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    posted a message on Why do so many people love wasting our time?

    If I have lethal I play it fast as shit so that I can potentially get him before he concedes.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Paladin's kinda have all the strongest drops in the game?!

    Not to mention all their answers like Equality, Consecration, Truesilver and a board that fills up every turn.  Oh and draw a full hand off 3 mana.  Seems pretty fair. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Why do people complain about "netdecking?"

    The problem with people who bitch about netdecking is that they'll never get over their "Samurai code of honor."  When they win with nonsense it's because they "Played fairly and in the spirit of the game."  When they lose, their opponent is just another "dishonorable" netdecker - so it doesn't count. 

    You see this shit a lot in Street Fighter, google "LOW TIER GOD" - he is the walking embodiment of this bullshido dumbass garbage, if he can't win with his bad character he ragequits.

    What happens if the scrub mentality player's deck is good/becomes good?  They'll switch over to a more "honorable" deck.  Unfortunately this isn't the Zak Dolan era, but that's how there becomes a metagame to counter in the first place. 

    Deception is lying to other people, delusion is lying to oneself.  These guys don't really want to win.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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