• 16

    posted a message on Blizzard Responds: Kargal Battlescar Dust Refund Soon

    I'm confused. Not about the dust refund for Kargal, that makes perfect sense. I'm confused that so many other people here seem to not understand why this is being done. I'm honestly not sure if they are trolling or they actually just don't understand why.

    People crafted both watch posts and Kargal knowing full well that watch posts were powerful and were going to see play. If you're going to play watch posts, you might as well play Kargal. Then, watch posts were nerfed. Now watch posts aren't as powerful and won't see as much if any play. If people now choose to not play watch posts due to the nerf , there's no reason to play Kargal. Since many people crafted Kargal based on the fact watch posts were powerful, it makes perfect sense they'd receive a dust refund when that power is reduced.

    To put it in a slightly different way, a lot of the people that crafted Kargal did so because watch posts were as powerful as they were and never would have crafted him if watch posts were statted as they are now, hence the refund. I mean, this concept can't be that hard to grasp. I try and reserve calling people out as stupid, but come on! This isn't complicated stuff here.

    Posted in: News
  • 5

    posted a message on Lunacy draw rate

    You do realize that the sample size of 100 games is pathetically irrelevant. In fact, of all the tens of thousands of games being played right now, someone has to draw the short straw and get unlucky where someone else gets Lunacy in their opening hand far more often than average. The same thing happens with pack openings where the average is 1 legendary in 20 packs but some people get much luckier and get far more legendaries than that and some people reach the pity timer. That's just how statistics work. Just because the average is 1 in 7 doesn't mean you're guaranteed to get it once every 7 games. Random is random and your 'evidence' of a sample size of 100 is more or less irrelevant. Once you've played 10,000 games, you'd almost certainly reach your 1 in 7 average, you just got off to a bad start.

    Either that or you've uncovered a Blizzard conspiracy where they're watching you and making sure you only get Lunacy once every 50 games. Maybe you should call the FBI! Or nuke them from orbit! It's the only way to be sure.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 4

    posted a message on Loss of Casual has killed HS for me
    Quote from NotoriousDUG >>

    Not in standard it's not.  It's only in wild.

    This is not correct. How Casual works now is the game recognizes what kind of deck you have selected, whether it is Wild, Standard or Classic. Then, when you queue, it will automatically select your opponent that is using a deck from the same mode. So, if you play a Standard deck, it will match you with an opponent also playing a Standard deck.

    Posted in: Standard Format
  • 1

    posted a message on first version of Secret Corrupt Priest

    Yeah, I too am playing my own priest creation atm and loving it, climbing steadily. I've also made some adjustments to try and give myself more favorable matchups vs warlock and I think I've succeeded. However, now it seems like I'm running into a slew of No Minion Mage with Deck of Lunacy craziness now more often than I'm running into warlock and that match up can be rough.

    Posted in: General Deck Building
  • 1

    posted a message on should I craft Mordresh Fire Eye?

    Generally speaking, I never hesitate to craft cards I want to experiment with for the sake of having fun. I like deck building and reaching legend with my own creations, even if they aren't tier 1.

    That being said, if you have to ask if it's safe to craft a card or not, it implies that you don't have spare dust to waist on cards that might not yield results in the long run. In which case, then I agree that the best advice is to wait and see if a meta deck that uses it takes off. 

    As of right now, there are no safe cards to craft. Assuming you're playing standard, this meta is the biggest shift the game has ever seen and it's impossible to know if a card is safe to craft or not. If you aren't comfortable spending 1600 dust on a card that might only see play for the next week or two before it's forgotten about, your best bet is to simply wait.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1


    The rotation has been live for what? A little over 12 hours? It usually takes a solid week before we start seeing a semblance of how the meta is going to be shaped. I mean, you might be right and shaman is going to suck for the next couple of months before we get the mini-set. But, we don't even know what decks are going to be good and what's not. We can guess. I mean, warlock is looking pretty strong right now with Jaraxxus power and I've seen some strong priest plays but that might not even last to tomorrow when someone figures out something even stronger.

    My point is, it's a bit early to suggest that shaman is garbage tier when the rotation hasn't even been out for a full day yet.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Nerf Watchposts Fast!

    Maybe try playing a different archetype? I mean, if you're playing aggro, watch posts are gonna shit all over you but vs control, they're nothing more than a minor speedbump that is easily dealt with.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Classic is actually better than Standard and Wild

    Yeah, come back in a month and tell us if you still feel that way. I'm not trying to ruin your fun, by all means enjoy it while you can. I only say this because classic is essentially nothing but miracle rogue, hand lock, zoo lock and freeze mage. There may be another deck or two floating around out there but these were the tier 1 decks of their time and if you played another class, you were immediately at a disadvantage. After a few weeks of playing against your 8th+ miracle rogue in a row, I suspect the nostalgia will wear off.

    Posted in: Twist Format
  • 2

    posted a message on What is up with Priest?

    Well, it's not like priest doesn't have any win conditions, just that all their win conditions are now 100% dependent on neutral cards. Don't get me wrong, that's pretty lame but I'm hoping priests will be able to utilize some of the neutrals more effectively than others. I for one intended to try a watchtower rally priest deck. I just doubt it'll be tier 1 and probably not even tier 2.

    But I agree that blizzard's design choices for priest have been extremely questionable. This whole 'number of spells in hand' mechanic is horrible. I don't know who thought that was a good idea for priests but they should seppuku already and spare the rest of us of any further design choices they might make. (Only half joking here. Seriously it's shit game design). And making little to no card draw a class identity? Another really stupid decision. And it's funny because these 2 'creative decisions' directly clash with each other. It's literally the definition of anti-synergy. There's some major brain damage decisions happening in regards to priest. 

    I don't think it's helpless yet though. I'm hoping there will be at least 1 or 2 fun decks for priest, even If they aren't tier 1. It's just priest are quickly turning into the  'neutral' class where they literally have to find their win condition(s) with neutral cards. And that makes them pretty bland as a whole. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 4

    posted a message on I want to play Priest, and I kinda hate myself for it

    My advice, wait until the rotation and then try and create some interesting decks in standard.  It's (imo) the best time to play new decks and have fun with them. All the current standard priest decks are rotating and won't be viable so it'll be the best time to experiment with new ideas and have fun with it.  That's what I intend to do. 

    Posted in: Wild Format
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