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    posted a message on Candidates for future nerfs.

    From the current adventure? I guess none, as there obviously are really good cards, but no card has written OP all over it. In my opinion, this adventure is awesome - in terms of the new cards, but especially in terms of how it balanced the meta. Call me crazy, but I could see Rogue being really strong just because of Tomb Pillager.

    First they should nerf Piloted Shredder or Dr. Boom. But this won't happen - it is more likely that the obviously OP Murloc Tinyfin, Ice Rager and Evil Heckler will get nerfed to address the power creep.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on 5 Most Underrated Cards in Hearthstone.

    My list of actually underrated cards:

    1. Ancient of War: I actually believe, this card is way better than people think. Two copies should be run in Ramp Druids for example.

    2. Excavated Evil: I am using one copy of this, Holy Nova and Lightbomb in my Dragon Priest deck and it turned out pretty good - that one additional damage is crucial and it blocks a good draw for aggro decks. Unfortunately, it doesn't combo well with Azure Drake...

    3. Confessor Paletress: A brilliant card that is just not being played because there are other minions just being a little bit more reliable and because she is quite slow.

    4. Fel Cannon: Actually a really good card on its own, but the Mech Warlock theme is just not viable.

    5. Cult Master: THIS is a "real" underrated card. The situation here is quite paradox, as I think, her effect is on the one side too good, but on the other side not good enough to be played. Drawing 4-5 cards in a turn is quite easy to accomplish in the right setup, but then again, you don't want or don't need that many cards, so you just stick to your Shredder and his stickyness...
    Cult Master's effect isn't "the right kind of good", unfortunately...

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Is Dr Boom REALLY that good?

    When it comes to trading, Eadric the Pure does it quite well, too.

    Now about the question:

    No, he isn't - that's why everyone is playing Troggzor the Earthinator. But seriously, Boom combines great stats with great field presence like probably no other minion, except maaaaybe Onyxia. But then again, no one is running her as she unfortunately is a little bit too situational and expensive. There is probably no other (neutral) legendary that gives you that "uuuughhhh" feeling as reliably as the Dr. himself.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Cancer Crusher Paladin

    Hello hyude1107,

    regarding your statements:

    1. Yes, Mukla's problem is that he often forces you to overcommit. Therefore, big AoE like Brawl or Lightbomb hurt even more. But then again, with Mukla you only need to have 1-2 different minions (besides the Recruits and Mukla) and the hero power will flood itself (with Murloc Knight e.g). So you can keep your minions in your hand or when you baited out his biggest removals go for board flooding.

    2. Mukla + recruit alone is worth 6/5 not 5/4 as the newly summoned Recruit gets the bonus as well. You can argue if 6/5 is that much worse than a 4/7.

    3. I like your ideas regarding the replacement for one Healbot, but I guess I will just craft a BGH and include him.

    Posted in: Cancer Crusher Paladin
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    posted a message on Cancer Crusher Paladin

    My favourite classes are Priest and Paladin.

    Since I haven't been able to build a consistent Midrange Priest (sometimes too weak in early game) or Control Priest deck (unfortunately too slow in the meta - too reliant on Auchenai - Paletress can be very frustrating) and Dragon Priest became boring, I tried to build a Mage or Paladin deck - but no pure Aggro variant. My decks were all too inconsistent and unbalanced, I too often had the feeling I didn't get the cards I need --> ergo: the decks weren't good enough. I won maybe a tad over 50% of my matches and therefore climbed very slowly.

    Then I encountered your deck. First I thought it was similar to mine. Then I looked more precisely and found small and simple differences - the Coghammer, Sylvanas, 1x Zombie Chow and obviously no secrets. In fact, I hate Chow, but still included him 2x everywhere, because of early game - too often he has cost me the game. Using just one Chow is perfect, if you draw him early, it's great and if not, nevermind. It's a great feeling to know I don't need to rely solely on Zombie Chow. And the Coghammer is a brilliant inclusion - it really helps you gain control efficiently.

    So I tried your deck out - I don't own BGH or Quartermaster, so I replaced them with another Healbot and Mukla's Champion and I so far never looked back. Before Mukla I tried out Eadric, but he didn't fit at all. 

    After losing the first three unrated games against Aggro decks (with Eadric still on board) with really bad luck (didn't draw a single Minibot or Knife Juggler), I put in Mukla and Healbot (to counter the Aggro) and won the next three games. So I went to ranked games...

    So far I am 19-3 - two losses against CW (played thrice) and one against Dragon Priest (played four times) and the deck rocks - it always has an answer.

    The secret against Dragon Priest has been Mukla, in fact, that card is amazing. Yes, the card is slower than Quartermaster, but at turn 7 you afford playing Mukla for great value. He is the PERFECT turn 7 play after Murloc Knight, still good with Muster and almost always great in the Midrange or Endgame, since it buffs every minion turning Shredders, Minibots or Healbots into dangerous threats. CW is the hardest matchup, I didn't encounter Handlock so far.

    You see, it's going well, but I'm still flirting with changes - the 2nd Healbot is very often helpful, but it can happen that he is cloggy (probably BGH is better). Also I am searching for space for another Equality, Chow could see the exit soon. Sylvanas is sometimes cloggy as well, but awesome against Control Warrior or any other kind of Control deck.











    Posted in: Cancer Crusher Paladin
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