Quest Control Warrior ft. Curator
- Last updated Apr 2, 2017 (Aggro Downfall)
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- 17 Minions
- 11 Spells
- 2 Weapons
- Deck Type: Theorycraft
- Deck Archetype: Control Warrior
- Crafting Cost: 11880
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 4/2/2017 (Aggro Downfall)
- user-100019185
- Registered User
- 1
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- 17
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Hello everyone, my name is Demaru and with Un'Goro right around the corner I've been theorycrafting one of my favorite decks: Control Warrior.
I am optimistic about Control Warrior's potential power in the upcoming meta. With Reno rotating out, Kazakus decks will be less popular which were a big weakness in the MSoG meta. Jades are still a huge threat but with two Brawls, King Mosh, and Deathwing if you tech it in, we have a chance.
With our new quest, Fire Plume's Heart, we can tailor our decklist to easily wall most aggro decks, given they don't get a disgusting opening hand. Against other decks we look to outvalue with Sulfuras and close the game with an Alexstrasza into Grommash Hellscream + Cruel Taskmaster combo. We are obviously looking to stall until we can reach this point so that is the reason for the plethora of removal the decklist has.
Below I am going to evaluate each card choice and try to keep this updated as I brew and test more.
Fire Plume's Heart is the reason we've built this deck. Tailoring our deck to fulfill the quest helps us slow down aggro while also allowing us to get major value against other control decks once we've equipped Sulfuras.
Shield Slam Allows us to remove big threats if we have the armor or to set up Execute or potentially King Mosh.
Cruel Taskmaster Potential use against aggro decks, pairs well with Execute and Grommash Hellscream. With the coin King Mosh can be a last ditch execute effect.
Execute Removes damaged minions. Pretty self-explanatory.
Fiery War Axe Great way to remove early game threats.
Slam Potential card draw and sets up several of our minions. Essential to the deck.
Ravaging Ghoul Great card against aggro and enables several of our cards.
Shield Block More card draw, gives us armor to enable Shield Slam.
Bloodhoof Brave Big taunt minion with enrage. Excellent addition to the deck.
Alley Armorsmith Nice taunt that gives us armor. Especially good against aggro.
Brawl Fantastic board clear. Pairs well with Dirty Rat.
Direhorn Hatchling Nice taunt minion that gives us another taunt upon death. Direhorn Matriarch is a great value play.
Grommash Hellscream Main finisher of the deck. Use to remove a pesky minion and then look to close out the game the following turn.
King Mosh Potential board clear or execute effect. Love this card.
Dirty Rat Powerful taunt minion in many situations. Great Brawl enabler.
Gluttonous Ooze Not sure if this card is necessary given the amount of taunts, but I like it at the moment. Only weapon removal in the deck.
The Curator Another taunt minion that will draw us up to two cards.
Primordial Drake Potential lead into King Mosh as well as a decent board clear on its own. Priests are going to hate playing against this card.
Alexstrasza Helps us get the game within closing distance. Also fetchable from Curator. Potentially replace with Deathwing against Jades. Can't decide which I like better.
Thank you for reading through and I hope you enjoy Journey to Un'Goro!
Curator Seems weak, you got 2 dragons and 1 beast, so most of the time, you will draw 1 card.
Dire horn is a beast
I like your list but I think it would be a mistake to not include Stonehill Defender, I think he just may be the Taunt Warriors' MVP. Though a 1/4 is weak his ability to provide you with a minion that best fits your current situation, develops your board, and helps towards completion of the quest is just amazing.
That's what I do. Acolyte plus whirlwind. Helps the use of Cornered Sentry too! Though to be fair I do like the idea of Alextraza and The Curator so I'll look into adding that when I have time tomorrow.
Why no whirlwind ? It's strong with king mosh, gromash. I think he's better than taskmaster.
After un'goro reno deck disapear so why put dirty rat ? The new t2 taunt is better with brawl, whirlwind etc...
Otherwise this deck is good he can stop pirate war and win versus control deck
Dirty Rat will be great for pulling elementals and adapt minions for a Brawl or Execute. It will be bad against Deathrattle.
it will be great pulling rewards too