Been spamming Jade Rogue since the launch. I would make the following changes:
- Southsea Squidface I used them as well at first but I found that they were just way too slow against hunter/mage. I enjoyed slapping on a 10+ Kingsbane but I felt they were hindering the deck too much and were more times than not, just average.
+ Gadgetzan Auctioneer It's just too good not to include. I tried to make version with no Auctioneer work but I felt like the deck overall couldn't keep up pace, and would only shine against control decks. It felt bad to play against Rogues who were using it and summoning free 4/4 spiders.
Everything else I like and is largely similar to what I've been using. I prefer to not use Blade Flurry. I personally have enjoyed the Spellstone but if you decide to run it instead of the Slayers I highly recommend not using more than 1 copy. The advantage of using 1 Spellstone instead of the Slayers is that you free up 1 card slot.
I also think it will bring a nerf to Kingsbane, bringing it either 1 mana more (might not do anything) or a 1/2 weapon. It somewhat reminds me of the old Spirit Claws but even more powerful.
Crafted it Gold. I don't regret it. As far as its playability; it is far too early to decide. It is probably the most complex DK to build around (and master) as it has to consider the type of burst finisher you decide to use which heavily influences the rest of your deck.
The common ones so far are Arcane Giants/Vanish and Leeroy/Cold Blood (12-18+ damage). Malygos (16-24+ damage) is probably the dark horse and I've pretty much spent the entire Day 1 of the expansion testing it. It is incredibly complex -- mainly because of hand size management.
Each finisher has it's pros and cons, but even deeper that this you have to consider how your deck is structured around those finishers.
So in my opinion the DK really is a balancing act of deck design. Having draw value, tempo, and the effective finisher are the 3 main components that players will have to keep in mind when using Valeera the Hollow
You won't be able to get long term value out of this. This is the type of card where you have to make something happen ASAP/the turn right after. Which is why I think that Malygos Rogue is the ideal archetype for this card. The Leeroy combos seem alright too, but just 1 taunt by your opponent reduces the effectiveness - and there seems to be a Taunt Druid brewing. Also in the mirror matchup, you can kill your opponent through stealth with Sinister Strike, again which is why I'm sold on MalyRogue for this card.
Quest Rogue AUTO-LOSES to Aggro Druid and is pretty much hopeless if you dont draw a Hungry Crab against Paladin.
Its funny how on Reddit everyone was jerking off to the Kibler video about the Quest Rogue problem. He mains Priest, the best matchup for Quest Rogue, of course he's gonna want a nerf.
Back in the mid-Old Gods days, when Rogue was getting smashed in the face by Tunnel Trogg and Totem Golem, I didnt complain about a nerf...
I also don't see how you can change it without completely breaking the Quest and making it unplayable.
Making it 5 minions would be probably the best way to balance it. It is important that if the quest is nerfed that it doesn't make it too slow. That marginal difference is enough to slow it to just about turn 6ish which imo is the proper timing.
Everyone talking about control warrior but my sleeper deck for this card?
Been spamming Jade Rogue since the launch. I would make the following changes:
- Southsea Squidface I used them as well at first but I found that they were just way too slow against hunter/mage. I enjoyed slapping on a 10+ Kingsbane but I felt they were hindering the deck too much and were more times than not, just average.
+ Gadgetzan Auctioneer It's just too good not to include. I tried to make version with no Auctioneer work but I felt like the deck overall couldn't keep up pace, and would only shine against control decks. It felt bad to play against Rogues who were using it and summoning free 4/4 spiders.
Everything else I like and is largely similar to what I've been using. I prefer to not use Blade Flurry. I personally have enjoyed the Spellstone but if you decide to run it instead of the Slayers I highly recommend not using more than 1 copy. The advantage of using 1 Spellstone instead of the Slayers is that you free up 1 card slot.
wtf is a Rouge?
I think Jade Kingsbane Rogue will be a Tier 1 deck: Lesser Onyx Spellstone, Southsea Squidface, Cavern Shinyfinder, Sonya Shadowdancer... There's too much synergy, board presence, enough sustain, and enough tempo that I think it will dictate the meta, ultimately bringing it back to aggro.
I also think it will bring a nerf to Kingsbane, bringing it either 1 mana more (might not do anything) or a 1/2 weapon. It somewhat reminds me of the old Spirit Claws but even more powerful.
Yes. Although, it might be better just to play around 1 copy to use its ability to maximum effect (perhaps no Doomerang but Deadly Poison)
That's why you need to be creative and not solely rely on tempostorm meta snapshots
Should I dust the Shaman Quest?
Crafted it Gold. I don't regret it. As far as its playability; it is far too early to decide. It is probably the most complex DK to build around (and master) as it has to consider the type of burst finisher you decide to use which heavily influences the rest of your deck.
The common ones so far are Arcane Giants/Vanish and Leeroy/Cold Blood (12-18+ damage). Malygos (16-24+ damage) is probably the dark horse and I've pretty much spent the entire Day 1 of the expansion testing it. It is incredibly complex -- mainly because of hand size management.
Each finisher has it's pros and cons, but even deeper that this you have to consider how your deck is structured around those finishers.
So in my opinion the DK really is a balancing act of deck design. Having draw value, tempo, and the effective finisher are the 3 main components that players will have to keep in mind when using Valeera the Hollow
Homegirl Valeera the Hollow followed by Lilian Voss. That's all I need
You won't be able to get long term value out of this. This is the type of card where you have to make something happen ASAP/the turn right after. Which is why I think that Malygos Rogue is the ideal archetype for this card. The Leeroy combos seem alright too, but just 1 taunt by your opponent reduces the effectiveness - and there seems to be a Taunt Druid brewing. Also in the mirror matchup, you can kill your opponent through stealth with Sinister Strike, again which is why I'm sold on MalyRogue for this card.
Quest Rogue AUTO-LOSES to Aggro Druid and is pretty much hopeless if you dont draw a Hungry Crab against Paladin.
Its funny how on Reddit everyone was jerking off to the Kibler video about the Quest Rogue problem. He mains Priest, the best matchup for Quest Rogue, of course he's gonna want a nerf.
Back in the mid-Old Gods days, when Rogue was getting smashed in the face by Tunnel Trogg and Totem Golem, I didnt complain about a nerf...
This meta has yet to be fully developed, so far this expansion has brought much more diversity than Patches and Kazakus. I would hold off judgement
Murloc Shaman.