Thanks for sharing the deck. Deck code didn’t work for me, but here’s one that works:
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I think Twist has the potential to be the best format in the game and I'm having a lot of fun in spite of balance concerns (Chamber of Viscidus, The Scarab Lord, Jade Telegram), but pricing is just ridiculous. At least make it the cost of a mini set!
Glad you like it, I feel like Pirate Warrior is really underplayed in the current meta considering power level (I suspect most people build it wrong though). This is my updated list without Sword Eaters:
Btw Hobart Grapplehammer might be the right call, maybe replace Stolen Goods with it, I just didn't spend the dust to craft him yet.
Thanks! I do confess that I used Pirate Warrior to get to legend though. Maybe I could have made it with this deck as well, but didn't have the patience
After some testing, I would say it's not as good as non-Treant Aggro Druid (which I just played 28-5 to legend).
Having played the Wild version of Outcast DH (which is surprisingly good) I can definitely confirm Wretched Exile is one of the best cards in the deck (similar to Underbelly Angler in Murloc Shaman)
Why no Wretched Exile?
It's meant to be a standard deck after rotation
The idea of a Big Undead Flesh Behemoth deck is interesting. There are some Undead that I would cut: Tenacious San'layn, especially Shatterskin Gargoyle and Deathbringer Saurfang seem way overcosted and have little immediate impact. If you are running 3 weapons, Runeforging is really worth it. The other thing is the finishers: Maybe going triple blood, adding a Denathrius or Brann-Astalor package can give you more lethality in the late game.
This inspired me to make a 30-card version: 3F Undead - Hearthstone Decks (