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    posted a message on Hunter ice trap secret

    Maybe one of them was the enhanced version created by the hero card Tarvish? 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on people that autorope should be ip banned

    I'll never get why people get mad at others when they are just using the time that the game is legitimately giving them.

    Back to OP, I always thought that implementing a system that allows you to 'bank' some time if you are playing fast during turns might help solve this. For example, for each turn finished before the rope appears you get 5 secs, and then you can choose to use all the secs banked in a given turn. This way:

    1) the game can engage players more, so that they do not alt tab at the end of the turn

    2) overall, players' frustration might be reduced when a match is not progressing as fast as they want

    3) an additional layer of strategy is added (that's never bad), and it might help in planning and executing better particularly hard turns.

    4) giving a flat amount of time as a reward for finishing a turn early avoid the possibility of many short turns and just one, infinite turn. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Did Neptulon break the wild format? (mainly when used in priest)

    Just played a game in which a priest just played two essences in a row (t5 and t6), and even though I managed to clear all but one Neptulon they played the 3 mana spell that summon a copy of a minion and the whole circus started again. Also, that all hands attack when any Neptulon attacks is a very badly coded and senseless interaction.

    @xCeptional, while I see your point, any deck is a pile of garbage when you draw poorly. Same in mtg if you flood or don't draw lands during your first turns. The issue is that hs is a 30 card-deck game and now priest has a critical mass of tutor spells that make a t6 Neptulon a fairly common occurrence. And the fact that aggro decks are beating priest is fine, the issue is that a early Neptulon can outrush an aggro deck which is nonsense.

    There were decks nerfed for way less. 

    Posted in: Wild Format
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    posted a message on Did Neptulon break the wild format? (mainly when used in priest)

    Hi folks, 

    Long time no see. After a six months break I started playing HS again. Being a player since March 2014, I often climbed the ladder in wild rather than in standard.

    I mostly play homebrew, not refined deck so the key point of this discussion might be here. Nonetheless, this month I climbed until d5 and I decided to try reaching legend.

    Well, it didn't go so well as I was stuck between d5 and d2, facing mostly big priests which were able to summon Neptulon on turn 3-6. And here's where my trouble began: I truly cannot answer to a such early Neptulon, even adding tech cards (that virtually reduce my win rate against other decks but w/). I do believe that Neptulon within this context is truly overturned, and here's why:

    If you play a fast, aggressive deck, an early Neptulon just obliterate your board and I did not find a reliable way to recover. 

    If you play a control deck, the issue is that if you kill Neptulon's body, the priest can resurrect it the turn after (and you have to face 4 arms). If you kill the arms, the priest can easily summon a copy of Neptulon's body and you take tons of damage giving that all the arms attack when any Neptulon attacks, not just the one that summoned them.

    On top of that, priest has many spells that can search through the deck (illuminate among all the others) so that cheating Neptulon early is a reliable strategy. 

    Priests have always cheated big minions, however I do believe that one that is so versatile (that can decimate the board and almost threat for lethal the turn after by itself) is significantly ruining the wild format. 

    But these are just my 2 cents. What do you think? Do you have issues facing an early Neptulon? Or are you having success against it? Any help appreciated, obviously.


    Posted in: Wild Format
  • 0

    posted a message on Your favorite game of all time?

    I'll be surprised if many of you know it but my favourite game of all time is Alundra, an action-adventure game that came out for the PS1 in 1998. 
    Truly an incredibly underrated gem.

    Posted in: Other Games
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    posted a message on Overlord Saurfang should let you discover what you resurrect

    I played a bit with Saurfang, and considering the power level of other decklists I think it could be tuned a little bit. Once again, the problem of the card is that if you consider all Frenzy minions, they are all pretty bad and thus Saurfang is nothing but a fair card.

    Also, I agree that Warrior seems the worst class atm. Are you having any success with it in ranked?

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Hero Cards break Freeze

    Oh I didn't know that. Thanks for the replies! :) 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Hero Cards break Freeze

    Hi folks, playing with a weird spellburst Freeze Mage I found a very odd interaction. I was matched against a bomb warrior, and I casted Frostbolt at his face to stall the game and prevent him shuffling bombs into my deck.

    When he was Frozen, he plays Galakrond and the freeze effect went off so he could attack even though shortly before he wasn't able to.

    The Freeze tooltip says that a freeze character misses the next attack, does this mean that hero cards refresh the attack? Also, do you know if this is intended or is it a bug?


    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Rewards Track Refresh & Diamond Cards

    Imagine talking about skill in Hearthstone, then being Piroblasted to death by Yogg. 

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on WILD is broken!!!! AGAIN

    The rage and hate is because the combo, if pulled at the end of the turn, completely skips the next turn of your opponent. So basically you can cheat while laddering, since even if you survive the combo once YOU CANNOT REACT. Either Blizzard knew it but asked us 20 bucks anyway, or didn't know about the interaction and they are just pretending (they said they are "aware and keeping an eye on it"). 

    It's not about enjoying gameplay, it's about a company that ask shitloads of money and completely ruins the game every.FUCKING.TIME.
    And people still defend it.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Imagine a hearthstone without so much aggro

    If you overextend and get punished by something like that is not only luck probably, but you can be punished even if you are playing carefully and you did not make any mistakes. Just open any Trolden video to have any clue of what HS has become.

    Btw, I never said that who's playing at the grandmasters is there for pure luck. Obviously top players are better at predicting the game outcomes, building decks, or piloting them, than the average HS player. However, RNG is so dominant in this game that it also decides games at the pro level: just an example, in the 2016 final Pavel won the second to last game against Amnesiac thanks to two random spells created by a Babbling Book (one poly to get rid of Malygos and one Fireland Portal to kill Thaurissan). 

    Is there skill in HS? Sure, but it is not so relevant. And I say this because if you match two equal skilled players against each other, rng becomes a strong deciding factor, and that is undeniable. I mean, even the world championship final was decided (among other things) by pure chance. God, they call HS an esports and the developers literally printed a card that says: 5% to flip a coin and decide who will win this game.

    Again I'm not saying that this is wrong (even though I dislike it, but i get it there are people that enjoy rng) or that luck is the only factor deciding game. I am sure that I will lose 100% every game I play against any mid to high-legend player, no doubt.

    I'm just saying that HS is not a skilled-based game, at least, as it used to be, since when skill is equalized the rng influence is heavier than the player decision.



    Here's the video of the 2016 final.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Imagine a hearthstone without so much aggro

    Ok ,I'm taking the long road to make my point.

    These are just my 2 cents, but I think we should stop pretending that HS is a skill-based card game. There are no differences whether you are playing an aggro, midrange, control or combo deck: the amount of thinking required to play this game was reduced to the minimum years ago, since nowadays even the more controllish list play cards with mindless effect such as Yogg, puzzle box, etc.

    Is this a bad thing? Not at all, if you are taking HS for what it is: a casual game that people play during pauses at work, on public transportation, or when they are taking a dump. It's more a mobile game than a pc game (sadly), and this is why in the past few years the design team pushed towards a more aggro-oriented development. 
    You want HS games to be quick, flashy, and not completely satisfying (heavy rng is there for a reason), since people often don't have time to play a 20 minutes game.
    This obviously is also supported by the fact that, as others already stated, aggro decks are more efficient when ranking in terms of rank/time played, so it is no surprise that aggro is so dominant in this game when playing ranked mode.

    Would it be wonderful if games were slower? Hell yeah (at least for me). Will it happen? Not a chance.

    In conclusion, OP, if you want to have fun in HS (in your own subjective way) and you don't like to play or face aggro decks, your best bet is to find a group of friends that also like to play fun decks - so that you can casually challenge each other. Otherwise, I fear that this game is no longer suitable for yourself, and never will be again.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on [Suggestion] Discover mechanic in pack opening.

    I don't get why people is defending HS packs system. If you buy both preorders for a given expansion you pay 120€/$ and, MAYBE if you get lucky you are *only* missing half of the new legendaries. On top of that, the variance of epics and legendaries power level is so high that getting some legendaries is only worth the dust you get when disenchanting them. You should be able to virtually complete most of the set if you are willing to pay that much money: mind that I am a pure f2p and I would be totally fine with that - there should be differences in how you can experience the game whether you are supporting it with your wallet or not, that is completely fair. 

    OP suggestion is clearly Gwent-inspired, and indeedand ALL other virtual CCGs (LoR, Gwent, MGT:A) implemented a similar mechanic. I don't know why people refuses to compare the economy model of HS and the ones of its competitors. And, mostly, I don't get why people is so oppositive when talking about QoL changes. 

    Back to topic, this kind of changes - even though nice on paper - will never ever happen.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Reforestation Druid - 84% FunRate!

    Very nice changes on the list! And I'm happy you had fun with this deck, even though is not truly a competitive one!

    Posted in: Reforestation Druid - 84% FunRate!
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    posted a message on Reforestation Druid - 84% FunRate!

    Thanks mate! Yeah I know, very hard to play a control deck with Tickatus around these times. It's more a fun deck than other..but this is the only way I can have fun in HS nowadays :)
    Glad you liked the list anyway!

    Posted in: Reforestation Druid - 84% FunRate!
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