Good stuff! I've been playing HS since open beta, so it's nice to take a stroll down memory lane. I'm going to assume one of the upcoming episodes will be on the recently departed Dr. Balanced?
So, I primarily play on my Windows tablet. If I buy this on my iPhone will my tablet automatically download the patch next time I log on? Or would I then not be able to play on my tablet for some time?
That's entirely up to how quickly Blizzard pushes the update to other platforms. I believe they are aware of the problem of iOS jumping the gun before the other updates were pushed, so I assume it should be resolved soon.
So if the latter option is chosen, it's essentially a two mana 3/3 (since Wild Growth costs two mana).
Ideal for ramp in which a realistic scenario would be turn two Wild Growth into Mire Keeper the following turn. So on turn four (w/ six mana) an Emperor Thaurissan can be played. Druid shenanigans ensue.
Thanks mamba, appreciate the info... where's the best place to keep current (seems Amazon does a lot of misleading/deceptive click-baiting) on when and how much promos are?
No problem. As for staying apprised of what deals are going on, the best place to look is on the Amazon Hearthstone page:
They'll usually mention what discount they have on coins and if they are giving coins back on in-game purchases.
But you have to use amazon coins through an android device right? I cant buy them on my PC and then buy hearthstone packs correct?
Yes, but there is a workaround to doing everything on your computer. You'd need an Android emulator like Genymotion or Bluestacks to run the Amazon appstore and the Hearthstone client downloaded from it.
Generally speaking, Coins are on sale at a 10-20% discount depending on how much you buy. The main advantage is when Amazon gives you an extra kickback for spending certain amounts in-game. For example, if you spend at least $20, they give you 10% back in coins (or something to that effect). Those promos come randomly so you just need to keep an eye out for when they're available.
Kazakus paired with Inkmaster Solia. OP OP?
More Evolve Shaman shenanigans incoming. I dig it.
Here's my link if anyone out there starts playing:
If you use it, you are a gentleman (or a lady) and a scholar.
Good stuff! I've been playing HS since open beta, so it's nice to take a stroll down memory lane. I'm going to assume one of the upcoming episodes will be on the recently departed Dr. Balanced?
Opened up 53 packs. Not including C'Thun:
Shifter Zerus - they must have known I've been lurking Reddit
Deathwing, Dragonlord
Had the same number of legend pulls with my initial TGT pack opening, so at least it's consistent.
Faceless Summoner nerf (since Mage has no readily accessible weapons).
So if the latter option is chosen, it's essentially a two mana 3/3 (since Wild Growth costs two mana).
Ideal for ramp in which a realistic scenario would be turn two Wild Growth into Mire Keeper the following turn. So on turn four (w/ six mana) an Emperor Thaurissan can be played. Druid shenanigans ensue.
Forbidden Shaping buff; adds another good 8 mana minion to the pool for Priests to possibly get w/ that card.
Generally speaking, Coins are on sale at a 10-20% discount depending on how much you buy. The main advantage is when Amazon gives you an extra kickback for spending certain amounts in-game. For example, if you spend at least $20, they give you 10% back in coins (or something to that effect). Those promos come randomly so you just need to keep an eye out for when they're available.
Tinkmaster Overspark...after the nerf, lol.
Bestial Wrath, Power of the Wild, Ice Barrier, and 15 dust for me. Rank 3 chest.
Got The Mistcaller followed by Acidmaw and Eadric the Pure in my preorder packs.