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    posted a message on Priest Death Knight Revealed: Shadowreaper Anduin

    That's a good DK, board wipe vs midrange and a HP that's at least 4 damage a turn ... yeah I'll craft it.

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    posted a message on New Priest Card Revealed: Acolyte of Agony

    People need to stop and consider that unlike Earthenring Farseer, Acolyte of Agony requires Pirate Warrior to invest resources into removing it from the board AND Life Steal "powers up" Corpse Taker as well.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on New Card Reveal: Fallen Sun Cleric

    Surprising this card hasn't been well received, it seems custom made for Paladin to take advantage of with four, 1 mana Divine Shield minions.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on What do you think about ice block (POLL)

    I would love to see Ice Block deleted from the game, it's the epitome of non interactive cards in Hearthstone and facilitates even more non interactive decks. Blizzard should be able to design "smarter" cards for Mage sustainability than "nah na nah na nah na, you can't kill me." I could do it in right now, like; Secret, 3 mana - whenever a character attacks your Hero, Freeze all enemy characters. At least then you'd still be able to do damage with Charge, Spells and Hero Powers to end the game.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Shaman Card Revealed: Ice Fishing

    Just the Water package in an aggressive Shaman deck lets this card find Finja, Warleader, Bluegill and fill out your curve along the way - I don't think you even need the quest for this card to be really strong as one of and if you're playing in Wild with Murkeye maybe a two of. Definitely playable.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on New Priest Card Reveal - Obsidian Statue

    This card is going to be played if for no other reason it enables Corpse Taker with Taunt and Life Steal and N'Zoth with Deathrattle, the card may be slightly under powered in and of itself but N'zoth recurring this is no practical joke.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Warlock Card Revealed - Gnomeferatu
    Quote from MageroCore >>
    Quote from BrokenCycle >>
    Quote from MageroCore >>
    Quote from BrokenCycle >>
    Quote from MageroCore >>

    Imagine thinking people are upset about this card because it's gamebreaking and not because its RNG distilled down to it's least interactive form. That's why I hate it. I know it's not going to ruin every game ever, but the idea of dealing with Warlock having an RNG based card burn that doesn't even require a mill setup for the next two years is really bumming me out because it will be incredibly boring to play against. Half the time it will burn nothing, half the time it will burn N'Zoth or something equally important. That's just shit card design. Having no negative effect just doubles the "might as well" nature of the card. 

     How is that any worse than the RNG already present in the game of not drawing the card you need for the entire game?
     Because you normally at least have some level of control over your own deck? Sure, it's RNG, but you can put in more draw, weight your deck towards certain cards and effects, and even then, it's a card game. Some RNG is always present. This, on the other hand, is your opponent messing with your deck to absolutely no detriment of their own. Just because Poker is about RNG doesn't mean it wouldn't be irritating to play a game against someone who's allowed to tell the dealer to skip a card when they deal to you personally.
     Your opponent is not messing with your deck. Your opponent is revealing to you a card you are not going to draw this game. This is generally useful information for you.
     ...and if that card is N'Zoth in a deathrattle control deck? Or White Eyes in a shaman deck? Or Leeroy in an OTK warlock deck? I understand the argument that relying on one card out of 30 to win is stupid, but some decks just DO rely on having a few cards be important, and this will screw those decks every now and then. Again, Im not saying this is a game breaking card, this isn't the end of the world, I just see it as a really uninteractive way of messing with your opponent and I'm not keen to deal with it. As DisguisedToast put it: "Competitive potential 0. Salt potential 9001"
     Do you even play any of those decks? Renolock doesn't care about losing Leeroy Jenkins at all, the number of games you win with Emperoer Thaurisan, Leeroy Jenkins, Power Overwhelming and Faceless Manipulator are few and far between compared to using Leeroy Jenkins for spot removal or for Shadowflame fodder or Faceless Manipulator to copy their Legendary as a tempo play or a Sludge Belcher to increase the value from an N'zoth etc. Control Shaman doesn't care about White Eyes at all, it's just a redundant Deathrattle and Taunt minion for N'zoth and I don't think GOOD Control Shamans rely on N'zoth as their win condition regardless because Warlock, Mage and Priest already delete it from the game with Brann/Kazakus into a 10 mana mass polymorph.
    Not only is the card BAD, but all of the situations you people are crying about already exist from much better cards and synergies. Seriously just calm down and think about what already exists in the game and everything you're getting from this expansion, if the Shaman Deathknight is any good then you probably won't give a shit about losing your N'zoth because your opponent just played a River Crocolisk in a control deck and you have a plan B, C, D ... Renolock has N'zoth, Jaraxus, Leeroy/Faceless combo, Kazakus/Brann combo and just pure card advantage and minion beatdown as win conditions, I should probably thank the other Warlock player for not playing a better card and discarding the most situational minion from my deck. 
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Hunter Card Revealed! - Stitched Tracker

    I love this, it makes combo Hunter a real thing if you consider how consistently you tutor for Emperor, Malygos or Yogg Saaron with it

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Gnomish Vampire breaks a cardinal rule of competitive game design.
    Quote from TheRealLastDino >>

    The people who aren't complaining about it are the people who play brainless aggro decks.

     That's an over simplification, I play Renolock to Legend in Wild every season and I'm not worried about this card at all, because A) It won't be played over any other 2 drop in control B) It can only be played in Warlock and C) every deck has already had to adapt to both Deathlord and Dirty Rat, so if your deck can't win without a single win condition then it's simply a bad deck as even Freeze Mage can play redundant win conditions like Evolved Kobold, Malygos or Archmage Antonidas to hedge against a strictly inferior Dirty Rat.
    I'm sorry but Dirty Rat -> Brawl has been a thing for awhile now, so this is practically irrelevant to Hearthstone fwiw. I understand why you dislike the mechanic, as I do think these effects shouldn't exist either, but I don't think it's anything to really worry about.
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Gnomish vampire and Hearthpwn Community

    I think people are just venting their frustration over the mechanic being something that they believe shouldn't be in Hearthstone at all, and it's something of an overreaction considering A) the card is practically unplayable in control and B) it's limited to Warlock which is currently an unplayable class and C) we've already been dealing with similar issues ever since Deathlord and Dirty Rat were released.

    I understand people who hate these effects just in principle tho', counter spells, discard and mill are all "unfun" mechanics better left to Magic in their minds.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on New Warlock Card Revealed - Gnomeferatu

    This isn't a resident sleeper like Dirty Rat was, Control isn't going to play it because it's worthless vs aggro and aggro isn't going to play it because there are more threatening minions to pressure their life total with.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Warlock Card Reveal - Defile

    This is going to be more interesting in Wild than Standard I think, the synergy with Implosion and Impgang Boss means the opponent has to take the tokens seriously or it's a board wipe.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on New Mage Card Reveal - Ice Walker

    Man, not much of a reason for this not to be at least 2/3, it's not like Fallen Hero had any impact.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card Reveal - Corpsetaker
    Quote from SeQUX >>

    In Paladin its not broken. It will be a Wickerflame with 3/3 for 4 mana...

    In Shaman with AL'AKIR it has the potential to be very good.

    I vote playable

    In order to be broken it has to meet ALL 4 conditions which will not happen. If it happens we are talking about a VERY GOOD card

    Not meta defining though. PPL are overreacting 

     I don't think you understand how good a 4 mana 3/3 Wickerflame is, the +1/1 difference means it trades with every two drop. Windfury is winmore most likely, and I think the card is clearly meta defining already and we haven't even seen any neutral Life Steal options yet.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card Reveal - Corpsetaker
    Quote from asteroidm >>
    Quote from Czhorat >>
    Quote from ZBOZZ >>
    Quote from Czhorat >>

    "If your deck has...." makes this more interesting; if a paladin has Wickerflame, for example, but draws him before this card then Taunt, Lifesteal, and Divine Shield might not be in their deck. It's unlikely, for example, that you'd run enough windfury cards to consistently have one behind. 

     I do agree, but the sick thing is that if you are playing a paladin deck you already will have multiple taunt and divine shield activators (tirion). If you are running 1 of the chillblade champion, you most likely will have enough triggers to reliably get pseudo wickerflames like crazy
     That's another good point, but it'll be challenging to get ALL of the special abilities. Taunt is easy, as is divine shield for the paladin class. We'll see how many lifesteal minions there end up being, but I'd not bet that it's many. There've never been that many windfury minions which see frequent play. 
     Barring a good windufry minion coming out with this expac it'll be pretty rare to see outside of shaman I think.  Whom also has some good synergies with the card.  I think the key to success to this card will be including enough other minions that will feature 3 of the 4 effects at least and that you can afford to have two sources of each.  2 divine shield, 2 lifesteal 2 taunt etc etc.  This to avoid drawing those minions out of your deck entirely and severly hampering this cards effectiveness.  Paladin already does this extremely easily.  Taunts = Stone Hill Defender, Divine shield = Tirion Fordring and WickerFlame Burnbristle, Life steal = Wickerflam and maybe add in one of the new 3/2 lifesteal chargers.  This isn't too far off from what some Paladins are already playing.  Other than the two spots (or one) for Corpsetaker itself, that makes 7 cards you could still build another entire other theme in.  Control paly, or midrange murloc would probably still be playable here.  You may still be able to play aggro as well and just remove the stonehills, cause taunt is less important and add in some argent squires to double down on making your little face rockets harder to remove.  You could even remove wickerflame at that point, further ignoring taunt and just add in another 3/2 lifesteal charger, more aggro and lifesteal is pretty dang good against other aggro decks.
     I think Taunt, Divine Shield and Life Steal is too much value against aggro to ignore, the card doesn't need a lot of superflous minions to make it viable; just Wickerflame Burnbristle and Tyrion Fordring guarantees value and Sunkeeper Tarim at least gives Taunt. I think the biggest concession is going to be whether or not decks play a Stormwatcher for the full package but Windfury may be superflous since it doesn't help you stay alive vs aggro.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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