• 13

    posted a message on A New Mystery Card Back Has Been Added To The Game

    I was looking at the card changes extract from the game and noticed this:

    4 Hero Powers have been updated from Warrior to Neutral. They are ALL named "???" and have a different IDs

    "artist": "Konstantin Turovec",
    "cardClass": "NEUTRAL",
    "cost": 0,
    "dbfId": 70375,
    "hideCost": true,
    "id": "BAR_734",
    "name": "???",
    "set": "THE_BARRENS",
    "text": "<b>???</b>",
    "type": "HERO_POWER"
    < "cardClass": "NEUTRAL",
    > "cardClass": "WARRIOR",


    "cardClass": "NEUTRAL",
    "cost": 0,
    "dbfId": 70402,
    "hideCost": true,
    "id": "BAR_747",
    "name": "???",
    "set": "THE_BARRENS",
    "text": "<b>???</b>",
    "type": "HERO_POWER"
    < "cardClass": "NEUTRAL",
    > "cardClass": "WARRIOR",


    "cardClass": "NEUTRAL",
    "cost": 0,
    "dbfId": 70579,
    "hideCost": true,
    "id": "BAR_753",
    "name": "???",
    "set": "THE_BARRENS",
    "text": "<b>???</b>",
    "type": "HERO_POWER"
    < "cardClass": "NEUTRAL",
    > "cardClass": "WARRIOR",


    "cardClass": "NEUTRAL",
    "cost": 0,
    "dbfId": 70652,
    "hideCost": true,
    "id": "BAR_761",
    "name": "???",
    "set": "THE_BARRENS",
    "text": "<b>???</b>",
    "type": "HERO_POWER"
    < "cardClass": "NEUTRAL",
    > "cardClass": "WARRIOR",

     I have no clue how to play them, but they are present in the card Database.
    Have fun trying to trigger these Hero Powers.


    Posted in: News
  • 1

    posted a message on Do you use a hack to prevent animation times?

    I think having a very good computer and internet bandwidth (& playing in your local region) will always provide you a good experience rather than a player with any poor stuff (internet and/or computer) which will lose time getting the animations 

    I face this issue on a daily basis. Just playing some discovery cards. Sometimes it can take few seconds (~3s) before I can get the 3 choices.
    Watching some Streamers, they can get the cards instantly. 
    If all players take only 2 seconds to choose the cards, with a good device/network, you can play 5 discovery cards where someone with a low resource device/network will only play 2.

    Like @Neko_Tamo, I'm still waiting for Blizzard to provide an option to disable/reduce/adjust (pick the best for you) the animations to allow most of the players to have a decent and pleasant time in-game.


    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Grandmasters 2021 - Season 1 Survival Guide

    Just checked on Hearthstone Rules:

    Section 5 of Part A of the document specify:

    5. NOTIFICATION AND VERIFICATION OF REWARDS: Within 48 hours of the conclusion of each applicable Broadcast, and upon Sponsors’ (or Sponsors’ designee’s) determination of eligible participants, the applicable Rewards will be credited to the Battle.net account of persons who earned the Rewards per Section 4 above, subject to compliance with these Official Rules

    So we will have to wait for the end of the third day of the US broadcast before to get the Packs.

    Section 2 of Part A of the document provide the schedule of Broadcasts per period:

    The “Opening Week Period” will take place during the following periods:

    • April 9, 2021 between approximately 2:00 AM – 5:00 PM PDT
    • April 10, 2021 between approximately 2:00 AM – 5:00 PM PDT
    • April 11, 2021 between approximately 2:00 AM – 5:00 PM PDT

    The “Regular Season Period” will take place during the following periods: 

    • April 16, 2021 between approximately 2:00 AM – 5:00 PM PDT
    • April 17, 2021 between approximately 2:00 AM – 5:00 PM PDT
    • April 18, 2021 between approximately 2:00 AM – 5:00 PM PDT
    • April 23, 2021 between approximately 2:00 AM – 5:00 PM PDT
    • April 24, 2021 between approximately 2:00 AM – 5:00 PM PDT
    • April 25, 2021 between approximately 2:00 AM – 5:00 PM PDT
    • May 7, 2021 between approximately 2:00 AM – 5:00 PM PDT
    • May 8, 2021 between approximately 2:00 AM – 5:00 PM PDT
    • May 9, 2021 between approximately 2:00 AM – 5:00 PM PDT
    • May 14, 2021 between approximately 2:00 AM – 5:00 PM PDT
    • May 15, 2021 between approximately 2:00 AM – 5:00 PM PDT
    • May 16, 2021 between approximately 2:00 AM – 5:00 PM PDT
    • May 21, 2021 between approximately 2:00 AM – 5:00 PM PDT
    • May 22, 2021 between approximately 2:00 AM – 5:00 PM PDT
    • May 23, 2021 between approximately 2:00 AM – 5:00 PM PDT
    • May 28, 2021 between approximately 2:00 AM – 5:00 PM PDT
    • May 29, 2021 between approximately 2:00 AM – 5:00 PM PDT
    • May 30, 2021 between approximately 2:00 AM – 5:00 PM PDT

    The “Playoffs Period” will take place during the following periods:

    • June 4, 2021 between approximately 2:00 AM – 5:00 PM PDT
    • June 5, 2021 between approximately 2:00 AM – 5:00 PM PDT
    • June 6, 2021 between approximately 2:00 AM – 5:00 PM PDT

    Posted in: News
  • 3

    posted a message on Grandmasters 2021 - Season 1 Survival Guide

    I was wondering about the same thing. Why I still have no notification of winning a pack, and I just noticed 2 things:


    • I was no streaming live :(  - But I'm sure I've started the video after it was already live.
    • And secondly, according to Youtube doc, if you are watching a streaming with rewards, you should be able to check it from the video settings (Wheel), it should say that your account is linked and you can earn drops.
      To check if the video is eligible, you can look at the video's Player Settings, where eligible videos will include an option for you to review your linked account state.
      And this was missing until I refresh the page on my browser.

    /!\ So be sure you're watching live, and you can see that you have the notice that your account is linked to battle.net in the video setting.

    Furthermore, according the same source, you cannot get drops from on embedded players, the YouTube Smart TV app or via casting!

    Thank you Epic Games for sharing this source in your description of your page "GET FREE REWARDS WITH YOUTUBE DROPS".
    Blizzard is missing the link or the explanations from his News. :(

    Source: https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/9024948?hl=en-GB#zippy=,ive-connected-my-accounts-and-im-watching-an-eligible-live-stream-why-am-i-not-winning-anything

    Posted in: News
  • 1

    posted a message on Grandmasters 2021 - Season 1 Survival Guide

    Live channels for Week1 are already online in HS Youtube and HS Esport, you can select the desired lives based on regions and set some reminders.

    Enjoy your Free Packs!!

    Posted in: News
  • 0

    posted a message on A Recipe of Tenacity is This Week's Tavern Brawl

    Yes, You're right. You can also complete the achievements in Duels.
    But I don't really play Duels :)

    Posted in: News
  • 0

    posted a message on A Recipe of Tenacity is This Week's Tavern Brawl

    The idea of this Braw is good. It let people try some cards they don't own.

    But, all decks are not at the same level. And I will have loved to have the opportunity to complete some achievements during the Brawl (except when playing against Friends). But achievements can only be completed in ranked.

    Played some decks, got my pack, and give up on the brawl :(

    Posted in: News
  • 0

    posted a message on Mercenaries... just another Book?

    From this HS patch ( only one Book Of Mercenaries (BOM_01) was available, in addition to the BOH for Thrall

    So we will have to wait for the next patch to get more information about the next BOM and BOH.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on F2P sitting on 8k gold. Thinking I will only buy 10 packs.

    Remember, the March season will end just after the New HS Year will start.
    The rewards from Ranked will be Barren's packs.

    And if you save your Weekly quest until the Extension will be out,  you can jump straight to lvl20 according to the Rewards Track
    Which will provide you 2 Barrens legendary (including Mankrik), 1 epic, and 3 Barrens packs.

    Depending on how many packs you will receive from March Season, you may almost have already 5 free packs, 2 legendary & 1 epic cards.
    If you are not interested in this extension, the 5 packs may provide you one more Legendary (1/10 packs) and 1 extra epic card (1/5), so you may have no need to buy packs to have at least 4 legendary cards (including offered Shadow Hunter Vol'jin ) cards from the extension.

    If you are playing Wild, and you have not yet completed the Saviors of Uldum & Rise of Shadows adventures, you can also pay for the second chapters of each of them (the first chapter is free). They are rotating with the HS Year, and will then only be available with Real Money after that.
    Buying the second chapter of the adventures before should allow you to continue to pay with golds in the future.
    Rewards from the adventure include a Golden pack, which after the rotation should only provide Standard extension Cards.

    Furthermore, you can also get Sylvannas Hero Skin for 1500Po, until April 6th (I guess). If you like the hero skin you can buy it :)

    Make your choice, there are so many stuff you can do with 8K Po ;)

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Share Your Forged in the Barrens Pack Opening Results!

    For anyone, previously using hspacktracker.com and running on macOS or Linux and looking for a tool to track his packs' opening, I've made a shell script to retrieve it for you.

    Once the packs are opened, the script can extract them from the log and displays the pack list (in HTML or ASCII format). It can also provide the pity timers of extensions.

    Unfortunately, it only works on Linux (including macOS) or via a docker image (if you manage to get it working on Windows).

    For further information please refer to my previous thread in the forum.

    Feel free to contact me if you have some issue with the script or the Docker image.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on [Book of Mercenaries] BOM_01 - Rokara

    Book of Mercenaries Chapter 01 will be available the second week of April, revealing its First chapter about Rokara.
    If you want to discover some Heroes/Minions/Spells/Weapons linked to this adventure, go ahead and read the content below.
    Otherwise, Run away!!


    • The following information has been extracted from an online JSON file. Data may be updated by Blizzard before the adventure releases.
    • The picture links are automatically created based on art.hearthstonejson URL format and they may be missing if they have not been extracted.
    • Some cards may not be new, but even the old ones have been named after the adventure (BOM_01_*)

    Hero & Hero Powers

    Extract Adventure: BOM_01 - from patch: 77662


    HERO: Bru'kan (SHAMAN) - PV:30 - [x]Garrosh wants this great Darkspear shaman to put Rokara through her paces.
    HERO POWER: Totemic Mastery (SHAMAN) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Summon basic Totems until you have 4. Overload: (1).
    HERO POWER: Bru'kan (SHAMAN) - Cost:2 - [x]Hero Power Deal 1-2 damage to all enemy minions.
    HERO POWER: Bru'kan (SHAMAN) - Cost:2 - [x]Hero Power Deal 1-2 damage to all enemy minions.
    HERO POWER: Bru'kan (SHAMAN) - Cost:2 - [x]Hero Power Deal 1-2 damage to all enemy minions.
    HERO POWER: Bru'kan (SHAMAN) - Cost:2 - [x]Hero Power Deal 1-2 damage to all enemy minions.
    HERO POWER: Bru'kan (SHAMAN) - Cost:2 - [x]Hero Power Deal 1-2 damage to all enemy minions.
    HERO POWER: Bru'kan (SHAMAN) - Cost:2 - [x]Hero Power Deal 1-2 damage to all enemy minions.
    HERO POWER: Dawngrasp (MAGE) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Freeze an enemy minion.
    HERO POWER: Dawngrasp (MAGE) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Freeze an enemy minion.
    HERO POWER: Dawngrasp (MAGE) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Freeze an enemy minion.
    HERO: Feegly the Exiled (WARLOCK) - PV:30 - In a weakened state, naaru may produce void energies with deadly consequences.
    HERO POWER: Power of the Shard (WARLOCK) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Transform a minion into a 3/3 Trogg.
    HERO: Garrosh (WARRIOR) - PV:30 - Garrosh has been waiting for Rokara to return and he is NOT happy about it.
    HERO POWER: Equip Gorehowl (WARRIOR) - Cost:4 - Hero Power Equip Gorehowl Your hero is Immune while attacking.
    HERO: Golem (WARRIOR) - PV:40 - Kazakus saw to it that his caravan was well-guarded.
    HERO POWER: Manufacture (NEUTRAL) - Cost:2 - [x]Hero Power Summon a 3/3 Golem. If one is already present, upgrade it instead.
    HERO POWER: Guff (DRUID) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Give your hero +2 Attack this turn. Gain 2 Armor.
    HERO POWER: Guff (DRUID) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Give your hero +2 Attack this turn. Gain 2 Armor.
    HERO POWER: Guff (DRUID) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Give your hero +2 Attack this turn. Gain 2 Armor.
    HERO POWER: Guff (DRUID) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Give your hero +2 Attack this turn. Gain 2 Armor.
    HERO POWER: Guff (DRUID) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Give your hero +2 Attack this turn. Gain 2 Armor.
    HERO: Hezrul Bloodmark (HUNTER) - PV:30 - The Kolkar clan loathes the Horde and will not tolerate any incursions into its domain.
    HERO POWER: Hyena Pack (HUNTER) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Summon a 3/1 Hyena with Rush.
    HERO: Isha Awak (SHAMAN) - PV:40 - Rokara begins to realize that Guff's affection for monstrous creatures is hazardous to her health.
    HERO POWER: Regurgitate (SHAMAN) - Cost:4 - Hero Power Summon a random Forged in the Barrens minion.
    HERO: Plaguemaw the Rotting (DEMONHUNTER) - PV:30 - On the Gold Road Rokara meets a warlock struggling to control an enormous undead quilboar.
    HERO POWER: Rez the Roof (DRUID) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Summon a friendly Deathrattle minion that died this game.
    HERO: Rokara (WARRIOR) - PV:30 - null
    HERO: Rokara (WARRIOR) - PV:30 - null
    HERO: Rokara (WARRIOR) - PV:30 - null
    HERO: Rokara (WARRIOR) - PV:30 - null
    HERO: Rokara (WARRIOR) - PV:30 - null
    HERO: Rokara (WARRIOR) - PV:30 - null
    HERO: Rokara (WARRIOR) - PV:30 - null
    HERO: Rokara (WARRIOR) - PV:30 - null
    HERO POWER: Early Axes (WARRIOR) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Equip a 3/1 Axe.
    HERO POWER: Ask for Help (WARRIOR) - Cost:0 - Passive Hero Power Choose an ally to help you in battle!
    HERO POWER: Ask for Help (WARRIOR) - Cost:0 - Passive Hero Power Choose an ally to help you in battle!
    HERO POWER: Ask for Help (WARRIOR) - Cost:0 - Passive Hero Power Choose an ally to help you in battle!
    HERO POWER: Ask for Help (WARRIOR) - Cost:0 - Passive Hero Power Choose an ally to help you in battle!
    HERO POWER: Ask for Help (WARRIOR) - Cost:0 - Passive Hero Power Choose an ally to help you in battle!
    HERO POWER: Axe and Receive (WARRIOR) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Equip a 4/2 Axe.
    HERO POWER: Tamsin (WARLOCK) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Summon a 3/2 Imp Familiar.
    HERO POWER: Tamsin (WARLOCK) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Summon a 3/2 Imp Familiar.
    HERO POWER: Tamsin (WARLOCK) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Summon a 3/2 Imp Familiar.
    HERO POWER: Tamsin (WARLOCK) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Summon a 3/2 Imp Familiar.
    HERO: General Twinbraid (PALADIN) - PV:30 - Bael'dun Keep played a critical role establishing an Alliance foothold in the Barrens.
    HERO POWER: Armored Slam (WARRIOR) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Gain 1 Armor. Deal 1 damage to a minion for each Armor you have.




    Bru'kan: (5) - ATT:3/PV:5 - [x]At the end of your turn, deal 1-2 damage to all enemy minions. Deathrattle: Go Dormant for 2 turns.
    Golem Guard: (3) - ATT:3/PV:3 - Taunt
    Guff: (4) - ATT:0/PV:8 - [x]At the end of your turn, give another friendly minion +0/+2. Deathrattle: Go Dormant for 2 turns.
    Perplexed Trogg: (3) - ATT:3/PV:3 - null
    Security Golem: (2) - ATT:3/PV:3 - null
    Swift Hyena: (1) - ATT:3/PV:1 - Rush
    Tamsin: (2) - ATT:1/PV:5 - At the end of your turn, if you don't control an Imp Familiar, summon one. Deathrattle: Go Dormant for 2 turns.
    Varden Dawngrasp: (3) - ATT:2/PV:5 - At the end of your turn, Freeze a random enemy minion. Deathrattle: Go Dormant for 2 turns.




    Arrival In Orgimmar: (5) - Add two Champions of the Horde to your hand. They cost (1).
    Earthroot: (0) - +1/+1 and Taunt
    Fadeleaf: (0) - +1/+1 and Stealth
    Grave Moss: (0) - +1/+1 and Poisonous
    Liferoot: (0) - +1/+1 and Lifesteal
    Mageroyal: (0) - +1/+1 and Spell Damage +1
    Pride of the Frostwolves: (3) - Gain 5 Armor. Equip a random weapon.
    Strength and Honor!: (6) - Summon your allies.
    Strength and Honor!_Copy: (6) - Summon your allies.
    Sungrass: (0) - +1/+1 and Divine Shield
    Swifthistle: (0) - +1/+1 and Windfury
    Wildvine: (0) - +2/+2





    Posted in: Adventures
  • 0

    posted a message on [Book of Heroes] Story_07 - Thrall

    Book of Heroes Chapter 07 will be available on May 25th, revealing its seventh chapter about Thrall.
    If you want to discover some Heroes/Minions/Spells/Weapons linked to this adventure, go ahead and read the content below.
    Otherwise, Run away!!


    • The following information has been extracted from an online JSON file. Data may be updated by Blizzard before the adventure releases.
    • The picture links are automatically created based on art.hearthstonejson URL format and they may be missing if they have not been extracted.
    • Some cards may not be new, but even the old ones have been named after the adventure (Story_07_*)

    Hero & Hero Powers

    Extract Adventure: Story_07 - from patch: 77662


    HERO: Archimonde (WARLOCK) - PV:50 - The demons' overlord has finally revealed himself as he leads their invasion on Azeroth.
    HERO POWER: Rain of Chaos (NEUTRAL) - Cost:6 - Hero Power Summon two 6/6 Infernals.
    HERO: Aedalas Blackmoore (ROGUE) - PV:30 - A keen fighting enthusiast, he intends to turn a tidy profit off of your matches.
    HERO POWER: Ring Fight (NEUTRAL) - Cost:3 - Hero Power Summon a random fighter.
    HERO: Deathwing (WARRIOR) - PV:200 - Once the noble Aspect of Earth, he has betrayed his charge, becoming bent on destruction.
    HERO: Deathwing (WARRIOR) - PV:100 - null
    HERO: Deathwing (WARRIOR) - PV:50 - null
    HERO POWER: Fiery Grip (NEUTRAL) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Destroy the left-most enemy minion.
    HERO POWER: Shattering (NEUTRAL) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Destroy the left-most enemy minion and card in your opponent's hand.
    HERO POWER: Cataclysm (NEUTRAL) - Cost:2 - [x]Hero Power Destroy the left-most enemy minion, card in your opponent's hand, and top card of their deck.
    HERO: Drek'Thar (SHAMAN) - PV:30 - This elder shaman will help you commune with the elements and wield their power.
    HERO POWER: Shamanic Trial (SHAMAN) - Cost:4 - Hero Power Summon an Elemental.
    HERO: Garrosh (WARRIOR) - PV:50 - Instead of gaining wisdom, he has lost his honor. You must be the one to remove him from command.
    HERO POWER: Equip Gorehowl (WARRIOR) - Cost:3 - Hero Power Equip Gorehowl.
    HERO: Garrosh Hellscream (WARRIOR) - PV:30 - null
    HERO POWER: Heart of Y'Shaarj (NEUTRAL) - Cost:0 - Passive Hero Power At the end of your turn, put a minion from your deck into your hand. It costs (0).
    HERO: Jaina (MAGE) - PV:50 - Your former friend will use her vast power to attack the Horde in retaliation for her loss at Theramore.
    HERO POWER: Focusing Iris (MAGE) - Cost:6 - Hero Power Summon a Water Elemental. Increases each use.
    HERO POWER: Icefall (MAGE) - Cost:3 - Hero Power Deal $2 damage to 2 random enemy minions and Freeze them.
    HERO: Mannoroth (WARLOCK) - PV:50 - Years ago, he tricked the orcs into consuming his blood, allowing demons to control them.
    HERO POWER: Blood Curse (WARLOCK) - Cost:0 - Hero Power Reduce the Health of all enemy minions by 2 and increase their Attack by 1.
    HERO: Mysterious Stranger (WARRIOR) - PV:30 - He speaks ill of Grommash Hellscream and his efforts to free the imprisoned orcs. But why?
    HERO: Orgrim Doomhammer (WARRIOR) - PV:30 - null
    HERO POWER: Equip Doomhammer (SHAMAN) - Cost:4 - Hero Power Equip Doomhammer.
    HERO: Thrall (WARRIOR) - PV:15 - null
    HERO: Thrall (WARRIOR) - PV:30 - null
    HERO: Thrall (SHAMAN) - PV:30 - null
    HERO: Thrall (SHAMAN) - PV:30 - null
    HERO POWER: Equip Doomhammer (SHAMAN) - Cost:4 - Hero Power Equip Doomhammer.
    HERO: Thrall (SHAMAN) - PV:30 - null
    HERO POWER: Equip Doomhammer Rank 2 (SHAMAN) - Cost:3 - Hero Power Equip Doomhammer.
    HERO: Thrall (SHAMAN) - PV:30 - null
    HERO POWER: Spirit of Air (SHAMAN) - Cost:3 - Hero Power Give all friendly minions Windfury.
    HERO: Thrall (SHAMAN) - PV:30 - null
    HERO POWER: Spirit of Air Rank 2 (SHAMAN) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Give all friendly minions Windfury.
    HERO: Thrall (SHAMAN) - PV:30 - null
    HERO POWER: Equip Charged Doomhammer (SHAMAN) - Cost:4 - Hero Power Equip Charged Doomhammer.






    Alexstrasza: (11) - ATT:0/PV:1 - Dormant
    Alexstrasza: (1) - ATT:5/PV:4 - Revive your hero 2 times. Deathrattle: Go Dormant for 2 turns.
    Burning Tendon: (5) - ATT:3/PV:3 - Whenever your hero takes damage on your turn, gain +2/+2.
    Captured Crocolisk: (1) - ATT:0/PV:10 - Taunt At the end of your turn, gain +1 Attack. Deathrattle: Advance fight.
    Corrupted Blood: (4) - ATT:4/PV:3 - Deathrattle: Fire three missiles at random enemies that deal 2 damage each.
    Drek'Thar: (6) - ATT:4/PV:5 - Spellburst: Summon a random Elemental. Deathrattle: Shuffle this into your deck.
    Fire Spirit Wolf: (2) - ATT:3/PV:4 - Taunt, Rush Battlecry: Discover a Shaman Spell.
    Grommash Hellscream: (8) - ATT:4/PV:9 - [x]Charge Has +6 Attack while damaged. Deathrattle: Go Dormant for 4 turns.
    Grommash Hellscream: (11) - ATT:0/PV:1 - Dormant
    Hideous Amalgamation: (8) - ATT:2/PV:7 - At the end of your turn, deal 1 damage to all enemies for each Corrupted Blood you control.
    Kalecgos: (8) - ATT:4/PV:12 - Your first spell each turn costs (0). Deathrattle: Go Dormant for 4 turns.
    Kalecgos: (11) - ATT:0/PV:1 - Dormant
    Mountain Cat: (1) - ATT:2/PV:8 - Taunt Deathrattle: Kill 2 to advance fight.
    Nozdormu: (11) - ATT:0/PV:1 - Dormant
    Nozdormu: (4) - ATT:8/PV:8 - Battlecry: Set each player to 10 Mana Crystals. Deathrattle: Go Dormant for 1 turn.
    Ogre Brute: (3) - ATT:4/PV:15 - Taunt Deathrattle: Advance fight. 50% chance to attack the wrong enemy.
    Peon: (2) - ATT:2/PV:3 - [x]Frenzy: Add a random spell from your class to your hand.
    Spirit of Air: (1) - ATT:1/PV:8 - Can't be targeted by spells. Deathrattle: Restore 7 Health to the enemy hero. Advance fight.
    Spirit of Earth: (1) - ATT:1/PV:8 - Taunt Deathrattle: Restore 7 Health to the enemy hero. Advance fight.
    Spirit of Fire: (1) - ATT:2/PV:8 - [x]Resists Fire spells. At the end of your turn, deal 1 damage to all enemy minions. Deathrattle: Restore 7 Health to the enemy hero. Advance fight.
    Spirit of Water: (1) - ATT:2/PV:8 - [x]Resists Frost spells. At the start of your turn, restore 1 Health to itself. Deathrattle: Restore 7 Health to the enemy hero and advance fight.
    Spirit of the Wild: (1) - ATT:2/PV:8 - [x]Resists Nature spells. At the start of your turn, give a random friendly minion +1/+1. Deathrattle: Advance fight.
    Taretha Foxton: (4) - ATT:5/PV:6 - Battlecry: Restore #10 Health to your hero.
    Ultraxion: (6) - ATT:1/PV:12 - At the start of your turn, give your minions +2 Attack. Deathrattle: Advance fight.
    Warmaster Blackhorn: (2) - ATT:3/PV:20 - Taunt. At the start of your turn, summon a 1/1 Whelp. Deathrattle: Advance fight.
    Wild Elemental: (3) - ATT:4/PV:3 - At the end of your turn, give another random friendly minion +1 Health.
    Wild Spirit Wolf: (3) - ATT:4/PV:4 - Taunt, Windfury Battlecry: Discover a Shaman Spell.
    Ysera: (9) - ATT:4/PV:12 - [x]At the end of your turn, add a Dream Card to your hand. Deathrattle: Go Dormant for 4 turns.
    Ysera: (11) - ATT:0/PV:1 - Dormant




    Athletic Studies: (1) - Discover a Rush minion. Your next one costs (1) less.
    Call of the Warchief: (4) - Summon two random Horde minions and give them +2/+2.
    Earthen Might: (2) - [x]Give a minion +2/+2. If it's an Elemental, add a random Elemental to your hand.
    Elemental Gathering: (10) - Summon three Elemental spirits. Overload: (2)
    Even the Odds: (2) - Restore #2 Health to a friendly character.
    Fever Pitch: (7) - Shoot three missiles at random minions that deal $2 damage each.
    Focusing Iris: (7) - Replace your Hero Power with Focusing Iris.
    Pep Talk: (2) - Restore #2 Health to all characters.
    Regenerative Blood: (3) - Restore 1 Health to your hero for each minion on the board.
    Rouse the Rabble: (2) - Deal $3 damage randomly split among all minions.
    Taretha's Memory: (2) - Give your minions \"Deathrattle: Restore #2 Health to your hero.\"





    Posted in: Adventures
  • 8

    posted a message on Datamining: Wailing Caverns Card Set Found

    The Druid of the Fang was already referring to the Wailing Caverns in his Flavor:

    The Druids of the Fang live in the Wailing Caverns. They wear cool snake shirts and tell snake jokes and say "bro" a lot.

    Posted in: News
  • 0

    posted a message on Rewards Track Refresh & Diamond Cards

    The XP values for the two Rewards Tracks are the same, except that the new one splits every level in half. So as long as you played past level 50 this expansion, it really doesn't matter.

    I do not totally agree with that. I will suggest keeping the weekly (and optionally daily) quests even if you did not reach LVL 50 from the previous Reward Track.

    This will give you a boost to start. 6000 XP on the first day will help you to jump up to LVL 20, and collect some packs, 1 Epic, and 1 Legendary, and easy golds.

    In addition, 2 days later you will receive the Ranked rewards, which can provide a lot of packs & missing cards.

    So from my point of view, keeping your Quests from Monday 29/03 will help you to have a good start in the Reward Track for this new extension.

    Posted in: News
  • 2

    posted a message on [Book of Heroes] Story_06 - Valeera

     Is this still planned to release today? Haven't heard anything about it.

     This has been notified in the release note of  Path 19.6

    Book of Heroes Valeera – March 2

    The next book details will be available with patch 20.0, and I guess it will be online the same day of the new extension and the Book of Mercenaries on April 6.

    Posted in: Adventures
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