It is strange these reverts are coming with Classic mode on the horizon. I thought the appeal of Classic was to play the old cards as they were played 7 years ago pre-nerf.
Albeit not all of those are being reverted, but it definitely removes some of the magic from this upcoming mode.
I get the impression this is Blizzard washing their hands of Wild and saying "anything goes". A cop out to exclude any future Wild balance changes, besides obvious broken interactions like with Wretched Tiller and Hysteria.
If one or several decks dominate the meta for several expansions in a row, the copy paste response will be "that's Wild, deal with it".
We need a new format that separates the legacy sets from the not-so-legacy sets ala MTG's Modern format. I'm not a fan of Wild just being a dumping ground for every set that comes and goes.
Why can't I play a version of Mech Druid and have a legitimate chance at beating the other top-tier decks? Actually, why is it that there is only one viable deck per class? Hmmm
This whole conclusion is an example of someone who doesn't know how to read the data or how to ask the proper questions. The data shows that you are being kept at a 50%-61% win-rate, excluding seven outliers, one of which is at such a small sample size the data becomes redundant. This is not proof that "you are being kept at a 50% win-rate", but that you are either garbage at the game or your match-ups are being doctored to bring you closer to a 50% win-rate. I.E. you're being matched with an unfavorable opponent/class/deck in order to bring your win rate more in-line with the preferred percentage. If this wasn't the case, many players in legendary would have win-rates in the 75%-90% range.
Also, the reason why you don't see people with 90% or so win rate is not that the system is cheating you, but just because you are matched with people with a similar record as yours and you eventually reach a point where you face only people with a similar skillset and you simply can't continue to win much more than 50%. Initially, at the start of the month, (especially in the old system) when everyone was resetted at the same level, it was typical for the pros to climb very fast, many times with a very high win rate, 'till reaching legend (or high legend), but once you get there you'll face people of similar rank/skill and you simply can no longer maintain such a win rate.
You're really using some mental gymnastics to skew the perception of the data to your liking. Unfortunately, you're failing to see that MMR is literally Blizzard's way of artificially bringing everyone's win-rates closer to their preferred percentage. Divisional ranking is much more fair and appropriate, as it allows for good players to climb the ladder quickly without artificial roadblocks bringing them down (Divisional matchmaking is random within your division, while MMR is doctored based on "perceived skill level").
I decided to make this thread because I recently saw a lot of posts of people claiming that Hearthstone's MM is rigged and if you go over 50% win rate it "cheats" you by queueing you against your counters, give you bad cards in the mulligan or draw, etc.
Of course, like everyone else, I had my highs and lows (with win/lose streaks going on two digits range at times), but I never felt that the system is rigged or that I'm cheated in any way, and by tracking my win rates at the end of each month I was able to notice two things: that each and every month I got over 50% win rate and that the win rate was pretty consistent at the end of each month.
But enough with the "feeling"; I should better get to the facts and give you the cold numbers. But, before that, I should probably give some details about my play style to better get the context: I play at most six games per day, which take an hour at most (so I usually average less than 180 games per month), with the best possible deck that matches my daily quest (so that means that I don't play a deck enough to really master it and that I don't always play tier 1 decks because not all classes have them). I'm also a decent player (reaching legend in most months and having a couple of top legend rankings), but I'm definitely nowhere close to calling myself an expert, a hardcore, or a pro player.
And now the numbers (print screens to prove them will be provided at the end of the post):
December 2017: 61% win rate (83-52) January 2018: 68% win rate (57-27) February 2018: 68% win rate (61-29) March 2018: 62% win rate (92-56) April 2018: 58% win rate (104-76) May 2018: 57% win rate (79-59) June 2018: 67% win rate (85-41)
--- that was my best month ever, ending the month in top 5 legend and holding for a while even the #1 legend, at which point I had a hard time finding new challenges in the game so took a half-year break ---
January 2019: 66% win rate (129-65) February 2019: 57% win rate (112-85) March 2019: 61% win rate (114-72) April 2019: 61% win rate (81-51) May 2019: 57% win rate (79-59) June 2019: 74% win rate (34-12) July 2019: 67% (8-4) August 2019: 57% (134-100) September 2019: 61% (17-11) October 2019: 57% (79-59) November 2019: 57% (75-57) December 2019: 57% (75-57) January 2020: 57% (35-26) February 2020: 58% (50-36) March 2020: 61% (35-22) April 2020: 57% (103-77)
The average (excluding the two months with less than 50 games) was 60.1%; out of the 21 tracked months only four months (two which were during the old system where we were all resetted back to rank 18, so first few games were almost auto wins and two during which I had a lot of luck and managed to end the month in top 10 legend) had a variation of more than 3% from my average 60% win rate, while during the rest of 17 out of 21 I consistently had between 57% and 63% win rate. And, btw, this month I'm also at 58% win rate far now.
I think that, while it can still somehow be seen as anecdotical evidence since they're just my personal games, there is enough evidence to see that there is a pattern that says that no, the game is not forcing everyone at 50% win rate, but it just aims too point everyone toward that value via MMR, but, ultimately, everyone's win rate is a personal constant dependent of their skill compared with the skill of the average player - a better player will have higher than 50% win rate (the better the player, the better the win rate) and a bad player will have lower than 50% win rate (the worse the player, the lower the win rate) - the MMR is simply trying to limit those variations so we don't end up having people with 80% and people with 20% win rates.
So, seriously, if you think Blizzard is artificially capping your win rate at 50% win rate and it simply doesn't let you break over it, how you explain the fact that in 23 tracked months, spawning over three years and a lot of various expansions and metas my win rate never fall bellow 57% (and that while still being a rather regular/casual player playing at most one hour a day and switching decks/classes depending on whatever daily quest I get)?
This whole conclusion is an example of someone who doesn't know how to read the data or how to ask the proper questions. The data shows that you are being kept at a 50%-61% win-rate, excluding seven outliers, one of which is at such a small sample size the data becomes redundant. This is not proof that "you are being kept at a 50% win-rate", but that you are either garbage at the game or your match-ups are being doctored to bring you closer to a 50% win-rate. I.E. you're being matched with an unfavorable opponent/class/deck in order to bring your win rate more in-line with the preferred percentage. If this wasn't the case, many players in legendary would have win-rates in the 75%-90% range.
If you can't handle 20-minute games, then card games aren't for you. MTG sure as hell doesn't have 3-minute matches. But, I can't stop Blizzard from catering to mobile players. Oh well.
Anyone complaining about toxicity would have never survived MW2 Xbox lobbies. Those were better days.
On another note, having a chat actually raises the skill floor required to effectively play the game (also raising the skill ceiling, naturally). Can't keep a cool head and lose a game? The other player's comments towards you threw you off. Git gud, scrub.
'Never survived the MW2 lobbies'
There's nothing noteworthy about tolerating a lot of sweaty virgins trying to out swear each other because their parents have gone out.
One of the appealing things about hearthstone is the lack of interaction with insufferable man children, who use the internet as a way of venting their frustration and abusing people.
God, you couldn't seethe more. And you call other people man-children?
Either way, it's hardly a rebuttal to my point. A chat would obviously raise the skill floor. The reactions in this thread just further prove that.
Anyone complaining about toxicity would have never survived MW2 Xbox lobbies. Those were better days.
On another note, having a chat actually raises the skill floor required to effectively play the game (also raising the skill ceiling, naturally). Can't keep a cool head and lose a game? The other player's comments towards you threw you off. Git gud, scrub.
We need a new format that separates the legacy sets from the not-so-legacy sets ala MTG's Modern format. I'm not a fan of Wild just being a dumping ground for every set that comes and goes.
It's a lot less of an interesting collectible if every Tom, Dick, and Harry can purchase it.
I usually know my decks pretty well, so if I've run out of answers, might as well concede.
Wow, who would've guessed such a greedy company has thin skin too.
Priest can't play Paladin cards and vice-versa. The Mistcaller can only be used by Shaman, so I don't really see the issue with Keleseth existing.
Why can't I play a version of Mech Druid and have a legitimate chance at beating the other top-tier decks? Actually, why is it that there is only one viable deck per class? Hmmm
Who knows. Blizzard likes abandoning Paladin archetypes every season.
You're really using some mental gymnastics to skew the perception of the data to your liking. Unfortunately, you're failing to see that MMR is literally Blizzard's way of artificially bringing everyone's win-rates closer to their preferred percentage. Divisional ranking is much more fair and appropriate, as it allows for good players to climb the ladder quickly without artificial roadblocks bringing them down (Divisional matchmaking is random within your division, while MMR is doctored based on "perceived skill level").
How did you put it?
This whole conclusion is an example of someone who doesn't know how to read the data or how to ask the proper questions. The data shows that you are being kept at a 50%-61% win-rate, excluding seven outliers, one of which is at such a small sample size the data becomes redundant. This is not proof that "you are being kept at a 50% win-rate", but that you are either garbage at the game or your match-ups are being doctored to bring you closer to a 50% win-rate. I.E. you're being matched with an unfavorable opponent/class/deck in order to bring your win rate more in-line with the preferred percentage. If this wasn't the case, many players in legendary would have win-rates in the 75%-90% range.
If you can't handle 20-minute games, then card games aren't for you. MTG sure as hell doesn't have 3-minute matches. But, I can't stop Blizzard from catering to mobile players. Oh well.
God, you couldn't seethe more. And you call other people man-children?
Either way, it's hardly a rebuttal to my point. A chat would obviously raise the skill floor. The reactions in this thread just further prove that.
Why wouldn't I?
Anyone complaining about toxicity would have never survived MW2 Xbox lobbies. Those were better days.
On another note, having a chat actually raises the skill floor required to effectively play the game (also raising the skill ceiling, naturally). Can't keep a cool head and lose a game? The other player's comments towards you threw you off. Git gud, scrub.
It's not something I've tested, but I'm assuming he'd summon minions at the discounted cost. I could be wrong, though.
While you can still get full DE value, dust it. If you want it back at some point, just craft it again.