I made a support group for people who love Waxadred and would love for him to be competitive. Good luck!
- Bloodmoth
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Wrought posted a message on New Paladin Rare Card Revealed - Balloon MerchantPosted in: NewsHonestly the flavour is way too cute for me to even care about whether this card is good or not. They get little divine shield balloons. That's adorable.
Ilyanthiel posted a message on New no duplicate system... Beware?Posted in: General DiscussionI've got no proof for you but I strongly believe the new system will track history only from the moment it starts.
Tracking history of before would make no sense as nobody was aware of this restriction when they disenchanted new cards and their decision was influenced by another existing system. It would be totally unfair to change the result of decisions they made under different rules.
Furthermore I don't think Blizzard was tracking the collected cards before, this will most probably be added with the patch introducing the new system.
Still, a written confirmation from Blizzard would be nice
xanzan1 posted a message on New Demon Hunter Legendary Card Revealed - Kayn SunfuryPosted in: NewsIt's like Aggro broke up with Hunter and now that she's with Demon Hunter she's doing all these new things. Hunter is just looking at her facebook like "She didn't do that when we were together.."
jsager99 posted a message on New Warrior Epic Card Revealed - Warmaul ChallengerPosted in: NewsThis card has a really interesting interaction with Commanding Shout and Frothing Berserker. If you can stick a berserker and they have a huge blocker, you can play Commanding Shout to make your Warmaul Challenger unkillable, chip down their taunt 1-hp at a time, then hit them in the face with your giant Berserker. If there is enough support for a tempo pain build (maybe difficult with Acolyte of Pain leaving standard), this could be a good removal/finisher combo.
dps_kane posted a message on New Hunter Legendary Prime Card Revealed - Zixor, Apex PredatorPosted in: NewsApex Predator / Prime ... those are some really really powerful names, I love it! Graphic fits to that as well!
kyamsa posted a message on New Paladin Common Card Revealed - Amber WatcherPosted in: News -
m4tizeq posted a message on The screenshots thread! Share your funny/awesome moments!Posted in: General DiscussionHigh Five Doomgie!
aposteljoe posted a message on New Neutral Minion - Dozing MarksmanPosted in: Card DiscussionSleeper of the set :D
angrychicken007 posted a message on Now that all cards have been revealed, will you pre-order ?Posted in: General DiscussionQuote from TonberryBleu >>No, as a Priest player it's upsetting to see garbage yet again. We were dominant for maybe 2 expansions in the history of the game, every other expansion has been hot garbage.
I just don't understand. Why can't Priest get solid cards that don't require combos? Test Subject is utter trash. Extra Arms is utter trash. We get Reckless Experimenter, which is awesome...and then no cards that synergize with it. We get NO board clears. We get NO card draw. We get NO mechs in a MECH-themed expansion. We get the worst legendary spell and the worst legendary minion.
Meanwhile, Druid's "worst card" is a 6-mana Cenarius.
Cenarius buffs for +2/+2
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YAY less free stuff, more monetization. C'MON
And to be fair, this one has some frost synergy and some Undeath+frost combos with plagues. Good set for DKs if you ask me.
A format that changes every month is a good thing, even if the particular format we have now is not good.
Also, don't dust your cards. It's a shitty decision.
Ohhh yes. Doubling effects have been so good and balanced in the past, we had to add more.
Damn that actually is some dust cost I wasn't prepared for... Ouch. Thanks a lot for the list though.
So forgive me for being lost as hell, but if I read it correctly, there are certain core cards that are rotating out of core which were NOT a part of any other set and we can only acquire by crafting them with dust. Anyone knows which ones they are?
Hearthstone is fine. People suck the fun out of card games by playing only the absolutely strongest meta decks.
Since you guys have it from a reliable source, can we learn what the card is then? Was supposed to be revealed anyway! Why withhold information?
Crazy good tempo card at the perfect cost to cap a new shaman frost tempo deck. All we need are good tempo frost spells or minions that generate disposable frost spells like they did in Un goro for fire.
I got it yesterday. It's inevitably going to take 3-4 wins to find someone decent enough to let you finish. Just don't give up.