• 2

    posted a message on Balance Changes Coming Soon - Battlegrounds and Constructed!

    That's what I'm expecting - Divine shield and Rush instead of Windfury. Still 4 mana. Would still be a great card for Excavate Paladin, but no longer a broken OTK enabler.

    Posted in: News
  • -3

    posted a message on Unauthorized Bot-Ban Update – March 2024

    Yes, it did. 

    Ban waves are shown to be much more effective than individual bans against botting companies. If you start banning as soon as you detect a new bot you just let the bot makers know they need to change it.

    If you detect a botting software, but don't ban right away, instead wait and do it in waves, they will have invested months of resources (electricity and PC usage) into bots that then get banned wasting that investment, and the ones they already sold get refunded by the buyers, giving them a massive instantaneous financial hit and often bankrupting the business.

    Don't complain about things you don't understand.

    Posted in: News
  • 0

    posted a message on New Mage Epic Card Revealed - Watercolor Artist

    Yeah, and we've seen the entire set for Mage, no good high cost frost spells at all, maybe next expansion!

    We did at least get a nasty 8-mana spell for Projection Orb though.


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    posted a message on New Mage Epic Card Revealed - Watercolor Artist

    You're right of course, I forgot Deathborn was old.

    Yeah, it will eventually cost zero, but there just aren't any Frost spells in the game right now good enough that you'd want to hold for potentially 5+ turns to discount them, IMO.

    Definitely has potential though, as soon as there's a Frost spell really worth tutoring/discounting, this will be an auto-include.

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  • 0

    posted a message on New Mage Epic Card Revealed - Watercolor Artist

    So... the final mage reveal will probably have an 8 or 9 mana Frost spell, right?

    Right now the most expensive Frost spells in mage are Deathborne and Blizzard, neither of which is even close to being worth playing Watercolor Artist to draw. But if there's a nice 8 mana spell coming up, you could tutor it, and it would cost 6 mana on your turn 6, which lines up very nicely.

    That would also make The Galactic Projection Orb much more playable, right now it's lacking especially a good 9 cost spell, I'll be surprised if we don't get anything like that.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on New Priest Legendary Card Revealed - Raza the Resealed

    That's exactly what I was thinking too. I'll definitely try it in Reno Priest in Wild, but I think I'll make it a Shadow deck so you already start in shadow form. Then you just need the OG Raza and either the new Raza OR Shadowreaper Anduin, should be pretty consistent.

    This expansion seems to have a lot of tools to make a more low cost, aggressive Reno priest an option.

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    posted a message on New Rogue Epic Card Revealed - Watercannon

    "Random enemy" means that most of the time, your 1/1s will just hit into their random 4/8 to deal 1 damage and die. If they just always hit face it would be a different matter, but as it is, I don't think this will be a power outlier.

    It will see some play, just because weapons are generally really good, and you're right that it does have a lot of synergy with the other cards in the set, but it feels more like a support card to me, not the reason you'd play this deck or anything.

    Posted in: News
  • 2

    posted a message on New Rogue Legendary Card Revealed - Shoplifter Goldbeard

    Yeah okay, just gonna leave this here.

    Duskfallen Aviana

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    posted a message on Multiple New Rogue Cards Revealed

    Only 2-3 thoughts in that person's entire life were clever.

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    posted a message on Multiple New Paladin Cards Revealed

    Spot on! Right on all 3 counts I reckon.

    Posted in: News
  • 3

    posted a message on New Neutral Legendary Card Revealed - Li Na Shop Manager

    Right, because summoning 6 minions instead of 1, with a better body, while only paying 1 more mana is... worse?

    It's probably not actually good, but it's much, much better than Summoning Stone

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    posted a message on New Neutral Legendary Card Revealed - Li Na Shop Manager

    Refresh how? You have Desert Nestmatron and Contaminated Lasher, but those need to be discounted to give a significant discount (or one at all). Eonar, the Life-Binder doesn't really work, and all the other options are spells themselves, so you'll just fill your board with 0 or 1 mana minions and then your big spell does nothing.

    I do see a fun interaction with Incarceration though. Probably more a meme than a viable deck, but you can play Li'Na, Shop Manager, Incarceration to make it dormant and fill your boards with 3-cost minions, then in 3 turns you can play a 10 cost spell to make a devastating board. But that combo only starts when you're on 9 mana and finishes when you're on "12", making it pretty slow and risky. Definitely fun, but unlikely actually good.

    Posted in: News
  • 0

    posted a message on Early Drop of February Twist Rules and Excavate Coming to Shaman and Paladin!
    Quote from Dunscot >>

    (Note: I undertand it as "Year of the Dagon + Core, not "Everything up to Year of the Dragon").

     Well, you understand it wrong, because "every expansion through year of the dragon" explicitly means "expansions in year of the dragons and every expansion that came before them.

    Posted in: News
  • 0

    posted a message on Multiple New Druid/Warlock Cards Revealed

    I mean sure, you could ramp to 20 mana (relying on drawing Guff in time too), hold ~6 specific cards in your hand to then pull off a combo that still might not kill the enemy if they have a big enough board and/or enough armour... or you could just play Malygos Druid or one of the 20 other OTKs Druid has available and have a 60% winrate instead of 20%.

    Like you said, it's not exactly viable. Druid in wild can literally OTK on turn 6 sometimes.

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  • 0

    posted a message on Multiple New Druid/Warlock Cards Revealed
    Quote from RacerN2O >>

    So Trogg is just a Druid card with purple on it right? That one 6 drop isn't making Warlock ramp like Druid does so Warlock getting a ramp payoff without ramp sure is a design decision.

     Sacrificing your resources is part of Warlock's card identity. They sacrifice their health for some effects, their cards for others, their minions on the board for others still, and we've had sacrificing mana crystals in the past with cards like Blastcrystal Potion too. 

    Gloomstone Guardian fits Warlock perfectly, not as a "ramp" card but as a finisher for Zoolock. You flood the board with Imps and then curve into Gloomstone Guardian to try and finish the game by turn 6. Might not be good enough to make the archetype playable on its own, but as soon as Warlock gets more cheap aggressive minions, you'll always consider this as a finisher. It's very similar to Flamewreathed Faceless. Bonus if you have a zoo type deck with discard synergy, think cards like Silverware Golem.

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