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    posted a message on Should the "can't end turn if lethal" be removed?

    If an action causes lethal, the end turn button turns yellow and cannot be pressed. Should they remove this feature? I mean brawl was changed for a similar reason so why not this as well?

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Tuskar totemic is a bad card?
    Quote from jamheald >>

    So Tuskarr Totemic has a 2 mana body. 2/7ths of the time you get a 3 drop - Totem Golem, Mana Tide Totem - from it for free. Everyone can agree that, generally, playing a 2 mana body and then a 3 drop from your hand has a value of 5 mana, but playing a 2 mana body that draws and plays a 3 drop has a value of at least 6 mana. So lets ignore the value of your normal totems and the value from Flametongue Totem and just do the maths with this:


    That's more than 3.

     What are you calculating and trying to prove? I can't tell by reading your post.
    Also, getting a manatide from your tuskar is worth 5 mana not 6. To more clearly explain it, playing manatide on its own without tuskar will always draw you a card, so mana tide is a 0/3 draw 1 card, which is the same effect as if you were to summon it from tuskar.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Tuskar totemic is a bad card?
    Quote from Nxzx >>

    It can be good and it can be awful, part of the RNG gaming. but, mostly it is a good card

     Why is it mostly a good card? It's a card that reads lose the game 4/7 times in a tempo matchup.
    Quote from HagbartFrandsen >>

    Tuskar totemic gives you a minimum of 7 stats, which is all you can ask for for three mana without clear drawbacks.

    The 3/7 change "of getting something good" you are referring to seems i bit spoiled, as you make it sound like vanilla stats spread on two bodies is somehow a bad deal? Which is just wrong especially since the 3/7 is referring to standard, where value is a bit more important these days.

    Shaman likes totems and they like multiple bodies on the board for cards like Flametongue Totem, Bloodlust and elvolve.


     The 3/7 refers to the 3 good outcomes (totem golem, manatide and flametongue). The 4/7 is the hero power totems, whcih are garbage.
    Quote from BarnacleEd >>

     In a vacuum, tuskar is so-so at best. As you said, the odds of a good totem are somewhat low. Even then though in the worst case you're effectively getting "vanilla 2-drop plus a totem from hero power" which isn't awful...there are definitely worse 3-drops in HS. 

    However, taking into account the fact that shaman likes to have a big board (for Bloodlust, Evolve, etc) and has obvious totem synergies (Thing from Below, Primal Fusion, etc) then this is an excellent card. Don't forget the obvious Brann Bronzebeard synergy as well for potentially ridiculous value.

     I kind of had this impression at first. It's the synergy that makes the card good not the card on its own. However, the synergy is difficult to get off in a tempo matchup where your opponent can easily kill your 0 attack minions. Evolving a tuskar totemic and the totem is bad given you get a hero power totem. It's 4 mana get 5 mana worth of stats for 2 cards. The average 4 mana minion is actually valued closer to a 3 mana minion.
    Quote from linvega2 >>

    Your main mistake is

    1)Conflating "You are ahead on board" with "You are winning": Against Control for example, you're almost always ahead on board on turn 3, but that obviously doesn't mean that you already won by then. A lot of decks right now have multiple ways of regaining board control. Tuskar Totemic is great to force your opponent to use removal and board clears earlier, which means it'll be easier to spam the board again afterwards. In general, with Midrange Shaman you're much more often ahead on board early on than not and you don't need to regain tempo, your job is to keep it.

    2)Conflating "Tempo" with "Winning the game": I agree that tempo is really important in the current meta. But f.e. drawing enough cards to sustain yourself is really important right now, too. Even when you're behind on board, drawing more cards to have a higher likelihood of having strong removal/lightning storm helps a lot.

    Overall though, without the strong early game and all the totem synergy, I wouldn't play Tuskar. But thanks to it, it's extremely strong with a nasty snowballing effect in my experience.

    You have convinced me in one aspect. Tuskar totemic is a good card against control. However, I am still set in stone that it is a bad card against tempo. I guess you play Tuskar depending on what the meta is.
    Aggro runs no storm. Midrange runs 1. Drawing 1 card won't find you your storm most of the time. The problem with midrange shaman is that once you lose the board, you generally lose the game. I am looking at this deck atm https://tempostorm.com/hearthstone/decks/midrange-shaman-standard-meta-snapshot-may-18-2016 and there are so many board dependent cards (flametongue, bloodlust, primal fusion and manatide) and not many ways to come back.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Rank 20 wild is true rank 20?
    Quote from SithLordOfSnark >>

    I'll stick to Standard, thank you.

    The mode you play depends on what you want.
    Wild=More noob friendly and diverse at lower levels
    Standard=more relevant.
    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Rank 20 wild is true rank 20?

    Contrary to popular belief, wild is actually more noob-friendly than standard. If you play in the lower ranks that is around rank 20, you will find most decks are hand-crafted decks of which half are budget decks. You'll see decks that run amani berserker and chillwind yeti. Hand-crafted decks, in general are horrible, especially when made by rank 20s. My experience so far has been free from net decks including mysterious challenger. If you think about it, all the net decks are being built for standard including the popular meta snapshots. This encourages players to build their own deck and test them in their own environment.

    TLDR: Players who complain about net decks in rank 20. Play Wild.


    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Tuskar totemic is a bad card?

    My current guess is you only run this card to lower your thing from below cost. It's only ran in totem shaman currently so I will discuss it that context.

    The card almost always results in tempo loss.  There are 3 cases where this card is played.

    1. You are behind on board.
    2. You are even on board and 3. You are winning.

    1. You are behind on board.

    The only totem that will actually further your board state is totem golem but that is a 1/7, which is unreliable. The others do not help you recover from the board.  Getting manatide doesn't do much if you're losing.

    2. You are even on board. I'll depict this as a scenario where you both have an low cost evenly stated minion on the board and it is your turn.

    Playing a tuskar tometic on turn 3 almost always give the tempo to your opponent. You only have a 3/7 chance to get something good. Though, I don't think manatide is a good drop as it gives your opponent an opportunity to take advantage of the fact you only played a 3/2. Flametongue is conditionally good. It depends on the board. 3/7 is a theoretical chance. 2/7 is more close to its actual odds of getting a good totem.

    3. Case 4 is similar to case 2 except manatide and flametongue are much better. Healing totem might have a chance at being good. I'll say the odds of a good totem is 3.1/7.

    TLDR: Tuskar is bad because it result in losing tempo most of the time.




    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Why ins't any control Shaman out there?

    The reason I don't play  control shaman is because there are better classes that do it like paladin and warrior.

    I think Shaman is a class that encourages tempo gameplay not control. Hex is cheap and Shaman overload cards are lower costed. In order to take advantage of its low mana cost, you need to follow it up with something.

    Posted in: Shaman
  • 0

    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place!
    Quote from alpharaon >>
    Quote from MCFUser175154 >>

    Players who say they don't have time to hit legend. I just did from rank 5 in 6 hours. Not having enough time is a poor excuse for bad gameplay.

     It once took me 1h from rank3 and sometimes it took me dozens of hours.
    Your post is at best pointless. 
    Actually, getting from rank 3 to legend in 1 hour is near impossible given your opponents aren't intentionally throwing and even then, it is unlikely. To claim such is to say you won 15 games in 1 hour. That is 4 minutes per game with a 100% win rate, so please, check the validity of your post before making such claims.
    My claim from rank 5 to legend was one of a 90% winrate. That is near as fast you can get.
    Also, your statement regarding the quality of my post is poorly supported, if it is supported at all that is. You have provided insufficient evidence to reach such a conclusion. In addition, claiming you are able to rank up so quickly supports my case rather than opposes it. If you are able to, why not others as well?
    With the above issues, your post is at best pointless.
    I would also like to add, I've since climbed to rank 186 legend in the 4 hours succeeding my legend promotion.
    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Aggro shaman is just a worse zoo?

    Yeah, I climbed up to rank 186 legend now. I faced a few miracle rogues. Miracle rogue is slightly favoured as in the game is highly dependent on their hand. I had a 50% winrate though.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place!

    Players who say they don't have time to hit legend. I just did from rank 5 in 6 hours. Not having enough time is a poor excuse for bad gameplay.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Aggro shaman is just a worse zoo?

    Just hit legend with zoo with an 85% winrate from rank 5. Tempo warrior was my easier matchup. Got lucky with my 1 rogue matchup.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on [IN-DEPTH Guide!] No-Cthun Vek'Lor Evolve Shaman! [Legend]

    Certainly not enough cthun buffs to get vekler off consistently.

    Posted in: [IN-DEPTH Guide!] No-Cthun Vek'Lor Evolve Shaman! [Legend]
  • 0

    posted a message on Miracle Rogue Situation!

    I would shiv it in order to find Auctioneer faster. Loot hoarder is about the only target you will have for it against a worgen deck. I wouldn't coin because it should be saved for auctioneer.

    Posted in: Rogue
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    posted a message on Aggro shaman is just a worse zoo?
    Quote from AntonAmby >>

    You people still playing aggro shaman and zoo?  The new cancer is midrange shaman     ^^ 

    (btw how the fak did you get the idea that Zoo could be better than Aggro Shaman against Miracle Rouge what are you rank 26?)

    I am at rank 1 currently
    Must have just gotten unlucky then. Got wrecked in most rogue games as shaman because everything I had was answered. w/e corrected it.
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Aggro shaman is just a worse zoo?
    Quote from RushHS >>

    You are entitled to your opinion, however I disagree

     What rank are you?
    Posted in: General Discussion
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