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    posted a message on Most hated deck in the meta?

    Ok, I'm an experienced player: I've started playing about the same time MtoG was launched. So I've dealt with the most bullshit decks like Jade Druid, Pirate Warrior, Quest Rogue, Aggro Shaman, Machine Gun Priest... but yesterday... I played a match against a Resurrect Albatros Priest. That was the most stupid, unfunny thing I've ever seen! Like, ok, I've got it, your deck is fucking OP. BUT AT LEAST DON'T TUCH MY BEAUTIFUL HANDBUFF HIGHLANDER PALADIN MAN! I used to love Weasel Tunneler Priest, really, but this is just disgusting. How am I supposed to win when I have 20 1/1s in my deck? I mean, I can't even let the Albatros alive beacause of their high attack value (not to mention buffs given by Quest HP). "Well Played"- fuck you XD

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Unpopular Opinion


    Why should I lie lmao? I'm not legend just because I'm not playing a lot these days. I'm an experienced player though, I know quite a lot about Hearthstone (been playing since TGT) and have hit legend too. I'm just saying that "op decks" are on another level of this new Shaman archetype. Jade Druid, Aggro Shaman, Pirate Warrior, Machine Gun Priest , Quest Rogue, just saying. And it has often happened that powerful day 1 decks turned out to be shit in the meta just a week after.

    Edit: quote

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Unpopular Opinion

    Galakrond Shaman is not that strong.

    "But it has 60% over winrate!!"

    It's only Day 3, stats aren't reliable.

    Galakrond's battlecry is pretty strong yeah, I admit it, summon 2 (or 4 with Quest) 8/8 elemental with Rush, but it won't come down until turn 10, and this is nothing compared to cards like a turn 5 pre-nerf Emerald Spellstone or even a turn 4 Mountain Giant. They are called "Tempo Plays", take a look at the new Alexstrasza card for instance. Real problem is quest being overpowered, not unbeatable but really strong.

    I, personally, have no probelms at defeating shamans with my Highlander Dragon Mage, basically have 80% wr, and can't see why it's considered so op by everyone...

    It's having success right now, but this is just because the new meta hasn't settled yet, and, trust me, Galakrond Shaman wouldn't have lasted a month even without the incoming nerfs.

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 10.9 - Discussion Topic


    Change Combo into Battlecry,  "1 damage for each" into "Deal 1 damage. Repeat for every minion...", "this turn" into "this game" and it might be ok-ish

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 10.9 - Discussion Topic
    Quote from Ejawesome >>

     Card is fine, art isn't. It's too cartoonish. Also you should write 'Murloc Knight' with " and capital letters

    Quote from XanXon>>
    5 mana is way too low. Cabalist Tome is 5 mana and gives you 3 random spells. Druid really lacks card generation so make this card at least 7 mana
    Quote from Perothvius >>

     Concept is cool, but 9 mana 3/2 is waaaay too weak for a legendary. It would be fine even as a 9/9

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 5

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 10.9 - Discussion Topic




    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on All right, Shaman completed his quest, better beat him before he gets value

    Wanna talk about 5 mana 10/10 rush??

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 10.5 - Discussion Topic

    Magic Armor gives your minion (x) damage protection against next spell that would hit them (e.g. The first Flamestrike casted would deal only 3 damage to them). Does it meet the requirements though?

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on 1500 XP Quest Trading - Play A Friend! (#7)

    Battletag: Pumpkin03#2233

    Region: EU

    Trade only?: Yes, you go first as usual

    Posted in: Players and Teams Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 9.18 - Submission Topic

    Pros: 29 card deck, free 1/1 token on turn 1, if you are a Mage you can avoid fatigue.

    Cons: If you play it, you will draw a 0 mana 1/1 card soon or later, so it improves the chances of bad draw.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 1

    posted a message on TRIALS AND ERRORS (Class Creation Competition #5) - Phase I [Submission Topic]


    So, this is my entry. Note: The Hero Power stucks, so if you cast it 5 times without taking damage you can negate a Pyroblast (very unlikely though)

    Main Strength: Tons of answers against aggro, has access to both armor and heal (if you consider heal the hero power), big spells

    Main Weakness: Can't apply enough pression against combo, doesn't have weapons (except the legendary one), passive play style and lacks of a solid win condition (so far XD ) and limited card draw


    The new Keyword bounds your minions to Mother Earth, preventing them from being affected by your opponent's effect and enhancing their power. The follow is an example of a basic card I ve created, which is none-the-less every Earth Mage's signature: the golem summon!




    Basically your plan all along the game is survive till your opponent end his resources, thanks also to Medusa, your Classic Legendary card that can easily turn a game in your favour.

    Now that you can defend yourself from upcoming attacks, you ll need to counter attack but how? Simply with the cards you will see during next phase ;)

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Hello again HP. What's new?
    Quote from Deck_Fiend >>

    I went on a wee hiatus for a few months, there's a new set out and I know nothing about it. 

    would any of you wonderful fellows give me a quick run down of what's what, please? 

    I got a rogue legendary shark dude that eats stuff and a warlock one from my freebies. I play those classes so hopefully it's a jumping off point for me.

    Looking by the way the stats are though on the front page, looks like maybe rogue and warlock are not the best classes to be playing right now? 

    Any advice to help me get back into the swing of things would be greatly appreciated. 



    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Help guide to beating Dungeon Run with Warrior

    Big Minions + Grommash's Gauntlet (?) (i.e. the treasure that reduce to 1 the cost of all your weapons) + Woecleaver--> EZ

    Posted in: Dungeon Run
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    posted a message on [Game] Hearthpwn's Deck Building Challenge

    So? What's next?

    Posted in: General Deck Building
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