Welcome to the new Legendary Tier Crafting Guide!
This thread is to be a home for legendary crafting advice. If you are not sure which legendary you should craft next, this is the place to ask! We only recommend disenchanting golden versions of legendary cards until you know you will not buy more packs from the corresponding set. Keeping even the worst legendaries will increase your chance of getting a good one next time due to the no-duplicate rule. We will try our best to stay on top of the meta-game with updates, and hope this thread can be a valuable resource for new and veteran players alike to make better decisions with your dust!
Disclaimer: A tier list like this can never please everyone; the meta game is dynamic. If you think a card is in the wrong tier, please explain and provide links to deck lists or other data to support your claim.
Please note that some of the cards may not be craftable, and are received through adventures or rewards.
* = Recently updated
** = Effected by recent changes= Editor's choice smart crafts.
= Safe to dust
How to read this list:If you spot inconistencies or errors, please post them in the thread and it will be looked into!
Buildaround: Playing an archetype without this card does not make sense. Ex: Baku the Mooneater in Odd paladin
Staple: The archeype can be played without this card, but it will almost certainly hurt your winrate. EX Death Speaker Blackthorn in deathrattle DH.
Good card/near staple: The card performs very well in an archetype, but you can find replacements which are about as good.
Playable: The card is not strictly necessary for the archetype, but can be a nice personal twist or tech option. EX: Al'ar in deathrattle DH.
Niche: Used both for cards rarely used in common archetypes and important cards for rare archetypes.
The focus of this list is competetive ranked play. Fun/interesting cards and cards performing well in duels or other formats are usually not given a bonus.
Flexible cards which see a lot of play in different classes and archeypes and important cards for the strongest decks.
Cards which are typically very important for "tier 2" decks or viable tech options in tier 1 decks. Also contains some flexible cards which do not have the play- and winrates to be put in tier 1.
These cards are typically not strictly necessary for competetive play, but that does not mean that they are never seen in the top end of the ladder! These cards are recommended for fans of particular classes or if you want to try a specific deck and have the dust to spare.
These cards will typically gather dust in your collection and hurt your winrate as tech cards, but they can be used for meme decks, tavern brawls and curveballs to surprise your opponent. Also the "graveyard" of staples of many outdated archetypes, especially in the Wild section.
While the the tier 4 cards might give you some moments of joy, the tier 5 cards should bring mostly disappointment with their low powerlevel and how hard it is to make them work as intended. Many of these cards have common, rare and epic counterparts which are strictly better for almost every situation.
Awaiting placement: - United in Storwind
Sorcerer's Gambit - Expected tier 1-2
Find the Imposter - Expected tier 1-2
The Demon Seed - Playable in standard, broken in Wild? Exp. tier 1-2
Anetheron - Good card in Quest warlock. Expected tier 1-2
Highlord Fordragon - Staple in Handbuff paladin. Expected tier 1-2
Command the Elements - Viable in both formats. Expected tier 1-3
Cornelius Roame - Sees play in many classes. Expected tier 1-3
Defend the Dwarven District - Good in standard, broken in Wild? Expected tier 1-3
Flightmaster Dungar - Playable in various decks, low overall winrate. Expected tier 2-4
Raid the Docks - More support in Wild. Expected tier 2-4.
Lothar - Playable in Big and Rush warrior. Expected tier 2-4.
Lady Prestor - Inconsistent card, expected tier 3-5
Maestra of the Masquerade - Gimmick card. Expected tier 4-5.
The Rat King - Low winrate, the deathrattle is too slow. Expected tier 4-5.
Seek Guidance - Slow card, very low winrate despite several attempt. Expected tier 4-5.
Grand Magus Antonidas
Lost in the Park
Final Showdown
Rise to the Occasion
Jace Darkweaver
Bolner Hammerbeak
Sheldras Moontree
Varian, King of Stormwind
Darkbishop Benedictus
Only sure things, we can certainly say; these are the kings of the meta today
- Forged in the Barrens
Archdruid Naralex (WC) - Versatile filler in a large variety of decks.
Barak Kodobane - Staple in face hunter, very good winrate.
Blademaster Samuro - Sees a lot of play in several decks, notably rush warrior.
Death Speaker Blackthorn* - Buildaround in Deathrattle DH, playable in slower DH decks.
Kazakus, Golem Shaper - Very strong card in several classes.
Mankrik - Strong card in many decks for many different classes.
Rokara - Staple in Rush warrior, very good winrate. Also viable in Wild.
Xyrella* - Staple in Control priest, recommended for all Priest fans. - Darkmoon Faire
N'Zoth, God of the Deep* - Has strong synergies in DH, Warrior, Druid, Priest and Paladin decks.
Rinling's Rifle - Very strong and flexible card, staple in most hunter decks.
Ringmaster Whatley - Staple in Rush warrior. - Scholomance Academy
Jandice Barov* - Great standalone tempo card, staple in most rogue and boarde based mage decks. - Ashes of Outland
Alexstrasza the Life-Binder* - Offers flexibility as healer, finisher or removal in many different decks.
Overlord Runthak - Strong card in Rush warrior, playalbe in ping mage.
Taelan Fordring - Strong, flexible card in decks from many classes.
One of two boxes, these ones will check: tech card in top deck or top card in tech deck
- Forged in the Barrens
Bru'kan* - Staple in Elemental Shaman.
Kresh, Lord of Turtling (WC)* - Good card in Rush warrior.
Mutanus the Devourer (WC)* - Tech card for a variety of decks. - Darkmoon Faire
E.T.C., God of Metal - Good card in Rush warrior.
Moonfang - Playable in several decks, notably heavy druids and aggro paladin.
Il'gynoth - Near staple in soul and buildaround in combo DH.
Inara Stormcrash* - Playable in elemental shaman.
Tenwu of the Red Smoke - Strong card in secret and miracle rogue.
Y'Shaarj, the Defiler - Strong card in Clown druid and Control warlock. - Scholomance Academy
Ace Hunter Kreen - Playable in face hunter, OTK hunter and deathrattle DH.
Instructor Fireheart* - Playable in aggro and elemental shaman.
Lorekeeper Polkelt - Strong effect with many uses even after the nerf.
Ras Frostwhisper - Staple in spell damage decks for mage and shaman.
Speaker Gidra* - Good card in aggro shaman and primordial druid.
Soulciologist Malicia Staple in Soul fragment centered decks for Demon hunter and Warlock. - Ashes of Outland
Al'ar* - Playable in deathrattle Demonhunter.
Kargath Bladefist - Playabe in Rush and Control warrior.
Lady Liadrin* - Playable in in Secret paladin.
Shadowjeweler Hanar - Staple in secret based rogue decks.
Zixor, Apex Predator - Playable in most hunter decks. - CORE
Bloodmage Thalnos - Playable in all decks with damage spells, notably aggro shaman.
Lord Jaraxxus - Near staple in Control warlock.
Vanessa VanCleef* - Strong synergy with Foxy Fraud in miracle rogue.
Ysera the Dreamer - Slow, high value lategame option for several decks.
Craft for something specific, or time to relax; but these are terrific, if you find them in packs!
- Forged in the Barrens
Cannonmaster Smythe - Playable in Secret paladin, but hurt by the nerf to Sword of the Fallen.
Cariel Roame* - Playable in most paladin decks, but competes with Kazakus, Golem Shaper.
Firemancer Flurgl - Staple in Murloc Shaman, much stronger in Wild.
Kurtrus Ashfallen - Playable in tech card in most DH decks, but low overall winrate.
Overlord Saurfang - Sees some play in both Rush and Control warrior decks.
Shadow Hunter Vol'jin - Sees play in several decks as surprise tech, but low overall winrate.
Tamsin Roame* - Staple in Control warlock. - Darkmoon Faire
C'Thun, the Shattered - Win condition used in many classes.
Deck of Lunacy* - Playable in no minion mage.
Envoy Rustwix - Good value card playable in control warlock.
High Exarch Yrel* - Sees niche play in secret libram and aggro paladin, good winrate.
Keywarden Ivory - Playable in spell damage mage, much weaker after the card rotation.
Silas Darkmoon - Surprise tech card for several decks, notably paladin.
Yogg-Saron, Master of Fate - Playable in every spell-heavy deck, mediocre over-all winrate.
The Nameless One* -Playable in Heal and Control priest.
Tickatus* - Staple in slower warlock decks which struggle in the current meta.
Zai, the Incredible - Playable, but Is not an ideal fit for current DH decks, low playrate. - Scholomance Academy
Doctor Krastinov - Playable in rush warrior, poison and stealth rogue.
Evocation - Staple in spell-heavy mage decks, medicore overall winrate.
Lord Barov* - Flexible card, playable in most paladin and warrior decks.
Headmaster Kel'Thuzad - Playable in decks with strong, cheap removal.
Mindrender Illucia - Situational card playable in most priest decks, see Wild section.
Rattlegore - Staple in control, broom and big warrior.
Shan'do Wildclaw - Playable in various Druid and Hunter decks.
Star Student Stelina - Niche tech for various demon hunter decks.
Turalyon, the Tenured - Tech card in several paladin decks.
Vectus* - Playable in deathrattle decks for several classes
- Ashes of Outland
Astromancer Solarian - Staple in spell damage mage.
Beastmaster Leoroxx - Sees play in several archetypes, usually with King Krush
Bulwark of Azzinoth - Playalbe in defensive warrior decks.
Kayn Sunfury - Playable in most DH decks.
Metamorphosis - Playable in faster Demon Hunter decks, sees little play.
Murgur Murgurgle* - Playable in most paladin decks, notably menagerie builds.
Soul Mirror - Playable in most priest decks.
The Lurker Below - Playable in most shaman decks.
Teron Gorefiend - Sees experimental play in decks with deathrattle synergies. - CORE
Aegwynn, the Guardian* - Buildaround in spell damage mage.
Al'Akir the Windlord - Staple in Elemental Shaman, mediocre winrate.
Cairne Bloodhoof* - Playable in most tempo and midrange decks.
Grommash Hellscream - Playable in rush and control warrior.
King Krush - Staple in Beastmaster Leoroxx OTK hunter.
Malygos the Spellweaver - Playable in many spell-heavy decks, but low overall winrate.
Tirion Fordring* - Playable in most paladin decks, low playrate currently.
They're not influential, and their niches are small, but they might have potential, or break a tavern brawl!
- Forged in the Barrens
Apothecary Helbrim* - Playable in Poison rogue, but weakens the deck.
Guff Runetotem - Playable in token druid, low play and winrates.
Kargal Battlescar - Hit hard by Watch Post nerfs.
Lady Anacondra* - Currently lacks support, very low winrate.
Mordresh Fire Eye - Staple in ping mage, low winrate. Staple in Even mage in Wild.
Neeru Fireblade - Buildaroud in Delete warlock, low winrate.
Plaguemaw the Rotting - Sees niche play in taunt druid.
Scabbs Cutterbutter* - Slightly slow combo card, low overall winrate.
Serena Bloodfeather - Sees niche play in Control priest.
Varden Dawngrasp - Struggles to find a home in the format, see Wild section.
Tavish Stormpike - Sees niche play in Face hunter. - Darkmoon Faire
Dark Inquisitor Xanesh* - Sees niche play in corrupt priest.
G'huun the Blood God - Playable in slower priest decks, low winrate.
Grand Empress Shek'zara* - Sees play in miracle rogue, synergy with Ticket Master.
Grand Totem Eys'or* - Staple in totem shaman, low win and playrates.
Greybough - Effect difficult to make use of, very low winrate.
Lothraxion the Redeemed* - Staple in silver hand paladin, low win and playrates. Stronger in Wild.
Maxima Blastenheimer - Sees experimental play in deathrattle and secret hunter.
Sayge, Seer of Darkmoon - Struggles to find synergies in Standard, tier 1 in Wild. - Scholomance Academy
Archwitch Willow* - Niche card for slower warlock decks, low winrate.
Forest Warden Omu* - Sees play in primordial, miracle and celestial decks, low winrate.
High Abbess Alura* - Currently lacks support in standard, very low playrate.
Infiltrator Lilian* - Playable in Stealth rogue, sees very little play currently.
Keymaster Alabaster* - Sees niche play in Rush warrior, control priest and Paladin decks.
Mozaki, Master Duelist* - Playable in aggro spell mage, see Wild section.
Professor Slate* - Sees niche play in most hunter decks, notably OTK and Face builds.
Sphere of Sapience - Sees little play currently, but could come back, see Wild section. - Ashes of Outland
Akama - Sees very little play currently.
Archspore Msshi'fn - Sees some play in token and taunt druid.
Lady Vashj* - Playable in spell damage shaman.
Kael'thas Sunstrider - Struggles to find a home in the current meta.
Kanrethad Ebonlocke* - Sees play in delete, zoo and control warlock, but very low winrates.
Keli'dan the Breaker* - Playable in slower Warlock decks, low win and playrates.
Maiev Shadowsong* - Meta dependant tech cards, sees little play.
Magtheridon* - Playable in control Warrior, sees experimental play in other decks.
Reliquary of Souls* - Sees some play in Rally priest. - CORE
Baron Geddon* - Sees niche play in elemantal shaman.
Deathwing the Destroyer* - Sees niche play in Menagerie Warrior.
High Inquisitor Whitemane* - Win more card, sees some play in Paladin.
Kor'vas Bloodthorn* - Sees niche play in aggro DH.
Nozdormu the Eternal* - Nozdormu day, anyone?
Onyxia the Broodmother* - Sees niche play in big warrior.
You might keep'em just - as a trophy as some kind, but a golden one is dust, please don't look behind
- Scholomance Academy
Disciplinarian Gandling* - The effect is too slow for decks it would benefit. - Darkmoon Faire
Deck of Chaos* - Overcosted and slow for the effect, very low winrate.
Kiri, Chosen of Elune* - The effect is too weak for any current and previous decks. - Ashes of Outland
Ysiel Windsinger* - Druid has acces to better combo enablers, very low play and winrates. - CORE
Baron Rivendare - Struggles to find a home in a strong deck.
Brightwing - Lacks synergies in the format, low play and winrates.
Cenarius - Sees some play in Token druid, very low play an winrates.
King Mukla - A liability.
Natalie Seline - Struggles to find a home in a successful deck.
Bloodmage Thalnos - Very versatile card, playable in many classes.
Cairne Bloodhoof - Sticky threat, playable in many classes.
Edwin VanCleef - Staple in all rogue decks.
Leeroy Jenkins - Extremely strong finisher for Rogue and any aggressive deck.
Ragnaros the Firelord - Versatile threat and finisher, playable in many decks.
Sylvanas Windrunner - Very versatile card.TIER 2:
Al'Akir the Windlord - Playable in most Shaman decks.
Alexstrasza - Staple in Freeze mage, playable in control warrior and handlock.
Cenarius* - Staple in slower druid decks, playable in combo druid.
Grommash Hellscream - Strong finisher in most warrior decks.
Harrison Jones - Strong tech cards vs. weapon classes.
King Mukla* - Playable in aggro paladin, "backspace" aggro rogue and mill rogue.
Lord Jaraxxus* - Strong anti-control tech card for handlock.
The Black Knight - Playable in many decks, notably druids.
Ysera - Strong value card for heavy control decks.TIER 3:
Archmage Antonidas - Playable as extra win condition in Freeze mage.
Baron Geddon - Playable in control warrior.
Old Murk-Eye - Good finisher in murloc decks.
Prophet Velen - Playable in most priest decks, but is only recommended for fans of the class.
Tirion Fordring - Staple in most paladin decks.TIER 4:
Captain Greenskin - Sees some play in Warrior and Rogue decks.
Deathwing - Playable in Control warrior, surprise tech card.
Hogger - Sees experimental play in control warrior and token decks.
Illidan Stormrage - Sees experimental play in token decks.
King Krush - Too slow for the strongest hunter decks, surprise tech card.
Malygos - Buildaround in combo rogue decks, but there are stronger combos for the class.
Onyxia - Playable in token decks, but is slow.
Tinkmaster Overspark - Very inconsistant card.TIER 5:
Gelbin Mekkatorque - Meme card.
Gruul - Outclassed slow card.
Elite Tauren Chieftain - Meme card.
Lorewalker Cho - Meme card.
Millhouse Manastorm - Meme card with a strong tendency of backfiring.
Nozdormu - Meme card.
The Beast - A liability, hardcountered by Big Game Hunter.
Ranking changelog The Year of the Phoenix/Dragon:
Kresh, Lord of Turtling To tier 2
Mutanus the Devourer To tier 2
Inara Stormcrash Tier 1 to 2
Cariel Roame Tier 2 to 3
Apothecary Helbrim Tier 3 to 4
Dark Inquisitor Xanesh Tier 5 to 4
Archdruid Naralex To tier 1
Death Speaker Blackthorn Tier 2 to 1
Inara Stormcrash Tier 3 to 1
Murgur Murgurgle Tier 1 to 3
Al'ar Tier 3 to 2
Tickatus Tier 2 to 3
Keli'dan the Breaker Tier 3 to 4
Bru'kan Tier 4 to 2
Maiev Shadowsong Tier 3 to 4
Magtheridon Tier 3 to 4
N'Zoth, God of the Deep

Lady Liadrin Tier 1 to 2
Speaker Gidra Tier 4 to 2
Tamsin Roame Tier 2 to 3
Lady Anacondra To tier 4
Murgur Murgurgle Tier 2 to 1
Alexstrasza the Life-Binder Tier 2 to 1
Lord Barov Tier 1 to 3
Deck of Lunacy Tier 1 to 3
Cairne Bloodhoof Tier 1 to 3
Aegwynn, the Guardian Tier 2 to 3
Vanessa VanCleef Tier 3 to 2
Kayn Sunfury Tier 2 to 3
Xyrella Tier 2 to 1
Mozaki, Master Duelist Tier 3 to 4
Tirion Fordring Tier 1 to 3
Inara Stormcrash Tier 2 to 3
Murgur Murgurgle Tier 1 to 2
High Exarch Yrel Tier 1 to 3
High Abbess Alura Tier 1 to 4
The Nameless One Tier 4 to 3
Kiri, Chosen of Elune Tier 4 to 5
Disciplinarian Gandling Tier 4 to 5
Ysiel Windsinger Tier 4 to 5
Al'ar Tier 4 to 3
King Mukla (classic) tier 3 to 2
Speaker Gidra Tier 2 to 3
Lothraxion the Redeemed Tier 2 to 4
Grand Totem Eys'or Tier 2 to 4
King Mukla (classic) Tier 4 to 3
Aegwynn, the Guardian To tier 2
Apothecary Helbrim To tier 3
Malygos the Spellweaver
Grommash Hellscream To tier 3
Firemancer Flurgl To tier 3
Scabbs Cutterbutter To tier 4
Bru'kan To tier 4
Kargal Battlescar To tier 4
Onyxia the Broodmother To tier 4
Al'Akir the Windlord To tier 3
Vanessa VanCleef To tier 3
Kor'vas Bloodthorn To tier 4
Baron Geddon To tier 4
Tenwu of the Red Smoke Tier 3 to 2
Teron Gorefiend Tier 2 to 3
Silas Darkmoon Tier 2 to 3
Envoy Rustwix Tier 2 to 3
Astromancer Solarian Tier 2 to 3
Soul Mirror Tier 2 to 3
Infiltrator Lilian Tier 2 to 4
Reliquary of Souls Tier 2 to 4
Grand Empress Shek'zara Tier 3 to 4
Cenarius (classic) tier 1 to 2
High Inquisitor Whitemane To tier 4
Cenarius To tier 5
Ysera the Dreamer Tier 3 to 2
Disciplinarian Gandling Tier 3 to 4
Forest Warden Omu Tier 2 to 4
Ringmaster Whatley Tier 3 to 1
Xyrella Tier 3 to 2
Sayge, Seer of Darkmoon Tier 1 to 4
Doctor Krastinov Tier 1 to 3
Kanrethad Ebonlocke Tier 1 to 4
Sphere of Sapience Tier 1 to 4
Bloodmage Thalnos To tier 2
Death Speaker Blackthorn To tier 2
Overlord Saurfang To tier 3
Ysera the Dreamer To tier 3
Kurtrus Ashfallen To tier 3
King Krush To tier 3
Xyrella To tier 3
Guff Runetotem To tier 4
Mordresh Fire Eye To tier 4
King Mukla To tier 5
Cannonmaster Smythe Tier 2 to 3
Blademaster Samuro To tier 1
Barak Kodobane To tier 1
Rokara To tier 1
Cairne Bloodhoof To tier 1
Overlord Runthak To tier 1
Lord Jaraxxus To tier 1
Tamsin Roame To tier 2
Cannonmaster Smythe To tier 2
Cariel Roame To tier 2
Shadow Hunter Vol'jin To tier 3
Varden Dawngrasp To tier 4
Brightwing To tier 5
Il'gynoth Tier 1 to 2
Tirion Fordring To tier 1
Keywarden Ivory Tier 2 to 3
Envoy Rustwix Tier 3 to 2
Akama Tier 3 to 4
Archspore Msshi'fn Tier 3 to 4
Kael'thas Sunstrider Tier 2 to 4
Nozdormu the Eternal To tier 5
Serena Bloodfeather To tier 4
Tavish Stormpike To tier 4
Bulwark of Azzinoth Tier 2 to 3
Mankrik To tier 1
Alexstrasza the Life-Binder To tier 2
Deathwing the Destroyer To tier 4
Plaguemaw the Rotting To tier 4
Neeru Fireblade To tier 4
Baron Rivendare To tier 5
Natalie Seline To tier 5
Taelan Fordring To tier 1
Rattlegore Tier 1 to 3
Deck of Lunacy Tier 3 to 1
Tirion Fordring Tier 2 to 3 (classic)
Malygos Tier 3 to 4 (classic)
Archmage Antonidas Tier 4 to 3 (classic)
Kazakus, Golem Shaper To tier 1
Alexstrasza (classic) Tier 3 to 2
26.03, Added a guide for the "Classic" format:
TIER 1, Staples
Bloodmage Thalnos
Cairne Bloodhoof
Edwin VanCleef
Leeroy Jenkins
Ragnaros the Firelord
Sylvanas Windrunner
TIER 2, Tech
Al'Akir the Windlord
Grommash Hellscream
Harrison Jones
Lord Jaraxxus
The Black Knight
Tirion Fordring
TIER 3, Playable
Baron Geddon
Old Murk-Eye
Prophet Velen
TIER 4, Niche
Archmage Antonidas
Captain Greenskin
Illidan Stormrage
King Krush
King Mukla
Tinkmaster Overspark
TIER 5, Trash
Gelbin Mekkatorque
Elite Tauren Chieftain
Lorewalker Cho
Millhouse Manastorm
The Beast
Tenwu of the Red Smoke Tier 2 to 3
Keli'dan the Breaker Tier 2 to 3
G'huun the Blood God Tier 3 to 4
Keywarden Ivory To tier 2
Moonfang To tier 2
Dark Inquisitor Xanesh To tier 4
Envoy Rustwix To tier 3
Nozdormu the Timeless Tier 2 to 1
Sphere of Sapience Tier 4 to 1
Kayn Sunfury Tier 1 to 2
Inara Stormcrash 1 to 2
Natalie Seline Tier 2 to 4
Altruis the Outcast Tier 1 to 2
Goru the Mightree Tier 4 to 2
Colossus of the Moon Tier 3 to 2
Yogg-Saron, Master of Fate Tier 2 to 3
Doctor Krastinov Tier 2 to 1
Rattlegore 2 to 1
Instructor Fireheart Tier 1 to 2
Bulwark of Azzinoth Tier 3 to 2
Evocation Tier 2 to 3
Nozdormu the Timeless Tier 4 to 3
Flik Skyshiv Tier 1 to 2
Jandice Barov Added

Lorekeeper Polkelt Tier 1 to 2, removed

Instructor Fireheart Tier 2 to 1
Dinotamer Brann Tier 1 to 2
Soulciologist Malicia Tier 1 to 2
Added info about upcoming nerfs
Lorekeeper Polkelt Added

Silas Darkmoon To tier 2
N'Zoth, God of the Deep To tier 2
N'Zoth, God of the Deep To tier 3
Oblivitron Tier 5 to 3
Inara Stormcrash To tier 1
Sky Gen'ral Kragg Tier 1 to 3
The Amazing Reno Tier 1 to 3
Keeper Stalladris Tier 3 to 4
Bandersmosh Text update
Lord Jaraxxus Text update
Sathrovarr Text update
G'huun the Blood God To tier 3
Ringmaster Whatley To tier 3
Zai, the Incredible To tier 3
Swampqueen Hagatha Tier 3 to 4
C'Thun, the Shattered text update
Magtheridon text update
Tenwu of the Red Smoke To tier 2
Tickatus To tier 2
E.T.C., God of Metal To tier 2
Grand Empress Shek'zara To tier 3
Infiltrator Lilian Tier 1 to 2
Mindrender Illucia Tier 1 to 3
Headmaster Kel'Thuzad Tier 2 to 3
Frizz Kindleroost Tier 2 to 3
Bulwark of Azzinoth Tier 4 to 3
Soul Mirror Tier 2 to 1
Dragonqueen Alexstrasza Tier 2 to 1
Siamat Tier 2 to 1
Murgur Murgurgle Tier 2 to 1
Veranus Tier 1 to 3
Murozond the Infinite Tier 1 to 3
Rinling's Rifle To tier 1
High Exarch Yrel To tier 1
Lothraxion the Redeemed To tier 2
Deck of Lunacy To tier 3
Maxima Blastenheimer To tier 4
Doctor Krastinov Tier 1 to 2
Colossus of the Moon Tier 2 to 3
Grand Totem Eys'or To tier 2
C'Thun, the Shattered To tier 3
The Nameless One To tier 4
Greybough To tier 4
Kiri, Chosen of Elune To tier 4
Il'gynoth To tier 1
Yogg-Saron, Master of Fate To tier 2
Sayge, Seer of Darkmoon To tier 2
Deck of Chaos To tier 5
Chenvaala Tier 2 to 3
Harrison Jones Tier 2 to 3
Maiev Shadowsong Tier 2 to 3
Magtheridon Tier 2 to 3
Nethrandamus Tier 2 to 3
Sphere of Sapience Tier 3 to 4
Octosari Tier 3 to 4
Akama Tier 2 to 3
Captain Greenskin Tier 1 to 2
Alexstrasza Tier 1 to 2
New tier 2 rhyme, the old one:
A twist or an answer to take for a spin. An off-metamancer will need one to win.
Speaker Gidra Tier 1 to 2
Kael'thas Sunstrider Tier 1 to 2
Zixor, Apex Predator Tier 1 to 2
Galakrond, the Nightmare Tier 1 to 2
Heistbaron Togwaggle Tier 1 to 2
Ace Hunter Kreen Tier 1 to 2
Metamorphosis Tier 1 to 3
Mindrender Illucia To tier 1
Ace Hunter Kreen To tier 1
Vectus To tier 3
Shan'do Wildclaw To tier 3
Star Student Stelina To tier 3
Mozaki, Master Duelist To tier 3
Turalyon, the Tenured To tier 3
Lord Barov To tier 1
Lorekeeper Polkelt To tier 1
Rattlegore To tier 2
Headmaster Kel'Thuzad To tier 2
Forest Warden Omu To tier 2
Sphere of Sapience To tier 3
Archwitch Willow To tier 4
Keymaster Alabaster To tier 4
Professor Slate To tier 4
Instructor Fireheart To tier 2
Ras Frostwhisper To tier 2
Magtheridon Tier 4 to 2
Doctor Krastinov To tier 1
High Abbess Alura To tier 1
Infiltrator Lilian To tier 1
Jandice Barov To tier 1
Speaker Gidra To tier 1
Chenvaala Tier 4 to 2
Untapped Potential Tier 3 to 4
Barista Lynchen Tier 3 to 4
Colossus of the Moon Tier 4 to 2
Oblivitron Tier 4 to 5
Cenarius Tier 3 to 4
Ysera Tier 2 to 3
Onyxia Tier 3 to 4
Grommash Hellscream Tier 1 to 2
Xavius Tier 4 to 5
Supreme Archaeology Tier 2 to 3
Malygos Tier 1 to 2
Kael'thas Sunstrider Tier 2 to 1
Lady Liadrin Tier 2 to 1
Magtheridon Tier 3 to 4
Shadowjeweler Hanar Tier 1 to 2
Captain Greenskin Tier 3 to 1
Ysera, Unleashed Tier 2 to 1
Unseal the Vault Tier 2 to 4
Bazaar Burglary Tier 3 to 4
Malygos Tier 2 to 1
Chef Nomi Tier 2 to 4
Activate the Obelisk Tier 2 to 3
Corrupt the Waters Tier 2 to 3
Valdris Felgorge Tier 2 to 3
Zzeraku the Warped Tier 2 to 4
Grommash Hellscream Tier 2 to 1
Teron Gorefiend Tier 1 to 2
Maiev Shadowsong Tier 1 to 2
Galakrond, the Unspeakable Tier 4 to 2
Kargath Bladefist Tier 3 to 2
Mindflayer Kaahrj Tier 4 to 2
Shu'ma Tier 2 to 4
Goru the Mightree Tier 3 to 4
Armagedillo Tier 3 to 4
Anka, the Buried Tier 3 to 4
Cairne Bloodhoof Tier 3 to 4
The Black Knight Tier 2 to 3
Reliquary of Souls Tier 1 to 2
Galakrond, the Unbreakable Tier 1 to 3 (almost 4)
Galakrond, the Wretched Tier 1 to 2
Goru the Mightree Tier 1 to 3
Untapped Potential Tier 1 to 3
King Phaoris Tier 2 to 3
Ancharrr Tier 2 to 1
Anka, the Buried Tier 2 to 3
Dragonbane Tier 2 to 1
Kael'thas Sunstrider Tier 1 to 2
Kael'thas Sunstrider To tier 1
Kanrethad Ebonlocke To tier 2
Lady Liadrin To tier 2
Keli'dan the Breaker To tier 2
Archspore Msshi'fn To tier 3
The Lurker Below To tier 3
Kargath Bladefist To tier 3
Nethrandamus To tier 2
Baron Geddon Tier 3 to 4
Cenarius Tier 2 to 3
Nozdormu the Timeless Tier 3 to 4
Archmage Antonidas Tier 2 to 4
Lady Vashj To tier 4
Beastmaster Leoroxx To tier 3
Astromancer Solarian To tier 2
Murgur Murgurgle To tier 2
Evocation To tier 2
Akama To tier 2
Zixor, Apex Predator To tier 1
Astromancer Solarian To tier 1
Shadowjeweler Hanar To tier 1
Teron Gorefiend To tier 1
Magtheridon To tier 3
Al'ar To tier 4
Bulwark of Azzinoth To tier 4
Ysiel Windsinger To tier 4
Soul Mirror To tier 1
Sathrovarr Tier 2 to 4
Madame Lazul Tier 5 to 2
Oblivitron Tier 3 to 4
Al'Akir the Windlord Tier 2 to 4
Murozond the Infinite Tier 3 to 1
Metamorphosis To tier 1
Altruis the Outcast To tier 1
Kayn Sunfury To tier 1
Reliquary of Souls To tier 1
Maiev Shadowsong To tier 1
The Fist of Ra-den* - Weak and unreliable card.
Sir Finley of the Sands Tier 2 to 3
Armagedillo Tier 2 to 3
Captain Greenskin Tier 2 to 3
Heistbaron Togwaggle Tier 2 to 1
The Amazing Reno To tier 1
Barista Lynchen Tier 1 to 3
Zul'jin Tier 1 to 2
Zentimo Tier 2 to 4
Bandersmosh Tier 3 to 4
Sky Gen'ral Kragg To tier 1
Galakrond, the Tempest Tier 2 to 3
Ancharrr Tier 1 to 2
The Black Knight Tier 4 to 2
Ysera, Unleashed Tier 3 to 2
Goru the Mightree Tier 2 to 1
Zul'jin Tier 2 to 1, text update
Shudderwock Tier 2 to 3, text update
The Black Knight Tier 2 to 4
Malygos Text updated.
Supreme Archaeology TIer 4 to 3, text updated.
Zentimo Tier 4 to 2
Galakrond, the Unbreakable To tier 1
Galakrond, the Nightmare To tier 1
Deathwing, Mad Aspect To tier 2
Malygos, Aspect of Magic To tier 2
Dragonbane To tier 2
Sathrovarr To tier 2
Shu'ma To tier 2
Bandersmosh To tier 3
Murozond the Infinite To tier 3
Dragonrider Talritha To tier 3
Nozdormu the Timeless To tier 3
Making Mummies Tier 2 to 4
Ysera, Unleashed To tier 3
Edwin VanCleef Tier 3 to 1
Corrupt the Waters Tier 1 to 3
Ancharrr To tier 1
Flik Skyshiv To tier 1
Dragonqueen Alexstrasza To tier 1
Galakrond, the Wretched To tier 1
Veranus To tier 1
Goru the Mightree To tier 2
Frizz Kindleroost To tier 2
Valdris Felgorge To tier 2
Chenvaala To tier 4
Galakrond, the Unspeakable To tier 4
Mindflayer Kaahrj To tier 4
Nithogg To tier 4
Waxadred To tier 4
Anka, the Buried Tier 5 to 2
Reno the Relicologist Tier 1 to 2
Keeper Stalladris Tier 2 to 3
Azalina Soulthief Tier 2 to 3
Bwonsamdi, the Dead Tier 1 to 2
Catrina Muerte Tier 3 to 2
Activate the Obelisk Tier 4 to 2
Kronx Dragonhoof To tier 1
Zul'jin Tier 1 to 2
Da Undatakah Tier 2 to 4
Zerek's Cloning Gallery Tier 4 to 2
King Phaoris Tier 1 to 2
Shirvallah, the Tiger Tier 3 to 2
Shudderwock Tier 1 to 2
Barista Lynchen Tier 2 to 1
Corrupt the Waters Tier 2 to 1
Shudderwock Tier 2 to 1
Scargil Tier 1 to 3
Dr. Boom, Mad Genius Tier 1 to 3
Armagedillo Tier 1 to 2
Archmage Vargoth Tier 1 to 2
Bwonsamdi, the Dead Tier 3 to 1
Hex Lord Malacrass Tier 2 to 3
Prince Liam Tier 4 to 3
Boommaster Flark Tier 1 to 2
Scargil Tier 2 to 1
Unseal the Vault Tier 3 to 2
Flobbidinous Floop Tier 3 to 2
Archmage Arugal Tier 3 to 4
Archivist Elysiana Tier 1 to 2
Halazzi, the Lynx Tier 3 to 2
Bwonsamdi, the Dead Tier 5 to 3
Luna's Pocket Galaxy Tier 2 to 3
Khadgar Tier 2 to 3
Unseal the Vault To tier 3
Activate the Obelisk To tier 4
Octosari To tier 3
Colossus of the Moon To tier 4
Bazaar Burglary To tier 3
Untapped Potential To tier 2
Da Undatakah Tier 3 to 2
King Krush Tier 4 to 3
Tess Greymane Tier 4 to 3
Hex Lord Malacrass Tier 4 to 2
Halazzi, the Lynx Tier 4 to 3
Princess Talanji Tier 4 to 5
Dark Pharaoh Tekahn To tier 3
High Priest Amet To tier 2
Making Mummies To tier 2
King Phaoris To tier 1
Vessina To tier 2
Dinotamer Brann To tier 1
Sir Finley of the Sands To tier 2
Arch-Villain Rafaam Tier 2 to 4
Chef Nomi Tier 3 to 2
Harrison Jones Tier 1 to 2
Swampqueen Hagatha Tier 2 to 3
Vereesa Windrunner Tier 3 to 4
High Priest Thekal Tier 2 to 3
The Boomship Tier 3 to 4
Darius Crowley Tier 1 to 2
Floop's Glorious Gloop Tier 3 to 4
Grommash Hellscream Tier 3 to 2
Flobbidinous Floop Tier 4 to 3
Captain Hooktusk Tier 2 to 4
Zentimo Tier 2 to 4
Reno the Relicologist To tier 1
Raid the Sky Temple To tier 4
Supreme Archaeology To tier 4
Anka, the Buried To tier 5
Bloodmage Thalnos Tier 1 to 2
Alexstrasza Tier 2 to 1
Armagedillo To tier 1
Siamat To tier 1
Corrupt the Waters To tier 2
Wardruid Loti Tier 3 to 2
Barista Lynchen
Zephrys the Great To tier 1
Cenarius Tier 3 to 2
Zerek's Cloning Gallery Tier 3 to 4
The Boom Reaver Tier 3 to 4
Jan'alai, the Dragonhawk Tier 3 to 4
War Master Voone Tier 3 to 4
Akali, the Rhino Tier 3 to 4
Commander Rhyssa Tier 2 to 4
Oblivitron Tier 2 to 3
Gral, the Shark Tier 3 to 4
Wardruid Loti Tier 2 to 3
Stargazer Luna Tier 3 to 2
Brightwing To tier 3
High Inquisitor Whitemane To tier 4
Azalina Soulthief Tier 3 to 2
Archivist Elysiana Tier 2 to 1
Keeper Stalladris Tier 1 to 2
Tirion Fordring Tier 1 to 2
Zentimo Tier 4 to 2
Shudderwock Tier 3 to 2
Luna's Pocket Galaxy Tier 4 to 2
The Storm Bringer Tier 3 to 2
SN1P-Sn4ap To tier 1
Chef Nomi Tier 2 to 3
Swampqueen Hagatha Tier 3 to 2
Archmage Antonidas Tier 3 to 2
Captain Greenskin Tier 1 to 2
Captain Hooktusk Tier 3 to 2
Myra's Unstable Element Tier 1 to 3
Edwin VanCleef Tier 1 to 3
Lord Godfrey Tier 3 to 4
Zayle, Shadow Cloak To tier 3
The Soularium Tier 1 to 2
Zul'jin Tier 2 to 1
Subject 9 Tier 2 to 1
Arch-Villain Rafaam Tier 1 to 2
Lord Jaraxxus Tier 3 to 4
Archmage Antonidas Tier 4 to 3
Halazzi, the Lynx Tier 3 to 4
Archmage Arugal Tier 4 to 3
Blastmaster Boom Tier 1 to 2
Boommaster Flark Tier 2 to 1
Houndmaster Shaw Tier 1 to 2
Prophet Velen Tier 3 to 4
Electra Stormsurge Tier 2 to 3
King Krush Tier 3 to 4
Da Undatakah Tier 4 to 3
Azalina Soulthief Tier 4 to 3
Tess Greymane Tier 3 to 4
Arch-Villain Rafaam Tier 2 to 1
Emeriss Tier 4 to 5
Deathwing Tier 3 to 4
Mojomaster Zihi Tier 2 to 3
Alexstrasza Tier 1 to 2
Griftah Tier 4 to 5
Fel Lord Betrug Tier 4 to 5
Stargazer Luna Tier 2 to 3
Lucentbark - Tier 5 to 4
Lord Godfrey Tier 2 to 3
The Storm Bringer Tier 4 to 3
Al'Akir the Windlord Tier 1 to 2
Millhouse Manastorm Tier 4 to 5
Cenarius Tier 4 to 3
Flobbidinous Floop Tier 3 to 4
King Mukla Tier 3 to 4
The Boom Reaver To tier 3
The Boomship Tier 4 to 3
Jepetto Joybuzz To tier 3
Tirion Fordring Tier 2 to 1
Oblivitron To tier 2
Wardruid Loti Tier 3 to 2
Swampqueen Hagatha To tier 3
Nozari To tier 4
Barista Lynchen To tier 3
Vereesa Windrunner To tier 3
Tak Nozwhisker To tier 5
Catrina Muerte To tier 3
Arch-Villain Rafaam To tier 2
Kalecgos To tier 2
Khadgar To tier 2
Crystalsmith Kangor Tier 1 to 3
Bwonsamdi, the Dead Tier 4 to 5
Chameleos Tier 4 to 5
Cairne Bloodhoof Tier 4 to 3
Boommaster Flark Tier 4 to 2
Mecha'thun Tier 2 to 3
Azalina Soulthief Tier 2 to 3
Jan'alai, the Dragonhawk Tier 4 to 3
Captain Hooktusk Tier 2 to 3
Fel Lord Betrug Tier 5 to 4
Commander Rhyssa To tier 2
Madame Lazul To tier 5
Lucentbark To tier 5
Scargil To tier 2
Fel Lord Betrug To Tier 5
Archmage Vargoth To Tier 1
Keeper Stalladris To Tier 1
Chef Nomi To Tier 2
Heistbaron Togwaggle To Tier 2
Archivist Elysiana To Tier 2
Edwin VanCleef Tier 2 to 1
Face Collector Tier 5 to 4
Tinkmaster Overspark Tier 2 to 4
Jan'alai, the Dragonhawk Tier 2 to 4
Mojomaster Zihi Tier 1 to 2
Tess Greymane Tier 5 to 3
Blastmaster Boom To Tier 1
Harrison Jones Tier 2 to 1
War Master Voone Tier 5 to 3
Tirion Fordring Tier 1 to 2
Malygos Tier 1 to 2
Lord Jaraxxus Tier 4 to 3
Da Undatakah Tier 3 to 4
High Priestess Jeklik Tier 3 to 4
Myra's Unstable Element Tier 2 to 1
Subject 9 Tier 1 to 2
Captain Greenskin Tier 3 to 1
Zerek's Cloning Gallery Tier 1 to 3
Prince Liam Tier 2 to 4
The Glass Knight Tier 2 to 4
Dr. Boom, Mad Genius Tier 2 to 1
Prophet Velen Tier 1 to 3
Captain Greenskin Tier 1 to 3
Baron Geddon Tier 2 to 3
King Krush Tier 1 to 3
Oondasta Tier 1 to 3
If you are a new player looking for a quick way to improve your collection, here is a list of powerful neutral commons and rares which fit in many decks. For epics, please consult the dedicated thread.
Pen Flinger
Khartut Defender
Tour Guide
Beaming Sidekick
Animated Broomstick
Blazing Battlemage
Frozen Shadoweaver
Bad Luck Albatross
Bone Wraith
Beaming Sidekick
Shield of Galakrond
Devoted Maniac
Cobalt Spellkin
Southsea Deckhand
Serpent Egg
For details on how Standard will rotate, check out this thread!
The list has been assembled by using data from:
- hsreplay.net,
- hearthstonetopdecks.com,
- Discussions within the previous hearthpwn mod team
Thanks SnoderFaner, LightBrain, Tad30s, Skyi101, Th3D4rkL0rd, SirJohn13, FrostyFeetEU, xskarma and all posters who make suggestions in this thread to keep it updated!
Special thanks to Chimera for images and formatting.
The fact that they mentioned the communication ("We're going to share more than we ever have before") as a hook for the hype is a good and a bad thing at the same time: good because who doesn't want to know more about the game you play? But bad because (although things have got slightly better than in the past) we haven't received that much communication, which is what we were promised more than a year ago during the Year of the Dragon announcement video.
Hearthstone's last year had a lot of highs (Rise of Mechs, quick nerfs, Battlegrounds, 5 Galakronds gifted to everyone,...) but also a few and, I dare to say, non very justifiable lows (November's Shamanstone with no response other than "the meta is challenging", some DoD cards that were clearly over the top, even just on the paper, the need of a community uproar in order to push the devs to answer some problematics, continuous bugs patch after patch and brawl after brawl,...). No one is perfect and no one is asking for things to be always correct and bulletproof, but I think you got what I'm trying to say.
For what concerns the announcement, I'm not particularly hyped: not just because I find harmful getting excited over what is basically nothing (for now), but also because my expectations have been failed too many times. Game changing year? I really really hope so, but for now I'd like to keep my feet firm on the ground.
This comment may have aged well
These changes will be buffs and not nerfs, therefore we won't receive any sort of dust compensation.
I wonder what brings you to the conclusion that Rogue will absolutely play Grand Lackey Erkh. I mean yeah, the class will try it for sure, but most of the lists right now have the issue of hand space since they generate more cards than those they can play in one turn.
Moreover, GLE is a low tempo minion that you can't just jam on curve (like Spirit of the Shark) and expect to survive unscathed your opponent's turn: it is at least a turn 6/7 play, turns in which you play Heistbaron Togwaggle for a 3 mana draw 3 0 cost cards Wondrous Wand or fully invoke/play Galakrond, the Nightmare. Which alternative is better?
Again, I'm not saying GLE is bad or that it won't see play (in Rogue or in general), but it won't be the card to force a nerf to Valeera.
Maybe you forgot it, but in Uldum each class got a Quest (both explorers and EVIL).
It's true, Sky Gen'ral Kragg works with sidequests as well, but where did you read that
Completely agree: people tend to evaluate cards based on the number and not on the rarity.
Based on what we've seen so far (not much, so this is a bit of speculation), we'll probably get at least 4 Legendaries and 9 Epics (I suppose Warlock won't be the only class getting an epic).
Now, not all the 35 cards will be good or will se play, but how many packs on average do you have to open in order to get 9 epics? 45. How many for 4 Legendaries? 80.
The adventure costs 2800 gold, the equivalent of 28 packs. I know, spending gold in this way doesn't give you the orange glow thrill, but as FortyDust said,
The Sir Finley of the Sands - Making Mummies synergy is on a whole other level
Not you: the guy above.
They love trolls like you as well, cause you keep giving relevance to the game.
There are so many wrong things with this post that I don't even know where I should start.