Odd warrior deck is pretty great against the several aggro decks on the ladder. With tons of armor gain, this should give you an edge on the ladder against those pesky odd paladins.
I do have my doubts on how this deck will perform against decks like an odd mage or hakkar druid. If you have the main pieces, it should be a good deck to have. However, you can wait for a bit to see how the meta unfolds!
The Headless Horseman was originally a silver hand recruit named Thomas Thomson. He gets cursed in the Scarlet monastery which eventually makes him the headless horseman. In the actual dungeon in wow, after defeating the headless horseman, his spirit appears. The stormwind champions belong to the scarlet crusade and they live to beat the undead.
Giggling Inventor should not be nerfed. I’m saying this even though I’m not playing it in any deck. We have Mossy Horror which is amazing tech card and is currently useful against so many meta decks and it absolutely obliterates Giggling Inventor. I put it in every deck and it’s so good, saved my ass so many times.
Okok, I emoted too much and decided to delete this video. I have to admit that s the only match where I emoted in my life, probably because I was too excited
Draka Frostwolf is basically the equivalent of Fury warrior in Hearthstone. How does it work though? Two attacks per turn or stacked damage?
Odd warrior deck is pretty great against the several aggro decks on the ladder. With tons of armor gain, this should give you an edge on the ladder against those pesky odd paladins.
I do have my doubts on how this deck will perform against decks like an odd mage or hakkar druid. If you have the main pieces, it should be a good deck to have. However, you can wait for a bit to see how the meta unfolds!
Arcane Intellect
Deathstalker Rexxar is still stronger than Zul'jin
Kill Em All!
Upgraded Fireball
The Headless Horseman was originally a silver hand recruit named Thomas Thomson. He gets cursed in the Scarlet monastery which eventually makes him the headless horseman. In the actual dungeon in wow, after defeating the headless horseman, his spirit appears. The stormwind champions belong to the scarlet crusade and they live to beat the undead.
Aviannervate - Kun!