Topic Latest Post Replies Views
Are you guys satisfied with the state of constructed? >>
by Tear
24 3,203
How do they do it? >>
by Tear
2 561
It's all clear now. >>
by Tear
33 3,437
Have anyone seen Gorehowl from The Juggernaut? >>
by Tear
6 1,255
What needs to be done. >>
by Tear
8 1,314
Why isn't Holy Wrath a Holy card? >>
by Tear
35 4,128
Is Lord Barov worth it? >>
by Tear
7 3,223
Why isn't the new mini set announced yet? >>
by Tear
8 2,340
I have been given a challenge and I am desperate for your help! >>
by Tear
0 483
Unknown bug - No weekly quests! >>
by Tear
22 3,934
Should I wait for the mini set before opening packs? >>
by Tear
20 8,775
Why is everyone in this forum defends this greedy a$$ company?! >>
by Tear
30 3,037
Blizzard no brain strikes again. >>
by Tear
62 7,330
Please help me make this warrior better. >>
by Tear
3 562
The best way to fix the new system (pass it on) >>
by Tear
4 839
I am scared (they will ban us all) :( >>
by Tear
6 1,284
Have anyone tried this before? >>
by Tear
2 633
Dear Blizzard / Activision, please stop bullying Shaman. >>
by Tear
39 4,602
Help me improve my demon hunter >>
by Tear
1 512
Help me make my shaman better >>
by Tear
0 381