PVE content this year is starting on a very dark note with how it is being handled. I dont like it.
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Sinti posted a message on Streamer Event Next Week For New Unreleased Adventure - May 14/15Posted in: News -
ManThighs posted a message on Fireside Gatherings 2019 - Real Life Rewards, Fireside Home, Tavern vs TavernPosted in: NewsMake a new game mode please Blizzard. The game has remained formatically the same since 2015. Don't say bullshit like it takes a lot of time and the community doesn't know what they want. Things like platinum portraits and recorded achievments along with new game modes have been things the community has wanted for ages. Blizzards found a format that works and is enjoyable, but instead of building upon it and excercising the full of Hearthstone's potential they do just enough to get by. It just annoys me, as the game could be so much better if Blizzard just tried new things and gave the community some of the things they've always wanted in Hearthstone.
ShadowsOfSense posted a message on Nerfs are not the solution- Buffs are.Posted in: General DiscussionBuffing is not better than nerfing for changing the meta.
Let's say we buff... Betrayal. Nobody plays Betrayal right now, right? So what happens? People test out Betrayal in their Rogue decks, and either it makes the cut, or it doesn't. That's pretty boring.
Let's buff a different card, one for a class not in the meta much right now. I haven't seen a lot of Priest, what happens if we give them a buff? Well, now people try out Priest for a bit, and either it changes the meta up, or it still isn't strong enough to be Tier 1-2. Not much change, and either way the average powerlevel of the game has increased, which isn't good.
Now what happens when we nerf a card? Let's say we nerf Waggle Pick, since that seems to be one of Rogue's strong cards right now. Now we have a lot more interesting developments. First, we need to see how much of a hit this is to Rogue. If Waggle Pick is hit hard enough, what card do you replace it with? Do you need to change up your strategy completely? Then we need to see what Tier 2-3 decks can take advantage of this new drop in Rogue's powerlevel - maybe Zoolock becomes much better now? Or Midrange Hunter? What about Warrior decks, how does this affect them?
In general, nerfing cards creates far more opportunities for change than buffing cards does. Buffing a card means you try out that card; nerfing a card means trying out a bunch of cards to see if they're better than it now.
Live4vrRdieTryn posted a message on Nerfs are not the solution- Buffs are.Posted in: General DiscussionI don't need to. You just take the statistic of a card's playrate/winrate and adjust it accordingly. Usually they just need a stat boost or a drop in mana. Fel Lord Betrug the least successful legendary of RoS could be a 5/9* minion for example. Nozwhisker could be interesting if the mana cost and stats were a little lower.
Live4vrRdieTryn posted a message on Nerfs are not the solution- Buffs are.Posted in: General DiscussionA lot of Hearthpwn people just like to disagree with anything that OP says, I've noticed...
Guess it's empowering or something
Greator posted a message on Nerfs are not the solution- Buffs are.Posted in: General DiscussionWhy would anyone answer no? Blizzard apologists?
Dendroid posted a message on Nerfs are not the solution- Buffs are.Posted in: General DiscussionNo one plays Betrayal...make Betrayal 1 mana. Seemslegit.
Live4vrRdieTryn posted a message on Nerfs are not the solution- Buffs are.Posted in: General DiscussionIn my opinion, nerfing is the uncreative and lazy way to try and fix a stale meta. All it really does is cause a power vaccuum where the next powerful deck steps up to its place, to which will remain because there is no second wave of nerfs. Don't get me wrong, there are good times to nerf since it's why pencils have erasers, and all that (e.g. Cor-Creeper). However, it would be far more effective instead to give the 3rd tier decks a nudge to try and compete. Every expansion brings about more of Team 5's half-baked ideas that intrigue and gain fanfare but ultimately wind up being footnotes because they just can't compete with the broken few that pass through at the same time.
Is it really such a request to ask for these to be buffed? This expansion was especially fun during the first few weeks. All kinds of weird stuff were running around and even a lot of unplayable concepts from the lackluster last three sets saw light. Is it not fun to have a true diversity in the game? Playing and playing against the same 3-8 decks is so tedious that the game just becomes work. As far as I can tell, Blizzard is not capable of projecting the meta, to this I don't blame them. Where I can blame them is for not adjusting it accordingly short of the expected nerf hammer which reads, "this tier one deck drops in power/ the tier 2 deck it counters goes to tier one." a.k.a. nothing very new much emerges.
Please support the idea of buffing cards.
N0Sp00n22 posted a message on Single Player Content Announcement Coming May 9thPosted in: NewsI was hoping the content would be released by the 9th, not just an announcement : (
Also, as _verin_ said, an announcement about an announcement...can't Blizzard just tell us the release date or even better, just release it.
At least this wasn't an announcement of an announcement of an announcement ; )
I may have set the record for the number of "announcements" in this post O_o
Fluxflashor posted a message on Single Player Content Announcement Coming May 9thPosted in: NewsI appreciate your announcement of thanks from my announcement of the announcement they are going to be announcing an announcement. Please continue to announce yourself in the future when a feeling of gratitude exists.
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They killed my infinite meme-wock!
The hype train is pulling into the station!
So its ranked but with actual rewards... I can hear the cubelocks already.
We will never forget his laugh.
I like using Hadronox as my only beast because of the insane value from Witching Hour so I just put a Ancient of War and some other non beast taunts (There are plenty of good ones) in.
More draw for mage?
Looks like Yogg-Saron, Hope's Ends girl friend has joined Hearthstone
Dollmaster Dorian + Book of Specters
Odd cost taunt? Baku taunt warrior is going to be a thing.
Quest Hunter says hello