Ok, so 20 Billion dollar company, I took a break for a year from the game hoping they would somewhat realize they need to balance the game more often and add some more flavorful cards to the game.
I didn't expect much but I was still disappointed.
Am I the only crazy one who thinks that they should nerf and buff cards way more often??
Yes and that is exactly the point. You could go on. If you want to balance wild you would have to rework so many cards. Thats because it is impossible to balance wild. Meanwhile there are 4300+ Cards in Wild format. Even if they just focus on wild with double the team size they have now, they could not balance it. Wild is a unbalanced fun area where you can pull of crazy combos and try stupid stuff. But its far from being a competitive place.
Another point why there is no reason for blizzard to make huge wild changes is because it would mean tons of "free" dust for standard player that dont use wild cards at all.
And we keep paying, it's part of their job to balance the game, so keep balancing.
Actually would be crazy if in day one everyone would have all the cards from the new expansion for 24 hours so everyone could experiment.
Since this game is so expensive people don't bother making new decks because they wanna see what's good before crafting stuff.
It's kinda sad that I am making this poll instead of blizzard
It would be so cool if they made polls for the community either to buff the card / nerf it or keep it the same.
Ok, so 20 Billion dollar company, I took a break for a year from the game hoping they would somewhat realize they need to balance the game more often and add some more flavorful cards to the game.
I didn't expect much but I was still disappointed.
Am I the only crazy one who thinks that they should nerf and buff cards way more often??
I don't understand why [Sorcerer's Apprentice] is not 2 mana "Your next spell costs 1 less"
And quests shouldn't start in your hand guaranteed
Battletag: Dream#22541Region: EUTrade Only?: Yes, you go first2
Ahhhh the new yogg here is genius
What's your win rate with this?
And we keep paying, it's part of their job to balance the game, so keep balancing.
win rate? :o
Win rate?
What's your win rate with this?
How would you build this deck for today's meta?
Did you test this deck?
What's the win rate?
What's the win rate on this?
Every expansion I think to my self:
"ok this is the most boring expansion yet, there is no way that the next expansion can be more boring than that, this must be the rock-bottom"
An even more boring expansion with even more boring cards!!!
There are 0 interesting / exciting cards this expansion yet, I expected nothing from blizzard and yet I've been let down (again).
I thought that Microsoft's purchase would change things but I guess not :\