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    posted a message on Ogre Ninja

    Ogre Ogre: Battlecry: 50% chance that this card isn't actually an ogre at all.

    Posted in: Ogre Ninja
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    posted a message on What's in Your GvG Packs? (Pack Sharing Thread)

    got Mal'Ganis in my 3 free packs.  Nothing else of note, even in the following two arena GvG packs.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card: Hemet Nesingwary

    Good Recombobulator target...

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New card - Recombobulator discussion

    This card is so fantastically good.  Imagine recombobulating Argent Commander.  You can throw out the crusader, trade away divine shield, then recombobulate him.  6 drops are pretty strong.  If you got another argent commander, could you attack again?

    How about Defender of Argus? Bomb Lobber?


    But here is the best one:  Auchenai Soulpriest, Circle of Healing, Recombobulator.


    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card - Gazlowe
    Quote from Tehstool »
    Quote from Talossan »

    Sorcerers apprentice would make the spare parts cost 0, which I'm assuming will negate his ability.

    This is something I'd very much like to know. Technically even if Sorcerer's Apprentice is out Spare Parts still remain 1 mana cost spells, well it could be both really...

    If it costs 1 mana to spend then it will trigger his ability. 


    zomgz Millhouse Manastorm hard counter.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card: Imp-losion

    how has no one mentioned Knife Juggler?  I would really love to see a warlock play, on turn 6, a knife juggler and this, aimed at a big minion or belcher or something with 4+ health.  If this gets the kill, juggler hits face.  woo!  if this rolls a 2, there's still some knives flying around. wheee

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card: Cogmaster's Wrench

    y'all's bein' silly.

    seriously though, how could you possibly complain about a mech synergy card.  That's the point of this expansion.   Iron Sensei is fantastic, a 3/3/3 weapon is fantastic.  Gallywix is BEAUTIFUL. Spare parts with (even nerfed) auctioneer is delightful.  Just make a Mech deck.  If you hate it, OK. fine.  you tried.  This card belongs in that mech deck.

    This expansion will be fun for rogue.  I promise.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card: Shadowbomber

    This combos fantastically well with holy nova and holy fire.  I can't tell you how many times I've wasted the face heal playing against control.  This is a nice one-off.  It's good on turn 1 too, so you can just heal on turn 2.

    Unfortunately, I'm fairly sure undertaker isn't going away.  We have our clerics on turn 1 as well, so this is an unwelcome addition.  Interesting nonetheless.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card - Recycle

    People don't seem to realize how good this is against Handlock.  This card shines in cases where the opponent has to play a minion at a specific time to be effective.  Molten giants are bad targets, but mountain giants, twilight drakes, and sylvanas are fantastic, especially if taunted up.

    Also, given how sticky many of the new minions are, we are likely to see more buff cards, and more buff decks.  This card is utterly beautiful against a highly buffed minion.  A healed and taunted injured blademaster, a health-buffed lightspawn, anything with blessing of kings, anything with divine shield, or a deathrattle you want to avoid, etc.

    Running one of these is like running a silence that works on giants.  You just have to pay more for it.  It's an anti-control card.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card - Bolvar Fordragon

    Hmm.  In light of recent comments, I revise my previous hate of this card to mild intrigue.

    Paladin aggro/buff (zoo) has some merit here.  Even in the current meta, sticky minions manage to stay long enough to make Blessing of Kings (for example) playable.  With piloted minions and mech synergy, there's a very good chance this card could work.  Avenge, blessings of kings, blessing of might, echoing ooze, harvest golem, piloted sky golem, piloted shredder, divine shield minions.  Maybe defender of argus and undertaker, sludge belcher - Silences could easily be gone before this fella comes out.  5 mana could be the high end of this curve.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card - Bolvar Fordragon

    for nearly every card that comes out, I have been trying hard to imagine some archetype into which it could fit - even if the archetype doesn't exist yet.  Honestly, this card looks truly terrible.  Control watcher paladin is just the closest I could come up with.


    I sincerely think this card is truly bad.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card - Dunemaul Shaman

    You're totally right about warrior and Paladin.  They don't lose tempo removing this because the weapons have 2 charges.  Every other class has to spend the entire turn removing it, and sometimes multiple cards.  You do lose slight tempo with the overload, but given the potential upside this has, I'm not against it.

    I do agree with you that big removals would be last resorts.  That, however, is an upgrade from the scenario where they simply hold big removal, waiting for your larger minion.  If they don't have any cheap removal options, they WILL use big ones, and you will benefit.  No one is going to want to leave this on the board.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card - Dunemaul Shaman
    Quote from Teskeyben »
    Quote from YimmyTheTulip »

    it's a 4-drop that demands removal, just like zap-o-matic demands removal.  The key difference is that this is capable of pulling a sheep or hex or SW:D, where zap would just pull a holy smite or arcane shot or frostbolt.  The interesting thing about removal of this magnitude is that it costs the whole turn's mana to play it, so the overload doesn't really hurt.

    When played on an empty board, or you're ahead, turn 4: Tempo-neutral with a chance to be devastating

    When played on a non-empty board, turn 4: Trades 1-1 most likely, overload prevents you from catching up.

    Bottom line: This card may be a win-more card, but if you can control the early game it protects your big minions later on by soaking up removal.  CONTROL CARD.

    This card is the antithesis of "Control".

    I don't disagree with you - as an individual card, it does seem extremely aggressive.  I just don't think it would be any good in an aggro deck because it requires an empty enemy board to be good.  If you're going for face, you're not wanting to trade the first 3 turns.


    I think this card will be exceptional at pulling removal out of your opponent's hand.  The blank board I mentioned earlier is best achieved in a control deck.  (or big-hitting midrange)

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on New Card - Dunemaul Shaman

    it's a 4-drop that demands removal, just like zap-o-matic demands removal.  The key difference is that this is capable of pulling a sheep or hex or SW:D, where zap would just pull a holy smite or arcane shot or frostbolt.  The interesting thing about removal of this magnitude is that it costs the whole turn's mana to play it, so the overload doesn't really hurt.

    When played on an empty board, or you're ahead, turn 4: Tempo-neutral with a chance to be devastating

    When played on a non-empty board, turn 4: Trades 1-1 most likely, overload prevents you from catching up.

    Bottom line: This card may be a win-more card, but if you can control the early game it protects your big minions later on by soaking up removal.  CONTROL CARD.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card - Gahz'rilla

    While you aren't wrong about Steady Shot's inability to help control the board, you're mistaken about the necessity of a hero power that does that.

    Handlock is an extremely effective control deck.  Warlock hero power helps get cards in hand - giving more answers to minions.

    Warrior has an effective control deck because Armor Up keeps him alive long enough to outlast his opponent.

    Only Priest and Mage have the characteristic you describe, helping them to trade efficiently.


    Hunter hero power forces the opponent to try to kill the hunter quickly because he can always bypass taunt for 2 damage to the face.  The need for a finisher like Grom is reduced.  Hunter can make every single minion and spell about board control and just whittle away at the hero.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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