Eloise's Rank 1 Legend Miracle Rogue
- Last updated Apr 8, 2017 (Un'Goro Launch)
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- 15 Minions
- 15 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Miracle Rogue
- Crafting Cost: 9760
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 4/8/2017 (Un'Goro Launch)

- Eloise
- Pro Player
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Eloise credits cross7224 for this Miracle Rogue decklist that she climbed to Legend and then eventually Rank 1 with on the Asia server.
This was a good deck, but not good in meta right now. Jade Druid, Dragon Priest, Token Shaman, Pirate Warrior... no chance.
I'm missing Thalnos and Sherazin. I get Thalnos could be replaced with say a loot hoarder for draw or kobold geo for spellpower, but any viable replacements for Sherazin?
I have not own Patches the Pirate and Sherazin, Corpse Flower is it really necessary or any idea for replace? One of them I can make from dust but not both. What you recommend make like first? imho Sherazin, Corpse Flower ?
Thanks for any help.
maybe you can replace Bloodmage Thalnos with Kobold Geomancer ?
Sap is fine there, way less efficient though, craft the slayer ASAP
it's consider. if you think battlecry more annoying you can use Assassinate but if you think deathrattle or expensive cost minion you'd better choose Sap
Edwin VanCleef offcourse
Patches the Pirate improve your "miracle" probability by drawing card you want from 1/30 to 1/29. repacable with Shiv / Novice Engineer / Loot Hoarder ( i suggest Shiv coz it's deal damage to selected characters, and draws)
Edwin VanCleef getting huge minion according to combo or card played that turn and gain 2/2 each. replacable with Questing Adventurer, Biteweed work like that but its very small XD
Bloodmage Thalnos if improves magic damage efficiently for huge or taunted minion due mana efficiency, it also give draw for its death, raplacable with Kobold Geomancer
i think, its Patches the Pirate > Bloodmage Thalnos > Edwin VanCleef
i wish this helpfull
Is this deck worth playing with Violet Teacher instead of Sherazin, Corpse Flower?
You should craft all of them because those cards are essential in the deck with no replacements. Better find the dust or you're better off playing another deck mate.
I'd say Thalnos first because it is a very good card by itself and it is staple in many other decks. Then vilespine, sherazin and arcane giants.
Arcane Giant > Vilespine Slayer > Sherazin, Corpse Flower > Bloodmage Thalnos
At this point, I'm only missing the three legendaries Edwin VanCleef, Patches the Pirate, and Bloodmage Thalnos. What replacements should I make? Also which card should I craft first when I get enough dust? I'm thinking Bloodmage Thalnos > Edwin VanCleef > Patches the Pirate but i'm unsure. As for replacements, i'm thinking a second Mimic Pod a second Sap and a Shadowstep. These sound good, or are there any better options?
Craft Edwin VanCleef first, Bloodmage Thalnos can be replaced easily with Kobold Geomancer, the only loss is that you don't draw a card. As for replacements Questing Adventurer is an alright replacement for Edwin VanCleef. I dont think you should add another Mimic Pod but another Sap and Shadowstep seem pretty good.
you should click gear icon at corner then press concede
I personally would go with vilespine, because questing adventurer is not a terrible card to use instead of edwin, while you are saving more dust.
After we lost Rag and Sylvanas, some people still think that classic cards will never rotate out, it is so funny.
2 Vilespines way better then 1 edwin