonalds or something, they must cry when they see this card.

     Token druid is pretty hard to play in 15 sec as well as miracle, the treants spawn + savage roar + atk with each one myt take 2 long :D.

    Blizzard Nerfs cards to make balance changes, yes some were buffed as well, this one may be a representation of things to come. What I mean if blizzard thought this card was complete junk they would upgrade it a tad, but maybe Blizz is thinking this guy is fine as is because when we release these cards it may become tech against a new deck type.

    A nice buff to this card though would be your opponent has 10 sec to play his turn, you have 20 secs to play yours and he is a 6 mana 4/8. (Making priests hate this guy :)

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on So...nat pagle!

    On the other side Nat is better than mana tide in the sense you can coin him on turn one and he has one more health making him immune to frost bolt and axe, unreliable yes, viable totally! especially in the slower meta we are going into. Nat can waste an opponents turn dealing with him as well e.g against mage/druid will need to spend turn 4 or coin turn 3 + frost bolt/wrath to  deal with pagle you played on turn 2. if this is the case he has done his job.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Trump's 23 Card Pickup - Prismata Cup 2

    why the humility? is it to combo with kodo and acolyte of pain? spend a card to get a card on a combo, seems unlike Trump to go for non-stand alone value combos

    Posted in: Trump's 23 Card Pickup - Prismata Cup 2
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    posted a message on Gladiator's Longbow

    If you wish to get technical, it is pretty sweet when playing against a shaman as u can swing a fire elemental down or a baron gedon and not worry that thats nearly a quater of your life total. also nice answer to cairne , but u trading 7 mana for 6, granted he is a legendary

    However for 7 mana you need to ask yourself is there not better removal options available? or at least something better in slot, perhaps when naxx comes out the meta may slow down more and this could become more viable. Most decks in higher ranked play are just to quick to warrant a 7mana removal card (yes there are more late game orientated decks) and the late game decks dont really feature something that is worth killing for 7 mana ( or more technically 3.5 mana ) and i mean the smaller threats (armour smith etc) coz this guy cant really do much against alex gorehowl , or some giants staring you down, if it was 6 atk it could at least be combined with and arcane shot to kill something with 8 health.

    Maybe i should provide a list of the optimal targets for this card to get the most value (it will obviously be those with 5 health or 10 health) 

    Posted in: Gladiator's Longbow
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    posted a message on Honestly, Priests are unreal.
    Quote from Mamizou »

    Dear Blizzard,

    Paper is so Unreal and Op, please nerf it.

    I'm happy with the way Scissors performs, no need to change it.



    Best post ever ROFL

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on What legendary would benefit this deck most

    Looking at your deck list , it seems (and i assume) you going for a control type deck, focusing on late game control (It looks like you are aiming to counter Control war , handlock and ramp druid) , This is because you ignoring early game (no swp, or early game taunt option for the zoo match, besides the A-Bom, wild pyro and smites) So im guessing your early game you mulligan to have smites + abom + wild pyro + ready)

    With my assumption that you are focusing on late game control consider the following:

    Ragnaros : Good card for any control deck, Counter = BGH, This is a huge problem in your deck because the guy can hold BGH all day for your Rag, ( I dont see a quick kill so BGH can chill for most of the game) And also you will probably get through more than 20 cards of his deck in a match (because you are slow control) this means you will see BGH and Rag will die. Who plays BGH (Ramp druid , Handlock and Control War), and for those decks that dont play BGH , Hex polymorph siphon soul execute all work in the same sentence as Ragnaros

    Cairne, Nice value and tempo card, Rated the second best card in arena (next to tirion) in terms of value but tirion can get SWD sickness which turns him into a 5/3 sword , then Harrison jones sells the sword to a museum for 2 cards, 3 if the sword is in mint condition. Counter  = Hard silence removal, this is important, the best way to deal with cairne is hex or poly , if execute Garrosh spent 1 mana to cast silence, if silence (insert class here) made you spend 2 mana extra for a yeti ( looks like you comfy with that scenario already since u can play cabal on a empty field) If warlock siphon soul he spent 6 mana to cast silence and heal. Cairne is a really good legendary because even when he lands ppl still think mayb let me save that hex for a rag instead. and trade their life for him. PLus you have a couple of silence targets so yea maybe he will dodge (not that many ppl play silence now a days) also think nax , he is one of the best legendary for the future crafts.

    Sylvanus, Really good anti swarm card ( which you have in your deck already) counter = same as cairne + SWD + (BGH with Abusive serg/DID combo) (i do this in my zoo lock to kill stuff i dont like) Sylvanus is really good as an additional legendary to your current collection so i wouldnt add her high on the priority list.

    Ysera: Good card for any late game value deck , Counter = Rush or hard removal (Hex, Poly etc.) Ysera looks like a good option for this deck, Handlock cant deal with ysrea unless you trade your world in for her, the cards you get give you advantage in the late game against ramp and handlock, Druid cant deal with her (no druid plays naturalise). If she gets silenced no problem she becomes a 4/12 beater that u can heal. The trick with ysera is really playing her when you have advantage or a open, she can be a catch up card but not against classes with hard removal. Warrior can execute , but rag can also be execute, with ysera BGH becomes useless against your deck, and with the soulpriest you run that BGH is as good as a Bloodfen raptor with a Swordsmith boost) Ysera is weak against Shaman Handlock and mage matches (besides your Abom you dont have a wide aray of hex targets thus that hex will stay in mid shaman hand forever) luckily not many ppl play mages and those that do rarely play more than 1 poly, and the warlocks tend to siphon soul too early on n e thing because they needthe heal, so ysera is good , but because shaman are popular at high ranks hex will hurt, but guess wat no matter what lgendary you get hex will hurt. 

    Bloodmage thalnos : In my opinion not worth the craft (too low impact) but has nice synergy with your deck and doesnt have any real downsides because if you are a smart player you will play him to get the +1 spell power value that turn (Is BMT gona save you against a zerg swarm if he is your only drop, hell no ) he just adds to your zoo counter abilities making the holy nova kill things with the shatterd sun + def argus buff + a lone void walker for 7 mana, Speaking of 7 mana aoe

    Baron Gedon, Really overlooked by most is the 7 mana concecration + 7/5 (Damn straight you summoning a 7/5 for 3 mana) yes counter is all the above + holy fire but he nukes your side of the field and holy nova mitigates the dmg and mayb does some freak card draw with Cleric that revivals UTH + chicken combo). 

    Black Knight , Really nice for the decks you are trying to counter + he has no counter because he is a 4/5 that has used its effect already, your opponent sees you cast a yeti then kill taunt for 2 mana. Against Handlock, Zoo , Ramp this is quite a blow and since you can heal him you can probably get even more value out of this bad boy, only problem with him is he doent do much against the shaman match ( they do run argus and you myt get to kill a fire elemental for free and the odd shaman plays alakir which is a nice -8 mana for 2mana trade. Compared to Cairne he is the same only Cairne can waste the silence that coul have been used on PWS buff or the cleric.

    The non-craft, maybe lying around section.

    If by any chance you unluckily pulled one of these guys, it myt be good i explain why

    Alexstrazsa, nice add coz it can reverse a lot of nastyt situations and demands an immediate answer, problem = same as rag but has the potential to do 15 instant peirce dmg where ragnaros only does 8 dmg if he decides to Thrall is more threatning to his existance than that searing totem, (Ragnaros often goes to the pub with the fire elemental and they think its fun bullying the searing nerd)

    Deathwing, He falls on the field and kills everything , he hits the board so hard that you drop the cards in your hand, tank ass. Jokes aside really good in your deck because like alexstrazsa he demands attention (something about dragons), only difference is your dont have any thing to kill him with accept hard tac. Them zoo locks be bitching that Deathwing needs a nerf :P

    Hogger, I said before that your deck looks a little susceptable to a zoo overload, Hogger helps a little because he provides a little taunt every turn, he is so easy to remove though and standing next to Cairne Black Knight and Ysera i wouldnt think of crafting him , but thought he would be good to mention.

    In conclusion: 

    here is a nice priority crafting list, 

    1. Ysera has the most impack and gives you the most edge against the decks you want to win against.

    2. Cairne/ Black Knight both are good Reason Black knight is not 3 is because you must just look at what you are playing against most, if its mostly warrior cairne is better , if its handlock and ramp and shaman black knight, Black knight only loses to ysera because you dont have late game other than trying to copy a legendary from your opponent through a thoughtsteal, faceless man and mind vision if you hold it that long ( in my opinion dont blow the mind visions turn 1, in fact mulligun them, because most control decks will mulligun out the big legendaries turn 1 and you dont get anything worth anything from the mind vision in the early game. Yes we can argue that you get to see whats in his hand but all the other classes get by without that privilege.

    3. after getting the Cairne / Black knight you can get Ragnaros , because at this point dealing with both ysera Cairne and Rag will be difficult

    4. Baron Gedon is next on the list and you could get him before Ragnaros depending on meta

    5. Depending on the meta sylvanus, or blood mage ( maybe at this point you would like to make a new deck and the legendaries above fit well in any deck same with these 2

    Good luck and hope this is what you were looking for (sorry it was so long i tend to be very detailed), for the haters this was based on assumptions about his deck and build , however your arguments may give him a nice informed decision, so flame me as much as possible :) 



    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Budget warrior contorl - no legendaries

    Um they are quite crucial (mainly coz they can reverse a tough situation like a ragnaros flip or iron bark) , so try get them asap! in the mean time  i suppose for faceless manipulator replace with another sunwalker just to help play into late game or venture co (he wastes hard removal), but then u must save your executes coz u dont have BGH , You could use a second gore howl instead of BGH just for that big removal, or if u looking at non epic go with a venture co coz he is hard to deal with. 

    EDIT: If you have those wierd big legendaries like Gruul, Death wing or Onixia, put them in coz they actually work well in Warrior.

    And if you wondering about craft priority then:

    1. Faceless Man

    2. BGH

    3. Shield slam 2 then add your second armour smith

    4. Ragnaros (coz he is good in other decks as well)

    5. Baron gedon (aoe is needed)

    6. alexstrazsa / gromash which every win condition u want to add

    7. Black knight ( nice against taunt decks Handlock and Ramp)

    8. alexstrazsa / gromash which ever you didnt craft yet

    9 Harrison ( if control warrior's weapons gives u grief or shamans feel like playing doom hammer :D)

    10. Brawl (why is brawl so low down) add it if you have it coz it is good only i dont like the fact that it decides what stays, unless i play against zoo then it doesnt really matter, but this is my priority crafting list, yours may differ also tell me if you have success what you changed to suit your play style I want to know and I'm sure others do to , thanks for the post

    Posted in: Budget warrior contorl - no legendaries
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