Book of Mercenaries Chapter 09 was released with patch 22.4, revealing its ninth chapter about Bru'kan. If you want to discover some Heroes/Minions/Spells/Weapons linked to this adventure, go ahead and read the content below. Otherwise, Run away!!
The following information has been extracted from an online JSON file. Data may be updated by Blizzard before the adventure releases.
The picture links are automatically created based on art.hearthstonejson URL format and they may be missing if they have not been extracted.
Some cards may not be new, but even the old ones have been named after the adventure (BOM_09_*)
Hero & Hero Powers
Extract Adventure: BOM_09 - from patch: 131660
HERO: Bru'kan (SHAMAN) - PV:30 - null HERO POWER: Totemic Talent (SHAMAN) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Summon a random Totem. HERO: Bru'kan (SHAMAN) - PV:30 - null HERO POWER: Totemic Talent (SHAMAN) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Summon a random Totem. HERO: Bru'kan (SHAMAN) - PV:30 - null HERO POWER: Choose An Ally (NEUTRAL) - Cost:0 - Passive Hero Power Choose an ally to help you in battle! HERO POWER: Dawngrasp (MAGE) - Cost:2 - [x]Hero Power Add a copy of a spell you've cast this game to your hand. HERO POWER: Guff (DRUID) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Give a minion Taunt and +2/+2. HERO POWER: Rokara (WARRIOR) - Cost:2 - [x]Hero Power Deal 2 damage. Honorable Kill: Gain 4 Armor. HERO: Bru'kan (SHAMAN) - PV:30 - null HERO POWER: Totemic Talent (SHAMAN) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Summon a random Totem. HERO: Bru'kan (SHAMAN) - PV:30 - null HERO POWER: Totemic Talent (SHAMAN) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Summon a random Totem. HERO: Bru'kan (SHAMAN) - PV:30 - null HERO POWER: Totemic Talent (SHAMAN) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Summon a random Totem. HERO: Bru'kan (SHAMAN) - PV:30 - null HERO POWER: Windchill (SHAMAN) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Freeze a minion. Draw a card. HERO: Bru'kan (SHAMAN) - PV:30 - null HERO POWER: Windchill (SHAMAN) - Cost:1 - Hero Power Freeze a minion. Draw a card. HERO: Campfire (SHAMAN) - PV:30 - The campfire burns, granting a brief reprieve from the darkness... HERO POWER: Embers (NEUTRAL) - Cost:0 - [x]Passive Hero Power Keep the elementals at bay while supper is prepared. HERO: Wing Commander Ichman (HUNTER) - PV:30 - [x]This wing commander is a top pilot. They call him the Heart of the Gryphon. HERO POWER: Paratroopin' (NEUTRAL) - Cost:1 - Hero Power Draw a 1-cost minion. HERO: Lokholar, the Ice Lord (SHAMAN) - PV:30 - Lokholar draws power from the mortal conflict in Alterac. HERO POWER: Windchill (SHAMAN) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Freeze a minion. Draw a card. HERO: The Primalist (SHAMAN) - PV:30 - To master the elements, Bru'kan must face the sins of his past. HERO POWER: Primal Magic (NEUTRAL) - Cost:2 - [x]Hero Power Draw a Nature Spell and set its cost to (1). HERO: Taskmaster Snivvle (ROGUE) - PV:30 - They say whoever wears the lantern crown is the kobold king. HERO POWER: Cruel Words (WARRIOR) - Cost:1 - [x]Hero Power Deal 1 damage to a friendly minion and give it +2 Attack. HERO: Dreadlich Tamsin (WARLOCK) - PV:40 - Tamsin has returned, empowered by the naaru's void energy. HERO POWER: Chains of Dread (WARLOCK) - Cost:2 - [x]Hero Power Shuffle a Rift into your deck. Draw a card. HERO: Dreadlich Tamsin (WARLOCK) - PV:40 - [x]Destroy the phylactery. Defeat the lich. Save the world. Simple, right? HERO POWER: Defile (WARLOCK) - Cost:1 - Hero Power Deal 1 damage to all minions. If any die, refresh this. HERO: Vanndar Stormpike (WARRIOR) - PV:100 - [x]As the fight between Horde and Alliance continues, the mercenaries pursue their own quest. HERO POWER: Ramming Speed (WARLOCK) - Cost:2 - Add a Ram Commander to your hand.
Big Blue Campfire: (4) - ATT:3/PV:4 - null Big Red Campfire: (4) - ATT:4/PV:3 - null Blue Campfire: (2) - ATT:2/PV:3 - null Cariel: (1) - ATT:2/PV:6 - Taunt Revive: (3) Cariel: (1) - ATT:2/PV:5 - Taunt Revive: (3) Cariel Roame: (5) - ATT:2/PV:5 - Taunt Revive: (3) Daelin Proudmoore: (5) - ATT:2/PV:10 - At the start of your turn, deal 2 damage to a random enemy twice. Dawngrasp: (1) - ATT:1/PV:7 - Freeze any character damaged by this minion. Revive: (3) Dawngrasp: (1) - ATT:1/PV:7 - Freeze any character damaged by this minion. Revive: (3) Drek'Thar: (1) - ATT:1/PV:10 - At the start of your turn, summon a basic Totem. Deathrattle: Advance fight. Guff: (1) - ATT:4/PV:6 - [x]At the end of your turn, give another friendly minion +2 Health. Guff: (1) - ATT:4/PV:6 - [x]At the end of your turn, give another friendly minion +2 Health. Revive: (3) Ivus, the Forest Lord: (1) - ATT:7/PV:7 - Rush, Divine Shield, Taunt, Revive: (2) Kurtrus: (1) - ATT:5/PV:4 - Rush Revive: (2) Lokholar the Ice Lord: (10) - ATT:8/PV:8 - Rush, Windfury Revive: (3) Miner Togwaggle: (2) - ATT:2/PV:2 - Revive: (2) Red Campfire: (2) - ATT:3/PV:2 - null Rokara: (1) - ATT:3/PV:6 - [x]Honorable Kill: Gain 3 Armor. Revive: (3) Rokara: (1) - ATT:4/PV:6 - [x]Honorable Kill: Gain 3 Armor. Revive: (2) Scabbs: (1) - ATT:2/PV:4 - Honorable Kill: Draw a card. Revive: (3) Snivvle's Supplies: (3) - ATT:0/PV:8 - Deathrattle: Give your opponent a fantastic treasure! Tavish: (1) - ATT:4/PV:4 - Rush Revive: (2) Tough Blue Campfire: (2) - ATT:2/PV:3 - Taunt Tough Red Campfire: (2) - ATT:2/PV:2 - Taunt Warchief Thrall: (2) - ATT:2/PV:10 - Your hero is Immune. Deathrattle: Advance Fight. Xyrella: (1) - ATT:2/PV:7 - Honorable Kill: Restore your minions to full Health. Revive: (2)
Board Clear: (0) - Clear the battlefield of all minions! Bru'kan's Lesson: (6) - Call upon the power of two Elements! Far From Mulgore: (1) - Start Clear Puzzle 1-1. Insinuations: (1) - Start Clear Puzzle 1-2. Knock Off: (1) - Destroy the enemy minion with the lowest Health. Lethal: (0) - Destroy the enemy minions. Savory Delights: (1) - Start Clear Puzzle 1-4. Setbacks: (1) - Start Clear Puzzle 1-3. Until the End: (1) - Start Clear Puzzle 1-5.
Book of Mercenaries Chapter 08 will be live soon, revealing its eighth chapter about Tavish. If you want to discover some Heroes/Minions/Spells/Weapons linked to this adventure, go ahead and read the content below. Otherwise, Run away!!
The following information has been extracted from an online JSON file. Data may be updated by Blizzard before the adventure releases.
The picture links are automatically created based on art.hearthstonejson URL format and they may be missing if they have not been extracted.
Some cards may not be new, but even the old ones have been named after the adventure (BOM_08_*)
Extract Adventure: BOM_08 - from patch: 130051
Hero & Hero Powers
Extract Adventure: BOM_08 - from patch: 130051
HERO: Campfire (SHAMAN) - PV:30 - The mercenaries stare into the fire and wonder if this is the last night some of them will ever see. HERO POWER: Campfire (HUNTER) - Cost:0 - Feed your friends with a fireside feast. HERO: Drek'Thar (SHAMAN) - PV:30 - The only way to reach Vanndar's fortress is over Dun Baldar Bridge. HERO POWER: Shamanic Trial (SHAMAN) - Cost:4 - Hero Power Summon an Elemental. HERO: Galvangar (WARRIOR) - PV:30 - For many moons the Frostwolves and Stormpikes have pummeled each other on the Field of Strife. HERO POWER: Wither Soul (NEUTRAL) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Change an enemy minion's Health to 1. HERO: Kazakus (PRIEST) - PV:40 - [x]Kazakus has encased Guff's companions in ice. Tavish must set them free. HERO POWER: Potion (WARLOCK) - Cost:3 - Hero Power Create a potion with random effects. HERO: Kazakusan (PRIEST) - PV:40 - Dragons often wear disguises to meddle in the affairs of mortals. HERO POWER: Dragon's Roar (WARLOCK) - Cost:3 - Hero Power Draw a Dragon. It costs (2) less. HERO: LichTamsin (WARLOCK) - PV:30 - null HERO: Morloch (SHAMAN) - PV:30 - [x]Tavish suspects this mission from Vanndar is meant to get rid of one problem or another. HERO POWER: Digest Magic (NEUTRAL) - Cost:0 - [x]Passive Hero Power Whenever your opponent casts a spell, summon a Tunnel Trogg. HERO: Rokara (WARRIOR) - PV:30 - Upon her return home, Rokara was granted her own Frostwolf war party. HERO POWER: Grand Slam (WARRIOR) - Cost:2 - [x]Hero Power Deal 2 damage. Honorable Kill: Gain 4 Armor. HERO: Tavish (HUNTER) - PV:30 - null HERO POWER: Call Crabby (HUNTER) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Summon Crabby If he is already present, restore 1 Health to him. HERO: Tavish (HUNTER) - PV:30 - null HERO POWER: Call Crabby (HUNTER) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Summon Crabby If he is already present, restore 2 Health to him. HERO: Tavish (HUNTER) - PV:30 - null HERO POWER: Call Crabby (HUNTER) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Summon Crabby If he is already present, restore 3 Health to him. HERO: Tavish (HUNTER) - PV:30 - null HERO POWER: Cook Up Grub (HUNTER) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Summon Crabby If he is already present, restore 3 Health to him. HERO: Tavish (HUNTER) - PV:30 - null HERO POWER: Call Crabby (HUNTER) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Summon Crabby If he is already present, restore 1 Health to him. HERO: Tavish (HUNTER) - PV:30 - null HERO POWER: Call Crabby (HUNTER) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Summon Crabby If he is already present, restore 2 Health to him. HERO: Tavish (HUNTER) - PV:30 - null HERO POWER: Call Crabby (HUNTER) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Summon Crabby If he is already present, restore 3 Health to him. HERO: Tavish (HUNTER) - PV:30 - null HERO POWER: Call Crabby (HUNTER) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Summon Crabby If he is already present, restore 4 Health to him. HERO: Vanndar (WARRIOR) - PV:30 - [x]Tavish left the Stormpikes to walk his own path, but now that path has led him back to Vanndar. HERO POWER: High Marshall (WARRIOR) - Cost:0 - Passive Hero Power Whenever you take damage, reduce the cost of a card in your hand by (2).
Alterac Lobster: (1) - ATT:0/PV:1 - Don't tell Crabby what's for dinner. Barak Kodobane: (5) - ATT:3/PV:5 - [x]Battlecry: Draw a 1, 2, and 3-Cost spell. Bru'kan: (1) - ATT:2/PV:6 - Frenzy: Deal 2 damage to all enemy minions. Revive: (3) Bru'kan: (1) - ATT:3/PV:7 - Frenzy: Deal 2 damage to all enemy minions. Revive: (2) Bru'kan on Ice: (1) - ATT:2/PV:6 - Permanently Frozen. Break the ice to set free. Cariel: (1) - ATT:3/PV:5 - Taunt Revive: (3) Cariel: (1) - ATT:3/PV:5 - Taunt Revive: (3) Cherry Pie: (2) - ATT:0/PV:1 - And for dessert...a large, tart tart. Cmdr. Mulverick: (3) - ATT:2/PV:10 - Your hero is Immune Battlecry: Fill your board with 2/2 Wyverns with Rush. Crabby: (2) - ATT:2/PV:4 - Rush Crabby: (2) - ATT:3/PV:5 - Rush Dawngrasp: (1) - ATT:1/PV:8 - Battlecry: Freeze all enemies. Revive: (3) Dawngrasp: (1) - ATT:2/PV:9 - Battlecry: Freeze all enemies. Revive: (2) Dawngrasp on Ice: (1) - ATT:1/PV:8 - Permanently Frozen. Break the ice to set free. Dreadlich Tamsin: (1) - ATT:30/PV:30 - She's baaack! Egg: (2) - ATT:0/PV:1 - Must've been a monstrous chicken. Guff: (1) - ATT:4/PV:6 - [x]At the end of your turn, give another friendly minion +2 Health. Revive: (3) Guff: (1) - ATT:5/PV:7 - [x]At the end of your turn, give another friendly minion +2 Health. Revive: (2) Hot Seafood Bisque: (2) - ATT:0/PV:1 - A decadent meal for when you want to spice up your Lobster Stew. Hot Seafood Bisque: (2) - ATT:0/PV:1 - A decadent meal for when you want to spice up your Lobster Stew. Icesnarl the Mighty: (2) - ATT:3/PV:3 - Rush Immovable Cariel: (1) - ATT:2/PV:30 - Taunt Deathrattle: You lose the game. Kurtrus: (1) - ATT:4/PV:3 - Rush Revive: (3) Kurtrus: (1) - ATT:4/PV:3 - Rush Revive: (3) Kurtrus: (1) - ATT:5/PV:4 - Rush Revive: (2) Lobster Stew: (2) - ATT:0/PV:1 - Locally sourced lobster. Just add water. Lots of water. Lt. Grummus: (1) - ATT:2/PV:20 - Your hero is Immune. Can't be targets by Spells or Hero Powers. Lt. Lewis: (1) - ATT:2/PV:10 - Your hero is Immune. Whenever you play a minion it gains Stealth. Mi'da, Pure Void: (1) - ATT:0/PV:3 - [x]Immune At the end of your turn, deal 4 damage split among all enemies. Monster Omelet: (2) - ATT:0/PV:1 - No monsters necessary. Just eggs and seasoning. Refreshing Spring Water: (0) - ATT:0/PV:1 - The base of many soups. Rokara: (1) - ATT:4/PV:6 - [x]Honorable Kill: Gain 3 Armor. Revive: (2) Rokara on Ice: (1) - ATT:3/PV:5 - Permanently Frozen. Break the ice to set free. Scabbs: (1) - ATT:2/PV:4 - Honorable Kill: Draw a card. Revive: (3) Scabbs: (1) - ATT:2/PV:4 - [x]Honorable Kill: Draw a card. Revive: (3) Scabbs: (1) - ATT:2/PV:4 - Honorable Kill: Draw a card. Revive: (3) Scabbs: (1) - ATT:3/PV:5 - [x]Honorable Kill: Draw a card. Revive: (2) Simple Flour: (2) - ATT:0/PV:1 - A common ingredient. Simple Spices: (1) - ATT:0/PV:1 - A common ingredient. Soothing Spices: (1) - ATT:0/PV:1 - Makes you feel warm inside. Spiced Bread: (2) - ATT:0/PV:1 - A simple recipe of flour and spices. Winter Cherries: (2) - ATT:0/PV:1 - Sweet and a bit sour. Perfect for dessert. Xyrella: (1) - ATT:1/PV:6 - Honorable Kill: Restore your minions to full Health. Revive: (3) Xyrella: (1) - ATT:1/PV:6 - Honorable Kill: Restore your minions to full Health. Revive: (3) Xyrella: (1) - ATT:2/PV:7 - Honorable Kill: Restore your minions to full Health. Revive: (2)
Call Pet: (2) - Draw a card. If it's a Beast, it costs (4) less. Cooking With Cariel: (0) - Start Mirror Puzzle 1-2. Dessert With Xyrella: (0) - Start Mirror Puzzle 1-4. Eating With Ashfallen: (0) - Start Lethal Puzzle 1-3. Greater Potion: (5) - Create a 5-Cost spell. Kill Command: (3) - Deal $3 damage. If you control a Beast, deal $5 damage instead. Lesser Potion: (1) - Create a 1-Cost spell. Mirror Puzzle: (0) - Clear the battlefield of all minions! My Dinner With Scabbs: (1) - Start Mirror Puzzle 1-1. Simulacrum: (3) - Copy the lowest Cost minion in your hand. Superior Potion: (10) - Create a 10-Cost spell. Tracking: (1) - Discover a card from your deck.
I was checking in the code for some new stuff (BOM, ....) and I realized that some mercenaries are present in the code for a couple of patches, and have not yet been released:
Categorie Casters (1):
Death Speaker Blackthorn
Att:2 / HPs:10 Rarity:RARE Race:QUILBOAR
Certainly not a collectible Hero based on the low Att/HP
High Inquisitor Whitemane
Att:10 / HPs:75 Rarity:EPIC Race:HUMAN
Kazakus, Golem Shaper
Att:2 / HPs:10 Rarity:LEGENDARY Race:TROLL
Certainly not a collectible Hero based on the low Att/HP
Be aware that if you haven't opened standard packs before, you will also be eligible for a legendary in the first 10 packs you will open. But the legendary card may be from any of the Standard extensions. :)
Book of Mercenaries Chapter 07 is now live, revealing its seventh chapter about Scabbs Cutterbutter. If you want to discover some Heroes/Minions/Spells/Weapons linked to this adventure, go ahead and read the content below. Otherwise, Run away!!
The following information has been extracted from an online JSON file. Data may be updated by Blizzard before the adventure releases.
The picture links are automatically created based on art.hearthstonejson URL format and they may be missing if they have not been extracted.
Some cards may not be new, but even the old ones have been named after the adventure (BOM_07_*)
Extract Adventure: BOM_07 - from patch: 126299
Hero & Hero Powers
Extract Adventure: BOM_07 - from patch: 126299
HERO: Bob the Bartender (ROGUE) - PV:30 - An open-eared publican is the ideal informant, and Scabbs's former mentor is the best. HERO POWER: It'll Fight Hard (NEUTRAL) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Trigger a friendly minion's Deathrattle. HERO POWER: Cariel (NEUTRAL) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Give a damaged minion Divine Shield. HERO POWER: Cariel (NEUTRAL) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Give a damaged minion Divine Shield. HERO POWER: Cariel (NEUTRAL) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Give a minion Divine Shield. HERO: Cookie (SHAMAN) - PV:30 - Every Defias pirate will stand between the mercenaries and the shards of naaru. HERO POWER: What's Cooking? (ROGUE) - Cost:0 - Passive Hero Power Every three turns, Cookie ducks inside his cauldron for a turn. HERO: Varden Dawngrasp (null) - PV:30 - null HERO: Edwin VanCleef (ROGUE) - PV:30 - Callous bosses radicalized the Defias laborers. Now all will know their fury and pain. HERO POWER: Defiant Defias (NEUTRAL) - Cost:0 - Passive Hero Power When you play a minion, give it +1/+1 for each card cast before it this turn. HERO: Elling Trias (null) - PV:30 - null HERO: Guff (null) - PV:30 - null HERO: Hogger (WARRIOR) - PV:40 - The Scourge of Elwynn leads a tough gang of convicts in the Stockade. HERO POWER: HOGGER! (NEUTRAL) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Summon a 5/2 Gnoll. HERO POWER: Kurtrus (NEUTRAL) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Add a Demon Hunter [x]spell to your hand. HERO POWER: Kurtrus (NEUTRAL) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Add a Demon Hunter [x]spell to your hand. HERO POWER: Kurtrus (NEUTRAL) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Add a Demon Hunter [x]spell to your hand. HERO: Mr. Smite (WARRIOR) - PV:30 - [x]The Defias plan to smuggle the shards of naaru out of Stormwind via pirate ship! HERO POWER: Juggernaut Control (NEUTRAL) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Activate this turn's Juggernaut Power! HERO POWER: Boom! Boom! (NEUTRAL) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Fire two cannons that deal 2 damage. Swaps each turn. HERO POWER: Grab Yer Cutlass (NEUTRAL) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Equip a Warrior weapon. Swaps each turn. HERO POWER: Let's Buckle Swash (NEUTRAL) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Summon a pirate. Swaps each turn. HERO: Lady Prestor (MAGE) - PV:30 - [x]Prestor sent SI:7 and many mercenaries to seek the shards of naaru in the Barrens. HERO POWER: Breath of Fire (NEUTRAL) - Cost:2 - [x]Hero Power Deal 1 damage. Repeat for each Dragon you control. HERO: Scabbs Cutterbutter (null) - PV:30 - null HERO: Scabbs Cutterbutter (ROGUE) - PV:30 - null HERO POWER: Dagger Mastery (ROGUE) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Equip a 1/2 Dagger. HERO: Scabbs Cutterbutter (ROGUE) - PV:30 - null HERO POWER: Dagger Mastery (ROGUE) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Equip a 1/2 Dagger. HERO: Scabbs Cutterbutter (ROGUE) - PV:30 - null HERO POWER: Poisoned Daggers (ROGUE) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Equip a 2/2 Dagger. HERO: Scabbs Cutterbutter (ROGUE) - PV:30 - null HERO POWER: Poisoned Daggers (ROGUE) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Equip a 2/2 Dagger. HERO: Scabbs Cutterbutter (ROGUE) - PV:30 - null HERO POWER: Choose An Ally (NEUTRAL) - Cost:0 - Passive Hero Power Choose an ally to help you in battle! HERO: Scabbs Cutterbutter (ROGUE) - PV:30 - null HERO POWER: Choose An Ally (NEUTRAL) - Cost:0 - Passive Hero Power Choose an ally to help you in battle! HERO: Scabbs Cutterbutter (ROGUE) - PV:30 - null HERO POWER: Choose An Ally (NEUTRAL) - Cost:0 - Passive Hero Power Choose an ally to help you in battle! HERO: Scabbs Cutterbutter (ROGUE) - PV:30 - null HERO POWER: Poisoned Daggers (ROGUE) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Equip a 2/2 Dagger. HERO POWER: Juggernaut Control (WARRIOR) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Activate this turn's Juggernaut Power! HERO: Sneed (ROGUE) - PV:30 - The Defias Brotherhood has filled its hideout with traps and armed guards. HERO POWER: Notorious (NEUTRAL) - Cost:2 - Passive Hero Power When you play a minion it gains \"Deathrattle: Summon a random Legendary minion.\" HERO POWER: Tavish (NEUTRAL) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Summon a 1/3 Crabby with Taunt. HERO POWER: Tavish (NEUTRAL) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Summon a 1/3 Crabby with Taunt. HERO POWER: Tavish (NEUTRAL) - Cost:1 - Hero Power Summon a 1/3 Crabby with Taunt. HERO: Warden Thelwater (PALADIN) - PV:30 - Scabbs and Dawngrasp must work together to escape the Stockade and warn their friends of Prestor's plan. HERO POWER: Locked Tight (NEUTRAL) - Cost:0 - Passive Hero Power You are Immune while you control a Lock. HERO POWER: Xyrella (NEUTRAL) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Deal $2 damage. HERO POWER: Xyrella (NEUTRAL) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Deal $2 damage. HERO POWER: Xyrella (NEUTRAL) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Deal $2 damage.
Blue Lock: (0) - ATT:0/PV:8 - A cold wind blows... Deathrattle: Learn what's behind the locked door. Bonker: (5) - ATT:3/PV:7 - Windfury After this attacks, gain a Blood Gem. Bru'kan: (3) - ATT:3/PV:3 - Windfury Deathrattle: Return this to your hand. Bru'kan: (3) - ATT:3/PV:3 - Windfury Deathrattle: Return this to your hand. Bru'kan: (3) - ATT:3/PV:3 - Windfury Deathrattle: Return this to your hand. Cariel Roame: (3) - ATT:3/PV:4 - Divine Shield Deathrattle: Return this to your hand and give a random friendly minion Divine Shield. Crabby: (2) - ATT:1/PV:3 - Taunt Dawngrasp: (4) - ATT:2/PV:3 - Deathrattle: Return this to your hand and summon a 2/4 Aquarrior. Dawngrasp: (4) - ATT:2/PV:3 - Deathrattle: Return this to your hand and summon a 2/4 Aquarrior. Dawngrasp: (4) - ATT:2/PV:3 - Deathrattle: Return this to your hand and summon a 2/4 Aquarrior. Dawngrasp: (3) - ATT:2/PV:5 - At the end of your turn, deal 4 damage to a random enemy minion. Deathrattle: Go Dormant for 2 turns. Dawngrasp's Aquarrior: (2) - ATT:2/PV:4 - Taunt Deathrattle: Summon two 1/1 Elementals that Freeze. Dragonspawn Defender: (0) - ATT:0/PV:1 - null Green Lock: (0) - ATT:0/PV:9 - Scrolls back there... Deathrattle: Learn what's behind the locked door. Guff: (5) - ATT:1/PV:6 - Deathrattle: Return this to your hand and restore 2 Health to all friendly characters. Guff: (5) - ATT:1/PV:6 - Deathrattle: Return this to your hand and restore 2 Health to all friendly characters. Guff: (5) - ATT:1/PV:6 - Deathrattle: Return this to your hand and restore 2 Health to all friendly characters. Kurtrus Ashfallen: (6) - ATT:5/PV:4 - [x]Rush Deathrattle: Return this to your hand. Orange Lock: (0) - ATT:0/PV:6 - Gold on the floor...? Deathrattle: Learn what's behind the locked door. Red Lock: (0) - ATT:0/PV:4 - Warm to the touch... Deathrattle: Learn what's behind the locked door. Roadboar: (3) - ATT:2/PV:4 - Frenzy: Gain a Blood Gem. Rokara: (5) - ATT:2/PV:5 - [x]Taunt Deathrattle: Return this to your hand. Rokara: (5) - ATT:2/PV:5 - [x]Taunt Deathrattle: Return this to your hand. Rokara: (5) - ATT:2/PV:5 - [x]Taunt Deathrattle: Return this to your hand. Scallywag: (1) - ATT:2/PV:1 - Deathrattle: Summon a 1/1 Pirate. It attacks immediately. Tavish Stormpike: (2) - ATT:3/PV:3 - Deathrattle: Return this to your hand and deal 1 damage to all enemies. Vanessa VanCleef: (5) - ATT:1/PV:15 - Poisonous Your hero is Immune. Can't be targeted by spells or Hero Powers. Violet Lock: (0) - ATT:0/PV:7 - I see something wriggling... Deathrattle: Learn what's behind the locked door. Xyrella: (3) - ATT:2/PV:5 - [x]Lifesteal Deathrattle: Return this to your hand. Yellow Lock: (0) - ATT:0/PV:5 - I sense the naaru... Deathrattle: Learn what's behind the locked door.
Pick the Lock: (4) - Pick a lock to help you escape. Subtle Butter: (5) - Add four Spy Gizmos to your hand.
Book of Mercenaries Chapter 06 will be available on 09th November, revealing its sixth chapter about Cariel. If you want to discover some Heroes/Minions/Spells/Weapons linked to this adventure, go ahead and read the content below. Otherwise, Run away!!
The following information has been extracted from an online JSON file. Data may be updated by Blizzard before the adventure releases.
The picture links are automatically created based on art.hearthstonejson URL format and they may be missing if they have not been extracted.
Some cards may not be new, but even the old ones have been named after the adventure (BOM_06_*)
Extract Adventure: BOM_06 - from patch: 124497
Hero & Hero Powers
Extract Adventure: BOM_06 - from patch: 124497
HERO: Anetheron (WARLOCK) - PV:30 - [x]Cariel finds Kurtrus in the dreadlord's grip. She must free Kurtrus! HERO POWER: Dreadlord's Slash (WARLOCK) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Deal 2 damage to the left-most enemy minion. HERO POWER: The Dreadlord Double (WARLOCK) - Cost:3 - [x]Hero Power Deal 2 damage to the left- and right-most enemy minions. HERO: Anetheron (WARLOCK) - PV:60 - The dreadlord towers over the city. He must be stopped! HERO POWER: Legion's Might (WARLOCK) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Add one of your Signature Spells to your hand. HERO: Anetheron (null) - PV:30 - null HERO: Cariel (PALADIN) - PV:30 - null HERO POWER: Dagger Mastery (ROGUE) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Equip a 1/2 Dagger. HERO: Cariel (PALADIN) - PV:30 - null HERO POWER: Hand of Protection (PALADIN) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Give a friendly minion Divine Shield. HERO: Cariel (PALADIN) - PV:30 - null HERO POWER: Hand of Protection (PALADIN) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Give a friendly minion Divine Shield. HERO: Cariel (PALADIN) - PV:30 - null HERO POWER: The Silver Hand (PALADIN) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Summon two 1/1 Recruits. HERO: Cariel (PALADIN) - PV:30 - null HERO POWER: The Silver Hand (PALADIN) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Summon two 1/1 Recruits. HERO POWER: Kurtrus Ashfallen (DEMONHUNTER) - Cost:0 - Hero Power Add a Demon Hunter [x]spell to your hand. HERO: Cariel (PALADIN) - PV:30 - null HERO POWER: Holy Light (PALADIN) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Restore #3 Health. HERO POWER: Redemption (PALADIN) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Resurrect your allies. HERO: Cariel (PALADIN) - PV:30 - null HERO POWER: The Silver Hand (PALADIN) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Summon two 1/1 Recruits. HERO: Cariel (PALADIN) - PV:30 - null HERO POWER: The Silver Hand (PALADIN) - Cost:1 - Hero Power Summon three 1/1 Recruits. HERO: Cornelius Roame (WARRIOR) - PV:30 - Cariel returns home to Stormwind unaware that Tamsin's attack on the city is imminent. HERO POWER: Armor Up Up Up! (WARRIOR) - Cost:0 - Passive Hero Power After an enemy minion is [x]destroyed, gain 1 Armor. HERO: Kurtrus Ashfallen (DEMONHUNTER) - PV:30 - [x]Unconscious during the fight on Dreadmist Peak, Cariel wakes from her dream to find Tamsin fled and Kurtrus enraged. HERO POWER: Fashion Weapon (DEMONHUNTER) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Equip your War Glaives. HERO: A Twisted Monstrosity (WARRIOR) - PV:30 - Tamsin's cruel treatment of her father has resulted in his current...condition. HERO POWER: Monstrous Power (WARRIOR) - Cost:0 - Passive Hero Power After an enemy minion dies, equip a Forsaken Arm. If you [x]already have one, give it +1/+1. HERO: Tamsin (WARLOCK) - PV:40 - Clinging to her memories of times long past, Cariel steps through the graveyard to face her sister. HERO POWER: Swarm of Imps (WARLOCK) - Cost:1 - Hero Power Summon two 3/2 Imp Familiars. HERO: Xur'gon (WARLOCK) - PV:40 - [x]Demons are everywhere, and Cariel fights to secure the Dwarven District where Tavish is pinned down. HERO POWER: Demon Little Dream (WARLOCK) - Cost:0 - [x]Passive Hero Power Xur'gon is flying. Only Tavish can reach her. HERO: Tamsin Roame (MAGE) - PV:30 - Years ago, in Stormwind, Cornelius Roame demanded much of his daughters Tamsin and Cariel. HERO POWER: Up Her Sleeve (MAGE) - Cost:2 - [x]Hero Power Add a Secret to your hand.
Captain Fairmount: (3) - ATT:4/PV:3 - [x]Rush, Divine Shield Whenever this attacks, reduce the Cost of Holy spells in your hand by (1). Kurtrus Ashfallen: (4) - ATT:6/PV:4 - Rush. After this attacks and kills a minion, add a Fel spell to your hand. Deathrattle: Go Dormant until resurrected. Kurtrus Ashfallen: (4) - ATT:6/PV:4 - null Left Hand: (1) - ATT:1/PV:11 - Taunt Left Hand With Kurtrus: (1) - ATT:1/PV:11 - Taunt Deathrattle: Free Kurtrus and advance fight. Right Hand: (1) - ATT:1/PV:11 - Taunt Sniper Tavish: (1) - ATT:2/PV:15 - Can't Attack. At the end of your turn, deal 3 damage to the enemy hero. Deathrattle: Lose the game. Towering Infernal: (6) - ATT:6/PV:6 - null
A Father's Lesson: (2) - Copy 2 cards in your opponent's deck and add them to your hand. A Father's Memory: (9) - [x]Fill both boards with copies of minions that started in your decks. Yours gain Rush. Back to Back: (2) - Kurtrus and Cariel are both Immune until your next turn. Carrion Swarm: (2) - Infect all enemy minions. They take 1 damage at the start of each turn. Ensure Cariel Hero Power: (0) - Ensure Cariel correctly has HP Holy Light or Redemption. Friend in Need: (2) - Restore #6 Health. Draw 2 cards. Sleep: (5) - Target minion can't attack until the start of your next turn. Summon Towering Infernal: (2) - Summon a 6/6 Infernal.
We are close to the last rounds. But there are still some hard matchups to decide. Actually, would it be possible to include the result of the votes in the infographic?
Maybe only the winner score? I was thinking something like: Card1 -| |- (56%) Card2 -| Card2 -|
Or scoring both cards: Card1 -| (46%) |- Card2 -| Card2 -| (56%)
So we can have an overview of the score of all matchups from the final phases? And check which matchups have been really close.
Otherwise, thank you for the hard work on this! Really excited to discover who will be elected the 4 Regional champions!
Book of Mercenaries Chapter 05 will be available on 07th September, revealing its fifth chapter about Tamsin. If you want to discover some Heroes/Minions/Spells/Weapons linked to this adventure, go ahead and read the content below. Otherwise, Run away!!
The following information has been extracted from an online JSON file. Data may be updated by Blizzard before the adventure releases.
The picture links are automatically created based on art.hearthstonejson URL format and they may be missing if they have not been extracted.
Some cards may not be new, but even the old ones have been named after the adventure (BOM_05_*)
Hero & Hero Powers
Extract Adventure: BOM_05 - from patch: 91456
HERO: Bolvar Fordragon (PALADIN) - PV:30 - Tamsin must complete the ritual and summon Anetheron before she is overrun. HERO POWER: For the Alliance! (PRIEST) - Cost:0 - Hero Power Summon five minions from your deck. Give them +3 Health and Taunt. HERO: Bru'kan (SHAMAN) - PV:20 - [x]Bru'kan, Rokara, and Guff will not sit by and let Tamsin destroy a whole city. HERO POWER: For the Darkspear! (SHAMAN) - Cost:3 - [x]Hero Power Deal 1-3 damage to all enemy minions. HERO: Cornelius Roame (WARRIOR) - PV:30 - Through the flames, Tamsin sees a lone soldier approach. It is her father, with armor impenetrable. HERO POWER: Stalwart (WARRIOR) - Cost:0 - [x]Passive Hero Power Damage dealt to you by minions is reduced to zero. HERO: Elfarran (PALADIN) - PV:30 - Pirates are quite effective in battle, if you have the coin. HERO POWER: Conscription (NEUTRAL) - Cost:2 - [x]Hero Power Add a random 2-Cost minion to your hand. HERO: A Cheesemonger (ROGUE) - PV:30 - Undercover SI:7 agents are all over Stormwind, in places you would never suspect. HERO POWER: Going, Going, Gone! (NEUTRAL) - Cost:0 - [x]Passive Hero Power Whenever you Trade for a card, draw 2 cards instead. HERO: Guff (DRUID) - PV:20 - null HERO POWER: Look! A Squirrel! (DRUID) - Cost:1 - [x]Hero Power Summon a 2/1 Squirrel who attacks the enemy hero immediately. HERO: Hooktusk (ROGUE) - PV:30 - Booty Bay is quite close to Gurubashi Arena, don't you know. HERO POWER: Fire! (NEUTRAL) - Cost:1 - Hero Power Fire your Cannons! If they kill any minions, refresh this. HERO: Kurtrus (DEMONHUNTER) - PV:30 - As Cariel falls wounded, the demon hunter turns his glaives upon the warlock Tamsin Roame. HERO POWER: Fel Fury (DEMONHUNTER) - Cost:0 - Passive Hero Power After you cast your first spell in a turn, cast a copy of it. (targets chosen randomly). HERO: Rokara (WARRIOR) - PV:20 - null HERO POWER: For the Frostwolves! (WARRIOR) - Cost:2 - [x]Hero Power Gain 1 Armor for each minion you control. HERO: Tamsin (WARLOCK) - PV:30 - null HERO POWER: Swarm of Imps (WARLOCK) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Summon a 3/2 Imp Familiar. HERO: Tamsin (WARLOCK) - PV:30 - null HERO POWER: Swarm of Imps (WARLOCK) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Summon two 3/2 Imp Familiars. HERO: Tamsin (WARLOCK) - PV:30 - null HERO POWER: Yo Ho! (WARLOCK) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Add a random Pirate to your hand. HERO: Tamsin (WARLOCK) - PV:30 - null HERO POWER: Swarm of Imps (WARLOCK) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Summon two 3/2 Imp Familiars. HERO: Tamsin (WARLOCK) - PV:30 - null HERO POWER: Forsaken Fury (WARLOCK) - Cost:0 - [x]Passive Hero Power Whenever you cast a Shadow spell that costs (2) or more, add a copy to your hand that costs (1). HERO: Tamsin (WARLOCK) - PV:30 - null HERO POWER: Forsaken Fury (WARLOCK) - Cost:2 - [x]Passive Hero Power Whenever you cast a Shadow spell that costs (2) or more, add a copy to your hand that costs (1). HERO: Tamsin (WARLOCK) - PV:30 - null HERO POWER: Forsaken Fury (WARLOCK) - Cost:0 - [x]Passive Hero Power Whenever you cast a Shadow spell that costs (1) or more, add a copy to your hand that costs (0). HERO: Tamsin (WARLOCK) - PV:30 - null HERO POWER: Forsaken Fury (DEMONHUNTER) - Cost:0 - [x]Passive Hero Power Whenever you cast a Shadow spell that costs (1) or more, add a copy to your hand that costs (0). HERO: Xyrella (PRIEST) - PV:30 - [x]Xyrella sought knowledge of the naaru's power, but found Tamsin at Stormwind Cathedral instead. HERO: Shadow Priest Xyrella (PRIEST) - PV:30 - null HERO POWER: Naaru's Light (PRIEST) - Cost:0 - [x]Passive Hero Power Your Holy Spells cost (2) less. HERO POWER: Mind Spike (PRIEST) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Deal $3 damage.
Anetheron: (8) - ATT:5/PV:100 - Mega-Windfury. Also damages the minions next to whomever this attacks. Big Mind Demon: (4) - ATT:4/PV:5 - After this attacks, destroy the top 2 cards of your opponent's deck. Bru'kan: (1) - ATT:5/PV:6 - Spell Damage +3 Deathrattle: Go Dormant for 2 turns. Guff: (1) - ATT:0/PV:6 - [x]At the end of your turn, give another friendly minion +0/+2. Deathrattle: Go Dormant for 2 turns. Hooktusk's Cannon: (0) - ATT:0/PV:3 - Deal 2 damage to the enemies opposite of this minion. Little Mind Demon: (2) - ATT:2/PV:3 - After this attacks, destroy the top card of your opponent's deck. Rokara: (1) - ATT:6/PV:5 - Rush Deathrattle: Go Dormant for 2 turns. Satisfied Squirrel: (1) - ATT:2/PV:1 - null
Memory Burn: (2) - Deal $3 damage to a minion. Destroy the top 3 cards of your opponent's deck.
Have you notified the new available alternate Battleground hero skins in your collection?
In addition to the announced Beach Party!,Shadowlands, and new bartenders.
You can already check in the Battleground skin collection and find some Dragons/Humans forms And some cuties heroes! Feel free to check it by yourself.
Book of Heroes Final Chapter will be available on 10th August, revealing its tenth chapter about Illidan. If you want to discover some Heroes/Minions/Spells/Weapons linked to this adventure, go ahead and read the content below. Otherwise, Run away!!
The following information has been extracted from an online JSON file. Data may be updated by Blizzard before the adventure releases.
The picture links are automatically created based on art.hearthstonejson URL format and they may be missing if they have not been extracted.
Some cards may not be new, but even the old ones have been named after the adventure (Story_10*)
Hero & Hero Powers
Extract Adventure: Story_10 - from patch: 88998
HERO: Akama (SHAMAN) - PV:60 - Once your closest ally, Akama has plotted against you in the shadows, and now he makes his move. HERO POWER: Chain Lightning (SHAMAN) - Cost:3 - [x]Hero Power Deal $1 damage to a minion. Jumps to an adjacent minion until one dies. HERO: Anub'arak (ROGUE) - PV:50 - The Lich King has called Anub'arak and Prince Arthas to serve him. They must not succeed. HERO POWER: Web Wrath (ROGUE) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Return a friendly minion to your hand. Give it +4/+4. HERO: Prince Arthas (DEATHKNIGHT) - PV:30 - To prove your brother wrong, you must clear the forests of any foes, no matter how dangerous… HERO POWER: Equip Frostmourne (DEATHKNIGHT) - Cost:6 - Hero Power Equip Frostmourne. HERO: Death Knight Arthas (DEATHKNIGHT) - PV:30 - If Arthas reaches the Lich King in the Frozen Throne, all is lost. This is your final chance to stop him. HERO POWER: Dark Determination (DEATHKNIGHT) - Cost:0 - Passive Hero Power If you have more minions than your opponent, draw a card at the start of your turn. HERO: Illidan and Malfurion (DEMONHUNTER) - PV:30 - null HERO POWER: Brothers Stormrage (NEUTRAL) - Cost:2 - [x]Hero Power Choose One -Restore #2 Health, then give the target Spell Damage +1 if it is at full Health or draw 3 cards. HERO: Illidan (DEMONHUNTER) - PV:30 - null HERO: Illidan (DEMONHUNTER) - PV:30 - null HERO: Illidan (DEMONHUNTER) - PV:30 - null HERO POWER: Skull of Gul'dan (DEMONHUNTER) - Cost:3 - Hero Power Draw 3 cards. HERO: Illidan (DEMONHUNTER) - PV:30 - null HERO POWER: Skull of Gul'dan Rank 2 (DEMONHUNTER) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Draw 3 cards. HERO: Illidan (DEMONHUNTER) - PV:30 - null HERO POWER: Outlast (DEMONHUNTER) - Cost:2 - [x]Hero Power Gain +1 Attack for each Outcast card in your hand. (1 currently) HERO: Illidan (DEMONHUNTER) - PV:30 - null HERO POWER: Outlast Rank 2 (DEMONHUNTER) - Cost:1 - [x]Hero Power Gain +1 Attack for each Outcast card in your hand. (1 currently) HERO: Illidan (DEMONHUNTER) - PV:30 - null HERO POWER: Equip Warglaives (DEMONHUNTER) - Cost:5 - Hero Power Equip the Warglaives of Azzinoth. HERO: Illidan (DEMONHUNTER) - PV:30 - null HERO POWER: Call on Allies (DEMONHUNTER) - Cost:4 - Hero Power Discover an ally minion. HERO: Magtheridon (WARLOCK) - PV:100 - This pit lord has conquered the shattered world of Outland, or so he thinks… HERO POWER: Cleaving Attack (NEUTRAL) - Cost:2 - [x]Hero Power Deal $2 damage to all enemies. For each minion that dies, summon a minion from your hand. HERO: Maiev Shadowsong (ROGUE) - PV:50 - Having appointed herself as your jailer for millennia, she is obsessed with recapturing you. HERO POWER: Equip Warden's Glaive (ROGUE) - Cost:4 - Hero Power Equip Warden's Glaive. HERO: Malfurion Stormrage (DRUID) - PV:50 - He's appeared at the worst possible moment—when your essential spell is nearly complete! HERO POWER: Tranquility (DRUID) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Restore #2 Health, then give the target Spell Damage +1 if it is at full Health. HERO: Tichondrius (WARLOCK) - PV:40 - Defeating this demon and stealing his power will suit your aims and your brother's… right? HERO POWER: Carrion Swarm (WARLOCK) - Cost:3 - Hero Power Deal $1 damage to three random enemy minions. HERO: Death Knight Velas (DEATHKNIGHT) - PV:40 - null HERO POWER: Grave Call (DEATHKNIGHT) - Cost:0 - Hero Power Summon a random undead.
Akama: (6) - ATT:6/PV:5 - [x]Permanently Stealthed. Spellburst: Deal 3 damage to the enemy hero. Deathrattle: Go Dormant for 3 turns. Akama: (11) - ATT:0/PV:1 - Dormant Elder Voidwalker: (6) - ATT:4/PV:6 - Taunt Deathrattle: Put 2 random Demons from your hand into the battlefield. Eye of Sargeras: (3) - ATT:0/PV:40 - Can't Attack Spend 50 Mana to activate this and destroy the Lich King. (50 remaining) Festering Ghoul: (5) - ATT:2/PV:5 - Battlecry: Deal 1 damage to a random enemy for each minion that died this game. Frost Wyrm: (4) - ATT:3/PV:5 - +2 Frost Spell Damage Deathrattle: Freeze 3 random enemies. Greater Myrmidon: (5) - ATT:6/PV:5 - Taunt Battlecry and Deathrattle: Add a random Outcast card to your hand. Icecrown Obelisk: (3) - ATT:0/PV:15 - Deathrattle: Gain control of this minion. Kael'thas Sunstrider: (7) - ATT:4/PV:7 - Every third spell you cast each turn costs (1). Deathrattle: Go Dormant for 3 turns. Kael'thas Sunstrider: (11) - ATT:0/PV:1 - Dormant Lady Vashj: (6) - ATT:5/PV:4 - [x]Spell Damage +1 Battlecry: Draw 3 minions. Reduce their Cost by (3). Deathrattle: Shuffle this into your deck. Lady Vashj: (6) - ATT:5/PV:4 - [x]Spell Damage +1 Frenzy: Draw 3 spells from your deck and reduce their Cost by (3). Deathrattle: Go Dormant for 2 turns. Lady Vashj: (11) - ATT:0/PV:1 - Dormant Mo'arg Painsmith: (4) - ATT:3/PV:4 - Taunt Battlecry: Gain +1/+1 for each friendly Demon. Deathrattle: Give friendly minions +1/+1. Mur'gul Reaver: (5) - ATT:3/PV:3 - Battlecry: Summon 3 Deathrattle minions that cost (3) or less from your deck. Naga Myrmidon: (3) - ATT:4/PV:3 - Taunt Deathrattle: Summon a Deathrattle minion that costs (3) or less from your hand. Parasitic Shadowfiend: (2) - ATT:3/PV:2 - Lifesteal Deathrattle: Gain an empty Mana Crystal. Poison Treant: (3) - ATT:3/PV:2 - Poisonous, Battlecry: Destroy a Soul Fragment in your deck to deal 3 damage. Ruthless Wrathguard: (3) - ATT:3/PV:3 - [x]Charge, Lifesteal After you play a Demon, return this to your hand. Shadow Demon: (6) - ATT:6/PV:6 - +2 Fel Spell Damage Deathrattle: Discard 2 cards in your opponent's hand. Skull of Gul'dan: (3) - ATT:0/PV:2 - Deal 40 damage to enemies to obtain the Skull of Gul'dan. (40 remaining) Stalking Saber: (4) - ATT:4/PV:3 - [x]Stealth Whenever this attacks, gain +1 Durability. Sulking Imp: (2) - ATT:2/PV:1 - Battlecry: Deal 2 damage to an enemy minion. If it dies, return this to your hand. Trapped Tyrande: (4) - ATT:4/PV:5 - Dormant Defeat Velas to free Tyrande. Tyrande Whisperwind: (4) - ATT:4/PV:7 - null Unleashed Terrorguard: (6) - ATT:2/PV:6 - Battlecry: Shuffle a Soul Fragment into your deck for each friendly minion on the board. Vengeful Crypt Lord: (7) - ATT:7/PV:4 - [x]Whenever this minion takes damage, summon a random Nerubian minion.
Blood Elf Allies: (2) - Discover a Blood Elf minion. Broken Allies: (2) - Discover a Broken minion. Fate's Demand: (8) - Deal your weapon's damage to all enemy minions. Draw 3 cards. Flame Crash: (5) - Destroy an enemy minion and deal damage equal to its Health to the enemy hero. Illidari Studies: (1) - Discover an Outcast card. Your next one costs (1) less. Kaldorei Memories: (2) - Summon a random creature from Teldrassil. Lord of Outland: (9) - Draw 3 cards, gain +3 Attack this turn, and destroy 3 of your opponent's Mana Crystals on their next turn. Manipulate: (4) - Put a random minion from each player's hand into the battlefield. If yours costs more, attack the enemy hero. Naga Allies: (3) - Discover a Naga minion. Primordial Studies: (1) - Discover a Spell Damage minion. Your next one costs (1) less. Sage Invisibility: (2) - Your minions with Stealth are Immune this turn. Second Slice: (1) - Give your hero +2 Attack this turn. Shadow Strike: (1) - Give a friendly minion Stealth and deal its Attack damage to the enemy hero. Skull of Gul'dan: (2) - Draw 3 cards. Summon Shadow Demons: (6) - Summon a 6/6 Shadow Demon. Outcast: Summon 2 Shadow Demons. Tranquility: (1) - Restore #2 Health, then give the target Spell Damage +1 if it is at full Health. Twin Slice: (1) - Give your hero +2 Attack this turn. Add 'Second Slice' to your hand. Warden's Determination: (5) - Give +2/+2 to all minions in your hand, deck, and battlefield.
Blade of the Pentinent: (1) - ATT:0/DUR:4 - Has Attack equal to the number of spells you've cast this turn. Frostmourne: (6) - ATT:5/DUR:3 - Battlecry: Remove all your minions. Deathrattle: Resummon them. Stolen Vengeance: (3) - ATT:2/DUR:2 - [x]Lifesteal Outcast: Deal 3 damage to all enemy minions. Warden's Glaive: (5) - ATT:3/DUR:2 - If this kills an enemy minion, adjacent minions go Dormant for 2 turns.
Book of Mercenaries Chapter 09 was released with patch 22.4, revealing its ninth chapter about Bru'kan.
If you want to discover some Heroes/Minions/Spells/Weapons linked to this adventure, go ahead and read the content below.
Otherwise, Run away!!
Hero & Hero Powers
Extract Adventure: BOM_09 - from patch: 131660
HERO: Bru'kan (SHAMAN) - PV:30 - nullHERO POWER: Totemic Talent (SHAMAN) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Summon a random Totem.
HERO: Bru'kan (SHAMAN) - PV:30 - null
HERO POWER: Totemic Talent (SHAMAN) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Summon a random Totem.
HERO: Bru'kan (SHAMAN) - PV:30 - null
HERO POWER: Choose An Ally (NEUTRAL) - Cost:0 - Passive Hero Power Choose an ally to help you in battle!
HERO POWER: Dawngrasp (MAGE) - Cost:2 - [x]Hero Power Add a copy of a spell you've cast this game to your hand.
HERO POWER: Guff (DRUID) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Give a minion Taunt and +2/+2.
HERO POWER: Rokara (WARRIOR) - Cost:2 - [x]Hero Power Deal 2 damage. Honorable Kill: Gain 4 Armor.
HERO: Bru'kan (SHAMAN) - PV:30 - null
HERO POWER: Totemic Talent (SHAMAN) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Summon a random Totem.
HERO: Bru'kan (SHAMAN) - PV:30 - null
HERO POWER: Totemic Talent (SHAMAN) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Summon a random Totem.
HERO: Bru'kan (SHAMAN) - PV:30 - null
HERO POWER: Totemic Talent (SHAMAN) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Summon a random Totem.
HERO: Bru'kan (SHAMAN) - PV:30 - null
HERO POWER: Windchill (SHAMAN) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Freeze a minion. Draw a card.
HERO: Bru'kan (SHAMAN) - PV:30 - null
HERO POWER: Windchill (SHAMAN) - Cost:1 - Hero Power Freeze a minion. Draw a card.
HERO: Campfire (SHAMAN) - PV:30 - The campfire burns, granting a brief reprieve from the darkness...
HERO POWER: Embers (NEUTRAL) - Cost:0 - [x]Passive Hero Power Keep the elementals at bay while supper is prepared.
HERO: Wing Commander Ichman (HUNTER) - PV:30 - [x]This wing commander is a top pilot. They call him the Heart of the Gryphon.
HERO POWER: Paratroopin' (NEUTRAL) - Cost:1 - Hero Power Draw a 1-cost minion.
HERO: Lokholar, the Ice Lord (SHAMAN) - PV:30 - Lokholar draws power from the mortal conflict in Alterac.
HERO POWER: Windchill (SHAMAN) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Freeze a minion. Draw a card.
HERO: The Primalist (SHAMAN) - PV:30 - To master the elements, Bru'kan must face the sins of his past.
HERO POWER: Primal Magic (NEUTRAL) - Cost:2 - [x]Hero Power Draw a Nature Spell and set its cost to (1).
HERO: Taskmaster Snivvle (ROGUE) - PV:30 - They say whoever wears the lantern crown is the kobold king.
HERO POWER: Cruel Words (WARRIOR) - Cost:1 - [x]Hero Power Deal 1 damage to a friendly minion and give it +2 Attack.
HERO: Dreadlich Tamsin (WARLOCK) - PV:40 - Tamsin has returned, empowered by the naaru's void energy.
HERO POWER: Chains of Dread (WARLOCK) - Cost:2 - [x]Hero Power Shuffle a Rift into your deck. Draw a card.
HERO: Dreadlich Tamsin (WARLOCK) - PV:40 - [x]Destroy the phylactery. Defeat the lich. Save the world. Simple, right?
HERO POWER: Defile (WARLOCK) - Cost:1 - Hero Power Deal 1 damage to all minions. If any die, refresh this.
HERO: Vanndar Stormpike (WARRIOR) - PV:100 - [x]As the fight between Horde and Alliance continues, the mercenaries pursue their own quest.
HERO POWER: Ramming Speed (WARLOCK) - Cost:2 - Add a Ram Commander to your hand.
Big Blue Campfire: (4) - ATT:3/PV:4 - null
Big Red Campfire: (4) - ATT:4/PV:3 - null
Blue Campfire: (2) - ATT:2/PV:3 - null
Cariel: (1) - ATT:2/PV:6 - Taunt Revive: (3)
Cariel: (1) - ATT:2/PV:5 - Taunt Revive: (3)
Cariel Roame: (5) - ATT:2/PV:5 - Taunt Revive: (3)
Daelin Proudmoore: (5) - ATT:2/PV:10 - At the start of your turn, deal 2 damage to a random enemy twice.
Dawngrasp: (1) - ATT:1/PV:7 - Freeze any character damaged by this minion. Revive: (3)
Dawngrasp: (1) - ATT:1/PV:7 - Freeze any character damaged by this minion. Revive: (3)
Drek'Thar: (1) - ATT:1/PV:10 - At the start of your turn, summon a basic Totem. Deathrattle: Advance fight.
Guff: (1) - ATT:4/PV:6 - [x]At the end of your turn, give another friendly minion +2 Health.
Guff: (1) - ATT:4/PV:6 - [x]At the end of your turn, give another friendly minion +2 Health. Revive: (3)
Ivus, the Forest Lord: (1) - ATT:7/PV:7 - Rush, Divine Shield, Taunt, Revive: (2)
Kurtrus: (1) - ATT:5/PV:4 - Rush Revive: (2)
Lokholar the Ice Lord: (10) - ATT:8/PV:8 - Rush, Windfury Revive: (3)
Miner Togwaggle: (2) - ATT:2/PV:2 - Revive: (2)
Red Campfire: (2) - ATT:3/PV:2 - null
Rokara: (1) - ATT:3/PV:6 - [x]Honorable Kill: Gain 3 Armor. Revive: (3)
Rokara: (1) - ATT:4/PV:6 - [x]Honorable Kill: Gain 3 Armor. Revive: (2)
Scabbs: (1) - ATT:2/PV:4 - Honorable Kill: Draw a card. Revive: (3)
Snivvle's Supplies: (3) - ATT:0/PV:8 - Deathrattle: Give your opponent a fantastic treasure!
Tavish: (1) - ATT:4/PV:4 - Rush Revive: (2)
Tough Blue Campfire: (2) - ATT:2/PV:3 - Taunt
Tough Red Campfire: (2) - ATT:2/PV:2 - Taunt
Warchief Thrall: (2) - ATT:2/PV:10 - Your hero is Immune. Deathrattle: Advance Fight.
Xyrella: (1) - ATT:2/PV:7 - Honorable Kill: Restore your minions to full Health. Revive: (2)
Board Clear: (0) - Clear the battlefield of all minions!
Bru'kan's Lesson: (6) - Call upon the power of two Elements!
Far From Mulgore: (1) - Start Clear Puzzle 1-1.
Insinuations: (1) - Start Clear Puzzle 1-2.
Knock Off: (1) - Destroy the enemy minion with the lowest Health.
Lethal: (0) - Destroy the enemy minions.
Savory Delights: (1) - Start Clear Puzzle 1-4.
Setbacks: (1) - Start Clear Puzzle 1-3.
Until the End: (1) - Start Clear Puzzle 1-5.
Book of Mercenaries Chapter 08 will be live soon, revealing its eighth chapter about Tavish.
If you want to discover some Heroes/Minions/Spells/Weapons linked to this adventure, go ahead and read the content below.
Otherwise, Run away!!
Extract Adventure: BOM_08 - from patch: 130051
Hero & Hero Powers
Extract Adventure: BOM_08 - from patch: 130051
HERO: Campfire (SHAMAN) - PV:30 - The mercenaries stare into the fire and wonder if this is the last night some of them will ever see.HERO POWER: Campfire (HUNTER) - Cost:0 - Feed your friends with a fireside feast.
HERO: Drek'Thar (SHAMAN) - PV:30 - The only way to reach Vanndar's fortress is over Dun Baldar Bridge.
HERO POWER: Shamanic Trial (SHAMAN) - Cost:4 - Hero Power Summon an Elemental.
HERO: Galvangar (WARRIOR) - PV:30 - For many moons the Frostwolves and Stormpikes have pummeled each other on the Field of Strife.
HERO POWER: Wither Soul (NEUTRAL) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Change an enemy minion's Health to 1.
HERO: Kazakus (PRIEST) - PV:40 - [x]Kazakus has encased Guff's companions in ice. Tavish must set them free.
HERO POWER: Potion (WARLOCK) - Cost:3 - Hero Power Create a potion with random effects.
HERO: Kazakusan (PRIEST) - PV:40 - Dragons often wear disguises to meddle in the affairs of mortals.
HERO POWER: Dragon's Roar (WARLOCK) - Cost:3 - Hero Power Draw a Dragon. It costs (2) less.
HERO: LichTamsin (WARLOCK) - PV:30 - null
HERO: Morloch (SHAMAN) - PV:30 - [x]Tavish suspects this mission from Vanndar is meant to get rid of one problem or another.
HERO POWER: Digest Magic (NEUTRAL) - Cost:0 - [x]Passive Hero Power Whenever your opponent casts a spell, summon a Tunnel Trogg.
HERO: Rokara (WARRIOR) - PV:30 - Upon her return home, Rokara was granted her own Frostwolf war party.
HERO POWER: Grand Slam (WARRIOR) - Cost:2 - [x]Hero Power Deal 2 damage. Honorable Kill: Gain 4 Armor.
HERO: Tavish (HUNTER) - PV:30 - null
HERO POWER: Call Crabby (HUNTER) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Summon Crabby If he is already present, restore 1 Health to him.
HERO: Tavish (HUNTER) - PV:30 - null
HERO POWER: Call Crabby (HUNTER) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Summon Crabby If he is already present, restore 2 Health to him.
HERO: Tavish (HUNTER) - PV:30 - null
HERO POWER: Call Crabby (HUNTER) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Summon Crabby If he is already present, restore 3 Health to him.
HERO: Tavish (HUNTER) - PV:30 - null
HERO POWER: Cook Up Grub (HUNTER) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Summon Crabby If he is already present, restore 3 Health to him.
HERO: Tavish (HUNTER) - PV:30 - null
HERO POWER: Call Crabby (HUNTER) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Summon Crabby If he is already present, restore 1 Health to him.
HERO: Tavish (HUNTER) - PV:30 - null
HERO POWER: Call Crabby (HUNTER) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Summon Crabby If he is already present, restore 2 Health to him.
HERO: Tavish (HUNTER) - PV:30 - null
HERO POWER: Call Crabby (HUNTER) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Summon Crabby If he is already present, restore 3 Health to him.
HERO: Tavish (HUNTER) - PV:30 - null
HERO POWER: Call Crabby (HUNTER) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Summon Crabby If he is already present, restore 4 Health to him.
HERO: Vanndar (WARRIOR) - PV:30 - [x]Tavish left the Stormpikes to walk his own path, but now that path has led him back to Vanndar.
HERO POWER: High Marshall (WARRIOR) - Cost:0 - Passive Hero Power Whenever you take damage, reduce the cost of a card in your hand by (2).
Alterac Lobster: (1) - ATT:0/PV:1 - Don't tell Crabby what's for dinner.
Barak Kodobane: (5) - ATT:3/PV:5 - [x]Battlecry: Draw a 1, 2, and 3-Cost spell.
Bru'kan: (1) - ATT:2/PV:6 - Frenzy: Deal 2 damage to all enemy minions. Revive: (3)
Bru'kan: (1) - ATT:3/PV:7 - Frenzy: Deal 2 damage to all enemy minions. Revive: (2)
Bru'kan on Ice: (1) - ATT:2/PV:6 - Permanently Frozen. Break the ice to set free.
Cariel: (1) - ATT:3/PV:5 - Taunt Revive: (3)
Cariel: (1) - ATT:3/PV:5 - Taunt Revive: (3)
Cherry Pie: (2) - ATT:0/PV:1 - And for dessert...a large, tart tart.
Cmdr. Mulverick: (3) - ATT:2/PV:10 - Your hero is Immune Battlecry: Fill your board with 2/2 Wyverns with Rush.
Crabby: (2) - ATT:2/PV:4 - Rush
Crabby: (2) - ATT:3/PV:5 - Rush
Dawngrasp: (1) - ATT:1/PV:8 - Battlecry: Freeze all enemies. Revive: (3)
Dawngrasp: (1) - ATT:2/PV:9 - Battlecry: Freeze all enemies. Revive: (2)
Dawngrasp on Ice: (1) - ATT:1/PV:8 - Permanently Frozen. Break the ice to set free.
Dreadlich Tamsin: (1) - ATT:30/PV:30 - She's baaack!
Egg: (2) - ATT:0/PV:1 - Must've been a monstrous chicken.
Guff: (1) - ATT:4/PV:6 - [x]At the end of your turn, give another friendly minion +2 Health. Revive: (3)
Guff: (1) - ATT:5/PV:7 - [x]At the end of your turn, give another friendly minion +2 Health. Revive: (2)
Hot Seafood Bisque: (2) - ATT:0/PV:1 - A decadent meal for when you want to spice up your Lobster Stew.
Hot Seafood Bisque: (2) - ATT:0/PV:1 - A decadent meal for when you want to spice up your Lobster Stew.
Icesnarl the Mighty: (2) - ATT:3/PV:3 - Rush
Immovable Cariel: (1) - ATT:2/PV:30 - Taunt Deathrattle: You lose the game.
Kurtrus: (1) - ATT:4/PV:3 - Rush Revive: (3)
Kurtrus: (1) - ATT:4/PV:3 - Rush Revive: (3)
Kurtrus: (1) - ATT:5/PV:4 - Rush Revive: (2)
Lobster Stew: (2) - ATT:0/PV:1 - Locally sourced lobster. Just add water. Lots of water.
Lt. Grummus: (1) - ATT:2/PV:20 - Your hero is Immune. Can't be targets by Spells or Hero Powers.
Lt. Lewis: (1) - ATT:2/PV:10 - Your hero is Immune. Whenever you play a minion it gains Stealth.
Mi'da, Pure Void: (1) - ATT:0/PV:3 - [x]Immune At the end of your turn, deal 4 damage split among all enemies.
Monster Omelet: (2) - ATT:0/PV:1 - No monsters necessary. Just eggs and seasoning.
Refreshing Spring Water: (0) - ATT:0/PV:1 - The base of many soups.
Rokara: (1) - ATT:4/PV:6 - [x]Honorable Kill: Gain 3 Armor. Revive: (2)
Rokara on Ice: (1) - ATT:3/PV:5 - Permanently Frozen. Break the ice to set free.
Scabbs: (1) - ATT:2/PV:4 - Honorable Kill: Draw a card. Revive: (3)
Scabbs: (1) - ATT:2/PV:4 - [x]Honorable Kill: Draw a card. Revive: (3)
Scabbs: (1) - ATT:2/PV:4 - Honorable Kill: Draw a card. Revive: (3)
Scabbs: (1) - ATT:3/PV:5 - [x]Honorable Kill: Draw a card. Revive: (2)
Simple Flour: (2) - ATT:0/PV:1 - A common ingredient.
Simple Spices: (1) - ATT:0/PV:1 - A common ingredient.
Soothing Spices: (1) - ATT:0/PV:1 - Makes you feel warm inside.
Spiced Bread: (2) - ATT:0/PV:1 - A simple recipe of flour and spices.
Winter Cherries: (2) - ATT:0/PV:1 - Sweet and a bit sour. Perfect for dessert.
Xyrella: (1) - ATT:1/PV:6 - Honorable Kill: Restore your minions to full Health. Revive: (3)
Xyrella: (1) - ATT:1/PV:6 - Honorable Kill: Restore your minions to full Health. Revive: (3)
Xyrella: (1) - ATT:2/PV:7 - Honorable Kill: Restore your minions to full Health. Revive: (2)
Call Pet: (2) - Draw a card. If it's a Beast, it costs (4) less.
Cooking With Cariel: (0) - Start Mirror Puzzle 1-2.
Dessert With Xyrella: (0) - Start Mirror Puzzle 1-4.
Eating With Ashfallen: (0) - Start Lethal Puzzle 1-3.
Greater Potion: (5) - Create a 5-Cost spell.
Kill Command: (3) - Deal $3 damage. If you control a Beast, deal $5 damage instead.
Lesser Potion: (1) - Create a 1-Cost spell.
Mirror Puzzle: (0) - Clear the battlefield of all minions!
My Dinner With Scabbs: (1) - Start Mirror Puzzle 1-1.
Simulacrum: (3) - Copy the lowest Cost minion in your hand.
Superior Potion: (10) - Create a 10-Cost spell.
Tracking: (1) - Discover a card from your deck.
Hi Guys,
I was checking in the code for some new stuff (BOM, ....) and I realized that some mercenaries are present in the code for a couple of patches, and have not yet been released:
Categorie Casters (1):
Death Speaker Blackthorn
Att:2 / HPs:10

Certainly not a collectible Hero based on the low Att/HPRarity:RARE
High Inquisitor Whitemane
Att:10 / HPs:75

Kazakus, Golem Shaper
Att:2 / HPs:10

Certainly not a collectible Hero based on the low Att/HPRarity:LEGENDARY
Magatha Grimtotem
Att:7 / HPs:65

Att:6 / HPs:65

Neeru Fireblade
Att:8 / HPs:60

Categorie Fighters (2):
Att:12 / HPs:75

Elite Tauren Chieftain
Att:12 / HPs:70

Categorie Protectors (3):
Baine Bloodhoof
Att:12 / HPs:80

Att:12 / HPs:80

Att:15 / HPs:80

The Black Knight
Att:13 / HPs:80

What do you think about those mercenaries?
Be aware that if you haven't opened standard packs before, you will also be eligible for a legendary in the first 10 packs you will open.
But the legendary card may be from any of the Standard extensions. :)
Hey guys,
Just to share with you 2 new Mercenaries which are already included in Patch 21.8:
Sky Admiral Rogers - Protector

"attack": 11,
"cardClass": "NEUTRAL",
"cost": 0,
"dbfId": 79825,
"health": 72,
"id": "LT21_07H_01",
"mercenariesRole": 1,
"name": "Sky Admiral Rogers",
"set": "LETTUCE"
Vanessa Van Cleef - Fighter

"attack": 11,
"cardClass": "NEUTRAL",
"cost": 0,
"dbfId": 79828,
"health": 72,
"id": "LT21_02H_01",
"mercenariesRole": 2,
"name": "Vanessa Van Cleef",
"set": "LETTUCE"
Book of Mercenaries Chapter 07 is now live, revealing its seventh chapter about Scabbs Cutterbutter.
If you want to discover some Heroes/Minions/Spells/Weapons linked to this adventure, go ahead and read the content below.
Otherwise, Run away!!
Extract Adventure: BOM_07 - from patch: 126299
Hero & Hero Powers
Extract Adventure: BOM_07 - from patch: 126299
HERO: Bob the Bartender (ROGUE) - PV:30 - An open-eared publican is the ideal informant, and Scabbs's former mentor is the best.HERO POWER: It'll Fight Hard (NEUTRAL) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Trigger a friendly minion's Deathrattle.
HERO POWER: Cariel (NEUTRAL) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Give a damaged minion Divine Shield.
HERO POWER: Cariel (NEUTRAL) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Give a damaged minion Divine Shield.
HERO POWER: Cariel (NEUTRAL) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Give a minion Divine Shield.
HERO: Cookie (SHAMAN) - PV:30 - Every Defias pirate will stand between the mercenaries and the shards of naaru.
HERO POWER: What's Cooking? (ROGUE) - Cost:0 - Passive Hero Power Every three turns, Cookie ducks inside his cauldron for a turn.
HERO: Varden Dawngrasp (null) - PV:30 - null
HERO: Edwin VanCleef (ROGUE) - PV:30 - Callous bosses radicalized the Defias laborers. Now all will know their fury and pain.
HERO POWER: Defiant Defias (NEUTRAL) - Cost:0 - Passive Hero Power When you play a minion, give it +1/+1 for each card cast before it this turn.
HERO: Elling Trias (null) - PV:30 - null
HERO: Guff (null) - PV:30 - null
HERO: Hogger (WARRIOR) - PV:40 - The Scourge of Elwynn leads a tough gang of convicts in the Stockade.
HERO POWER: HOGGER! (NEUTRAL) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Summon a 5/2 Gnoll.
HERO POWER: Kurtrus (NEUTRAL) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Add a Demon Hunter [x]spell to your hand.
HERO POWER: Kurtrus (NEUTRAL) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Add a Demon Hunter [x]spell to your hand.
HERO POWER: Kurtrus (NEUTRAL) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Add a Demon Hunter [x]spell to your hand.
HERO: Mr. Smite (WARRIOR) - PV:30 - [x]The Defias plan to smuggle the shards of naaru out of Stormwind via pirate ship!
HERO POWER: Juggernaut Control (NEUTRAL) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Activate this turn's Juggernaut Power!
HERO POWER: Boom! Boom! (NEUTRAL) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Fire two cannons that deal 2 damage. Swaps each turn.
HERO POWER: Grab Yer Cutlass (NEUTRAL) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Equip a Warrior weapon. Swaps each turn.
HERO POWER: Let's Buckle Swash (NEUTRAL) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Summon a pirate. Swaps each turn.
HERO: Lady Prestor (MAGE) - PV:30 - [x]Prestor sent SI:7 and many mercenaries to seek the shards of naaru in the Barrens.
HERO POWER: Breath of Fire (NEUTRAL) - Cost:2 - [x]Hero Power Deal 1 damage. Repeat for each Dragon you control.
HERO: Scabbs Cutterbutter (null) - PV:30 - null
HERO: Scabbs Cutterbutter (ROGUE) - PV:30 - null
HERO POWER: Dagger Mastery (ROGUE) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Equip a 1/2 Dagger.
HERO: Scabbs Cutterbutter (ROGUE) - PV:30 - null
HERO POWER: Dagger Mastery (ROGUE) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Equip a 1/2 Dagger.
HERO: Scabbs Cutterbutter (ROGUE) - PV:30 - null
HERO POWER: Poisoned Daggers (ROGUE) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Equip a 2/2 Dagger.
HERO: Scabbs Cutterbutter (ROGUE) - PV:30 - null
HERO POWER: Poisoned Daggers (ROGUE) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Equip a 2/2 Dagger.
HERO: Scabbs Cutterbutter (ROGUE) - PV:30 - null
HERO POWER: Choose An Ally (NEUTRAL) - Cost:0 - Passive Hero Power Choose an ally to help you in battle!
HERO: Scabbs Cutterbutter (ROGUE) - PV:30 - null
HERO POWER: Choose An Ally (NEUTRAL) - Cost:0 - Passive Hero Power Choose an ally to help you in battle!
HERO: Scabbs Cutterbutter (ROGUE) - PV:30 - null
HERO POWER: Choose An Ally (NEUTRAL) - Cost:0 - Passive Hero Power Choose an ally to help you in battle!
HERO: Scabbs Cutterbutter (ROGUE) - PV:30 - null
HERO POWER: Poisoned Daggers (ROGUE) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Equip a 2/2 Dagger.
HERO POWER: Juggernaut Control (WARRIOR) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Activate this turn's Juggernaut Power!
HERO: Sneed (ROGUE) - PV:30 - The Defias Brotherhood has filled its hideout with traps and armed guards.
HERO POWER: Notorious (NEUTRAL) - Cost:2 - Passive Hero Power When you play a minion it gains \"Deathrattle: Summon a random Legendary minion.\"
HERO POWER: Tavish (NEUTRAL) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Summon a 1/3 Crabby with Taunt.
HERO POWER: Tavish (NEUTRAL) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Summon a 1/3 Crabby with Taunt.
HERO POWER: Tavish (NEUTRAL) - Cost:1 - Hero Power Summon a 1/3 Crabby with Taunt.
HERO: Warden Thelwater (PALADIN) - PV:30 - Scabbs and Dawngrasp must work together to escape the Stockade and warn their friends of Prestor's plan.
HERO POWER: Locked Tight (NEUTRAL) - Cost:0 - Passive Hero Power You are Immune while you control a Lock.
HERO POWER: Xyrella (NEUTRAL) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Deal $2 damage.
HERO POWER: Xyrella (NEUTRAL) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Deal $2 damage.
HERO POWER: Xyrella (NEUTRAL) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Deal $2 damage.
Blue Lock: (0) - ATT:0/PV:8 - A cold wind blows... Deathrattle: Learn what's behind the locked door.
Bonker: (5) - ATT:3/PV:7 - Windfury After this attacks, gain a Blood Gem.
Bru'kan: (3) - ATT:3/PV:3 - Windfury Deathrattle: Return this to your hand.
Bru'kan: (3) - ATT:3/PV:3 - Windfury Deathrattle: Return this to your hand.
Bru'kan: (3) - ATT:3/PV:3 - Windfury Deathrattle: Return this to your hand.
Cariel Roame: (3) - ATT:3/PV:4 - Divine Shield Deathrattle: Return this to your hand and give a random friendly minion Divine Shield.
Crabby: (2) - ATT:1/PV:3 - Taunt
Dawngrasp: (4) - ATT:2/PV:3 - Deathrattle: Return this to your hand and summon a 2/4 Aquarrior.
Dawngrasp: (4) - ATT:2/PV:3 - Deathrattle: Return this to your hand and summon a 2/4 Aquarrior.
Dawngrasp: (4) - ATT:2/PV:3 - Deathrattle: Return this to your hand and summon a 2/4 Aquarrior.
Dawngrasp: (3) - ATT:2/PV:5 - At the end of your turn, deal 4 damage to a random enemy minion. Deathrattle: Go Dormant for 2 turns.
Dawngrasp's Aquarrior: (2) - ATT:2/PV:4 - Taunt Deathrattle: Summon two 1/1 Elementals that Freeze.
Dragonspawn Defender: (0) - ATT:0/PV:1 - null
Green Lock: (0) - ATT:0/PV:9 - Scrolls back there... Deathrattle: Learn what's behind the locked door.
Guff: (5) - ATT:1/PV:6 - Deathrattle: Return this to your hand and restore 2 Health to all friendly characters.
Guff: (5) - ATT:1/PV:6 - Deathrattle: Return this to your hand and restore 2 Health to all friendly characters.
Guff: (5) - ATT:1/PV:6 - Deathrattle: Return this to your hand and restore 2 Health to all friendly characters.
Kurtrus Ashfallen: (6) - ATT:5/PV:4 - [x]Rush Deathrattle: Return this to your hand.
Orange Lock: (0) - ATT:0/PV:6 - Gold on the floor...? Deathrattle: Learn what's behind the locked door.
Red Lock: (0) - ATT:0/PV:4 - Warm to the touch... Deathrattle: Learn what's behind the locked door.
Roadboar: (3) - ATT:2/PV:4 - Frenzy: Gain a Blood Gem.
Rokara: (5) - ATT:2/PV:5 - [x]Taunt Deathrattle: Return this to your hand.
Rokara: (5) - ATT:2/PV:5 - [x]Taunt Deathrattle: Return this to your hand.
Rokara: (5) - ATT:2/PV:5 - [x]Taunt Deathrattle: Return this to your hand.
Scallywag: (1) - ATT:2/PV:1 - Deathrattle: Summon a 1/1 Pirate. It attacks immediately.
Tavish Stormpike: (2) - ATT:3/PV:3 - Deathrattle: Return this to your hand and deal 1 damage to all enemies.
Vanessa VanCleef: (5) - ATT:1/PV:15 - Poisonous Your hero is Immune. Can't be targeted by spells or Hero Powers.
Violet Lock: (0) - ATT:0/PV:7 - I see something wriggling... Deathrattle: Learn what's behind the locked door.
Xyrella: (3) - ATT:2/PV:5 - [x]Lifesteal Deathrattle: Return this to your hand.
Yellow Lock: (0) - ATT:0/PV:5 - I sense the naaru... Deathrattle: Learn what's behind the locked door.
Pick the Lock: (4) - Pick a lock to help you escape.
Subtle Butter: (5) - Add four Spy Gizmos to your hand.
Book of Mercenaries Chapter 06 will be available on 09th November, revealing its sixth chapter about Cariel.
If you want to discover some Heroes/Minions/Spells/Weapons linked to this adventure, go ahead and read the content below.
Otherwise, Run away!!
Extract Adventure: BOM_06 - from patch: 124497
Hero & Hero Powers
Extract Adventure: BOM_06 - from patch: 124497
HERO: Anetheron (WARLOCK) - PV:30 - [x]Cariel finds Kurtrus in the dreadlord's grip. She must free Kurtrus!HERO POWER: Dreadlord's Slash (WARLOCK) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Deal 2 damage to the left-most enemy minion.
HERO POWER: The Dreadlord Double (WARLOCK) - Cost:3 - [x]Hero Power Deal 2 damage to the left- and right-most enemy minions.
HERO: Anetheron (WARLOCK) - PV:60 - The dreadlord towers over the city. He must be stopped!
HERO POWER: Legion's Might (WARLOCK) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Add one of your Signature Spells to your hand.
HERO: Anetheron (null) - PV:30 - null
HERO: Cariel (PALADIN) - PV:30 - null
HERO POWER: Dagger Mastery (ROGUE) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Equip a 1/2 Dagger.
HERO: Cariel (PALADIN) - PV:30 - null
HERO POWER: Hand of Protection (PALADIN) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Give a friendly minion Divine Shield.
HERO: Cariel (PALADIN) - PV:30 - null
HERO POWER: Hand of Protection (PALADIN) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Give a friendly minion Divine Shield.
HERO: Cariel (PALADIN) - PV:30 - null
HERO POWER: The Silver Hand (PALADIN) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Summon two 1/1 Recruits.
HERO: Cariel (PALADIN) - PV:30 - null
HERO POWER: The Silver Hand (PALADIN) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Summon two 1/1 Recruits.
HERO POWER: Kurtrus Ashfallen (DEMONHUNTER) - Cost:0 - Hero Power Add a Demon Hunter [x]spell to your hand.
HERO: Cariel (PALADIN) - PV:30 - null
HERO POWER: Holy Light (PALADIN) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Restore #3 Health.
HERO POWER: Redemption (PALADIN) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Resurrect your allies.
HERO: Cariel (PALADIN) - PV:30 - null
HERO POWER: The Silver Hand (PALADIN) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Summon two 1/1 Recruits.
HERO: Cariel (PALADIN) - PV:30 - null
HERO POWER: The Silver Hand (PALADIN) - Cost:1 - Hero Power Summon three 1/1 Recruits.
HERO: Cornelius Roame (WARRIOR) - PV:30 - Cariel returns home to Stormwind unaware that Tamsin's attack on the city is imminent.
HERO POWER: Armor Up Up Up! (WARRIOR) - Cost:0 - Passive Hero Power After an enemy minion is [x]destroyed, gain 1 Armor.
HERO: Kurtrus Ashfallen (DEMONHUNTER) - PV:30 - [x]Unconscious during the fight on Dreadmist Peak, Cariel wakes from her dream to find Tamsin fled and Kurtrus enraged.
HERO POWER: Fashion Weapon (DEMONHUNTER) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Equip your War Glaives.
HERO: A Twisted Monstrosity (WARRIOR) - PV:30 - Tamsin's cruel treatment of her father has resulted in his current...condition.
HERO POWER: Monstrous Power (WARRIOR) - Cost:0 - Passive Hero Power After an enemy minion dies, equip a Forsaken Arm. If you [x]already have one, give it +1/+1.
HERO: Tamsin (WARLOCK) - PV:40 - Clinging to her memories of times long past, Cariel steps through the graveyard to face her sister.
HERO POWER: Swarm of Imps (WARLOCK) - Cost:1 - Hero Power Summon two 3/2 Imp Familiars.
HERO: Xur'gon (WARLOCK) - PV:40 - [x]Demons are everywhere, and Cariel fights to secure the Dwarven District where Tavish is pinned down.
HERO POWER: Demon Little Dream (WARLOCK) - Cost:0 - [x]Passive Hero Power Xur'gon is flying. Only Tavish can reach her.
HERO: Tamsin Roame (MAGE) - PV:30 - Years ago, in Stormwind, Cornelius Roame demanded much of his daughters Tamsin and Cariel.
HERO POWER: Up Her Sleeve (MAGE) - Cost:2 - [x]Hero Power Add a Secret to your hand.
Captain Fairmount: (3) - ATT:4/PV:3 - [x]Rush, Divine Shield Whenever this attacks, reduce the Cost of Holy spells in your hand by (1).
Kurtrus Ashfallen: (4) - ATT:6/PV:4 - Rush. After this attacks and kills a minion, add a Fel spell to your hand. Deathrattle: Go Dormant until resurrected.
Kurtrus Ashfallen: (4) - ATT:6/PV:4 - null
Left Hand: (1) - ATT:1/PV:11 - Taunt
Left Hand With Kurtrus: (1) - ATT:1/PV:11 - Taunt Deathrattle: Free Kurtrus and advance fight.
Right Hand: (1) - ATT:1/PV:11 - Taunt
Sniper Tavish: (1) - ATT:2/PV:15 - Can't Attack. At the end of your turn, deal 3 damage to the enemy hero. Deathrattle: Lose the game.
Towering Infernal: (6) - ATT:6/PV:6 - null
A Father's Lesson: (2) - Copy 2 cards in your opponent's deck and add them to your hand.
A Father's Memory: (9) - [x]Fill both boards with copies of minions that started in your decks. Yours gain Rush.
Back to Back: (2) - Kurtrus and Cariel are both Immune until your next turn.
Carrion Swarm: (2) - Infect all enemy minions. They take 1 damage at the start of each turn.
Ensure Cariel Hero Power: (0) - Ensure Cariel correctly has HP Holy Light or Redemption.
Friend in Need: (2) - Restore #6 Health. Draw 2 cards.
Sleep: (5) - Target minion can't attack until the start of your next turn.
Summon Towering Infernal: (2) - Summon a 6/6 Infernal.
Battletag: Akinaux#2818Region: EUTrade only: Yes, you go first.0
Battletag: AkinauxRegion: EUTrade Only?: Yes1
For the Top 4, I will guess:
Hey guys,
We are close to the last rounds. But there are still some hard matchups to decide.
Actually, would it be possible to include the result of the votes in the infographic?
Maybe only the winner score? I was thinking something like:
Card1 -|
|- (56%) Card2 -|
Card2 -|
Or scoring both cards:
Card1 -| (46%)
|- Card2 -|
Card2 -| (56%)
So we can have an overview of the score of all matchups from the final phases? And check which matchups have been really close.
Otherwise, thank you for the hard work on this! Really excited to discover who will be elected the 4 Regional champions!
Based on the history in the screenshot the enemy hero has attacked and kill himself!
That's a good way to win the game without summoning the Demon ;)
Book of Mercenaries Chapter 05 will be available on 07th September, revealing its fifth chapter about Tamsin.
If you want to discover some Heroes/Minions/Spells/Weapons linked to this adventure, go ahead and read the content below.
Otherwise, Run away!!
Hero & Hero Powers
Extract Adventure: BOM_05 - from patch: 91456
HERO: Bolvar Fordragon (PALADIN) - PV:30 - Tamsin must complete the ritual and summon Anetheron before she is overrun.HERO POWER: For the Alliance! (PRIEST) - Cost:0 - Hero Power Summon five minions from your deck. Give them +3 Health and Taunt.
HERO: Bru'kan (SHAMAN) - PV:20 - [x]Bru'kan, Rokara, and Guff will not sit by and let Tamsin destroy a whole city.
HERO POWER: For the Darkspear! (SHAMAN) - Cost:3 - [x]Hero Power Deal 1-3 damage to all enemy minions.
HERO: Cornelius Roame (WARRIOR) - PV:30 - Through the flames, Tamsin sees a lone soldier approach. It is her father, with armor impenetrable.
HERO POWER: Stalwart (WARRIOR) - Cost:0 - [x]Passive Hero Power Damage dealt to you by minions is reduced to zero.
HERO: Elfarran (PALADIN) - PV:30 - Pirates are quite effective in battle, if you have the coin.
HERO POWER: Conscription (NEUTRAL) - Cost:2 - [x]Hero Power Add a random 2-Cost minion to your hand.
HERO: A Cheesemonger (ROGUE) - PV:30 - Undercover SI:7 agents are all over Stormwind, in places you would never suspect.
HERO POWER: Going, Going, Gone! (NEUTRAL) - Cost:0 - [x]Passive Hero Power Whenever you Trade for a card, draw 2 cards instead.
HERO: Guff (DRUID) - PV:20 - null
HERO POWER: Look! A Squirrel! (DRUID) - Cost:1 - [x]Hero Power Summon a 2/1 Squirrel who attacks the enemy hero immediately.
HERO: Hooktusk (ROGUE) - PV:30 - Booty Bay is quite close to Gurubashi Arena, don't you know.
HERO POWER: Fire! (NEUTRAL) - Cost:1 - Hero Power Fire your Cannons! If they kill any minions, refresh this.
HERO: Kurtrus (DEMONHUNTER) - PV:30 - As Cariel falls wounded, the demon hunter turns his glaives upon the warlock Tamsin Roame.
HERO POWER: Fel Fury (DEMONHUNTER) - Cost:0 - Passive Hero Power After you cast your first spell in a turn, cast a copy of it. (targets chosen randomly).
HERO: Rokara (WARRIOR) - PV:20 - null
HERO POWER: For the Frostwolves! (WARRIOR) - Cost:2 - [x]Hero Power Gain 1 Armor for each minion you control.
HERO: Tamsin (WARLOCK) - PV:30 - null
HERO POWER: Swarm of Imps (WARLOCK) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Summon a 3/2 Imp Familiar.
HERO: Tamsin (WARLOCK) - PV:30 - null
HERO POWER: Swarm of Imps (WARLOCK) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Summon two 3/2 Imp Familiars.
HERO: Tamsin (WARLOCK) - PV:30 - null
HERO POWER: Yo Ho! (WARLOCK) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Add a random Pirate to your hand.
HERO: Tamsin (WARLOCK) - PV:30 - null
HERO POWER: Swarm of Imps (WARLOCK) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Summon two 3/2 Imp Familiars.
HERO: Tamsin (WARLOCK) - PV:30 - null
HERO POWER: Forsaken Fury (WARLOCK) - Cost:0 - [x]Passive Hero Power Whenever you cast a Shadow spell that costs (2) or more, add a copy to your hand that costs (1).
HERO: Tamsin (WARLOCK) - PV:30 - null
HERO POWER: Forsaken Fury (WARLOCK) - Cost:2 - [x]Passive Hero Power Whenever you cast a Shadow spell that costs (2) or more, add a copy to your hand that costs (1).
HERO: Tamsin (WARLOCK) - PV:30 - null
HERO POWER: Forsaken Fury (WARLOCK) - Cost:0 - [x]Passive Hero Power Whenever you cast a Shadow spell that costs (1) or more, add a copy to your hand that costs (0).
HERO: Tamsin (WARLOCK) - PV:30 - null
HERO POWER: Forsaken Fury (DEMONHUNTER) - Cost:0 - [x]Passive Hero Power Whenever you cast a Shadow spell that costs (1) or more, add a copy to your hand that costs (0).
HERO: Xyrella (PRIEST) - PV:30 - [x]Xyrella sought knowledge of the naaru's power, but found Tamsin at Stormwind Cathedral instead.
HERO: Shadow Priest Xyrella (PRIEST) - PV:30 - null
HERO POWER: Naaru's Light (PRIEST) - Cost:0 - [x]Passive Hero Power Your Holy Spells cost (2) less.
HERO POWER: Mind Spike (PRIEST) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Deal $3 damage.
Anetheron: (8) - ATT:5/PV:100 - Mega-Windfury. Also damages the minions next to whomever this attacks.
Big Mind Demon: (4) - ATT:4/PV:5 - After this attacks, destroy the top 2 cards of your opponent's deck.
Bru'kan: (1) - ATT:5/PV:6 - Spell Damage +3 Deathrattle: Go Dormant for 2 turns.
Guff: (1) - ATT:0/PV:6 - [x]At the end of your turn, give another friendly minion +0/+2. Deathrattle: Go Dormant for 2 turns.
Hooktusk's Cannon: (0) - ATT:0/PV:3 - Deal 2 damage to the enemies opposite of this minion.
Little Mind Demon: (2) - ATT:2/PV:3 - After this attacks, destroy the top card of your opponent's deck.
Rokara: (1) - ATT:6/PV:5 - Rush Deathrattle: Go Dormant for 2 turns.
Satisfied Squirrel: (1) - ATT:2/PV:1 - null
Memory Burn: (2) - Deal $3 damage to a minion. Destroy the top 3 cards of your opponent's deck.
Have you notified the new available alternate Battleground hero skins in your collection?
In addition to the announced Beach Party!, Shadowlands, and new bartenders.
You can already check in the Battleground skin collection and find some Dragons/Humans forms And some cuties heroes!
Feel free to check it by yourself.
Battlegrounds Bundle: Beach Party!
Battleground Heroes: Shadowlands
Alternative Bartender skins:
Other Battleground skins - The Dragons
Other Battleground skins - The cuties
Book of Heroes Final Chapter will be available on 10th August, revealing its tenth chapter about Illidan.
If you want to discover some Heroes/Minions/Spells/Weapons linked to this adventure, go ahead and read the content below.
Otherwise, Run away!!
Hero & Hero Powers
Extract Adventure: Story_10 - from patch: 88998
HERO: Akama (SHAMAN) - PV:60 - Once your closest ally, Akama has plotted against you in the shadows, and now he makes his move.HERO POWER: Chain Lightning (SHAMAN) - Cost:3 - [x]Hero Power Deal $1 damage to a minion. Jumps to an adjacent minion until one dies.
HERO: Anub'arak (ROGUE) - PV:50 - The Lich King has called Anub'arak and Prince Arthas to serve him. They must not succeed.
HERO POWER: Web Wrath (ROGUE) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Return a friendly minion to your hand. Give it +4/+4.
HERO: Prince Arthas (DEATHKNIGHT) - PV:30 - To prove your brother wrong, you must clear the forests of any foes, no matter how dangerous…
HERO POWER: Equip Frostmourne (DEATHKNIGHT) - Cost:6 - Hero Power Equip Frostmourne.
HERO: Death Knight Arthas (DEATHKNIGHT) - PV:30 - If Arthas reaches the Lich King in the Frozen Throne, all is lost. This is your final chance to stop him.
HERO POWER: Dark Determination (DEATHKNIGHT) - Cost:0 - Passive Hero Power If you have more minions than your opponent, draw a card at the start of your turn.
HERO: Illidan and Malfurion (DEMONHUNTER) - PV:30 - null
HERO POWER: Brothers Stormrage (NEUTRAL) - Cost:2 - [x]Hero Power Choose One -Restore #2 Health, then give the target Spell Damage +1 if it is at full Health or draw 3 cards.
HERO: Illidan (DEMONHUNTER) - PV:30 - null
HERO: Illidan (DEMONHUNTER) - PV:30 - null
HERO: Illidan (DEMONHUNTER) - PV:30 - null
HERO POWER: Skull of Gul'dan (DEMONHUNTER) - Cost:3 - Hero Power Draw 3 cards.
HERO: Illidan (DEMONHUNTER) - PV:30 - null
HERO POWER: Skull of Gul'dan Rank 2 (DEMONHUNTER) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Draw 3 cards.
HERO: Illidan (DEMONHUNTER) - PV:30 - null
HERO POWER: Outlast (DEMONHUNTER) - Cost:2 - [x]Hero Power Gain +1 Attack for each Outcast card in your hand. (1 currently)
HERO: Illidan (DEMONHUNTER) - PV:30 - null
HERO POWER: Outlast Rank 2 (DEMONHUNTER) - Cost:1 - [x]Hero Power Gain +1 Attack for each Outcast card in your hand. (1 currently)
HERO: Illidan (DEMONHUNTER) - PV:30 - null
HERO POWER: Equip Warglaives (DEMONHUNTER) - Cost:5 - Hero Power Equip the Warglaives of Azzinoth.
HERO: Illidan (DEMONHUNTER) - PV:30 - null
HERO POWER: Call on Allies (DEMONHUNTER) - Cost:4 - Hero Power Discover an ally minion.
HERO: Magtheridon (WARLOCK) - PV:100 - This pit lord has conquered the shattered world of Outland, or so he thinks…
HERO POWER: Cleaving Attack (NEUTRAL) - Cost:2 - [x]Hero Power Deal $2 damage to all enemies. For each minion that dies, summon a minion from your hand.
HERO: Maiev Shadowsong (ROGUE) - PV:50 - Having appointed herself as your jailer for millennia, she is obsessed with recapturing you.
HERO POWER: Equip Warden's Glaive (ROGUE) - Cost:4 - Hero Power Equip Warden's Glaive.
HERO: Malfurion Stormrage (DRUID) - PV:50 - He's appeared at the worst possible moment—when your essential spell is nearly complete!
HERO POWER: Tranquility (DRUID) - Cost:2 - Hero Power Restore #2 Health, then give the target Spell Damage +1 if it is at full Health.
HERO: Tichondrius (WARLOCK) - PV:40 - Defeating this demon and stealing his power will suit your aims and your brother's… right?
HERO POWER: Carrion Swarm (WARLOCK) - Cost:3 - Hero Power Deal $1 damage to three random enemy minions.
HERO: Death Knight Velas (DEATHKNIGHT) - PV:40 - null
HERO POWER: Grave Call (DEATHKNIGHT) - Cost:0 - Hero Power Summon a random undead.
Akama: (6) - ATT:6/PV:5 - [x]Permanently Stealthed. Spellburst: Deal 3 damage to the enemy hero. Deathrattle: Go Dormant for 3 turns.
Akama: (11) - ATT:0/PV:1 - Dormant
Elder Voidwalker: (6) - ATT:4/PV:6 - Taunt Deathrattle: Put 2 random Demons from your hand into the battlefield.
Eye of Sargeras: (3) - ATT:0/PV:40 - Can't Attack Spend 50 Mana to activate this and destroy the Lich King. (50 remaining)
Festering Ghoul: (5) - ATT:2/PV:5 - Battlecry: Deal 1 damage to a random enemy for each minion that died this game.
Frost Wyrm: (4) - ATT:3/PV:5 - +2 Frost Spell Damage Deathrattle: Freeze 3 random enemies.
Greater Myrmidon: (5) - ATT:6/PV:5 - Taunt Battlecry and Deathrattle: Add a random Outcast card to your hand.
Icecrown Obelisk: (3) - ATT:0/PV:15 - Deathrattle: Gain control of this minion.
Kael'thas Sunstrider: (7) - ATT:4/PV:7 - Every third spell you cast each turn costs (1). Deathrattle: Go Dormant for 3 turns.
Kael'thas Sunstrider: (11) - ATT:0/PV:1 - Dormant
Lady Vashj: (6) - ATT:5/PV:4 - [x]Spell Damage +1 Battlecry: Draw 3 minions. Reduce their Cost by (3). Deathrattle: Shuffle this into your deck.
Lady Vashj: (6) - ATT:5/PV:4 - [x]Spell Damage +1 Frenzy: Draw 3 spells from your deck and reduce their Cost by (3). Deathrattle: Go Dormant for 2 turns.
Lady Vashj: (11) - ATT:0/PV:1 - Dormant
Mo'arg Painsmith: (4) - ATT:3/PV:4 - Taunt Battlecry: Gain +1/+1 for each friendly Demon. Deathrattle: Give friendly minions +1/+1.
Mur'gul Reaver: (5) - ATT:3/PV:3 - Battlecry: Summon 3 Deathrattle minions that cost (3) or less from your deck.
Naga Myrmidon: (3) - ATT:4/PV:3 - Taunt Deathrattle: Summon a Deathrattle minion that costs (3) or less from your hand.
Parasitic Shadowfiend: (2) - ATT:3/PV:2 - Lifesteal Deathrattle: Gain an empty Mana Crystal.
Poison Treant: (3) - ATT:3/PV:2 - Poisonous, Battlecry: Destroy a Soul Fragment in your deck to deal 3 damage.
Ruthless Wrathguard: (3) - ATT:3/PV:3 - [x]Charge, Lifesteal After you play a Demon, return this to your hand.
Shadow Demon: (6) - ATT:6/PV:6 - +2 Fel Spell Damage Deathrattle: Discard 2 cards in your opponent's hand.
Skull of Gul'dan: (3) - ATT:0/PV:2 - Deal 40 damage to enemies to obtain the Skull of Gul'dan. (40 remaining)
Stalking Saber: (4) - ATT:4/PV:3 - [x]Stealth Whenever this attacks, gain +1 Durability.
Sulking Imp: (2) - ATT:2/PV:1 - Battlecry: Deal 2 damage to an enemy minion. If it dies, return this to your hand.
Trapped Tyrande: (4) - ATT:4/PV:5 - Dormant Defeat Velas to free Tyrande.
Tyrande Whisperwind: (4) - ATT:4/PV:7 - null
Unleashed Terrorguard: (6) - ATT:2/PV:6 - Battlecry: Shuffle a Soul Fragment into your deck for each friendly minion on the board.
Vengeful Crypt Lord: (7) - ATT:7/PV:4 - [x]Whenever this minion takes damage, summon a random Nerubian minion.
Blood Elf Allies: (2) - Discover a Blood Elf minion.
Broken Allies: (2) - Discover a Broken minion.
Fate's Demand: (8) - Deal your weapon's damage to all enemy minions. Draw 3 cards.
Flame Crash: (5) - Destroy an enemy minion and deal damage equal to its Health to the enemy hero.
Illidari Studies: (1) - Discover an Outcast card. Your next one costs (1) less.
Kaldorei Memories: (2) - Summon a random creature from Teldrassil.
Lord of Outland: (9) - Draw 3 cards, gain +3 Attack this turn, and destroy 3 of your opponent's Mana Crystals on their next turn.
Manipulate: (4) - Put a random minion from each player's hand into the battlefield. If yours costs more, attack the enemy hero.
Naga Allies: (3) - Discover a Naga minion.
Primordial Studies: (1) - Discover a Spell Damage minion. Your next one costs (1) less.
Sage Invisibility: (2) - Your minions with Stealth are Immune this turn.
Second Slice: (1) - Give your hero +2 Attack this turn.
Shadow Strike: (1) - Give a friendly minion Stealth and deal its Attack damage to the enemy hero.
Skull of Gul'dan: (2) - Draw 3 cards.
Summon Shadow Demons: (6) - Summon a 6/6 Shadow Demon. Outcast: Summon 2 Shadow Demons.
Tranquility: (1) - Restore #2 Health, then give the target Spell Damage +1 if it is at full Health.
Twin Slice: (1) - Give your hero +2 Attack this turn. Add 'Second Slice' to your hand.
Warden's Determination: (5) - Give +2/+2 to all minions in your hand, deck, and battlefield.
Blade of the Pentinent: (1) - ATT:0/DUR:4 - Has Attack equal to the number of spells you've cast this turn.
Frostmourne: (6) - ATT:5/DUR:3 - Battlecry: Remove all your minions. Deathrattle: Resummon them.
Stolen Vengeance: (3) - ATT:2/DUR:2 - [x]Lifesteal Outcast: Deal 3 damage to all enemy minions.
Warden's Glaive: (5) - ATT:3/DUR:2 - If this kills an enemy minion, adjacent minions go Dormant for 2 turns.