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    posted a message on Meet your new instructor !

    Hey everyone, I hope you are hyped for Scholomance Academy because I sure am ! One thing in particular that caught my eye is the new dual-class cards. It's an idea that has been thrown around for a very long time in the custom Hearthstone community and it's nice to see the devs exploring this new ground. These cards are also super flavorful which makes it even better.

    The thing is, with 10 classes there are 45 possible combinations... Little too much for one expansion of 135 cards where you also have to print Neutral and normal class cards. So we only get 10 of them this time around. And we might never get the other combinations ! If only there was something I could do about it... Well I DID ! Here is a little set from my favorite combination : Hunter-Mage.

    My goal was to show the similarities between the two classes and direct damage spells seem to me like a great fit ! Fireball and Arcane Shot are staples of Mage and Hunter and I happen to have a soft spot for burn decks. I though about Secrets as well but the difference in cost between Hunter and Mage secrets made me reconsider. 

    Teacher's Pet is a Beast as this is a minion type associated with both Hunter and Mage. It provides Spell Damage which is new for Hunter but certainly appreciated (think about the synergy with Kill Command !) Mage is more used to the keyword but their often is a paywall in front of it. Spell Damage +1 is worth 1 Mana but it costs 2 at least with cards like Bloodmage Thalnos and so Spell Damage +2 costs 4 with cards like Azure Explorer. However, recent cards break that rule, namely Ethereal Augmerchant, with the restriction that a minion on board is needed.

    Blazing Trail is a cheap burn spell that synergizes with Spell Damage and provides reload. 1-cost spells are may in both Hunter and Mage and they usually fit into an aggressive playstyle. It can also Discover itself, which is often the case with the keyword and provides a good amount of resiliance to the archetype, as value is often the downfall of burn decks. Marked Shot was a big point of reference.

    Giant Shot offers a more beefy option when it comes to direct damage. Pyroblast and Fireball are good reference points for it. I think it becomes very good when it goes down to 5 Mana or less but I really wanted to make the cost reduction temporary to limit the opressive nature of high level burst. The thing is, Hunter and Mage don't have access to 0 cost spells (outside of Incanter's Flow shenanigans) which means you have to wait for turn 8 at least to play this. It's a good finisher and efficient removal in a pinch so I'm pretty happy with it.

    Alyx Flashfinger plays with Hero Powers has it's a big part of both Hunter and Mage identity. She also ties up the whole Spell Damage package, guarantying that the keyord is useful even when you're out of burn. Her balance is based on Arcane Amplifier and Dragonbane.

    I hope you like it ! I might do more if I get positive feedback and I encourage anyone who has a knack for custom card design to try something like this.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Custom Class Competition #6: Grand Finale

    Congrats to everyone who participated ! I'm very happy with the class that I managed to bring all the way to the end. It's definitly a much less exausting process compared to previous competitions that had you design up to 2 expansions in one phase ! I definitly look forward to the next CCC.

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    posted a message on [Class Competition Finalist] The Primalist

    The Primalist

    Primordial magic in her hand and fierce companions by her side, the Saurok sorceress Siarsilis Wildfire comes out of the jungle ! The Primalist class brings the strength to owerwhelm your opponents with tribal synergies and the power of the elements. They can rely on their Hero Power to always have a minion on board. You will randomly get a different one with each use, offering you a wide range of tribes to synergize with.

    Tokens :

    Upgraded Hero Power :

    Keyword :

    Cards with Channel make you choose a target for their effect. If that target has a tribe (Beast, Murloc, Elemental, etc...), then the Channel effect will also target all friendly characters with the same tribe. This keyword provides poweful tribal synergies for the Primalist and pay-offs for building a wide board.

    Disclamer : I use the word "Tribe" instead of "Minion type". Since it's a core element of the class, it comes up often so I hope nobody minds.

    Showcase cards :

    Basic set :

    The basic set establishes the core aspects of the Primalist class :

    Agressive and Mid-range minions from three Tribes, with the keywords Rush, Windfury and Taunt to represent the agressive and defensive potential of the class. Primalists aren't afraid to lead the charge but they can also build powerful defenses.

    Both Pointyfin Tracker and Living Tornado were made for the challenge of having at least one card with only one line of text. 

    Token synergies and minion buffs. The Primalist knows how to best take advantage of their minions and can make sure that they always have a creature ready to fight. Their main playstyle focuses on overwhelming your opponent with an army of creatures.

    Strong but conditional removal. The Primalist wields ancient powers that require practice to be used well. Under the right circumstances, these cards can turn the tides and end the game.

    Tribe manipulation and card draw. Having to rely on certain tribes can be hard but the Primalist knows ways to make it easier. They are also full of resources and can assemble large hands of cards to combine together.

    Tokens :

    Pioneer Set :

    The Pioneer set expands on the powers of the Primalist and offers new ways to play :

    Murlocs and Elementals with strong tribal synergies help defining the main tribal decks for the class. Some cards also synergize with more than one tribe for maximum power of friendship !

    Token generation and buff cards allow the Primalist to build fast decks that can take advantage of board-wide Channel effects. Board pressure is always on with the Primalist.

    Both Pationate Saurok and Primal Scalepriest were made for the challenge of using a mechanic from previous set, respectively the handbuff and the menagerie mecanics.

    Removal and tribe manipulation help round up more Control decks. These cards are even more flexible to allow for powerful swing turns.

    Identity Crisis was made for the challenge of having a card that synergizes with Channel without using the keyword itself.

    Finally, the Pioneer set packs some more card draw and card generation, as well as a little healing to empower the Primalists who are ready to go the distance.

    Tokens :

    Journey to Un'Goro :

    Journey to Un'Goro has a lot a themes and the Primalist is here to explore most of them ! It's the set that provided most of the initial inspiration for the class so I'm very excited to present it here. I also tried to provide each Primalist archetype with a win condition.

    Elemental synergies are stong in the Primalist. With cheap and recursive Elementals, the class can always rely on payoff cards to get the job done.

    Gemstone Crusher was made for the challenge of having a minion from a tribe normaly not associated with the class.

    The crater is also home to huge beasts with the stats to back their place at the top of the food chain.

    Channel still as a lot to offer, with finishing potential as well a great stabilization.

    Tol'vir Trainer was made by Sideltem for the challenge of have a rare card designed by another contestant.

    One last removal spell to deal with the imposing threats of Journey to Un'Goro. It's a bit costy but the effect can be really anoying to deal with so choose your target wisely.

    And of course Discover is a great keyword for the Primalist and it's legendary Quest is based around this mecanic. Now you get to make the most out of Discovered cards, espacially that sweet quest reward ! Clarification : Endless Almanac can only discover quest rewards from Journey to Un'Goro. After all, you only explored the crater...

    Endless Almanac was made for the challenge of having my quest reward be a spell, as decided by Sideltem.

    This will do it for my custom class, the Primalist ! It was created as part of the 6th Custom Class Competition and I'm very happy that I managed to take it all the way to the last phase. I hope you liked it and, if the final poll of the competition is up at the time you read this, that you will vote for it as the winner of this competition.

    Also check out the three other finalists and don't forget to have a good day !

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Custom Class Competition #6: Final Phase, Discussion

    Just saw the feedback on my quest reward as I was about to finish my final post and I have to agree that it is a bit clunky and not hard to build around... So let's rework it ! I came up with a few options but I don't know which one is best.

    Each takes a different direction. #1 is more value oriented but it seems a bit weak to me. #2 is a bit crazy and I like that but maybe a bit boring. #3 is cool but it's not swingy at all.

    The thing is, Un'Goro quest rewards were both simple and game-changing, which I want to replicate. Each of them interacted with a different part of the game and since Fatigue wasn't touched on yet I figured it would be a good design space but I forgot that bringing you deck to fatigue requires heavy deckbuilding which can overshadow the quest it self.

    So yeah here are my options, I'm currently going back and forth between #2 and #3. What do you think ?

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    posted a message on Custom Class Competition #6: Final Phase, Discussion

    Thanks a lot for the feedback and thank you @Sideltem for your reactivity. I love your card, I had something similar in mind but didn't find the space for it so it's great that you went there. Here is the current state of my set :

    New cards :

    Little explanation : when you run out of cards, you start drawing "Fatigue cards". Those deal increasing damage to your hero when you draw them. Endless Almanac replaces those with special cards that summon creatures from Un'Goro crater.


    Similarly to Fatigue, Thriving Wildlife improves each time you draw one, summoning bigger and bigger minions each time, up to 10-cost minions. This gives control Primalist decks a great late-game value engine to outpace other classes. It's a bit out there but I really like it.

    This one is less flashy but it's a cool artwork ! Not sure about the power level... I think it's fine since Healing isn't that strong on it's own.

    Changed cards :



    Lots of minions in my class so I figured a spell wouldn't hurt.


    I wanted to give a little more weight to the big guy since the class lakes big minions and it's a giant wild god after all !

    Rest of the set :

    Clarification (I didn't get that question, just want to be head of the curve) : Fishy Waters chooses targets in your hand and then change the tribe so if you have Beasts and Murlocs in hand and it summons a Bease, it will summon the other beasts as well but not the Murlocs. I don't want to change Sleeping Dart as it can be frustrating to face.

     Hope you like it :)

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    posted a message on Custom Class Competition #6: Final Phase, Discussion

    It's nice having a personal challenge ! I had something in mind for my quest but I'd rather wait for @Sideltem to choose the nature of the reward. Either way, here are the cards I have so far. I tried to emulate as many themes and cycles from Un'Goro. It's the set that brought me back to Hearthstone so it's really special for me.

    Of course Elementals are a big part of this set but as the Primalist, I also added few Beasts and a Murloc in there. And for the odd-ball tribe, well I was considering Pirate or Mech but they didn't make much sense in Un'Goro crater so I went for a Dragon ! Adapt is obviously something that makes a lot of sense for my class, both mechanicaly and thematicaly. Discover is also made a comeback in this set and it seems like a fitting keyword for the Primalist.

    Tempo cards :

    Control cards :

    Value cards :

     Hope you like it, would love feedback !

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    posted a message on Custom Class Competition #6: Final Phase, Discussion
    Quote from Artimex723 >>

    Since my nickname has been mentioned a few times, I feel obliged to write my opinion on the matter. I just want to say, that I really dislike the idea of cumulative votes in the final phase. It destroys the whole purpose of dividing the contest into phases. I got a lot of votes in the first phase, which was pushing me further. I didn't protest, because advancing to the 2nd and 3rd phase was a unimportant matter, but if we divide the contest into phases, they should be treated separately. I did poorly in the latest part, so I fall out now, and it makes sense. I would feel rather bad, if I advanced instead of someone who got more votes in 3rd phase.

    Well if you are okay with this result, I'll get to work on my set, I guess.

    One issue tho : I'm planning on Journey to Un'Goro to be my release expansion which mean I have to make a legendary quest, which is in conflict with the second challenge. I'd say either the quest counts as the minion for the challenge and my teammate still chooses spell or weapon for the second legendary, or I could get a personal challenge instead.

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    posted a message on Custom Class Competition #6: Final Phase, Discussion

    Honestly I'd like to have @Artimex723's opinion on the issue. I get that votes were distributed unevenly throughout the competition and honestly I don't know what is best. I just think that expactations weren't properly set.

    I just want to make sure that the final result is something everyone can agree on.

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    posted a message on Custom Class Competition #6: Final Phase, Discussion

    Wait, am I a finalist ? How ? I thought the votes were supposed to be cumulative. Or maybe it's only the votes from phase 2 and 3 that are added ? Either way, I think I'm short of Artimex723. Is there another variable ?

    With the votes from Phase 3 alone, McF4rtson, Anatomy_Of_Time and Ravennos as well as myself are finalists. The thing is, I only made it to this phase because there were no eliminations last phase. I made it because the votes were cumulative.

    Phase 3 + Phase 2 tells a different story : the same first 3 with Artimex723 instead of me. Same thing if you add the votes from Phase 1.

    If only the votes from last week decide the finalists, Artimex723 loses by 1 vote (just like I would have the week before...) and I can't stand for that. I'd rather step down and make sure that a contestant with a lead on me can go to the last round. Counting votes is never easy and different methods can yeld different results, which is why it's essential to be consistant with the rules.

    Coming 5th with a podium of 4 is not a place I wanted to be in when I joined the competition, but it could be expexted. It's fair. 4th by a quirk of the rules, saved by the situation that would have eliminated me last time around, that's not a place I want to take.

    Making it this far was great and I always enjoyed the competitions on this forum. I want to make sure that they are a place were everyone can come and have a good time, even when it doesn't work out. Losing because the votes weren't on my side, I can manage. Winning against someone who got better results, that's another story. I hope everyone can understand that.

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    posted a message on Custom Class Competition #6: Phase Three, Voting

    Congratulations to the finalists !

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    posted a message on Custom Class Competition #6: Phase Three, Submission

    The Primalist : Pioneer Set (Part 2)

    Primordial magic in her hand and fierce companions by her side, the Saurok sorceress Siarsilis Wildfire comes out of the jungle ! The Primalist class brings the strength to owerwhelm your opponents with tribal synergies and the power of the elements.

    Keyword and upgraded Hero Power :

    The Primalist can rely on their Hero Power to always have a minion on board. You will randomly get a different one with each use, offering you a wide range of tribes to synergize with. The first part of the Pioneer Set also introduced Channel, a keyword that supports tribal decks. Cards with Channel make you choose a target for their effect. If that target has a tribe (Beast, Murloc, Elemental, etc...), then the Channel effect will also target all friendly characters with the same tribe.

    Showcase cards :

    This second part of the Pioneer Set focuses on the defensive nature of the Primalist. Control decks get value generation, card draw and Taunt minions, as well as a couple board wipes. Tribal synergies are still at the core of the set, with minions that synergize with their own tribe and spells that capitalize on these interactions. Mid-range and agressive decks also find a few tools to accelerate their strategies.

    Challenge card :

    This card is not only a potent removal effect, it's also a way to trigger massive Channel effects as the target will have all the tribes available. It's also a great way to round up a deck with multiple tribes.

    Remaining Pioneer Set (Part 2) :

     Tokens :

    I hope you like this last half of the Pioneer Set and I would be delighted to finish off this custom class with a set from Journey to Un'Goro, if the votes were to place me in the top four.

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    posted a message on Custom Class Competition #6: Phase Three, Discussion


    Fool Me Once sounds good at 6 for 4 cards. Maybe write "different cards" so it's harder to make it work. You have another card that has a Reprise effect powercreeping a rohue spell so I think it's fine.

    Nice third Palm Art.

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    posted a message on Custom Class Competition #6: Phase Three, Discussion

    Okay so I made a few changes based on feedback. Twisted Bargain felt wierd from the get go nd I managed to find a better idea so here goes :



    Previous versions :    


     Raven's Eye I pushed is a more token direction, making it similar to Duskbat.

    Primordial Wind went through so many iterations... I'm not sure which version is the most flavorful and interesting. I like the last one but I'm not sure.

    Foretelling I like both versions and I don't know which one is best. The first really encourages to meet the requirement but can be kinda dead, which led me to the second version but then I fear it's a bit too strong without meeting the requirement.

    Identity Crisis is my way to tackle this week's challenge. It's removal with the damage and the change of tribe that can be exploited with something like Hungry Crab but also a way to give one of your minions all tribes and power-up Channel effects. The name is a bit on-the-nose so I might change it to "Amalgam Bolt" or something.

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    posted a message on Custom Class Competition #6: Phase Three, Discussion

    Thanks to everyone for your feedback, here are my revisions and a new card (Clear Waters felt wierd to me and it's a bit too wording imo) :


    The first version was a bit of a mess and the similarities with New Brood (from the first half of the Pioneer Set) made it confusing. I want it to be a flavorfull1-cost Discover Spell like many classes have.


    Straight up buff which yeah was needed as feedback pointed out. I thought about making it a Channel card but I decided against it. I already have 7 cards with the keyword and explored it quite well imo last phase so I don't think it will be a part of this phase.


    So Cloaked Raven was a bit wierd. Stealth isn't a core keyword for the Primalist and it might cause many exploits. The new version is not a Beast itself but it pushes the Token playstyle and it's very simple, which is important to me as I often overcomplicate things.


    Okay so I considered the arguments from @Anatomy_of_Time and I would agree that 5 mana draw 3 would be a bit weak. So I went to 5 mana draw 4 but with a restriction. It also builds on having multiple minions with the same tribe. The only thing I'm not sure about is if it should be this version or reversed : draw 3 and if you have " minions with the same tribe draw one more. I don't want it to be completely useless when you don't meet the requirement but still push players to meet said requirement. Toughts ?


    While the first version wasn't bad, it was indeed swingy and had no support. I tried to make it both simpler and more interesting. I quite like it. I tried a version that would give your minions Windfury but it seemed a bit too much for one card.

    So this new card is an attempt to fit this week's challenge. The idea is to give the Primalist a new tribe to play with without printing a dozen new cards. It also synergies well with Channel as is allows for combinations impossible otherwise and let's the player dump a bunch of minions before buffing them with a Channel card. What do you think ?

    Rest of the set :


    Reviews :


    I like your deck disruption stuff but Prima seems a bit wierd. The stats are just okay and the effect isn't really that useful. Sure most of these spells will be Razorpetals but not always. I suggest you rework your first version but as a Battlecry or make the second version more useful. Maybe you could make it fill the opponent hand (with Razorpetals ?) to add mill potential.

    Hand size cards and the support they get are cool and work well with you keyword.

    I'm a bit on the fence with you spell damage improved spells. Both look very powerful, even with Spell Damage +1. I think they should cost more.


    Bashees are a nice soft cycle of cards. Your secrets are cool I think. I like your new Blood Bolt. Why doesn't Tenris summon Vampyrs ? It seems to me like it would fit the token archetype of this tribe and open up synergies as well as being thematic.


    I still think that Fun with Portals is a problem. I think you should have it cost 2 like Battle Rage. The thing is, 1 mana draw 1 is already strong, but with you class' access to Spell Damage it can become crazy really fast. I think I already talked about the rest of your set last phase, it's still quite good.

    I like Tinker Rocker and Dual Sheller #2 best. The Hero Power already generates Vents so I don't like the idea of filling the hand even more. Bonus Attack is better. Still, you might want to downgrade the durability to 2. The thing is, a 4/3 weapon is already 12 damage and then is only grows... I think you should assume that, against most decks, damaging 2 enemy minions each turn can be done consistently. Maybe change the text to "for each enemy damaged this turn" to make it a bit easier to trigger and balance around that.


    Solid cards. Kan-ri is cool but I'd like to see a more flashy payoff after dumping so many cards. Rising Dragon Fist might be a little anoying with all the coping options in you class. Maybe 3 mana ? You Epic spell could be called "We are the Lotus" or "Face of the Lotus". I'd love to see the rest of you cards, especially a third Palm Arts weapon.


    While I like your keyword, I think you should try to use it by itself and drop the Battlecry. Simplicity is key in design and it seems to me that cards with two or three distinct effects are often too complicated for Hearthstone.

    Flyn the Reckless is so cool but I don't really see the payoff. Sure you have a few high-cost cards but they are mostly board whips that cost less than 7 and a lot of them already cost Health. I don't realy know how you can make it work. Maybe a few mid-cost spells that can assemble an OTK ? Paying Health instead of Mana is only good if you can win that very turn imo when you already have 7 mana to work with.


    See Tertiary Character is exactly the kind of card that makes me hesitant with your keyword. Without the effect, it's underwhelming, with it it's quite broken being a 0 Mana 3/2 with your Hero Power's effect. I think you should try something like Embiggen over cost reduction to trigger Narrative. Heroic Sidekick has the same problem but worse. It's also not really in the spirit of the challenge as it's more an alternate Narrative and not a synergy card.

    Living Knowledge sounds very swingy and needs too much setup in my opinion. Light Reading should have a condition to be added back to your hand, otherwise it's very much broken. Narrative ?

    Netherlight Scrollkeeper fulfills the challenge but like it the mot boring way possible. My suggestion is instead that it shuffles the cost of you cards.

    Climax is fine I think. It's basicaly a Twisting Nether with some burst on top. Maybe limiting it to enemies could work ?

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Custom Class Competition #6: Phase Three, Discussion

    Let's do this ! This week I want to round up my Pioneer set with more control and value oriented cards :

    The Primalist :

    I've also ventured far in the realm of cross-tribe synergies so I want to make more direct tribal cards :

    Now for the challenge, I'm not sure if the following cards fit. The thing is, Channel is all about having multiple minions with the same tribe but not much else. Tell me what you think :

    Unique keyword :

    Finally, I wanted a legendary card that summed up the defensive nature of the Primalist and the tribe synergies while also portraying an iconic WoW character. Here's what I came up with :

    I'd love to here what you think of these cards and wether or not the complement well the rest of the Pioneer set below :

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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