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    posted a message on pirate 2

    I feel like it's not the same without mortal strike over naga corsair.  Too many taunts running around to make naga really good.

    Posted in: pirate 2
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    You should avoid trading unless necessary for better board state against aggro.  That being said, always trade with a murloc deck until you can swing in for lethal.  Against things like control, let them do the trading unless it's gonna seriously cripple your board.

  • -3


    That's odd... I just went from 15 to 10 on a winstreak up til 11... Mulligans tend to suck pretty hard on occasion but my trick is to keep the upgrade or bloodsail just in case.  Been working out for me that way.

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    posted a message on Rank 1 Legend Quest/Taunt Warrior

    I'd rather have Mosh get hit by Dirty Rat than my primordial drake or Alexstrasza.  ;)

    Posted in: Rank 1 Legend Quest/Taunt Warrior
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    posted a message on Is there like, no more Flamestrike in Arena?

    No there is definitely flamestrike.  I just got wrecked by a guy who had flamestrike, firelands and two fireballs.

    Posted in: The Arena
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    posted a message on Best class in Arena?

    Technically in this order it is Mage, Rogue and then Buff pally.  Right now I have a pally with two dinosize and tirion and all that and I'm wrecking.  It's a good deck and only loses to insane removal from guess who?  Mage.

    Posted in: The Arena
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    posted a message on [Un'Goro] Quest Warrior - 50/50 vs rogue

    Yeah this morning I've been messing with the deck and am about to update it.  I agree... curator needs to go back in but I'm adding Alexstraza to make him more useful.  Straza is a hard counter to priest quest and worst case scenario you can either kill your opponent or live an extra turn with her.  

    My problem with pirates tends to be "did I get an execute for the frothing bezerker?  no?  Whirlwind makes him a what now?  Well fuck"

    Posted in: [Un'Goro] Quest Warrior - 50/50 vs rogue
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    posted a message on Quest Control Warrior ft. Curator


    That's what I do.  Acolyte plus whirlwind.  Helps the use of Cornered Sentry too!  Though to be fair I do like the idea of Alextraza and The Curator so I'll look into adding that when I have time tomorrow.

    Posted in: Quest Control Warrior ft. Curator
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    posted a message on I AM A TURTLE!

    Wow... that's actually kinda broken.  I approve of this.

    Posted in: I AM A TURTLE!
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    posted a message on Trump's Un'Goro Theorycraft - Elemental Mage

    Not sure how this survives pirate warrior (which is still gonna be a thing for sure)

    Posted in: Trump's Un'Goro Theorycraft - Elemental Mage
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    posted a message on I AM A TURTLE!

    Does spirit singer umbra even trigger with living mana?  Wording makes me think it may not

    Posted in: I AM A TURTLE!
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    posted a message on Journey to Un'Goro - Hearthstone's Fifth Expansion

    I guarantee pirates is very soon to be the only deck on the ladder.  With removal spells not being replaced like you were saying, we're in for a world of hurt.  Since pirates isn't losing anything it's gonna stay around and yeah... they kinda have some taunt dudes but they really aren't that scary if you can't actually draw and play them.  They wanted to slow the meta down, but I'm pretty sure they sped it up.

    Posted in: Guides
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    posted a message on Journey to Un'Goro - Hearthstone's Fifth Expansion

    When the cardpocalypse happens, I want video.  

    Posted in: Guides
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    posted a message on Loyans Jade Shaman / Easy Legend

    Yay pirate hating!  If only Blizzard also hated pirates just a little more the meta could be fun and janky again.  It's like my biggest fear right now that meta will change to ungoro and pirates will take over again (cuz they only lose Sir Finley Mrrggleton if they're even running him) and there will be none of that in-between chaos of fun decks.  That's kinda why I'm playing jade shaman for now... cuz next month is gonna be all pirates or lose.

    EDIT: At least that's what I'm afraid of.  If you play enough MtG you realize that after every meta shift there is a zoo or aggro deck that takes over the meta for the first month or two before someone comes out with an Anti-that-specific-agro-deck-using-control-deck-x

    Posted in: Loyans Jade Shaman / Easy Legend
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    posted a message on Loyans Jade Shaman / Easy Legend

    So since this season is so easy for noobs to reach rank 5, why are you having a problem beating them?  I only started playing again seriously about the 19th of the month and in the last week I've gone from 25 to 7 so I mean yeah I could just be less experienced cuz the new meta is a little different.  But  nah I don't think it has anything to do with me.   Pirate warrior is just too easy to play right now.  It's like facehunter or Red Deck Wins if you're an MtG fan.  I think the only reason so many newer players are higher rank is because of how brainless it is to play a pirate and swing.  The shaman deck takes some thought to win and while it has less GREAT matchups than pirate warrior, it doesn't really have any matchups it can't win.  I guess what I'm saying is it's a lot more fun to play this deck and have a lower winrate than it is to play a pirates deck and mindlessly swing.  

    Though yeah, it does sound like it wasn't just RNG for you if it was a 20 game loss streak.  Sounds like you're back to the deck you enjoy but if you ever come back around to some midrange janky fun, I can always give you pointers.  :)

    Posted in: Loyans Jade Shaman / Easy Legend
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