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    posted a message on 90%WR B10-D10 Q Shaman

    Hench-Clan Hogsteed because its a direct counter to many Demon hunter cards. Its the most low cost, high damage rush card Shaman has access too that early in the game. I don't want to add any more battlecry cards because then the Licensed Adventurer and Questing Explorer seem to be made redundant a lot more from my experience, though its probably down to luck, it just seems to work better this way.

    Hoard Pillager does seem very greedy, and it is very greedy, I like that element of High risk return, Shaman needs a bit of possible luck on its side. Although Its probably the only card I would swap something with. A Cobalt Spellkin or a Faceless Corruptor, I would like to keep it 4 mana or lower though. I wont be able to test for another few days, but I will be playing around with that slot in the future.

    Thanks for the reply

    Posted in: 90%WR B10-D10 Q Shaman
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    posted a message on 90%WR B10-D10 Q Shaman

    If play priest I aim for the Long game, and try to get maximum value out of everything. Try and build plays using the lackeys to get rid of their Soul Mirror and Plague of Death cards. Use Explosive Evolution on Devoted Maniac [/card] and [card]corrupt elementalist to get big drops and get them to use their shadow words. Play it slow and try match everything in the deck up perfectly, The more time you have the more powerful the deck becomes because you can use all your synergies. Dont use the manatide totem until the priest has drawn aswell, because you don't want to fatigue before him.

    its a long game against priest!


    Posted in: 90%WR B10-D10 Q Shaman
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    posted a message on Twin Slice to +2 for 1 mana is NOT a nerf but a buff?

    Alot of Demon Hunters just go face now, i've noticed a massive uptick in people just ignoring trading in and opting to go face with Demon hunter. Spamming Second Slice and Cobalt Spellkin

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on 90%WR B10-D10 Q Shaman

    I was pretty amazed with the performance of this deck to be honest. Perhaps i got lucky on my way up. But I have to say, as soon as I hit diamond 10, the win rate dropped considerably and climbing did become a massive grind. Results may vary ;) Lol.

    Posted in: 90%WR B10-D10 Q Shaman
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    posted a message on 90%WR B10-D10 Q Shaman

    Swampqueen is one of your main win conditions and a main piece of the deck. She had great value and can win games single handedly. Its hard to find win conditions for Shaman. You'll have to go full on RNG and opt for a Brightwing or something and hope for the best. But I assume the deck wont perform as well because I've won a stupid amount of games using the swamp queen. Maybe a Siamat? Unsure.

    Posted in: 90%WR B10-D10 Q Shaman
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    posted a message on Lady Vashj wasted opportunity?

    They will have to add some really good cards to make Lady Vashj viable, every deck I want to add her but she just doesn't add anything. For the stat line, She's absolute junk right now, I think if she was a 3/4 it would have been better. And just a vanilla 7/7 for the prime, because a lot of the time when you draw her its too late, and why would anyone want to put down a 5/4 for 7 mana??

    Posted in: Shaman
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    posted a message on 90%WR B10-D10 Q Shaman

    Busy this week, but send me your id, I can guide you through the deck in a couple days from now if you want.

    Posted in: 90%WR B10-D10 Q Shaman
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    posted a message on 90%WR B10-D10 Q Shaman

    Its shaman, it can get you to diamond 10 very easily, thats the point of this deck.

    Why would anyone spend 14.7k dust on a deck, ok. Shaman is in a bad spot right now, its very difficult to climb, getting to diamond 5 with shaman right now is a task in itself, this could help fellow shaman players rank up. Or Because they have the dust, already have the cards, a Shaman enthusiast like myself or maybe they like off-meta decks.

    Im apart of a shaman only Fb group and a lot of people are happy with this deck, because they are seriously struggling to rank up with shaman right now. They are happy to sit at D10 while the month finishes off. Because most couldnt even reach diamond 10 with shaman before the last buffs.

    I never said it can go to diamond 5 or legend. The price of the deck is visible and the results are fair and truthful. I don't see why this is a problem. The deck is true to its words. It does not deceit people into wasting dust, so there's nothing wrong with it. If i wrote B10-LEGEND then that would be completely miss leading and i could understand your view.

    I do understand what your saying, don't get me wrong. But i feel you have sort of missed the point of the deck. I make decks for fun, and i think this is a standout shaman deck right now. It has a couple upvotes, so it must be working for a couple of people, perhaps in the categories i mentioned above?

    Unfortunately i wont be able to climb anymore this month. I finished at diamond 8 with the deck.

    Thanks for replying in a rational way by the way, i respect that. Cheers mate!




    Posted in: 90%WR B10-D10 Q Shaman
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    posted a message on 90%WR B10-D10 Q Shaman

    Well then, if ive made a tier 2 Shaman deck then i would consider this a complete success.

    Not everyone can get to diamond 'easily', there are players out there that would like help and would love to get to diamond 5. 

    Well, as shaman stands, it isn't in the best position.... so dust needs to be spent to get it up to scratch.

    Thanks for injecting a nice healthy dose of narrow minded negativity into the thread!  :D

    Posted in: 90%WR B10-D10 Q Shaman
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    posted a message on 90%WR B10-D10 Q Shaman

    Not sure why you say its not viable nor reliable. Its stated for climbing bronze 10 - diamond 10. Which it does very easily. Its weakness is Druid. So it does drop off after diamond 10 due to the massive influx of Druids unfortunatley. I find it quite reliable, if you know the deck well.

    Posted in: 90%WR B10-D10 Q Shaman
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    posted a message on Control Spell Shaman ... AoO

    Turn it into quest shaman, add a Swampqueen Hagatha or add 2  Corrupt Elementalist and galakrond the tempest for extra value/win conditions.

    Posted in: Control Spell Shaman ... AoO
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    posted a message on What is the least interesting mechanic in hearthstone?

    Combo...Play more than one card in a row. Lol

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Cold Totemic Gala

    Hey mate, Improvements can still be made. I wasn't able to get over 51% with this deck so its more so for fun and experimentation,  Climbing with Shaman right now is very difficult. But I was able to get to platinum with this deck. 

    So Basically its split up into two parts. The totem For early game and your Galakrond for late game.

    Due to Shamans absolutely horrific card draw this can be problematic.

    Best early game is, Surging Tempest into Sludge Slurper turn 1 and 2 for tempo style decks such as Rogue or Demon hunter, EVIL Totem into Totemic Reflection into Splitting Axe with totem buff cards if you can do it. Coin out Imprisoned Vilefiend if you can.

    Do not mulligan for any of your 0 cost cards. you want Surging Tempest, Sludge Slurper and EVIL Totem

    This is easier said than done...that's why there's the freeze cards in your deck. Invocation of Frost can slot in between these plays and Frozen Shadoweaver.

    You can remove the Frozen Shadoweaver and put in an extra Totemic Might and Totemic Surge if you want to focus on that big early game swing , but I find that having 0 costs cards in you deck makes you burn out to quickly, especially with shaman. and the prevalence of warrior and demon hunter its hard to win without stalling them.

    The best match ups so far were priest and druid.

    While the rest of the hero's are hit and miss. I had a really good run against warrior, but i assume this is more so due to luck of the draw.


    Posted in: Cold Totemic Gala
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    posted a message on Once again LEGEND - 73% winrate

    As a shaman main...This deck is basically exactly the same as gala/evolve shaman with henchclan hogstead.

    If your REAL good with shaman I reckon you could get a consistent 51-53%. 73% is ridiculous for this deck and not sustainable.  

    But other wise a fun deck...

    Posted in: Once again LEGEND - 73% winrate
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    posted a message on Similar Shaman
    Quote from lobuto99 >>

    +1 for the murlocs :P~~~

     Haha they’re your best friend :P

    Posted in: Similar Shaman
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