Card that can prevent you from fatigue at all, but still you need to spend 8 mana on 4/7 each time it dies, what's not good. It's deathrattle also balances it if it comes for combo decks,so you cannot just have infinite tools, without a plent of card draw or some silence.
Second hero power is definetly better, 'cause the first one is not realy a powercreep to your normal one. I don't also like Goldrinn's blessing at all.
You can also made your Hero Power like: "Add a random 1-cost card to your hand. It costs (0)."
Sleeping Giant is bad idea, it would be just op with any buffs. There's even a special card in Rumble Run to get, among other cards which are meant to be extremely strong, and it's 2/5 for 6 Mana.
Ok, time to stuff the pig before Christmas and get some feedback on my quest:
I've made the quest around the time of the expansion and received feedback on it then, I just didn't bother to update the cards. I've also made the quest about adapting, since I have a lot of adapt in it.
Here are the Titans:
Venturion and Torterra's Battlecries could just be passive effects. They don't need to be Battlecries.
I guess he meant to not give the summoned one the battlecry effect.
I think that idea is good, but maybe Shatterstar have right about being similar to Rogue Quest. Even if that doesn't realy bother me, it can matter to some people. Maybe try to improve it somehow, but I think you should try with this idea, because its pretty good. Also, I'm not sure because there's not such card in game, but I think that 'Summon a 1/1 Imp" should be before Start of Game. (unless you want to summon it at the start of game, what's definetly OP, and also I don't like when card does literally nothing when played)
Make Thaddius great again! This has decent stats, because you can draw it after Feugen & Stalagg. Still, if you don't want for it to be crap in such situation, you can make a deck about shuffling Stalaggs/Feugens into your deck, to draw them by this guy. (also, its name is reference to Frankenstein. Stein=Stone in German.)
I like Flame Sigil at most. Shade of Aran is kinda too similar to Swampqueen Hagatha, and Glubtok problem is that duplicates in deck aren't realy a problem, beside not being able to use with Reno. Also, I don't like Glubtok art.
Nice concept, but I'm not sure if three isn't to much.
So, due to the fact that Hearthpwn is still open, will competitions happen there, at outof cards, or at both sites?
Card that can prevent you from fatigue at all, but still you need to spend 8 mana on 4/7 each time it dies, what's not good. It's deathrattle also balances it if it comes for combo decks,so you cannot just have infinite tools, without a plent of card draw or some silence.
Good luck to all!
Sadly, I cannot realy give feedback, so I'm not asking for any, just want to know if this count.
I'd make it "Give the current/active player 2 Coins". Like King Mukla.
Second hero power is definetly better, 'cause the first one is not realy a powercreep to your normal one. I don't also like Goldrinn's blessing at all.
You can also made your Hero Power like: "Add a random 1-cost card to your hand. It costs (0)."
"Don't worry kid! I'm gonna save you from that chicken stomach!"
Good luck to all you guys!
Sleeping Giant is bad idea, it would be just op with any buffs. There's even a special card in Rumble Run to get, among other cards which are meant to be extremely strong, and it's 2/5 for 6 Mana.
I think that one of your legendaries should have something to do with spells. All Dalaran defenders have one.
It's just unhealthy as I think. Basically, it can do nothing in some matchups, and in some matchups you ruin a enemy combo, so he can only concede.
I guess he meant to not give the summoned one the battlecry effect.
I think that idea is good, but maybe Shatterstar have right about being similar to Rogue Quest. Even if that doesn't realy bother me, it can matter to some people. Maybe try to improve it somehow, but I think you should try with this idea, because its pretty good. Also, I'm not sure because there's not such card in game, but I think that 'Summon a 1/1 Imp" should be before Start of Game. (unless you want to summon it at the start of game, what's definetly OP, and also I don't like when card does literally nothing when played)
You can always make it for Quest Mage, it has many card generating too. It realy depends on what that card would do.
Make Thaddius great again! This has decent stats, because you can draw it after Feugen & Stalagg. Still, if you don't want for it to be crap in such situation, you can make a deck about shuffling Stalaggs/Feugens into your deck, to draw them by this guy. (also, its name is reference to Frankenstein. Stein=Stone in German.)
Good luck to all! For Master!
Tranquility is incredibly weak, and kinda boring. I'd go with G'huun or Joy Ride. While I like G'huun more, I think that +5/+5 is too much.
I like The Wereloc more, just because of flavour. However, both cards feels a bit weak to me, however I'd need to see them in game to be more sure.
I like Flame Sigil at most. Shade of Aran is kinda too similar to Swampqueen Hagatha, and Glubtok problem is that duplicates in deck aren't realy a problem, beside not being able to use with Reno. Also, I don't like Glubtok art.
Nice concept, but I'm not sure if three isn't to much.