if u want to pay battle pass ignore bonus xp just focus if u want skins or no
- Bee
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Dinosaur69X posted a message on Is the Tavern Pass Worth It?Posted in: General Discussion -
FelyHS posted a message on How many total wins do you have ?Posted in: General Discussion8012 wins in Play Mode and 2776 Arena wins now. The only thing sad about your picture is your Demon Hunter level though, If you really want that perfect screenshot you should grind Demon Hunter in another mode :p
C_A_W posted a message on Is Yogg good for the game ?Posted in: General DiscussionNo, but he is super popular among "le memes" crowd. I don't think much can be done now since Blizz unnerfed him, just learn to take random unjustified losses from that card.
user-15044902 posted a message on Is Yogg good for the game ?Posted in: General DiscussionHow is cubelock in a meta full of quest mages and even-shaman a cancerous deck?
FortyDust posted a message on How to be luckier in Arena?Posted in: General DiscussionThe people saying there is no luck, and that you're bad, you should stop listening to. Arena is 100% based on pure luck during draft. You could get the absolute worst, to middling options every single time you had to pick, with nothing having any synergies, whilst your opponents gets not only good synergy cards like elemental/beast heavy decks, but also several legendaries.
There is a little skill involved in picking cards, but when you are offered trash, there is nothing that can save you, except hope that whoever you're against have gotten even more unlucky than you.
LOL hearthstone is 90% luck. Yes you should know how to draft but why do some people draft 85 point decks while others draft 60 point decks? skill?
And when your opponent plays every card on curve, or top decks the exact card they need to beat you everytime when you are about to win.
yeah...pure skill.
These are exactly the kinds of things people say when they don't want to believe they are actually bad at a game like Hearthstone. So they blame it all on ... you guessed it: LUCK.
Jennifer posted a message on Zephrys = Broken AFPosted in: Streams and VideosQuote from TMRobinson >>The card is too powerful. It allows classes to access cards that were deliberately not made available to them, due to... you know... balance concerns.
It's just stupid to lose to this card when you have otherwise outplayed your opponent for several turns. Most hated card* for me right now.
* Honorable mention to MC Tech.
I couldn't agree more with this it's very frustrating to lose to highlander hunter's over and over again when you've already countered their entire deck
If you lost, you obviously did not counter their entire deck
thazud posted a message on Magnetize on full boardPosted in: General DiscussionI've always hated these "I was not aware of this interaction and I lost because of it, so it is stupid" threads.
It makes perfect sense. The definition of magnetic, as Suchti352 also states, is: "Play this to the left of a Mech to fuse them together!" and you can't play more than 7 minions. Learn your mechanics and stop whining.
Synthetikmisery posted a message on How to spot a bad player in HearthstonePosted in: General DiscussionThis isn't meant to troll but rather from the funny side of Hearthstone.
If any apply to you then yes, you need to reconsider your choices in Hearthstone.
You know when you're facing a bad player when;
He has a name like; Swagbruh or DankMemes or A random food or item like 'Buttermilk' or 'HepaFilter' as their name.
We also have the "watch out we have a badass in the house" names like 'killyoubro' or 'Annihilateyou' or 'Yourpwnd'. Add in bad spelling and numbers or cradle the name with x's at the start and end.
Sometimes we have the bad players who compare themselves to deities like "GodRank' or the opposite like "GodKiller'.
Then there are the slew of pants names which I see about quite a few a day like 'grumpypants' or 'swagpants' but really all the pants players should be called 'ClownPants'.
Aside from names to know you are playing a bad player is the choice of deck.
Most common is a mindless aggro deck and yes aggro is mindless and doesn't take much decision making especially when all they do is go face.
The good aggro players know when to trade and don't just go face.
Usually out of cards in hand by turn 4.
Currently we have the bad players picking the straight murloc deck.
They don't trade they just go face regardless of what deck you are playing or your minions on the board. Even if it helps them avoid death or better their situation in the match they will not trade cause must go face.
They concede by turn 7 if they haven't won by then.
They play a minion that has a battlecry that has no valid effect to what they are currently doing. They just had a card so they played a card.
They may also play the most common deck and currently that is rogue. They will still play the pre-nerf version of it and do it badly. Like not noticing the combo isn't active on getting lackeys and then pause and wonder what went wrong.They play very quickly. No thought goes into what they do. As soon as it is their turn they wildly play minions and go face and only go face.
There is an exception to their quick play style. If you play a taunt they stop.. freeze.. confused as what to do and most likely will concede after about 10 seconds.
At each turn when they go face they will alway emote either the hello, wow, or the threat emote without fail even waiting till they are able to again before ending their turn. In other words, just BM.Some will not concede by turn 7 when they are losing. Some will then turn into sore losers and rope you each turn. I'm thinking they are hoping you concede cause they can't handle losing or just being the sad snowflakes they are. Again more BM cause they don't know any better.
That's my short list. What things do you notice bad players doing consistently?
We all make mistakes in matches but the bad players do the above consistently and part of their playstyle.
They are fun to play against as they play straight up netdecks and are predictable and make mistakes and easy to win against.PS: My favorite part of the comments are the ones who this post touched a nerve with and the great comeback of what amounts to "I know you are but what am I?!".
Bad is bad and these players are ones who have been playing for some time. Aren't just kids or casual players.
Just bad players from bad people who end all the posts with "kappa" still. Not a stereotype but a part of the Hearthstone community and have been there since the start. We've all seen them. -
Hairy_Potter posted a message on How to spot a bad player in HearthstonePosted in: General DiscussionYou know you are reading a bad thread when:
someone called synthetikmisery claims a players ability to play hs good is directly linked to their name.
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Ancestor's call is what makes the deck. You can't replace it.
It's hilarious to see all the white knights defending OP.
I'M sorry but Legend is a worthless achievement nowadays, the +15 wins you need to reach it is exactly the equivalent of old rank 2, plenty of those guys would've never reached legend in the older system and even that wasn't much of an achievement.
Making these ''I AM FINALLY LEGEND POST!!'' is the equivalent of OMG I REACH RANK 15!!! threads.
Completely worthless.
Your legend rank is the equivalent of old rank 2.
So you didn't really get better since old rank 3 and 5 stars was the equivalent of rank 2 and 0 star anyway.
So think about it before you think it's some kind of great accomplishment.
who would've thought a company would try to make money out of their f2p game
**others are fine**
why aren't they played then ? because the galakrond package is garbage and not worth playing.
priest is very cancer to play against, doesn't matter if it's good or bad
galak priest is def viable tho
Good luck always remembering everything that's left in your deck or your opponent's deck at turns 20-30. The fact that it displays the turns cards were drawn in opponent's hand or even mulligan gives you a significant advantage as well.
Most people use the tracker for themselves, not to provide ''data''
If you don't care about the tracker, there's no reason to use it.
Hi, I don't think anybody's going to beat me here.
It's been a very long time since I've seen one of those.
How many total wins do you have in Constructed and Arena ?
I've been playing almost every day since may 2015. Not gonna lie, I thought of making a thread because of that beautiful screenshot. Feel free to post yours and discuss!
they said they won't be nerfing things anytime soon
also nobody cares about your legend rank, everyone's legend this month this is a joke