• 1

    posted a message on Expansion Creation Competition - Phase IV [Discussion]
    Quote from RazorOfArtorias >>

    It's been a long time. Here are my Hunter cards ready for feedback (I'm not a Hunter player, help)!

    SotL Hunter Themes: Secrets & Beasts

    • Legba, the Boar God - Thank Legba it's a boar! Nice card overall.
    • Bestialize - Weird wording, a new player might think it will transform the card into a random beast or something.
    • Amani Trap Disabler - Amani Trap Enabler :p
    • Dinomancer Battlestaff - Comparing it to Glaivezooka I think giving a minion some stats is pricy on the weapon.  I would make a 3/2 weapon. Oh, I'd look for some new art, it's easy to spot this as part of Dinomancy's art.
    • Legba's Herald - Simple and efficient.
    • Mounted Shadowhunter - Seems OK.
    • Whispering Snake - Such a "meh" effect :u
    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 1

    posted a message on Expansion Creation Competition - Phase IV [Discussion]
    Quote from Broeck1 >>

    Hey everyone. Making cards on your phone with a bad internet connection is pretty tough, but I think I am about done with my Rogue cards. Can Anyone revue these? I have to be honest, right know I barely got time/opportunity to make my own cards so I just cant review any others... so only If you got any spare time and like to do a review, do one for me. Dont feel obliged, because I know I am an asshole for asking this :(

    For Rogue I am using a mechanic called 'Repeat', which doubles effects on certain conditions. I think it makes for some interesting micro decisions :) Rogue is a 'both faction' class in my expansion (the others this phase will probably be Paladin (Alliance) and Shaman (Horde).

    Some clarification:

    Ninja Capper (name refers to a Rogue tactic in Wow battlegrounds) had both Stealth and charge. This might seem weird because these keyword cant be used at the same time. However, not working together makes for an interesting micro decision; Am I going to charge or keep it Stealthed until I need the attack more?

    Killstreak will become Common

    Join a faction is showed in game like Choose One.

    Garona is the first and only card that will use both the Alliance 'Sequencing' mechanic and the Horde 'Ordering' mechanic. It also implements a 'Repeat' feel to it.


    any ideas about these cards? What cards to showcase?


    Like I said, I am an ass, but Thanks in advance for helping me out..

    • Ninja Capper - I've seem this art being use so many times for a legendary, but that's not the point. Seems balanced enough.
    • Prophesy - I don't know how I feel about this one to be honest. Some Combo cards are really bad, but some are insane. Imagine getting 2 extra Edwins or Vilespines. Maybe adding a random Combo card to your hand instead of discovering it would be better, dunno.
    • Killstreak - AWESOME! But since Rogue has access to Prep, I would consider making that a 4-Mana card, just to prevent a 0-Mana combo that can wipe the entire enemy board.
    • Shado-pan Infiltrator - Way too good. Compare it to Vol'jin.
    • Fan of Spears - I thought Rogues were suppose to oppose both Factions, I would make it just choose a faction, but not join it. Aside from that, pretty nice anti-faction tech.
    • Hozen Copycat - As a 5-Mana card you can't really abuse this card, which I only assume it's a freaking good thing, Combo Potential with Edwin and Vilespine are great, I agree with making it cost 5 mana.
    • Garona Halforcen - You also picked Garona xP. I am sorry, I really don't like her effect. It's not that easy to trigger, not that benefitial to trigger and a bit unflavorful in my opinion, why would Garona keep reappearing?

    Not sure about your showcases yet, you will probably still change some of your cards, but Fan of Spears is a nice contender (I'd say perfect were not for it joining the factions as it does atm).

    Quote from Demonxz95 >>

    So, I've made some changes to cards:

    Grimforest Guardian now has its wording fixed.

    Underworld Cerberus now has more concise wording.

    Flail Fire now costs 3, down from 4.

    Hooded Sharpshooter is now a Common instead of a Rare, which I did to better balance the rarities and card types around.

    •  Grimforest Guardian - At first, I understood you would get only +1 Attack, not matter how many Void Orbs you had spent. Does this seems more clear? "Choose One - Spend any amount of [b]Void Orbs[/b]. Your hero gains that much attack this turn; or that much Armor." It's not an usual wording for a Choose One, but it's more clear to me. It fits in 4 lines, I checked xP
    • Underworld Cerberus - Not even a good control class would run this slowpoke. Really gotta make it cheaper in my opinion. 4-Mana 4/4?
    • Flail Flare - Arguably better than Bouncing Blade. Although it has the drawback of always killing the minion with the least health first. That's a tough one to balance. It can be a 3-Mana Whirlwind, but can shine an be a 3-Mana Dragonfire Potion. I think it sits somewhere between 3 and 4 mana. Maybe 4 makes it unviable. Maybe 4-mana and an additional effect such as draw a card or gain some armor?
    • Hooded Sharpshooter - Still like it :D
    Quote from Demonxz95 >>

    Is this effect balanced on a Hunter Secret? I was going to make it for a Paladin Secret, but I don't know if it's balanced at 1 or 2.

    Basically when an enemy minion trades into one of your own and survives, you destroy it. It DOES NOT trigger if the enemy minion also dies, similar to how Competitive Spirit doesn't trigger if you have no minions at the start of your turn.

     My problem with this card is how it diversifies the way hunter secrets proc. Looking at the current standard mage secrets, you usually only need 1 or 2 turns to be sure about which secret they are playing. Adding this one to the Hunter pool really diversify the ways to proc hunter secrets, which I am not sure wheter this is a good or a bad thing. Leaning towards the latter. But yeah, I think it's balanced.
    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 5

    posted a message on Treachery

    Most players were expecting this effect for a while. But 3 Mana seems a bit overpriced to me.

    Posted in: Treachery
  • 0

    posted a message on Expansion Creation Competition - Phase IV [Discussion]

    OK, here are my revised cards:

     (Triggers after the minion enters the board)




     Some clarifications:

    • Uncaged Felhound would prevent you of gaining any Mana Crystals while it is on the board.
    • Holyscale Drake will always heal at least 3 Health, as Exhibits are triggered after the minion is played, it would proc itself.
    • If your Hero Power is Mind Spike, playing Night Watcher would not change it to Mind Shatter.
    • If you have two or more Infected Squashlings, they can transform each other, would cause them to lose the ability to attack.


    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 0

    posted a message on Expansion Creation Competition - Phase IV [Discussion]
    Quote from Livienna >>





    need to choose a common minion to make rare... and might still make Blinding Sun Spirit "...Silence minions opposite this minion." at a 6/6 stat line.

    I may still go with Tyrande, but yeah. Fixed the wording etc., ditched Elusive.



    •  Sinister Mist - Silencing 2 or more minions for 1 mana? Too strong in my opinion. I don't want to compare it too Mass Dispel because that sucks, but it is too strong right now. I would raise the cost to 2 and consider starting the effect with one target instead of two.
    • Crystalsong Oracle - Why did you nerf it? I thought the 1/4 one was OK. As a 1/3 it's not that great. Yeah, you get too take a peak at the enemy's hand, but is it worth paying 3-mana for a 1/3?
    • Frosthold Priestess - Pretty good card against Chill cards, not broken tho:)
    • Blinding Sun Spirit - I think it's too clunky. A big body, a battlecry restriction... Also, silence is usually more valuable in small minions, in a freaking 6-drop? Meh :/
    • Spring's Grace - Dunno if that's enough to save the card, but it's an improvement :p
    • Greater Wind Spirit - I liked that you tried to fix the classic turn 2 "Priest Turn". But in the scenario that you play this on turn 1, you will only have a 4/3 able to attack on turn 3, that's not that great. I would buff it. I don't have many ideas for a buff. Maybe a 3/5 with Taunt? I dunno exactly how to buff it, but I do think it deserves a buff.
    • Dejahna, Elune's Light - It is 7-drop without a immediate impact on the board, seems weak to me.
    Quote from Demonxz95 >>


    (And making Druid cards in general?)

    This was primarily made because Choose One card synergy in the game is surprisingly lacking. As of now, the only card that has any actual synergy with Choose One cards is Fandral. This basically changes that up.

     Leafscale Maiden?
    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 1

    posted a message on Expansion Creation Competition - Phase IV [Discussion]
    Quote from Livienna>>
    Quote from SnorlaxBR>>

    A little up :)
    Any feedback on the cards? Especially the Alternatives 


     The first design is intended to give the player the ability to get out of Shadowform. The second design is more early game oriented, but can also serve as healing after you are in Shadowform and can't use your hero power to heal your self.

    Flavor text for the 2nd one: Eats fruit... AND FUNNEL CAKES!

     Don't mind their rarities, depending of which I choose I will swap some rarities later. I want a Beast that supports the Shadowform mechanic. I think Night Watcher has a more interesting and unique text, while Nightsteed is more powerful. Which one you like the most?

     These are pairs. I am more fond of the 2nd pair myself. Shadow Acolyte and Shadow Avatar both support the Shadowform archetype. Profane Resurrection is supposed to be good with Deathrattle cards, but I haven't added that many, which makes me feel this card is out of place. I like Nightborne Drake quite a lot as it is a resource machine.

     The first one is the original, which was pointed out as being too powerful compared to Excavated Evil, an already powerful card. I do agree Excavated Evil was a great card, but one of its strengths was the ability to give a dead draw to an aggro deck. Not only Shadowfang Drake is not able to do that, it also has 2 conditions and a flaw printed on it. You must be in Shadowform, you can't control any other dragons. And the flaw is quite big in a mirror match, you won't damage enemy dragons. On top of that, a 7-Mana 7/5 is pretty poorly stated, that's why I think the first one is balanced. But I am open to new perspectives.


     I can't think of an already existing card with similar effect, that's why I can't evaluate the power level of the card that well. I do think denying a card draw is a huge drawback that justifies the 2/3.

     I do not want to compare it with Arcanologist, I despise that card. Just not sure if the 2/2 is too weak.


     Do you think the 3-Mana one is too mediocre? I do not think the 3-Mana one is weak at all. It's virtually a 1-Mana draw a Dragon. I do not think the 2-Mana is crazy OP, but I do think it is really strong. Which one do you think is better?

     Some clarifications:

    • Uncaged Felhound would prevent you of gaining any Mana Crystals while it is on the board.
    • Holyscale Drake will always heal at least 3 Health, as Exhibits are triggered after the minion is played, it would proc itself.
    • If your Hero Power is Mind Spike, playing Night Watcher would not change it to Mind Shatter.
     Ha! We may be doing the same classes this round! (I'm trying to decide between Mage and Pally for my 3rd) Anyway here we go:
    PRIEST: I like the first version of the whelp, but how about "Restore your original Hero Power."? yours is fine too, just throwing it out there. I like your Night Steed more than the Night Watcher... feels like a better synergy card. I agree with you on preferring the minion pair to the spells. Without many deathrattles, that first spell doesn't make much sense, as you said. And I think both of the minions are well designed cards! I prefer the 2nd dragon, but if you feel it needs a slight buff it would be good at a 7/6 stat line. But yeah, I prefer the 2 damage AOE, especially considering your legendary (which seems fine, if not a bit boring). Also the sheep is hilarious. Well done.
    WARLOCK: hard call on fel boar. I lean slightly to the 2/3, maybe because warlock is so weak right now? hmm. Amazing art, btw! For the Demonologist (nice flavor) it's a close call. I slightly lean towards the 2/2. Imp-irate and Claws are nice cards, but I have a real problem with Infected Squashling. The "infinite value" potential for this just doesn't work for me... I mean I get that the transformation could be a downside but in zoo... it's probably just good. I don't like the mechanic, but if you stick to it I'd at least drop it to a 3/2. Uncaged Felhound I think is just too good... if you play it after turn 10, it's strictly an overpowered card. Finally, the name of your legendary is way too long!! :P Also, wouldn't the nightspawns be elementals? Maybe not, just throwing it out there. Oh, and I kind of expected to see a non-legendary Demon exhibit card! 
    PALADIN: I think Holy Descend should be Holy Descent, no? And I think the 2 mana is fine, since you'd obviously be playing this in a dragon pally deck so the dragon exhibit requirement is not guaranteed at all. Bookwhelp feels too much like Hydrologist. And I don't like the name... I'd rethink this one completely. I like the elemental, but I think you could afford to lower the health gain to 2 or 3. Lightmane Dragonslayer's art is very weird... and unwarcrafty, I think? And... I'm not digging the pally legendary. Just feels like a powercreep/lazy copy of Vilefin Inquisitor. The effect of your epic card feels like it would make for a good legendary here. Also, just wanna say that I think you've gone a bit tribe crazy... I'd ditch the Beast (make it a non-tribe dude, imo) to clean up the tribe madness :P
    Such an elegant wording for Lightborne Whelp, thank you :)
    I think I will stick to Night Watcher (maybe make it a 1/3) over Nightsteed, it's a more original card.
    I think I will go for Nightborne Drake & Shadow Avatar over Shadow Acolyte & Profane Resurrection, for the reasons you pointed out.
    Infected Squashling is being such a pain in the ass to balance, the 1-Mana 2/2 was too weak and the 2-Mana 4/2 can be abused D: I think I'll completely redesign it.
    I thought about making Bookwhelp's wording to "Battlecry: Discover a non-Secret spell that costs (1)." Would that wording be too complex for a common? His name is supposed to be a small pun, it isn't a book worm, it's a book whelp :p (sad bad dad joke).
    Thanks for the call on Holy Descend Descent, English isn't my main language, I got that one wrong apparently. I checked the dictionary and Descent makes more sense :)
    Holyscale Drake's effect must be on an epic, is a small theme inside my expansion, some classes got epic cards with effects like that (Druid and Shaman so far) so I want this small cycle within some epics.
    Lightmane Dragonslayer good points... good points. I had not realised that all my paladin minions had a tribe. I might have went overboard with it. But what you said about it being unwarcrafty was what ticked be. Gonna make a new common.
    I really want to use that art for the Pally legendary, and it's stupid but I am really proud of the name "Sir Ted Poe". But I've been struggling with its ability D:

    I will review your new set shortly, thanks for the feedback ;)

    EDIT: About Uncaged Felhound, I am ok with it being powerful late game. The drawback is huge during early and midgame. And an Uncaged Felhound late game is not as bad as a lot of stuff already out there, even warlock has better crazy plays, playing a Doomguard without any cards in hand, for example.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 0

    posted a message on Expansion Creation Competition - Phase IV [Discussion]

    A little up :)
    Any feedback on the cards? Especially the Alternatives 


     The first design is intended to give the player the ability to get out of Shadowform. The second design is more early game oriented, but can also serve as healing after you are in Shadowform and can't use your hero power to heal your self.

    Flavor text for the 2nd one: Eats fruit... AND FUNNEL CAKES!



     Don't mind their rarities, depending of which I choose I will swap some rarities later. I want a Beast that supports the Shadowform mechanic. I think Night Watcher has a more interesting and unique text, while Nightsteed is more powerful. Which one you like the most?



     These are pairs. I am more fond of the 2nd pair myself. Shadow Acolyte and Shadow Avatar both support the Shadowform archetype. Profane Resurrection is supposed to be good with Deathrattle cards, but I haven't added that many, which makes me feel this card is out of place. I like Nightborne Drake quite a lot as it is a resource machine.



     The first one is the original, which was pointed out as being too powerful compared to Excavated Evil, an already powerful card. I do agree Excavated Evil was a great card, but one of its strengths was the ability to give a dead draw to an aggro deck. Not only Shadowfang Drake is not able to do that, it also has 2 conditions and a flaw printed on it. You must be in Shadowform, you can't control any other dragons. And the flaw is quite big in a mirror match, you won't damage enemy dragons. On top of that, a 7-Mana 7/5 is pretty poorly stated, that's why I think the first one is balanced. But I am open to new perspectives.




     I can't think of an already existing card with similar effect, that's why I can't evaluate the power level of the card that well. I do think denying a card draw is a huge drawback that justifies the 2/3.



     I do not want to compare it with Arcanologist, I despise that card. Just not sure if the 2/2 is too weak.




     Do you think the 3-Mana one is too mediocre? I do not think the 3-Mana one is weak at all. It's virtually a 1-Mana draw a Dragon. I do not think the 2-Mana is crazy OP, but I do think it is really strong. Which one do you think is better?



     Some clarifications:

    • Uncaged Felhound would prevent you of gaining any Mana Crystals while it is on the board.
    • Holyscale Drake will always heal at least 3 Health, as Exhibits are triggered after the minion is played, it would proc itself.
    • If your Hero Power is Mind Spike, playing Night Watcher would not change it to Mind Shatter.
    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 0

    posted a message on Expansion Creation Competition - Phase IV [Discussion]
    Quote from Cogito_Ergo_Sum >>

    Here are some random Mage, Warrior, Hunter, and Shaman cards I whipped up. Most of these are probably likely definitely unbalanced. Your thoughts?

    (Battlecries occur whether you play the Stabilize cost or not. Minions with Stabilize cannot be summoned by random effects like Evolve. Elementals with Stabilize will still trigger "If you played an Elemental last turn effects" even if you didn't pay the Stabilize cost.)

    Dotinasan is an anagram. ;) Try to guess what it's an anagram of. I'll give you a hint. Look at the minion's stats.

    "Opposite to this" is are the minions right across the board. They act exactly like the Chess Pieces from One Night in Karazhan.

    The oldest spell in your hand is always the leftmost spell in your hand (from your perspective, not your opponent's). Vice versa for the newest spell. 

    Alleria is a Nightingale?! :O
    May Nocturnal bless her.
    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 0

    posted a message on Expansion Creation Competition - Phase IV [Discussion]
    Quote from ThisOtherGuyTox >>
    Quote from Cogito_Ergo_Sum >>

    Hey, sorry I wasn't here to help you guys out. I'm kinda busy to real life right now. If anyone needs a review, please reply, and I'll try to respond whenever I am available.

    I'll gladly take up that offer.


    The theme is built around the Arakkoa of Arak. The class features quite a bit Silence synergy.

    It also features a new Mechanic called Textless. Any vanilla minion and most tokens is automatically Textless, and so is any Silenced minions.

    In total the cards promote two pretty different types of deck types. A new type of Aggro/Midrange Token deck, that utilizes the very strong Textless cards. And offcourse the standard Silence Priest deck.

    Cards 7/7. Planning to make some alternatives.


    My mage theme is about Spell damage and a bombardment of low cost spells.

    Cards: 8/7 And planning to make more alternatives.


    Druid's theme is all about attacking with your hero. Effectively removing the opponents minions at the cost of facetanking.

    Cards 8/7 planning to make a ton of alternatives.

    Notes: Broll makes your Hero Power give +2 Attack, but no armor.

     And poke me or something when your own expansion is ready to be reviewed :D

    I will agree with Cogito, you have 2 Keywords and you barely used them in theses 3 classes.
    • Power Word: Barrier - I don't think it is weak, but I don't think it is good enough to see constructed play.
    • A Moment of Silence - Amazing name, seems OK.
    • Sensitive Adherent; Arakkoa Whisperer; Disciple of Silence - The Textless bunch. The 1st does a nice job pushing the archetype. The second one is just broken, it's better than pre-nerf Ironbeak Owl and is insane in a Textless Priest mirror. The 3rd one is good in general, being less good in a mirror match. But TBH, I really don't like the whole Textless idea. Vanilla cards are simply boring, Textless Priest would be a pretty boring deck to play with, and I don't think these 3 cards are enough to push the archetype.
    • Shadow-sage Iskar - Really nice card to Silence Priest!
    • Light and Darkness - I don't think it fits your Priest set.


    • Weakened Flames - Nice effect, I have something similar in my mage set as well :)
    • Laser Beam - Really weird unsymmetric effect, I don't like it :l
    • Mana Hungerer - Seems OK.
    • Helpful Assistant - Too helpful in my opinion. I don't think mage needs a 1-Mana card draw, that basically draws your Frostbolt or your Primordial Glyph.
    • Arcane Amplify - The name sounds odd to me, aside from that I think the card is fine.
    • Arcane Inventor - I would make the effect passive, not a battlecry.
    • Nexus-Prince Hoshino - RIP CecilHoshino ;-; Isn't it supposed to be "Battlecry: Your spells that cost (2) or less trigger twice this turn"? I like the card, interesting effect.
    • Imperator Mar'gok - Way too strong. Some lucky bastard would highroll you with 12-Damage Fireballs and 6-Damage Frostbolts.


    • Forest Lion - 2nd version for sure, nice effect. Would your hero actively have attack during the enemy's turn? So if a 1-Health minion attacked you, would it die? If so, that's pretty nice :D
    • DEHTA Warden - I think you should try to improve the wording somehow.
    • Jungle Hermit - Nice card, finally showing your keywords!
    • Remaining Druid cards are all fine IMO.
    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 13

    posted a message on Simulacrum

    You surely knows when to play this card :)

    Posted in: Simulacrum
  • 7

    posted a message on Simulacrum

    It isn't very clear to me. Will it add a copy of it to your hand or summon a copy? If it's latter, Malygos Mage may become really viable.

    Posted in: Simulacrum
  • 1

    posted a message on Expansion Creation Competition - Phase IV [Discussion]
    Quote from Demonxz95 >>

    So, I've got two new Hunter cards up.

    Spectral Shot is pretty simple. Just another deal 3 damage spell. Gives you an Orb. I feel this would just be good enough even in decks that don't focus on Void Orbs. Quick Shot often just dealt 3 damage, and the draw only ever activated if you were SUPER Aggro. The artwork is also awesome!

    Hooded Sharpshooter is actually a card I made a while ago, re-skinned for the competition and it goes with the Spectral Shot card. What counts as a Shot card includes:

    For some reason, I apparently make a lot of non-Beast Hunter minions.


     Oooh, nice cards, this Hooded Sharpshooter is really cool!
    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 0

    posted a message on Expansion Creation Competition - Phase IV [Discussion]
    Quote from Demonxz95 >>

    Obligatory 1 mana 1/3 that gains Attack. Also, an excuse to use this artwork because I want to use it for a card.

    Okay, so I don't expect this to make it very far in production, but still... Would it be better balanced if it was "play" instead of "summon", so no Unleash the Hounds combo stuff. At the very least, it's not Tunnel Trogg.

     Oh my... that's spooky. I can imagine this snowballing so hard. As you said yourself, changing "summon" to "play" is the first step towards balance. But I would maybe make it like "Whenver you play/summon a Beast, gain +1 Attack this turn only"
    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 0

    posted a message on Expansion Creation Competition - Phase IV [Discussion]
    Quote from Cogito_Ergo_Sum >>
    Quote from SnorlaxBR >>
    Quote from Cogito_Ergo_Sum >>

    And now I'm tuckered out. Sorry if I didn't get a chance to review your expansion today.
    I promise I'll try to get to it ASAP.

    People I still owe:

    • TheOtherGuyTox
    • Livienna
    • SnorlaxBR

    Oh, and here are a bunch of random class cards that I think best represent my class set's theme. Which class should I choose?

    Note: The "oldest" spell in your hand is the spell in your hand that has been there for the longest time. So you might be wondering, how would I keep track of how long each spell was in my hand? Trick question. You don't have to. The leftmost spell in your hand is always the oldest spell in your hand because cards are always added to the right side of your hand. Vice versa for the "newest" spell in your hand.

    • Mage's Anthology - I don't like the idea of considering a spell an elemental.
    • Earthquake - I like the effect, but you gotta admit the wording is a bit more complex than an usual Hearthstone card.
    • Armed - I would drop the original armor gain to 6 instead of 7. Looks better if the enhanced armor is double the original in my opinion.
    • Dangerous - I never thought Swipe would get power-creeped. This is way too strong, having armor is an extremely easy condition. I would raise the cost to 4 for sure, and maybe drop the 4 damage to 3 damage.
    • Circle of Wills Combatant - Really nice :)
    • Spirit of Dalaran - Really don't like this all in on Brann Bronzebeard + Baron Rivendare. These effects fit a Legendary very well, not a Rare Class card. I don't think it's a balance matter, I simply don't like seeing these effects on a non-legendary class card.
    • Silver Covenant Archer - What would happen if you have two spells with the same "age"? They both started in your hand or were drawn at the same time somehow. If I play my oldest spell for (2) less, if I have a 2nd spell in my hand, it would become the new oldest one, would it cost (2) less as well? If so, you can basically have a 3-Mana 4/3 "Your spells cost (2) less" with a small restriction in the casting order, and that's pretty busted.
    • Arched Silver Covenant - What would happen if you have two spells with the same "age"? They both started in your hand or were drawn at the same time somehow. If I play my newest spell with Spell Damage +2, if I have a 2nd spell in my hand, it would become the new newest one, would it have Spell Damage +2 as well? If so, you can basically have a 3-Mana 3/4 "Spell Damage +2" with a small restriction in the casting order, and that's pretty busted.
    Thanks for the feedback! I'm nerfing the Silver Convenants to a 3/3.
    If you're curious, the animation shows that you draw the cards one at a time at the start of the game, and a new card is always added to the right of your hand. "Oldest spell in your hand" is really just a fancy way of saying "Leftmost card in your hand" but I can't word it like that because the "leftmost card in your hand" is the rightmost card in your hand in your opponent's perspective.
    Dangerous is not really powercreep over Swipe because a) you damage your own minions, b) you can only deal 4 damage to a MINION whereas Swipe can deal 4 damage to the enemy hero, and c) the Whirlwind effect is conditional.
     I would avoid the words Rightmost and leftmost, they would require sentences in some languages to describe. They would be huge in Portuguese (Rightmost = O mais à direita; Leftmost = O mais à esquerda), that's just dreadful.
    Furthermore, would they work as I thought? With some planned ordering, would you be able to exploit their effects?
    The reason I think Dangerous is really powerful is the class it is in. Damaging your own minions was never a problem to Warrior. And the armor requirement is easily achievable in my opinion. And not being able to hit face is not that huge of a drawback to a control warrior.
    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 0

    posted a message on Expansion Creation Competition - Phase IV [Discussion]

    After some feedback and time thinking about my set, I've redesigned a few cards and have a few alternatives with some classes.


     The first design is intended to give the player the ability to get out of Shadowform. The second design is more early game oriented, but can also serve as healing after you are in Shadowform and can't use your hero power to heal your self.

    Flavor text for the 2nd one: Eats fruit... AND FUNNEL CAKES!



     Don't mind their rarities, depending of which I choose I will swap some rarities later. I want a Beast that supports the Shadowform mechanic. I think Night Watcher has a more interesting and unique text, while Nightsteed is more powerful. Which one you like the most?



     These are pairs. I am more fond of the 2nd pair myself. Shadow Acolyte and Shadow Avatar both support the Shadowform archetype. Profane Resurrection is supposed to be good with Deathrattle cards, but I haven't added that many, which makes me feel this card is out of place. I like Nightborne Drake quite a lot as it is a resource machine.



     The first one is the original, which was pointed out as being too powerful compared to Excavated Evil, an already powerful card. I do agree Excavated Evil was a great card, but one of its strengths was the ability to give a dead draw to an aggro deck. Not only Shadowfang Drake is not able to do that, it also has 2 conditions and a flaw printed on it. You must be in Shadowform, you can't control any other dragons. And the flaw is quite big in a mirror match, you won't damage enemy dragons. On top of that, a 7-Mana 7/5 is pretty poorly stated, that's why I think the first one is balanced. But I am open to new perspectives.




     I can't think of an already existing card with similar effect, that's why I can't evaluate the power level of the card that well. I do think denying a card draw is a huge drawback that justifies the 2/3.



     I do not want to compare it with Arcanologist, I despise that card. Just not sure if the 2/2 is too weak.




     Do you think the 3-Mana one is too mediocre? I do not think the 3-Mana one is weak at all. It's virtually a 1-Mana draw a Dragon. I do not think the 2-Mana is crazy OP, but I do think it is really strong. Which one do you think is better?



     Some clarifications:

    • Uncaged Felhound would prevent you of gaining any Mana Crystals while it is on the board.
    • Holyscale Drake will always heal at least 3 Health, as Exhibits are triggered after the minion is played, it would proc itself.
    • If your Hero Power is Mind Spike, playing Night Watcher would not change it to Mind Shatter.
    Posted in: Fan Creations
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