Crafted it Gold. I don't regret it. As far as its playability; it is far too early to decide. It is probably the most complex DK to build around (and master) as it has to consider the type of burst finisher you decide to use which heavily influences the rest of your deck.
The common ones so far are Arcane Giants/Vanish and Leeroy/Cold Blood (12-18+ damage). Malygos (16-24+ damage) is probably the dark horse and I've pretty much spent the entire Day 1 of the expansion testing it. It is incredibly complex -- mainly because of hand size management.
Each finisher has it's pros and cons, but even deeper that this you have to consider how your deck is structured around those finishers.
So in my opinion the DK really is a balancing act of deck design. Having draw value, tempo, and the effective finisher are the 3 main components that players will have to keep in mind when using Valeera the Hollow
The safest DK is Malfurion, it is versatile and can spawn new archetypes for Druid while fitting in with existing ones. It just gets so much shit for being 'boring' and being announced the same time as Uther.
People are getting way too unrealistic in their expectations from the exodia hero power, and the argument for the weapon? Well you gotta swing over multiple turns to get full value. And no it doesn't go in every deck, Midrange Paladin can easily cut it especially with all the Divine Shield synergies. I won't be surprised if Uther becomes the Quest Hunter of this expansion. People are not being objective in evaluating it, just blinded by the fact that it can exodia people.
wtf is a Rouge?
The point of the armor requirement is so that you can't just stick it into aggro token druid and go face
That's why you need to be creative and not solely rely on tempostorm meta snapshots
Should I dust the Shaman Quest?
So many people before the expansion: Uther > Malfurion, "But you can exodia!!" LMFAO
Just shows people value flashy over substance
Crafted it Gold. I don't regret it. As far as its playability; it is far too early to decide. It is probably the most complex DK to build around (and master) as it has to consider the type of burst finisher you decide to use which heavily influences the rest of your deck.
The common ones so far are Arcane Giants/Vanish and Leeroy/Cold Blood (12-18+ damage). Malygos (16-24+ damage) is probably the dark horse and I've pretty much spent the entire Day 1 of the expansion testing it. It is incredibly complex -- mainly because of hand size management.
Each finisher has it's pros and cons, but even deeper that this you have to consider how your deck is structured around those finishers.
So in my opinion the DK really is a balancing act of deck design. Having draw value, tempo, and the effective finisher are the 3 main components that players will have to keep in mind when using Valeera the Hollow
The safest DK is Malfurion, it is versatile and can spawn new archetypes for Druid while fitting in with existing ones. It just gets so much shit for being 'boring' and being announced the same time as Uther.
People are getting way too unrealistic in their expectations from the exodia hero power, and the argument for the weapon? Well you gotta swing over multiple turns to get full value. And no it doesn't go in every deck, Midrange Paladin can easily cut it especially with all the Divine Shield synergies. I won't be surprised if Uther becomes the Quest Hunter of this expansion. People are not being objective in evaluating it, just blinded by the fact that it can exodia people.
Safest to least safe:
1. Malfurion
2. Garrosh
3. Thrall
4. Valeera
5. Jaina
6. Uther
7. Anduin
8. Gul'dan
9. Rexxar
Homegirl Valeera the Hollow followed by Lilian Voss. That's all I need
This meta has yet to be fully developed, so far this expansion has brought much more diversity than Patches and Kazakus. I would hold off judgement