Zoolock just got more insufferable.
- Tear
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Last active Fri, Nov, 15 2024 01:40:59 -
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Jerkplayz posted a message on New Warlock Legendary Card Revealed - Party Planner VonaPosted in: News -
Chimera posted a message on 1500 XP Quest Trading - Play A Friend! (#7)Posted in: Players and Teams DiscussionBLACKLIST
A Ajasnia#2580 adam2gud4u#2206 airforcejuan#2417 Anchan#2582 Andrzej#2616 Ankan#2522 Andrzej#2616 AquaTen#2247 Arthurian#1606 AquaZero#21836 Arcoldd#2387 artvarff#2420 augustinzerg#2872 Aurora#2494 Aqualibrium #2968 Alcatraz#2874 AdelH#2613 Amaterasu#22817 agasfd#4123 Avesomee#21192 AlkaSeltzer#21914 AvrorA#22395 Ataeno#2996 AlpáriKári#2420 Asahenn#2859 Alex#231450 Aardos#2439 Anima#1725 amoutzas#2428 Anogyerek#21228 Archi#2240 Afuy#2255 Andy#23309 akahige#2762 Airey #2235 akoor#2117 ДБарм#2361 Alitiz#2965 Arr0w#21873 Avedis#2653 Arkos#21555 AngryChicken#21784 AxelFearman#21672 Allisan#3231 Allisan#2518 arsoxx#2415 Archibald#22531 Annyeong#21327 Alexzahar4o#2184 Atlow#2419 AlexJnr#2872 Alpaca4life#2455 - - - - B Backspace#2454 baconlord#2714 balint1115#2754 bananoviy#21241 BankJa#1115 Bartwek#2260 beardedsnow#21106 BenBrodeSuck#2224 bence0626#2865 Bogdan#2864 BestMageEU#2304 BestTorbOce#1415 Bliss#21461 Bigshot#2191 BlenDex#2165 BlitzkrieGR#2145 Blotz1012#2595 BlueAssassin#2325 BlueLouBoyle#2730 BlueMagic#21787 BroMaster64#1799 BongDaCity#21432 Boshooo#2552 Brage234#2709 broszabi#1854 bulcsuka#2233 Buni#21768 BlindForce#2581 Blaze#12101 BattleBooze#21621 BoredAlready#1357 Baywatch#2561 Варфоломей#21470 Brissix#2589 Brago#1162 bav#2848 BouncyBear#13433 BzeY#2715 BudgetAimbot#1274 Bedoes#21504 Bobsauce#11386 BaQson#2958 Berg#21631 Bladut#21948 Blackbird#2469 Batman#2898 BadVibes#21900 Babouinke#2617 Boogeyman#11173 BostonCeltic#21992 BouncyBear#230986 Bonzai#2900 BaCCPacK#1761 bladwin#2213 Bianka#2175 bellescalope#2280 blindcolours#2449 BorisKiller#21617 blacksalamii#2865 - C Cba#21855 cemoktem#2268 corvo#1914 Cosmynus#2943 CreamyOmlett#2680 Crow#2853 CSLking#1465 Cykaomi#2281 csicskapéter#2971 checkmate#21221 Cattick#2321 Csolli#2250 ChillblainQQ#2603 cloudman#2192 CFitz#2551 CzłowiekDuch#2521 CzłowiekDuch #2856 Coltim#2903 Caltrop#3475 corbo#2675 chr7s#21447 CostelBiju#2368 Cracos#2120 CaveFeet#2480 Chrille#2613 Core#21362 Calorifero#2722 Chiken#11131 Cainamisir#2607 Cloudbreak#1922 Степан#21725 cosmorush#1430 cinderella17#2493 coolasik#2128 ClaudeGueux#2592 CuteGirl#2561 Cromatickiss#2384 - - - - - - - D Dand1#1849 DannyNL#21813 Demons#2711 David#15698 DARIUS#23615 DBraveZ#1254 DeadlyLizard#21227 Deliric#21929 Deviltigger#2805 Detmering#1990 DiatronTr#2643 Djsober#1143 Djynn#11405 donganos#2627 Donisak123#2513 DOOM#23746 Dridy#21784 Druidinho#2390 Durumon#2880 dustmen#2324 Donaidtrump#2646 Dolejsmatous#2668 daxter279#2438 DemoPan#2181 DlPandele#2321 Dxminiko#2337 dada#2245 DeadChamChi#1854 Dreammemory#1928 DragosV2305#2902 DannyZ#21722 Devson#2597 dilejt#2460 dLucky1#2451 dishsoap#21524 dejos#2702 DarkMark#2470 DriskanCz#2308 Dokres#21879 Duchu#2858 DuRinTa#21146 Druidbear#2573 DeviantCRO#2193 dfawess#2320 Dand1#11189 Doublelift#1874 deflameglow#2885 Daniel#26952 durumon#2623 DomCobb#2857 Dexter#25864 DHSvolstagg#2835 DRACARYS#21984 Doidinho#11943 Deathwing#22792 DaHornsen#2246 dildanus#2920 dmctue #2264 Dexxxrainen#21791 Dideek#21776 domagojko#2177 DettaniS#2110 DarkDragon#21766 - - - - - E ELEKTRO#2767 Ellochame#1975 Explicit#21245 Eragonz#1726 Emre#22162 eFFec7a#2823 EvensonRDS#1651 Emilche#2956 EpickiManiek#2955 Endvind#2194 Expensor#2685 Esdeath#2931 Eimis#21353 Ecomo#2742 emir#2336 Eruant#21219 Epic#2435 Elmanana#21517 Erensd#2185 En10#21835 - - - - - - - - F Franky#22644 Ferdinand#2600 fiend #11165 FOGDOGE #1604 Fritomaster#21105 fanatic#11179 FredyPL#2881 focus#21727 FAgaas#4357 FragClown#2283 Fordragon#21883 F3d3z99#2468 FIyKiwiGuy#1929 fizzas#2385 Flanners #2904 FancyFlipper#2569 Fandral403#2429 FeelsBadMan#22553 Flanagan #21273 FaceMelt0r#21877 FckNEWBS#2245 FShadow1998#2855 Fusion22#1865 Fizer#11293 Fuzz#21828 Frozen#22440 FearedFart#2180 Froggy#2799 Fifi#2150 FreeZer#22820 flashgordon#11970 - - - - - G gacucha#2362 GaLaxY#22799 Gargaml#2387 Genova#1377 GhostDragon#120358 GoConcede#21799 GoldenAria#2748 GrumpyKitten#110130 grz3siek#2304 GrzegorzR#21584 GreatatLOL#2823 Greidi#21184 Guzik#21362 GAWRA#11458 Goldyhasit#2417 giammyskt#2914 GabenPLZ#21100 Glushaka#2288 grey#2692 Garbage#21503 Gryżli#2802 grigema7#2465 gigikaspy#2440 GJQuBoY#2103 Greator #21131 GrumpyKitten#28165 Grixalis#21798 Giovi02#21937 GreekFeta#11506 germhs#2215 Goon21#2303 - - - - - H Heeervas#2953 Hellscream#22941 Henry#6625 HiddenSweg#2350 HivemindXD#2524 HaPPe#2552 Heniboj#1773 Helenka#2974 Hundulykaa#2340 Høwling #2979 HasanReyiz#2558 Henrique#11552 Hiper#2534 Hernström#21279 HSBestPlayer#1789 HeadhunterZz#2343 Hallis#2597 Habla#21726 Hatred#21407 Hydra#2838 Hankmoody#2218 hulkcz17#2674 Hallstatt#1110 Hintashi#2405 HearthStroke#21651 HellRaiser92#2776 Hopenger#2111 HaVoC#2426 hehexd#21695 HuntingYou#21579 - - - - - - I iCP9#1723 ilumination#21232 Iknatzius#2250 iLikeMilfs#2410 Insane#1958 integral#2269 itachi#2304 iuriirc#1426 IlToto#2131 IndykKrol#2939 ISY#21670 ISY#2507 lnv#1850 iNV#1350 iJordi#2653 IVAN#210974 invrukill#2383 ihackkids#1160 Icko#21234 - - - - - - - - - J Jerrychoy #1224 JiVenom#2228 JonSnow#2560 JungŁe#2656 justm8#2789 JainaPwnmore#2643 JohnFKennedy#11757 JeppeNormann#2368 JesusProdz#2298 JDanduinJD#2781 Jungle #11700 Johnny#9280 Jericoolico#2127 juuzou#2725 JuuzouSuzuya#21928 Junker#21168 JuanSobrino#2562 Jester#23739 Johnnix#2427 Jabberwocky#21416 JuanDeag#2134 JohnyPlaysCZ#2749 - - K KajPl#2101 Kekapep#2237 kalinow#2902 kandyY#2803 Klemy#21181 knockbackqt#2430 Kripp#21956 Kryptiiq#2585 kuba88pl#2666 Kaishe#11562 kisscoco#2683 Konradoli#2714 Killa#2648 Koksik#2214 Konga#2153 kontris#2739 Kayen#21619 KingRaptor#2241 kiniok#2864 Kotsaba#2335 kevo#1957 Kovak#21464 Kruchnič#2980 Khrome#1920 KROKIk#2456 Kazazel#1864 Karl#2845 Kalibaba#21518 kr0daking#2761 Keef#1624 kcinka#21583 Kukucs#2552 Kill3rZombie#1858 Kentakki#2471 KingCrimson#21434 kvgp#2791 krzemieńojee#2862 Kratos#25848 kiwi3104#2492 - - - - - L LeanClean#1489 Lickmytotem#2364 Ligertooth#1541 Lodowaty#21930 LOLExpert#2787 Lorak#12679 Luukey#21306 Lelegr#21520 Lekxy#2227 Looper#2653 LordKazzak#21866 LazyTurtle#220820 Lemon#12741 LukeForPlay#2655 Leviathan#21684 libertyprime#21134 Loominati#21312 lupi#2849 Larry#2202 Lucan#21589 LarsJager7#2859 LewzlaTwitch#2568 Luryston#2120 luke#24993 Legend#23772 lambofgod#2952 Lethalblow#2453 leon3441#2310 ŁowcaDusz#2257 - - - - - - - M Muschiulet16#2690 MA77EO#21489 MagicGnome#24447 Matixo#2921 MartinB#2641 MiniNinja#225382 mitkopro#2345 mattfrancis#2739 Martinovic02#2996 Mayder#1783 Meteo#5371 MightyOwl#221863 Mastertoby#2140 Miqula#2239 mirkata0#2533 MisiuuZ#2478 mlgfaggot#2150 mortrum#2390 Mosho#2317 MidshipDisc#2503 MrFortune#4242 MrMooCow#11913 MalucoCZ#2291 Mihaysen#2956 Mikey#21126 Mac1mba#2175 Mojodeluxe#2729 MrPaperCarry#2400 Melloniq#2293 mikowhyy#2788 m4ck0#2893 marc#11895 MVP#2375 meneamenea#2582 mcdok#2384 mjdragon2413#1417 Mikaryu#21924 Mikato#21480 Mateusz#2822 Martynas#2512 Mistel#21663 MagicPants#232736 Mrkvicka02#2690 mars#23791 Mis#21578 Man#21209 Mihaypolop#2386 Mösenlord#2539 MufMuffin#3141 mainlining#1291 Myšpulín#21600 Max#28781 McLane#2911 madd#21296 mystrudel#1714 Mooshiee#2881 Mickiticki#2660 Mu3rt3Z#2639 MrFlakerino#1652 McDan#2681 MundoBoss#2669 MaikIsGod#2184 Maikkk#21638 MaheshBabuMP#1264 Morsmordre#21199 Mazur#2660 Maxwell#12934 Metiu#2558 myk#2495 monkas#21262 MrPasti#2164 myyk1#2677 M3ta#21989 Marqerr#2790 MG71645#2132 MEÑIQUE#21915 MFE#21542 Mustce#2499 Magistos#21543 MoIIIeHHuk#21478 milbo#2654 Manughost02#2310 MariusFurios#2964 m1sh1k#2865 Mido#21122 - - - N N1mb0#2362 Nade#2238 NakedScrub#2698 Nationaltm#2614 NeoKidPL#2492 Nestifaro#2682 NightHawk#2170 Nipslip#1354 NoGood #2518 NunoMarques#2560 nomanz#1325 NightKnight#248845 Nemesis#21501 NightBlue#2288 Nesarions#2488 Nichocolates#2663 Notix#2513 narcozs#21731 Niv3l#2622 nimaon#2192 Петар#2580 Noizeee#21157 NewX#2719 NightKnight#213418 Nekromas#2926 Nox#2370 Nazgul#11861 NoGood#2518 NioMode#21323 ne0nFly#1764 nightmare#22509 niiin#21303 NecksCutter#2156 Noon#22814 - - - - - - O Octarba#2352 Odysseus #21261 oha#2177 Oinnez#2173 okyleokyle#2878 OldShark#2987 Omi#21606 OnlyPirates#2230 OPGrandpa#2973 Orzech2000#2763 Osho#2317 ORLENZO#2845 orzeleagle#2886 Odin#24932 Olilasa#2749 oleorkhs#1726 Oskki#2157 ompatzkii#2515 okiidoki#2593 O600CAVALOS#2640 Obricaaa#2428 Orcamaniac#1456 - - - - - - P Paradygmat#2402 Parecek24#2424 Patches#21273 Patriks#2490 pavlesrb #2107 pepan321#2244 Petuhan#2474 Pokergamer#21642 polliwogs#2289 Pahuljasti#2965 PlayarN#2581 pa4aman#2914 ProUmber #2272 pidala#21675 plapapa#2442 pimmie001#2639 ProDog#2676 Pyro#21615 procceed#21163 PomagamKubie#2916 Pbarbosa7#2151 PyramidHead#2953 PreDa#21382 Parrons#2765 PrepConcede#2369 Pizdowij#2793 Pridurok#21938 PolatAlemdar#21844 PięknyTygrys#2429 Ponthi#2201 PickleRick#2635 Pyroso#2664 Pest#21560 Peio#21824 PurpleLady#1250 Pipi#2671 Prace#2139 PakhtunWulf#2559 PoughHS#2196 - Q qwexy#2784 QG97#2614 - - - - - - R r1tmo #2405 Raoulica#2925 RASHU#2707 RebelAngel69#2472 Remens#21376 Renunegru#2227 revogame#259 RKOTOP#2492 Гомункул#21323 Rytain#2524 ratatatsos#3539 RAtas#2293 rygo#2291 Revlos#2103 Resto#2626 Rigokini#1175 romsik#2888 Rozal#2461 raizen#1723 radkop2000#2707 reformedkys#2996 Ramzes#22443 Robboshef#2506 ruckfadoXD#2855 Rainbow#22511 Raydex#21899 Ramses#22245 Rosapink#1542 Rosh#21922 RobotWorgen #25282 Rougi#21368 RadeBle#2401 Ragnar#29453 Reign#22409 RIPREAPER#21930 - - - - - - - - - S Sagitarius#1348 Sauron#2384 Sayoko#2272 Scarface#22902 scoutmo#1242 SEA#22743 sebasrubiano#1804 Shadowhunter#12985 ShAdypRoBG#2887 Sherlocked#21585 shinyo#2194 SilentBest1#21420 Silentstorm#231794 Skarrata#2613 Skavvethiz#2523 Syncronicx#2464 sohayl#2302 sprowk#2732 Strugzz#2443 SuNdAyRn0W#2489 Syrion93#2844 szymek5436#2484 Smarterino#2262 SuperNinja#210569 Sixthelement#31775 sh00q#2626 ShadowStrike#21727 storm#24225 supermario38#2204 Smebbs#2670 Swizzop#1354 samuelesin#2706 Swobodnaya#2233 Shisha#22638 Showt3k#21966 szymeus42#2972 Shady1399#2753 Sindragosa#21163 Szmatson#2443 ShadowDragon#233751 Sunkist#1682 SenPaiva#2998 SuperSalvo#1188 Stanciv#2734 Smacy#2679 Slimmy#2799 Shadowstorm#24361 skullbasher#2496 SuperTobikik#210782 Sodaxe#2570 SPIDER#21648 Sterglaster#2788 SuperTobi#21790 shawi3075#2647 Sleve#21830 sHizu#21278 Sjen#20543 Sneaky#22184 soundjohn#2194 samuel#21732 Samviji69#2289 ShadowKiller#21397 starGOD#2447 ScreenShoter#1374 Scobar#1805 Seona#2703 Southers#21451 SWANGERGUY#2413 SuperJew887#1438 SiGmA#2254 speedo#2846 starlight#1807 simo1771#2102 SCHOUSEN#2634 Snow#14231 sybil6sigma#1787 Silkky#1100 SoundJohn#2194 Slick#2667 Soupcake#1196 SpectraWaves#2436 Stofan#21609 Seon#21880 shpotenkon#2979 Scofield#21429 Slegar#2164 shRRed#2200 StripSearch#2197 Semmo001#2506 sampell#2953 Strxfe#21930 Samuel#2210 Sponjbob#2214 Spartan#2150 Schlitzauge7#2148 SlateXoll#2632 startecky#2557 SilentStorm#2152297 Sovereign#1896 slayerpaul#11536 - - - - T Tengriii#2345 Terks1337#2569 TheGfom#1791 TheHackSkill#2129 TheKilIers#1235 TSWCM#1188 Thanatos#23444 ToastyToast#2822 Tommyknockrs#2901 Trees#21511 Tricker#21839 TrickyZerg#21109 Tyrantus123#2418 Trolfikcze#2194 turtul#2251 TwelveBlues#1143 Tilted#21902 Twatch#2566 TheBigBobo#2486 teo33333#2447 tipicapa2#2280 Terko#21560 trevatarata#2313 TheFeuner#2978 Twinkel#2872 TgS#21197 Terumi#21350 ToBByHH#2116 TheXenon#11854 Tomx38#2381 TerreNoire#2121 Tavux#2524 Thorokus#1684 TomRetterath#2305 TheNoob#21241 TheDummil#2139 Torman#1728 theCHOSEN1#21550 TheTarp#2969 - - - - - U U4given#2261 Univell #2220 uaredeadlol#21221 Unilevel#2860 Unlucky#22899 ugyisnyerek#21741 - - V Viscaria #11439 VEGNAGON#1519 Viroshi#2525 Victor1395#2116 Vinter#21886 ViceRei#2671 vigyori #2778 vladimir47#2478 - - - - W Wadrai#2700 WelcomToTkon#2890 WetPantz#21822 Wheelcharuli#2915 whipping#1819 WojaKk#2847 Wedrowiec85#2446 WizardelRO#2715 wildwolf#215247 Wojto#2428 Winy#11543 Wolf#18509 Wood1337#2557 WoodWang#1309 WarLord#11560 Wildrage#1109656 weng#21874 - - - X Xared#21673 Жекоснежев#2219 Xalador#1452 Xannathai#2451 - - - - Y YeaH#21409 yejaja#2660 youarehorny#2643 Yura#11886 Yogg#21987 Youssef#21749 yabol#2852 TheYugiBroh#1457 YourNakama#2109 - - - - - - - Z zergshadow#2829 zakpaw#2932 Zeekil#2836 Žejdla#2717 Zodiac#11112 zontag#2881 zozo#21136 ZuluWarrior#1564 Zombie#2341 zozozo#2731 Zelkowa#2741 Zatsando#2542 Zanezx39 #1975 Zetisek#2195 Zuco #1629 Zaekk#21453 Zarius#11573 Zix#21491 Zeroos#6524 zaraki#11950 Ziggy#2934 Zabryyy#2532 - - - - - - -
NovaFrost posted a message on Multiple New Warrior Cards RevealedPosted in: NewsBland, boring and untasteful. I guess this is the result of team 5 locking themselves into a dense corner with Odyn. Just hof odyn so warrior can be fun again.
Zelenyah posted a message on Patch 27.4.2 Balance Changes - Auctioneer, Tony & Mech Warper Bans - Much MorePosted in: NewsSpirit of the Frog was not nerfed! it was brutally killed! that poor little frog will be missed by the true shamans
blizzardpatch posted a message on Patch 27.4.2 Balance Changes - Auctioneer, Tony & Mech Warper Bans - Much MorePosted in: NewsI hate "banned" solution, both of the player and the dev. Because the card its not supposed to be played that way, and them some retard (pro player) point out the most abusive way to utilize the card, and people on the net just mindlessly follow it just for some W in a children card game
also "banned" mean the creator didn't know what to do, and just simply banned it -
qnnmb posted a message on New Druid Epic Card Revealed - Widowbloom SeedsmanPosted in: NewsBecause they don't listen, they don't learn and they are out IDEAS andmmaybe even don't care
Lower_Your_Head posted a message on New Priest Legendary Card Revealed - PelagosPosted in: Newsrunning out of ideas?...
Carlsberg posted a message on New Priest Legendary Card Revealed - PelagosPosted in: NewsBuff priest boring
sPacEtiMe19 posted a message on New Hunter Legendary Card Revealed - Huntsman AltimorPosted in: NewsThe more I look at this, the angrier it makes me. Aight I gotta just completely thrash blizzard about this one. This is literally my least favorite card I have ever seen, ever. Because it is so lazy and such a waste.
1. Blizz changed nothing about the companions but the art and names. Nothing. Unbelievably lazy and uninteresting.
2. Hunters had a card called Call of the Wild. When released, it was an EPIC, 8 mana spell that summoned all 3 animal companions. So for 1 less mana, you get a LEGENDARY, that is years newer (power creep), that is actually worse in many situations, mainly top decking, than an epic from the past.
I cannot even fathom a bigger dropping of the ball. What pathetic, trash design.
Knetog posted a message on New Hunter Legendary Card Revealed - Huntsman AltimorPosted in: News - To post a comment, please login or register a new account.
It's kinda sad that I am making this poll instead of blizzard
It would be so cool if they made polls for the community either to buff the card / nerf it or keep it the same.
Ok, so 20 Billion dollar company, I took a break for a year from the game hoping they would somewhat realize they need to balance the game more often and add some more flavorful cards to the game.
I didn't expect much but I was still disappointed.
Am I the only crazy one who thinks that they should nerf and buff cards way more often??
Ahhhh the new yogg here is genius
When will players realize that they don't care about us and never will.
Every expansion I think to my self:
"ok this is the most boring expansion yet, there is no way that the next expansion can be more boring than that, this must be the rock-bottom"
An even more boring expansion with even more boring cards!!!
There are 0 interesting / exciting cards this expansion yet, I expected nothing from blizzard and yet I've been let down (again).
I thought that Microsoft's purchase would change things but I guess not :\
Murloc Holmes would be proud.
it makes me feel weird that this doesn't have neither a mech tribe nor a gnome tribe
Ummm what? This is arguably better than Arcane Missiles and Devolve
Thanks for invalidating Shaman again or any class that has a silence in it's kit.
Now all aggro decks can ignore all taunts at 100% rate.
Yea keep pushing those brainless decks blizzard.
Do you guys remember that they wilded Spellbreaker for Maiev Shadowsong?
We all thought they were nerfing silence lol.
I fully understand now why we keep getting a large % of terrible cards every expansion be it too boring, too op or too weak while never getting the frequent balance patches that we still need today.
This video here sums up everything:
Check out 1:55
She is a developer for hearthstone and she says "This is a good card too" referring to Abyssal Depths.
Honestly I can't say anything good about this card, it's never going to see play in demon hunter,
it's a re-re-re-re-print of a boring card called Arcane Intellect and the artwork on it is also boring no offense to the artist who made it..
Sure it's a bad card but that is not the issue here,
The fact that a developer thinks this is a good card is the problem.
They are lacking a sense of balance and creativity.