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    posted a message on Adventurers of Azeroth: A Hearth Expansion Idea

    The Adventurers of Azeroth is a fan project i'm working on alone.

    The key feature here is 1 new Keyword and 1 old mechanic turned into a Keyword!

    The new Keyword is only on neutral minions, however, and the old Keyword is on a few. Let's have a look!

    Introducing: Ranged! This Keyword is found on Gladiator's Longbow already, but now it's its own Keyword!

    Ranged is for cards like Crossfire Runner, where they don't look like they should take damage after they attack. NOTE: The effect on minions makes the MINION Immune, not your Hero! Weapons with the Ranged effect affect your Hero! Also, Spells will never have the Keyword for obvious reasons. Moving on...

    The next Keyword is... Enhance! This Keyword, featured only on Neutral cards, makes it so if you have X extra mana, you can spend it for additional effects! Here's an example!

    If you only have 1 mana, you get a vanilla 1/1 minion, but if you have 5 mana, you can give a minion +3/+3 and Taunt! This card could be a bit better, and will adjust it as needed.

    The Classes will be revealed in stages. Once we reach neutral cards, I'll show off half of the commons, then the other half, and so on, so forth. Let's kick it off with Druid!

    First, the commons!

    The first card, Beastdozer, i had in mind a counter to Beast heavy decks, but also just a big Taunt minion in general, therefore, Beastdozer was born! The name, an obvious pun.

    Prowl was basically me looking at WoW. I love Feral Druid in WoW and always wondered why Prowl wasn't a card, there are so many things they could do! Now, it's a single target Conceal for 1 mana more.

    Stag Party was an idea to make a more balanced Pre-nerf version of Force of Nature, and i think it worked out fine. Maybe 5 mana would have been better, but who knows?

    Now for the rares!

    Savannah Prowler: Do you want a cheaper Stranglethorn Tiger, or a crappier Chillblade Champion? It's up to you, and to be honest, i think i know the answer every time. (Also, it is a transform mechanic. No hand buff shenanigans!)

    Moonfire Rage: Let's help make Beast Druid viable by giving them an AoE that triggers of Beasts! This has a very low chance of hitting big, but when it does, it will feel so good. (Also, i now think it should cost 5 mana, but maybe that's just me)

    Dreaded Summoner: Stranglethorn Tiger or Deathlord without the Deathrattle? Either way, it's just raw value!

    Epic Party!

    Daggerfang Leaper: We all saw Auctionmaster Beardo and how bad he was, but this might just be better! Beast Druid again, but maybe a bit strong here. Then again, to make it really worthwhile, you need a ton of 1 mana Beasts, and who has all the those? Not Druid.

    Serpent Storm: Twisting Nether, but Snakier.

    Time for the Legendary!

    Galakrond can either be Twisting Nether followed by a 2/2, or something much greater than a simple DOOM! He himself is no Beast, but fits into Beast Druid quite well! (also, kinda hard-counters Hunter a bit) Plus, DRAGON SYNERGY!


    I didn't feel like waiting, now that i've finished all the cards. Time for Hunter!

    Commons, as always!

    Search the Marsh: Somewhat reliable early game Beast Discovery, similar to Journey Below or I Know a Guy, but with a cost restriction. I kinda had the idea that in this theoretical expansion, no other expansion would exist, but whatever, it's just an idea!

    Raging Bear: Let's make a 1/3 and with Enrage. That's literally how it started out.

    Snowfeather: Simple Charge minion that isn't too busted in early game, but can pass right over Taunt minions.

    Rares coming through!

    Battlescarred Veteran: More offensive Houndmaster, but still a bit defensive.

    Take Command: Very specific Mind Control for Hunter, Beasts only! Plus, if the Beast is 1 mana, you get the card back (somewhere in your deck)!

    Fortified Compound: Name taken from the TF2 Weapon of the same name, and i thought "If it's Fortified, how do you do that?". That's how this card was born! Can have up to 8 Durability!

    Epic Arena! Who will win?

    Ashenvale Scout: ...it was, uh...made before i came up with the Ranged keyword and i forgot about it...heh...

    Ghastly Stalker: Minion removal tool. No face, bad Hunter!

    Woah! Legendary!

    Attumen is the Huntsman of Karazhan, with his horse, Midnight. I came up with this as a big spell swing minion. Lock and Load would be happy to see Attumen!

    Next is Mage!

    Commons, coming in hot!

    Arcwell: There are some enemies in The Nighthold raid from WoW that summon Arcwells. Those Arcwells try to kill you though. This one is similar to Lightwell for Priest.

    Mag'mar Decimator: Minion with a Fireball on it, but it uses that against you on death, so beware!

    Flamewake: Card draw on a worse Fireball, but some Mages might need the draw more than a Fireball.

    These Rares aren't quite Rare.


    Oh god, please no Clerics!

    These cards may seem quite strange, but it'll make since when i show off the Legendary!

    Isn't Lightwell a Rare?


    Mag'mar Elementalist: The ONLY Elemental synergy card in this expansion cuz i forgot about it.

    Earth Shield: I had an idea to give Shaman 1 card that gave them armor, and it shouldn't be too OP. The maximum it can give IS 14, after all.

    Crystal Golem: Started as Crystal Giant, but i changed my mind cuz a common Giant wouldn't work.

    Rares are currently locked behind Overloaded Mana Crystals.

     Tomorrow, I'll release Shaman, Mage and Priest rares. Each day i'll release the next round.




    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Make the Card

    Next: Card that Discovers Keyword and has that Keyword

    Next: 15 Mana Neutral Demon

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 5.19 - Submission Topic

    Couldn't work the thing for the life of me, so they are attachments.

    i love rouge, and i had an idea for a card that spawns a shadow of itself. Simple concept really, summons a 1/1 when drawn, so it's worse in your opening hand like Patches the Pirate.

    may be OP, may be underpowered, but it was just a thought. (also hope no one else made a card like this already)

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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