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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2
    Quote from Kaladin >>

    anyone remember when playing a minion on curve was a good play? 

    i remember having more than 10 health on turn 4, those were good days.

     Kaladin, I've always thought you were excessive with your posts, but at this very moment HS is so much bullshit that even 300 posts wouldn't be enough to express the inner salt i have...

    Hunter, Hunter, Hunter, KB Rogue, Odd Paladin, Odd Paladin, OTK Paladin, OTK Paladin, Hunter, "THE NEW FRESH ARCHETYPE: UNDATAKAH DRUID" (which is a Taunt Druid with infinite Hadronox, immune to Fatigue and that can run Malfurion as well),Hunter, KB Rogue,Hunter, Hunter, KB Rogue, KB Rogue, Hunter, Odd Paladin, Taunt Druid, KB Rogue,Taunt Druid...

    They really should consider stopping to launch new expansions if they have to print every fucking time new OP cards. Like, all the DKs were OP (except Garrosh, Thrall and maybe Uther), Kingsbane and Rhok Delar are FUCKING OP, Lesser Emerald Spellstone as well, Zul'Jin is bullshit, Hadronox is the main cause of my nightmares, Level Up! is pure cancer, Baku doesn't need any words, Purifier Maul is just something disgusting, so much highrolls involved with Unidentified Maul...

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on We Need Cards to Counter Lifegain
    Quote from RendInFriend >>
    Quote from Demonxz95 >>

    This a problem I see with counterplay in Hearthstone. People ask to introduce more counterplay to Hearthstone, but then people would ask for counterplay to counter the counterplay.

    Aside from that, the effect of "players can't gain life" probably sounds too situational to be useful. It could only be useful against Priest and some Paladin decks, because other classes don't have much life gain. It also doesn't affect Armor. Amara, Warden of Hope would still work because Amara doesn't "restore" Health, but it "sets" it. Players technically don't "gain" any life either, they "restore" it. It was there before, now they just have it back.

    It looks like a Priest weapon. If it is, then this looks like it helps you more than it hurts you, because it prevents you from healing and chips your life away. 6 attacks is enough to kill you from full Health with the "extra damage" effect, meaning unless you have Armor or other weapons (as a Priest nonetheless). That is unless you take no damage from attacking face, because you can't take "extra" damage, if you take no damage at all.

     You’ve never had Jaina play Geddon and gain full life while clearing your board? What’s the biggest kingsbane with leeching poison you’ve seen? Have you had Hagatha cast 2 healing rains in the match then pull a third one from playing Electra Stormsurge then double cast it? How big of a swing does a greater amethyst spell stone make when your threat is removed and warlock is healed the turn before Gul’dan starts target lifesteal 3 every turn?

    While I don’t think we need to tech against healing, it’s just plain wrong to say it will only be useful against paladin or priest. Four additional classes have lifegain tied to to their win condition. The only classes that do not benefit from healing are Druid, warrior and hunter. This is because Druid and warrior can generate tons of armor, which is effectively a way to break the life total cap, and because hunter no heal, hunter go face.

     I've played against a Quest Priest that played 3 Amaras and Thalnos into Spirit Lash at full board. I lost after I had dealt more than 100 damage. I think that the new Quest Priest has no weakness. Fatigue? Archbishop Benedictus. Burn Damage? Triple Amaras. Massive Board? Double PS, Double MH amd double Duskbreaker. It's litterally unbeatable...

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Promotional CHICKEN HERO for Hunter!!
    Quote from Camelo >>


     How :)

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Sharing my Demon Bee Gees Disco Lock

    Stayin alive! Stayin alive! Ah-ah-ah-ah Stayin ALIIIIIIIVE!!!

    Posted in: Warlock
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    posted a message on New Hunter Hero Card - Zul'jin
    Quote from Bluelights >>

    I am pretty sure control warlock is aggro aswell, it sometimes runs mountain giants, which can be played on turn 4 and hit you for 8 the next turn!

     Wait what? XD

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Hunter Hero Card - Zul'jin

    I don't want to quote the 400 previous messages, but Spell Hunter isn't aggro at all. 

    First of all, I noticed someone called Even Shaman "aggro deck" and argued that since this deck can run stuff like Kalimos and Al'Akir, then Spell Hunter is an aggro deck too despite running cards like Zul'jin and Crushing Walls. You are wrong simply because Even Shaman isn't Aggro but Midrange. That also explains why it runs Hagatha the Witch despite being a card that doesn't deal direct damage and costs 8 (and kills your board as well as your opponent's one) .

    Now, talking about Spell Hunter, it isn't aggro because 

    1) It doesn't kill you by turn 6/7

    "BuT iF tHeY pLaY sPeLlStOnE oN 5 aNd I dOn't HaVe An AnSwEr ThEy'Ll WiN oN tUrN 6..."

    Then Even Lock and Miracle Rogue are aggro too because 8/8 Van Cleef and Mountain Giant on 3 can kill you in a couple of turns.

    SPOILER ALERT: Even Lock and Miracle Rogue aren't aggro decks

    This is called "Tempo Swing", the same that brought Big Priest at tier 1 in Wild.

    2) It runs cards like Crushing Walls and DK Rexxar. Abut the former, I haven't seen an aggro deck since beta that runs a 7 mana hard removal. Prove me I'm wrong if you can.

    About the latter, 6 mana deal 2 to all enemy minions is a worse consecration (no aggro deck would play it) amd the Hero Power you get provides only value. Why an aggro deck would replace a Damage Hero Power with a value one?? Maybe because it isn't aggro...

    3) Zul'jin, Rhok'Delar and To My Side are the cards around the deck is built. These cards are the reason why Spell Hunter doesn't play minions. Now, look at the cards. The cheaper is To My Side and costs 6, Rhok'Delar costs 7 and Zul'Jin 10. Have you ever seen an aggro deck built around 10 mana cards??? But most of all, have you ever seen an aggro deck DON'T RUNNING MINIONS BECAUSE OF 6+ MANA CARDS???


    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on And the best legendary in Standard is...

    Prince Liam is very good in Odd Pally IMHO, it makes your draws better (you don't need 1-drops after turn 5) and has a solid body (5/5 for 5 isn't that bad, is it?)

    Now, despite this, I don t think he s the best legendary in Standard. For instance, DK Jaina and Gul'dan heavily surclass him. It's just Odd Pally that's OP

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Snapjaw and Spririt Infinte combo...

    I think you mean Spirit of the Dead

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on New Hunter Hero Card - Zul'jin
    Quote from Prudence94 >>
    Quote from One_Man_Army >>
    Quote from One_Man_Army >>

    Lmao the card sucks. After they play Zul’jin, clear their board and they are done. Almost every class can clear board of 3/3s. Gets outvalued by Dragon-Mech Warrior so hard.

     Yes, because Zuljin is used in aggro decks. Aggro decks famously do bad against heavy control decks, doesn't mean it's bad.

    Dude, Spell Hunter is not an aggro deck.. 

     Have you even played hearthstone? There is something obviously aggressive in summoning 4 three attack minions and creating minionless decks just in hopes of getting that huffer + leokk dream.

    This gotta be one of the dumbest posts I've read here... The Spellstone costs 5 mana and needs setup to spawn those 4 3/3s... It's not like you can topdeck it and play it as if it was upgraded... TMS costs 6 mana and even if it does spawn the minions you mentioned it's 5 damage! Just 5! and it doesn't go through taunts... Also,what does Spell Hunter do till turn 3/4? Basically nothing, if it reallly were an Aggro Deck you'd be at half your health if not less at that point... Have you ever played against something called Pirate Warrior? or Aggro Shaman? or Tempo Mage? Those are Aggro decks not something that can't even put bodies on the board till turn 3/4...  

     I have to ask, but are you actually brain dead? You're claiming a deck that runs 8 one cost cards isn't aggro? Holy shit my dude. Spell hunter plays spells until the turns you mentioned, I know, spells in a deck called spell hunter really shocks me too.

    I asked this earlier to someone else, but have you ever played hearthstone? Even versus odd paladin, the best aggro deck in the entire game, you won't be anywhere near half health by the turns you mentioned, it only starts to become really good at turn 5 with Level Up!.

    Edit: noticed the anime gif you have, so ignore my first question as I get the answer now. :)


    It's something between Midrange and Tempo but for sure it isn't aggro. Have you ever seen an aggro deck w/o turn 1 drop? Or an aggro deck with a 10 mana card? I could go further but I won't

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Infinite Undatakah theory
    Quote from Thezzy >>

    Or just use Astral Tiger

     Yeah sure, if Priest had access to that card. :)

     Or just use Druid

    Posted in: Priest
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    posted a message on Odd Mage
    Quote from WinterbornW >>

    No Frost Lich Jaina ? OMEGALUL Don't tell me that's counterproductive to replace 2 dmg hero power.

    Also cheap spells are meh since there's not so many draw engines (they're bad even with Cats). Pocket Galaxy is pointless, u need some big AoE.

    And to be honest from my experience Astromancers aren't great (Can u post your initial Boomsday deck?).

     This. Exactly this.

    Posted in: Mage
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    posted a message on Who's the least fun?

    What's wrong with Trump? 

    Yes, he makes bad card reviews but overall he's a good streamer Kappa

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Dragon warrior seems quite bad?

    Of course it's bad, it's one of the slowest lists i have ever seen. It's just too greedy, double Dragon Roar has already enough value to cut the new 4 mana 4/3 Legendary. But then, how good is Dragon Roar? Dr. Boom is good for Control, but if you are playing a control you need ABSOLUTELY double Brawl and maybe double Shield Slam, which is far superior to Crowd Roaster. Dragonmaw Scorcer is a bad card, especially because Warriors can cast Wirlwind effects with more efficiency. Execute should be mandatory in such type of decks and, most of all, it lacks early game while the win condition is barely existent. Definetly it needs refining


    Posted in: Warrior
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    posted a message on Tempo Hunter returns in Rastakhan!

    It's called "Midrange Hunter"

    Posted in: General Deck Building
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    posted a message on Who will WIN the RUMBLE

    Have you ever seen a Bat beating a Dragon?? Or a Lion beating a Dragon?? Or a Shark Beating a Dragon?? Or a Dragon beating another Dragon??

    Have you ever seen a Dragon btw? XD

    Posted in: General Discussion
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