• 11

    posted a message on Ugliest Card

    Yeah it's Dragonslayer *puke*

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Juicy Psychmelon is ridiciously overpowered and will be nerved for sure

    OTKstone is getting pretty tiresome right now ...

    It would be cool, but they have to give us neutral counters, relying on anti-combo warlocks to balance the entire meta just doesn't cut it.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on Control players are not superior to any other

    Lets face it, both control and combo decks are easier to play right now than they ever have been. The power level compensates for lack of skill somewhat, and the way they play out is far easier than it was in the past, with incredible draw tools compared to what we used in the past, and simple hand dumping to achieve the win condition.

    The pinnacle of this game IMO were the two old warrior archetypes - old-school wallet control warrior in terms of resource management and then patron warrior in terms of maths and ability to manipulate the board to make the most of your combo. Continuing with the warrior class as the example I say the downturn started with Taunt/Quest Warrior - yes in theory it's a control deck but consider how easy it is to play in comparision, even if in general terms, it is not more powerful. You can extrapolate this to pretty much all modern combo/control decks across all classes - they've been dumbed down significantly.

    Aggro on the other hand has never really changed.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on WILD STAR ALLIGNER IS BROKEN

    The problems with druid don't come from the finisher. I still think Spreading Plague is the worst offender in any of these druid combo decks.

    Posted in: Wild Format
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    posted a message on Predictions on nerfs?

    Spreading plague really is total BS.

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Define Uninteractive
    Quote from raym0nd000 >>

    best example for something uninteractive is a healing zoo with a very good opening or a tempo mage with double mana wyrm.

    most of the time you can't do anything about it.

     Keep seeing people saying this sort of thing in this thread - It seems blantantly incorrect to me. Decks that can potentially high roll into being unineractive are not the same as decks that are designed specifically to high roll and win based on this. For example, compare heal zoo to old big priest with barnes. heal zoo is consdierably more interactive, becasue it's designed, like all zoo decks, to fight for board control. Following on from that, big priest is considerably more interactive than any modern malygos combo druid or exxodia deck.

    Why do people have such a hard time separating derogatory terms from decks they don't like? This stuff annoys the fuck out of me in RL as well...it's rife in politics.



    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Has been Boomdays project one of the most disappointing expansion in HS???

    We need more complex cards in the game that are fun to set up and then execute. Defile is currently carrying this game IMO. Decks like patron warrior, the fun kind of combo deck, seems a life-time ago. Long winded draw your entire deck and play in order "I win" mega cards/combos aren't great for the game, mid-range win-more cards aren't any better and over powered 1 and 2 drops are the absolute worst - but this is all we see from Blizzard, expansion after expansion. can't blame the community for playing degenrate, overly simple, dull decks all the time when thats the tools we are given to work with. It seems Blizzard isn't inventive enough and scared to produce interesting cards that might be on a constructed power-level ...maybe it has something to do with their terrible nerfing/buffing strategy?

    You could do so much with this game - I have no idea why they don't man up and borrow some of the cooler concepts you see the community coming up with thei custom cards - more complex cards! Nerf later if it goes to tits-up but atleast try, they need to grow some balls and just do it.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Why Was Raza Nerfed But Aviana + Kun Kept the Same?

    Raza was a card that needed nerfing - Blizzard looked at statistics and decided the number of concedes that occurred when it was dropped on turn 5 was too high - it was too rage inducing and was causing people to just clsoe the game and not play.

    But I'm right with you on Aviana+Kun, and Blizzard contradictory nerfing policy. I can only assume that the reason they've left it the way it is, while printing psychmelon, is they actually want wild to die in a broken druid fire. $$$$ I guess.... it's sad.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on New Druid Spell - Juicy Psychmelon

    I know why this card exists - Blizzard think they can recover from printing an over-powered card by essentially dupilcating its effect, so they can claim that atleast there is deck variety - Quasi nerfing through redundancy. In this case I'm obviously referring to UI.

    ...But they even managed to fudge this this up becasue no one is playing psychmelon in standard, only in wild. and wild is now an abolute cess-pit of combo druids of all varieties, with some odd rogue (the only deck powerful and fast enough to give the druids problems vs all their armor gain) and anti-combo warlocks who are bravely trying to keep the druids in check.

    The lesson here blizzard is to just nerf cards like UI when they need nerfing, not try to hide your shame by duplicating the effing cards in question. Jebus.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Solutions vs spreading plague
    Quote from Velrun >>

    If you guys dislike playing Standard: Come and play Wild! :)

    Wild is cheaper and Wild has a diverse META that shifts slower than Standard but with many good decks.

     Yep there certainly are a wide variety of druids in wild right now, lots of odd rogue too.


    ...wait a second...

    Posted in: General Discussion
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