• 2

    posted a message on Gul'Dangerous - from 10 to 5 in one day

    All Reno decks tend to be very flexible, and this one is as well. You can use literally any decent card in the game, it doesn't even have to be a 5-drop. And Loatheb is nowhere close to be a key card in the list, I probably just included him at random. I don't even know whether this deck idea (zoo-demon-renolock) is any good anymore, but the point about substitution still stands. 

    Sincerely yours, 

    the fasters replier in Hearthstone community ever. 

    (i kinda just stopped playing the game) 

    Posted in: Gul'Dangerous - from 10 to 5 in one day
  • 0

    posted a message on Day 1 KotFT Crafting Regrets

    No regrets whatsoever, crafted golden Jaina, Gul'Dangerous and Uther. Doesn't really matter when it's all druids and warriors. 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on New expansion my ass
    Quote from Lightspoon >>

    People still don't understand that aggro, in a form or in another, will always be a thing in HS: it's needed both for balancing issue and both to allow new players to build some cheap decks to win with (because midrange and control always requires lots of epics and legendaries in order to work properly).

    Actually the meta is slow because KotFT as just released and is an expansion with no powercreep so everyone is just toying around with control-style decks but in a month or so new netdecks and meta will stabilize. Pirate Warrior may be a thing? Of course it will, same as Evolve Shaman or Token Druid (in a lesser way).

     How many times did I mention that aggressive decks are bad for the game? Let me help you: this is a whole number and it's less than 1.
    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on New expansion my ass
    Quote from Vapiesh_2137 >>

     you are just salty because you lost a game. you have 50+ wr so why you are complaining

     I believe, it was explicitly stated in the post. Can you read? 
    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on New expansion my ass

    ...too bad that cancer stays the same. 

    It was somewhat okay before rank 5, but now it's 80% shamans and warriors using same cancer for flooding the board and going face. 

    The game is cool and all, but the community:

    1. Isn't capable of winning with original decks

    2. Cares about virtual stars more than it does about actually having fun and spending time for reasons 

    For past couple of weeks, I met a guy called DavyJones about 5 times. Every time he was playing generic face warrior getting ship's cannon into several pirates every single game. That's it, that's all he does in this game. Same goes for a lot of other players. Does it feel fun and entertaining? I guess it does. 

    Yes, I definitely can build a deck that counters those, but what's the point, honestly? It's not about the winrate (it is higher than 50%), it's about the gameplay. 

    My only question: what is the key difference between face warrior gameplay and the process of standing and spitting into a brick wall? At least, the second option does not annoy people. 

    GL&HF, I'm deeply sorry for all the money you guys threw onto this game. Keep dying & winning on turn 5, boys. Continue playing if you feel like it's fun for you. Do you? 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • -2

    posted a message on [WILD] Dæmoniac Renolock

     Kazakus is, in a similar way, game-winning versus aggro

    Very rarely.

    Against Jade Druid, for example, the 10-mana polymorph potion is particularly useful. 

    Against Jade Druid you should go for tempo (5/5 demon + smth on 5, for example) and smorc them down with bunch of demons ASAP, since it's almost impossible to win the long game.

    Potions that give you Demons are really strong against control decks, too, because you get some extra value from Krul the Unshackled

    Yeah, blood imps and 0-7 SPD are really good against control decks. Especially when they take the board space once you play Bloodreaver Gul'dan. 0/7 and a 1/1 instead of possible Mal'Ganis or smth is always a great view.

    Despicable Dreadlord is great when facing aggro decks

    It helps, but it's really nothing if you don't have board control.

     Lord Jaraxxus should be played from your hand against certain control decks, such as Control Priest

    Why do you even play the DK then? Those cards take value off from each other. Honestly, control priest is the only matchup where you want Jaraxxus in the deck.

    but is really useful when summoned on the board in other situations, for example in aggro match-ups

    Only if you taunt him up. Otherwise, it's kinda nothing and you would be better off playing Doomguard.

     Krul the Unshackled puts your opponent in a dangerous situation. The optimal play is summoning him with a lot of demons after your opponent has played all (or a lot of) his AoE removals.

    My dear friend, the optimal play is to just play it and, hopefully, follow it up with Gul'Dangerous. The only cards that are capable of clearing Krul board are Lightbomb, Brawl, Twisting Nether and Shadowreaper Anduin. You can - and should - be cocky with it.

    Mistress of Mixtures is <...> good versus control decks because it allows you to tap for free.

    It's not. 2/2 just dies to everything, doesn't provide card advantage, takes the card slot itself and isn't capable of killing some key control minions (cleric etc). I would 100% cut this card if I somehow knew I will play only control decks.

    Posted in: [WILD] Dæmoniac Renolock
  • -5

    posted a message on Shadowreaper's Revenge - Priest Deck Recipe

    Why would ever use this retarded Prince in, attention, PRIEST? Well, I guess, priests don't have any important 3-cost cards. Would be really nice if there was a card that summoned, for example, a 1/1 copy of a minion for 3 mana, so that you didn't have to run this garbage in your deck. Too bad priest doesn't have anything remotely close to that :/

    Posted in: Shadowreaper's Revenge - Priest Deck Recipe
  • -7

    posted a message on Merciless Sacrifice - Warlock Deck Recipe

    It is not. It shouldn't. It is not. 

    Posted in: Merciless Sacrifice - Warlock Deck Recipe
  • 0

    posted a message on Theoryzing the Warlock Dk

    Could you please stop? 

    Posted in: Warlock
  • 0

    posted a message on Druid and Paladin Death Knights Revealed + More!

    I'm gonna call you wrong solely on the fact that you evaluate the card based on the imaginary matchups with other DKs, without even considering a lot of factors. You are wrong. 

    Posted in: News
  • -10

    posted a message on Druid and Paladin Death Knights Revealed + More!

     The source explicitly says that the new hero power WILL NOT work with Fandral, stahp mislidin pls

    Posted in: News
  • 0

    posted a message on So what do you guys think Hearthstone is lacking?
    Quote from formulas666 >>

    Beautiful female streamers

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Warlock Deathknight Possibility

    How much topics like this are you gonna create? 

    No, the DK won't have anything to do with the discards. 

    Just wait one fcking day, please. 


    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on I'm sorry but.... TGT 2.0??



    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Hearthstone is a very skill-based game


    Yes, in most cases, the outcome of the exact match is mostly determined by RNG, if both players have more or less even understanding of the gameplay. Unless it is, of course, good matchup for one of the decks. Because, you see, the degree of your success in Hearthstone is also determined by how well you build your decks and how well you choose the deck for climbing. Thus, you can apply your skill not only in decisions in separate matches, but also in evaluating cards and card synergies and analyzing the metagame. 

    So, you can be sure that a legend player has for sure earned their title, because they:

    1. Used their knowledge of the game to come up with a deck strong enough. 

    2. Used their knowledge of metagame and mechanics between matchups of different deck archetypes to pick a right deck in the current metagame environment. 

    It would be a shame, if someone managed to bypass those restrictions and achieve high results in the game without having knowledge in those fields? Right? 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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