Trump's Un'Goro Theorycraft - Quest Rogue
- Last updated Apr 3, 2017 (Aggro Downfall)
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- 18 Minions
- 12 Spells
- Deck Type: Theorycraft
- Deck Archetype: Unknown
- Crafting Cost: 9560
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 4/3/2017 (Aggro Downfall)
- Trump
- Pro Player
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Trump theorycrafted this deck on stream - VOD here
Trump streams regularly on Twitch - Watch here
I feel really offensed by how Trump literally shat on the Rogue cards in hiw review, then comes back in with such a crappy build for Caverns Rogue.
That guy is just so arrogant.
Please dont spend your dust to make this deck, it really doesn't look competitive at all and has not even been tested yet.
It's a good deck lmao
Why Moroes over Violet Teacher tho
I think that is because there are 18 minioms and 12 spells althought i disagree with most of the list.
LUL NO FoN no taunts in a 1 mana minion hunter meta won't see play
Playing Moroes after the quest is the dream.
I don't get why you'd want to play something as slow as Moroes after you already triggered the quest though. Getting a free 5/5 each turn is okay but you should be trying to burst with chargers ASAP and I dunno how much value you're gonna get there. Yeah this version of the deck doesn't have a ton of spells but at least Violet Teacher can plop down 2-4 tokens in a single turn and that's all you really need.
Depending on how Ironbeak Owl becomes a common tech, Igneous Questing Rogue could be very vulnerable to it, being a deathrattle.
Razorpetal package is possibly slower but pretty much uncounterable. And it fits Miracoli, unlike elementals.
I came up with a very similar deck so I think I agree the idea here but I'm not sure about some of Trump's choices.
1) Moroes seems bad. It's bad for the same reasons it's always been bad, and if your goal is to load up the board with tokens, Violet Teacher is a better card to use on its own and it can put out tokens faster.
2) SI:7 Agent might actually be too slow in this deck. It doesn't help trigger the quest outside of bouncing it (and almost everything else is a better idea to bounce) and it doesn't help close out the game. Edwin VanCleef might even be too slow for the same reason but that's such a good card it's hard to not slot in, where SI:7s are also very good but can and have definitely been cut from some Rogue lists before.
3) I'm almost positive Sprint is better in place of at least one Thistle Tea and maybe even both. TT has obvious synergy but it's also much more likely to whiff. Sprint in comparison is likely to give you a diverse set of cards for both triggering the quest and closing out the game. If I'm spending my whole turn drawing, I probably want consistency over power draws. I guess it depends on the ratio of cards in your deck that will help finish the quest versus those that won't so I'll experiment.
4) I actually don't really like Swashburglar in this deck, and here's why. First, Fire Fly is the turn 1 play this deck wants. Part of why Swashburglar was good in the first place in combo decks like Miracle is that Rogue had so few good options for turn 1. Second, I don't think you always want to pull Patches ASAP in this deck. It's part of your finishing combo so it should be saved if possible, and unlike a lot of other decks it isn't a dead draw because you can just wait to play Crystal Core and it's a 1 mana 5/5 charge.
Trump said in his review cut that one of the main problems with this deck is that Crystal Core doesn't always win you the game right away, and I'm thinking like, why aren't you just leaning harder into that? This deck should really focus on generating big burst finishers with charge cards like Southsea Deckhand and Patches plus bounce effects as consistently as possible. My first thought was Argent Horserider but my roommate pointed out that Horserider is TGT so I guess that's out. One thought I had was Finja, the Flying Star and Bluegill Warrior. The Bluegills are there to be cheap chargers and Finja can pull both of them from your deck if you haven't drawn them by turn 6. I dunno if Finja is too slow since you have to throw it out at least a turn in advance, though, and probably don't want to summon the Bluegills at all before Crystal Core. Another thought was Shadowcaster instead of Finja since it can generate extra charge damage the turn it's played, but that's not all that dissimilar to bounce effects, and at that point why not just play Gadgetzan Ferryman for 2 mana instead of Shadowcaster for 5? Anyway, I think this deck could be pretty decent if you really optimized for the burst combo instead of less reliable plays like waiting for Moroes to generate enough pressure to close out the game.
I can't believe I might actually use my free Ragnaros dust to re-enchant Moroes...
DO NOT. I REPEAT, DO NOT EVER CRAFT MOROES. If you want a win condition in a post-quest rogue deck, play 1 mana charge minions. Moroes is worse than unplayable.
2 Violet Teacher costs 8 times less dusts, summon tokens better, and are actually some good cards in the deck. Use your dusts wisely, don't follow Hearthstone's nolife like Trump's ideas ;-D
Moroes and tea bad idea
Man I gotta stop disenchanting shit legendaries
you disenchanted patches?
Definitely Xaril. :>
It was moroes, and even though he is only good for this deck I still want him back just for that juicy value. Rip
Take my word for it. Quote me, screenshot me, do whatever it takes. Moroes does not belong in quest rogue decks, and if he ever sees play in a competitive, legend capable Rogue deck I will print a screenshot of this post and eat it.
I promise you, Moroes is absolute garbage and doesn't belong in rogue decks. Anyone that puts him in a rogue quest deck simply doesn't understand Hearthstone at a basic level.
I assure you, once the deck is refined, Moroes will be removed. I was watching the stream while Dog took the deck to 1 Legend, and even he has said it's a win more card, and the deck and the quest isn't even that good. Just because he had the card in his deck doesn't make it good or competitively viable.
Give it a week or two. Moroes will be removed from the list.