• 2

    posted a message on Rank 4 To Legend 70% win rate

    This deck has a 70% win rate as long as you don't face hunters. This deck has about a 15% win rate against hunters in my experience. (Fluctuating between rank 1 and rank 4)

    Do not play this deck if you're seeing hunters on ladder.

    Posted in: Rank 4 To Legend 70% win rate
  • 2

    posted a message on New Miracle Madness feat. Sherazin & Shaku

    I'm playing an almost identical deck but I've replaced 1 giant for Leeroy Jenkins and replaced Shaku, the Collector for Bloodmage Thalnos

    Two giants can either be great or so clunky in your hand that they instantly lose you the game. Leeroy + Cold Blood is a tried and true staple finisher in miracle. I can't tell you how many games wouldn't have been possible to win without Leeroy. 

    Thalnos is almost irreplaceable as well, considering the number of cheap damage spells that are in the deck.

    Posted in: New Miracle Madness feat. Sherazin & Shaku
  • 3

    posted a message on Trump's Un'Goro Theorycraft - Quest Rogue

    DO NOT. I REPEAT, DO NOT EVER CRAFT MOROES. If you want a win condition in a post-quest rogue deck, play 1 mana charge minions. Moroes is worse than unplayable. 

    Posted in: Trump's Un'Goro Theorycraft - Quest Rogue
  • -3

    posted a message on XIII's Deathfire Rogue

    I've seen over 10 theorycraft decks, yours being light years worse than the rest I've seen, and no thanks. I'll pass on watching a no name streamer lose games with an awful deck.

    Posted in: XIII's Deathfire Rogue
  • -1

    posted a message on XIII's Deathfire Rogue

    By far the worst concept for the rogue quest I've seen yet. Filling your deck with absolute trash tier minions makes your deck trash tier.

    This deck would have a <40% win rate. 

    Posted in: XIII's Deathfire Rogue
  • 0

    posted a message on XIII's Deathfire Rogue

    This deck isn't going to work for so many different reasons. There's a few good ideas in your deck, but it's trying to do too much, and even if it succeeds, your minions are so extremely weak that making them 5/5s isn't going to matter. You're looking for N'zoth to be your only win condition because most of your other minions will just be vanilla 5/5s with no charge, no real board impact, and no effect.

    Moroes and Sergeant Sally will be literal trash tier draws that sit in your hand the entire game 75% of the time. If you do happen to draw them later in the game, you've got to pray that you've already completed your quest, which isn't very likely because you've only got 4 minions that ideally complete your quest. If you don't draw a precise combination of cards, you're not going to complete your quest with 1/2 elementals which means you'll be trying to bounce back other minions into your hand which will be inefficient because half of the minions in this deck are god awful and have either situational battlecries or they're deathrattle minions.

    Situational cards such as Moroes, Barnes, and Sally are only good if they're okay to be played without ideal circumstances. Barnes is the only card that fits that requirement. There are just too many super weak cards in this deck for it to ever have a chance at being consistent.

    Posted in: XIII's Deathfire Rogue
  • 3

    posted a message on Legend TempoWaker

    Absolutely loving this deck. It's way better than the aggro variation. What do you think about Thalnos in place of a Loot Hoarder? They basically serve the same purpose, but an extra arcane missle is great, and 4 damage frostbolts clear out Azure Drakes very nicely. I also have one Kezan in place of one of the Azure Drakes. The meta is full of decks running secrets right now, so I typically get value from Kezan.

    Posted in: Legend TempoWaker
  • 3

    posted a message on Legend TempoWaker

    I'm on a +6 rank winning streak with this deck right now, with one Azure Drake subbed out for a Kezan. I've found that if you're relying on an Azure Drake any time during the mid-game for card draw, and you're also spending your entire turn dropping the drake, you're probably behind on tempo and you're most likely going to lose the game.

    I've found that this deck is most effective when it snowballs out of control because of a strong start. If you're relying on top decks and you're hurting for card draw, the game is probably a lost cause.

    Posted in: Legend TempoWaker
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