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    posted a message on Kabal Talonpriest

    SON you are wrong.... this card is strong as fuck.

    And dragonpriest has LOTS of early minions nowadays, you actually mention them all: twilight drake, northshire,  netherspite historian, museum curator and wurmrest agent.... that is 1 third of your entire deck that is made of very good minions, and they all have higher than average health for cheap minions (except muserum curator). And i would like to mention that you can actually play all the above in the same deck because they give you a strong early game while the curator and netherspite prepare for late, which means you dont need no late game cards in your dragon prist anymore.

    This cards power lvl is 10 out of 10, very close to being one of the best cards in HS. And i can assure you if you have to play a 3/4 without getting the bonus then thats totally fine


    Posted in: Kabal Talonpriest
  • 2

    posted a message on Mech Warrior (s15 Legend)

    Nice to see different cards being used to create something new and exciting.

    Posted in: Mech Warrior (s15 Legend)
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