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    posted a message on Amature in need of input on my collection

    How much dust can you use to craft hypothetical missing cards? Do we have to assume that you want to dust all the cards from the cycled sets?

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Advice for an Internship!

    They're all really good cards: nor OP by themselves neither impossibile to run in a high tier deck! Great Job. In my opinion you should submit Dramatic Reveal (Hearthstone and RNG are the two faces of the same coin, so why not?)  and, based on my personal likings, Injured Caster.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Give me interesting uses for Shudderwock
    Quote from AnonSpartan >>

     I saw one crazy combo from Disguised Toast where he played all of the battlecry buffing cards (Bonemare, Keleseth, Funglemancer, Defender of Argus, etc) and Windtalker (which marks the first time that card was ever used in 3 years) along with a Stonetusk Boar on turn 10 for an OTK as long as your board is empty and your opponent has no taunts. It looked pretty fun!

     Toast is a damn genius

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on DisguisedToast's 3x win condition

    "Druid is ok guys, totally balanced, nothing to see here." - Blizzard, Every expansion.

    Posted in: DisguisedToast's 3x win condition
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    posted a message on New Dragon Priest - Whelps, Whelps everywhere!
    Quote from Adam_Kaiser1 >>

    It is a great first draft but as someone who has been coming back to Dragon Priest since Nightmare Whelp Queen came out; I have to say that even though you want to want to stay away from Inner Fire/Divine Spirit Combo, I still think it is one of the best win conditions you could run in Priest. Other than that, Here is what I would recommend for changes:

    Silence ---> Mass Dispel: Silencing single target versus full board plus draw one can be the difference maker. Plus, Shadow Visions could help you attain it when you are playing against aggro or a wall of taunts.

    There are a few other changes that I would recommend, but it would add a total of five other epics (including an extra Primordial Drake) to benefit the dragon package that is in the deck and of course, adding the Inner Fire into the deck. 

    To be quick, here is the rest of the changes, but remember; these are for the non-budget upgrades:

    Both of the Divine Hymn for Inner Fire; for combo reasons

    Sqaushlings for Radiant Elemental; for spell discount reasons

    Scaleworms and Cobolt Scalemanes for Twilight Acolyte and Cabal Shadow Priest; more ways to remove threats and pull off surprise lethal and turn the tempo in your favor.

    And finally, Shadow Word: Death for the second copy of Primordial Drake. This is personal preference as if you are running the Acoltye and Cabel package; Shadow Word Death is the elephant in the room when it comes to removal.

    Hope this helps.

     You're right: Mass Dispel is really better in this deck; I also put the second Shadow Word: Death and it saved me a few times with double mountain giants and such things.

    Also I was sure that Inner Fire was in the list, but it appears I was wrong. For what concerns other changes, I'd really like to keep the healing process as the core of the strategy. There can be different and maybe better ways to make a Priest work (and I really appreciate the time you just spent writing down this comment), but I really want so bad to make Nightscale Matriarch work and I think that cards like Squashling (which are not exactly broken) can see the light in this way

    Posted in: New Dragon Priest - Whelps, Whelps everywhere!
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    posted a message on Open Legendaries in packs
    Quote from LostCaptain >>

    Good to hear. If you need anyone to play with to complete quests and you play in NA you can add me if you'd like!



     EU sorry

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Open Legendaries in packs
    Quote from LostCaptain >>

    tough to track down without third party help like PinkiePieYay stated above. Best of luck figuring this out tho!

     I'm slowly accumulating gold for the new expansion, but I would have invested some of I if I knew that a Legendary was waiting for me in like 4-5 Un'Goro packs or so. Too bad: I won't do the gamble since I already have most of the cards that I need and since I prefer to keep up with the future meta.

    Anyway, thanks to both for your time!

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Dust Golden Harbinger Celeste?

    In my opinion, disenchant it only if you really really really need that dust: right now, this card isn't used at all, but it'll be around for the next year and a half, so maybe it'll find its way through the meta (it will never be your deck's only win condition, but who knows). 

    In the end it's up to you

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Open Legendaries in packs

    Hi everyone,

    I'd to ask some information to old HS players who probably know much more stuff than me.

    I started playing this game around June 2017 for a few days but then I left it for lack of interest. At December 2017 I started again, dusting most of my previous collection to create a good deck and, since then, I only bought bought K&C, WW and Boomsday packs. I almost ignored Un'Goro and KoFT, thus the only packs of these expansions I remember getting where from the end of the Year of the Mammoth and from the Frozen Throne adventure, in which I found no Legendaries.

    Now, I know that Blizzard guarantees you a Legendary card within the first 10 packs of each expansion. My question is if there is any way I can know if I have already opened a Legendary in those two sets. I remember dusting at least one Legendary card back in December, but I can't remember nor the name(s) neither the expansion (maybe it was one from the Classic set... such a waste I'd say now...).

    I don't have high expectations about solving my problem, but maybe there is a way I don't know yet (Blue Tracker?)

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Yes, I truly enjoy the meta right now
    Quote from alert23 >>

    Hello! Personally I don't like to complain about meta either. I mean, the meta is there to be played around, you can always try to figure it out and play to your outs or just switch decks.

    About your point actually I don't see why you say that OTK Druid and Quest Rogue are non-interactive. I mean, sure, their basic goal in a game is not to interact with you for board but let's look at Quest Rogue for a second. There are a tons of plays you can make starting from turn 2 onwards: do you try to keep the board? do you plan to vanish to swing it back and finish the quest? do you just go on and do it as fast as you can? Decisions matter in those decks more than in other "fair" decks. Sometimes knowing the match-up and for example just bounce Giggling back can be a great decision even if it slows your quest completion (general goal of the deck). Playing the match from the side of the opponent of those decks is also challenging. I mean, sometimes you just have to kill their Elven Minstrel or sometimes you can gain an advantage by leaving some of their minions on the board and go face. Also Maly Druid or Togg Druid can win in a lot of different ways. I even won sometimes playing only Azalina and grinding the opponent out with attrition. Anyway I think I get your point since losing to some stupid Sonya + Shadowstep + Boar draws is not really funny and it feels kind of helpless.

    About the meta, I personally think it was pretty fun to play from 4 to legend this season. Now at approximately R500 legend I only face Druids, Control Warlocks and Quest Rogues. That's why I'm playing way less these days. Overall the meta is ok mostly because I think it is by no mean solved yet. Look at 2-3 weeks ago: nobody was playing Evenlock and Zoo was everywhere, now is kind of the opposite. The best fun imo is when the meta is always slowly evolving and leaving space to experiment some new lines of play or new decks

     You also have a point.

    My examples weren't brought by frustration due to certain match-ups: mainly I'm talking about the raw concept of trading, and in particular trading minions. It's true, in OTK Druid you have to trade (maybe some big minion or some Poisonous threat) but what has changed is the goal. People trade not to clear the board and go face, but only to have enough time to draw all their deck. That's a game style, and I have nothing to complain about it (Personally I love Kingsbane Rogue, despite all its downsides and all), but it can become a problem when in the entire meta there aren't 2-3 relevant decks that follow this concept, but a more consistent quantity. We are gradually losing that feeling of satisfaction that comes from dominating your opponent with force and not with strict math, and maybe this is what makes people uncomfortable, even if they aren't able to express it clearly.

    P.S.: My feelings bring my to think (and not to hope) that the next big minion to be taken to HoF will be Malygos

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Thoughts on Sir Annoy-O?

    Maybe a warrior one in the future?

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Yes, I truly enjoy the meta right now

    Maybe I can come in your help, but before that, I want to point out that I'm not one of that average HS players that complain about everything that doesn't flow in their favor.

    The meta right now is indeed balanced: every class has at least one pretty decent deck, there is variety and there isn't an archetype that asphyxiates the game (if we think about just one year ago... "Surrender your will to the cabal"...). But maybe, what people are complaining about is fun: decks are competitive, but most of the matches consists in two players that pretty much play their stuff regardless of what their opponent do. No interaction whatsoever. Decks like OTK Druid and Quest Rogue are perfect example of what I'm saying (I'm NOT saying they need any kind of nerfs, I'm just pointing out the most common examples): players just witness what will happen, having little or zero chances to reverse the situation, which is kinda frustrating (and anti-OTK is even less funnier than OTK in my opinion).

    Personally, and maybe this is an off topic but please put up with it, I'd also really like to have an expansion full of big minions like Old Gods was (the pleasure of playing cards like Yogg was remarkable, even if I didn't always get the results I wanted), but maybe it's just a matter of time since the year of the Raven still misses its third expansion.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Your worst and best choices of crafting

    Lyra the Sunshard: quite a slow card, RNG based, depends too much on cards like Radiant Elemental but when it works she's really enjoyable. It's a shame that Priest doesn't see a lot of play during this months... I'm really waiting for the next expansion to give her another chance before the rotation

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on The 2018 HCT Fall Finalists! See Who is Going to The Fall Championship This October
    Quote from ColinthePyro >>
    Quote from kitoxme >>

    a bunch of no names... ez for saiyan, bring me those paaacks

     Well, these no names beat the streamers ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

     Yeah but it seems people don't realize that even the famous ones were unknown at a time. Feelsbadman

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Even Mage

    Maybe one Arcane Keysmith: what do you think?

    Posted in: Even Mage
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