• 0

    posted a message on Is Midrange Shaman best deck in HS history?

    This doesn't even come close to the strength of the undertaker decks during early GvG. That was as unbalanced as decks have ever been in this deck, because if you played undertaker on 1 while going first you won 90% of your games.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 5

    posted a message on New Priest Card Reveal: Mana Geode

    SO if you can curve this into the new priest 3 drop, kill their 2 mana 3/2 (and then still leave this guy as a 2/3) and then heal it next turn and find 2 mana to spend on something else this card becomes okay.

    Seems like far too much setup, this might as well just read as a vanilla 2 mana 2/3 in about 80% of situations.

    Posted in: News
  • 5

    posted a message on New Card Reveal: Rat Pack

    This card is insane. Its potential is through the roof, with a very high ceiling without a low floor. At the absolute worst you are getting a 3 mana 4/4 worth of stats spread out across multiple bodies, and that is already a fine minion.  If this thing gains just a single point of extra attack, it becomes absolutely nuts, and anything more than that? I don't even want to think about it.

    Posted in: News
  • 2

    posted a message on New Druid Legendary Card - Fandral Staghelm

    To answer many questions and more from what I have observed in this thread:

    The effects will always happen in the order they appear on (from left to right) when you'd normally play the card. With Keeper it firsts deals 2 and then silences.

    For cards that transform into another minion (a la druid of the claw) it becomes a third form which is an amalgamation of the 2. So a 4/6 taunt charge, 3/2 charge stealth, a 5/5, so on.

    Yes, ancient of war becomes a 10/10 with taunt.

    Any more questions, feel free to ask.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on New Card - Cult Apothecary

    I think this is honestly pretty trash. Now hear me out here instead of just bashing me because I don't conform to your way of thinking:

    This healing for 2 for every minion the opponent has means that the opponent gets to choose how much they want to commit to the board, and in that effect also how much this guy can heal.

    If the opponent has somehow managed to get a full board and you are playing a midrange/control-style deck, you've probably already lost. Even if you heal for 14. Against aggro you always want to try to stay on par with their drops and remove and trade as often as possible, which is why you run early game cards like zombie chow and the like. They allow for good, EARLY trades so that you don't fall behind that much.

    You don't want to sit there against aggro and wait for them to have 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 minions just so you can get that marginably bigger heal, you want to remove those damn minions as early and fast as possible so that they don't get to hit you again and again. Most aggro decks right now play minions that they either fully expect to hit once and then die, or maybe the rare case of one that hits twice. For them they are essentially a burn spell that threatens to recur itself for free if something is not done. If you allow their guys to hit you multiple times because you want your bigger heal, you lose.

    To me, this guy is almost the epitome of a trap card. On the surface it can look good, and you can think "Oh man I am gonna get such a big heal!" and then you realize that the one fully in control of this guy's effect is your opponent.

    But that's just my 2 cents.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition #39 - Final Poll

    The aysa cloudsinger is actively bad for you to play. 3 mana immune 2/2 give your opponent an immune 2/2 is terrible.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 6

    posted a message on Warsong Commander Nerf Incoming

    A loss for the game overall as warrior is pushed to once again only have 1 viable deck.

    GG blizz, you are fucking retarded and caved in to the whining screams of retards on the forums.

    Posted in: News
  • 1

    posted a message on The Grand Tournament: Arena Impact

    I would really not give the King's Defender a rating of 4, and I generally think that is INCREDIBLY unreasonable to give it. Yes, it is a poor card compared to Fiery War Axe, but that is only because Fiery war axe is god damn amazing and just one of the best 2 mana cards in the game. I would really say that King's Defender deserves a rating of 3, because while it is not the optimal choice, it does what it needs to get done, which is usually to remove their 3 drop and be leftover with something

    Posted in: The Arena
  • 2

    posted a message on TotalBiscuit's "Ragequit"

    This deck could do well with a pair of Unstable Ghouls, as they both synergies and combo with the rest of your cards theme, as well as provide some defense measures against aggressive decks, especially one such as face hunter which can easily ignore your board otherwise and just kill you.

    Edit: I suggest them over Rampage, as it is a horrendously slow card and reqruires too much setup at most times.

    Posted in: TotalBiscuit's "Ragequit"
  • 9

    posted a message on Shrinkmeister

    Read the card again, dude

    Posted in: Shrinkmeister
  • 3

    posted a message on Tinkertown Technician

    Oh wow, new OP. I thought the fucking 3/4 for 3 was good, but this is nuts.

    Posted in: Tinkertown Technician
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